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Project Spark


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  • 6 months later...

Beta for this has opened:




Everyone can sign up for the beta here:




I've been accepted for the Windows 8 beta going to download it later tonight and looking forward to then moving on to the Xbox One beta when it comes along. It's amazing what seems to have been made already: brawlers, shooters, JRPG's platformers! I've long since been sick of Little Big Planet so this pleases me as a new user generated game of choice.


This video shows off a ton of cool looking games:



Really makes me quite excited to be a part of this early on wonder if it will one of those games that remains in open beta for some time.

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There's something a bit off with that video. It looks like they're trying to make it look charmful like LittleBigPlanet, but it isn't.


I'm not sure what it is, but it just seems to be missing a little...spark.


See I don't think it's even aiming for the same charm style of Little Big Planet...to me it's a more kiddy whimsical Fable style. Sure Charm/Whimsical could be nothing more than semantics when talking about games of this style but I think there is a distinction to be drawn there.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Coincidentally I just purchased the Conker: Live and Reloaded OST, literally just finished ripping it.


I also recently bought Project Spark starter pack for £12 from Tesco...




While it's certainly depressing to think that this is closest we might ever get to seeing another Conker game, it has potentially piqued my interest to actually unseal the 'game' and give it a go, especially assuming this 'Conker Creator' will be either free or reasonably priced.

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Mind you... I would have still preferred an up-scaled digital re-release of Conker: Live and Reloaded over this, but it's made me curious to see just what you can do with Project Spark even if it probably won't amount to anything that great.

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  • 1 month later...

Had Project Spark downloaded for ages without playing, Conker incentivised me tho, so I sat through all the tutorials, dicked about abit, paid my £3.99 for the Conker episode...


Well worth it :) short and sweet, but game play was spot on, sense of humour was fantastic and writing really good too (ripping into micro transactions, referencing Donkey Kong and Mario) just hope the next episode has some more replay ability and more length too.


Anyone who had an interest in Bad Fur Day and has a One, get it in!


Also played a user created level of Conker in 'Mumbo's mountain' from BK, some clever people out there was cracking fun :)

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