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Sunset Overdrive


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Christ, it hasn't even been out a year. You knew what you were buying, Daz. There's no need to throw your arms up every month asking where the games are. Some people are waiting for the fruit to ripen, but you bought the console anyway in the face of the facts, and you're now staining the forum with mock surprise. All console launches are the same. They take a couple of years to build momentum. Plus, it's not as if the system is harming you by sitting there unplayed. You've got both Nintendo and Sony to choose from when a great deal of people have neither, and the PS4 has kept its value anyway. The Xbox is hardly producing a glut of megat0ns. Ebbs and flows Daz, ebbs and flows. No need for the hysterical panic.

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Christ, it hasn't even been out a year. You knew what you were buying, Daz. There's no need to throw your arms up every month asking where the games are. Some people are waiting for the fruit to ripen, but you bought the console anyway in the face of the facts, and you're now staining the forum with mock surprise. All console launches are the same. They take a couple of years to build momentum. Plus, it's not as if the system is harming you by sitting there unplayed. You've got both Nintendo and Sony to choose from when a great deal of people have neither, and the PS4 has kept its value anyway. The Xbox is hardly producing a glut of megat0ns. Ebbs and flows Daz, ebbs and flows. No need for the hysterical panic.


Haha, maybe I'm not expressing myself very well but I'm not really bothered about it. And I'm playing it a lot, there's a group of us playing FIFA and it's an incredible experience. Enjoyed infamous more than I thought too. Also, I've stated many times I know the games will come.


I make the occasional comment admittedly but it's a valid point isn't it? Other than remakes of borderline masterpieces and some really good games,, there is a wow moment yet, I find that surprising? Is it not worth discussing? And ultimately I find it really interesting that I feel the ps has the weakest exclusive lineup, but doing WAY better than the others, as a discussion point isn't that interesting too?


Please don't take this as a big attack sony fans. But I feel, I think objectively, it has the weaker exclusive lineup.


Anyway, my main point here was just a way of saying I wish I could play this game, it looks FUN!

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I really am going to have to buy this aren't I! Going to a screening of something I filmed a few months back at the BFI Thursday, if I manage to set up any auditions/contacts from it I'll treat myself for a job well done :)


Also, I think you do raise an interesting point, @dazzybee. PS4 is clearly the market leader, but the One I would say has the better games. Start of a new thread, perhaps?

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Well I has my first play on Sunset Overdrive last night and all I can say is that it has certainly delivered by being exactly the game I had hoped it would be. :D


All of the gameplay videos do seem to be representative of the mad action that you can expect to encounter within Sunset City with most of it including a lot of grinding, bouncing and shooting which works well. :)


Creating your character is done from a few pre-set choices so it never feels too intrusive, they could have just gone with the default character and opted to name him but that's not the case so you're essentially nameless in the game which is fine, it doesn't ruin it but I would have been just as happy with a defined character but yay for customisation! ;)


Controls feel solid enough though remembering to press 'X' each time to land on a new grind rail or when you're trying to run across a wall feels odd at first, indeed I'm still not sure if I've got the wall-running sussed yet but it's easy enough to adapt to though its already caused me an issue in trying to get the best reward in a challenge where you have to collect loads of numbers from a triple layered structure within a short amount of time... it's probably just that I'm not good enough yet. :heh:


The story is pretty mad as are the other characters you encounter, definitely inFamous coupled with Jet Set Radio vibes here with a dash of Borderlands in the presentation, love the humour too such as when you're trying to defend a 'base' from loads of mutants and if you stay on the floor for too long you get told... 'Hey! get of the damn ground! This ain't no cover shooter!' I lol'd. :laughing:


All of the upgrades plus the weapons, even the collectables seem decent enough, basically there's plenty to do in this game, you'll be having so much fun when doing it as well that it's hard to put down. So I'd have to say that this is a must-have title and that's only from a 'less than two hours' initial play-through, because as everyone knows all of the truly great games get better from the second play onwards and I just know this is going to be one of those titles which I can't wait to invest more time in. : peace:

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I've probably put around 3 or so hours into this game so far. I love it.


It's completely mad. In a good way! The characters I've encountered so far are all hilarious, the dialogue has had me laughing out loud, and the game play itself is literally a joy. The times when I find myself running on the ground I get bored within seconds. It's so slooooow.


It does actually say during the loading screens 'looking for the sprint button? It's called grinding..." :laughing:

SO TRUE! When you're running across walls, bouncing on cars and grinding across telephone wires, things go much quicker. The fact that a lot of the game is mission based, so "grab this and get it to here" means you spend a lot of time covering miles in the city. Best way (and most fun way :D ) to do that is to stay off the ground! Plus it keeps you alive for a lot longer too! :heh:


The 'announcer' guy who basically talks at you has had me in hysterics. :laughing:

I love it when he says things are gonna get "BAT SHIT CRAZY!" Cracks me up.


For as much enjoyment I'm getting out of this so far, I am wondering whether the whole game will consist of these 'go find this and bring it back' missions. I like them, but I'm currently on a mission to build a new propellor for a helicopter thing, and that has ended up being broken down into like 4 other missions to help with the main mission. It's fine and everything, but I just want the damn propellor!


I'm really glad I went with the bundle for this game and picked up a One because of it (and other One exclusives). It's just so much fun to play.

I haven't been this into a game experience for a long time. : peace:

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Been on this now for around 6 hours.


It's really starting to come into it's own now for me. Enjoying it so much.


I found it really tricky to get myself from one point to the next on the map without falling off something, or forgetting to press X to grind or A to jump on cars or whatever, but now I've got that down it's just a joy to play.


I absolutely love when I have to get from one place to another. Even going across the water is fun!


The boss battles in this are completely epic! I've just bought a load of new weapons and some of them are very Ratchett and Clank. I like how they can be upgraded too.


Only bit I haven't found myself so struck on so far is when you have to defend the base. I always fail. Or die :laughing: so end up having to start again. I never know which traps are best to put down and more importantly where is best to put them to protect that sweet overcharge. :heh:


The game is clearly really long which is great and there is loaaaaads to do after the story is finished. Collecting cell phones, toilet paper, balloons, sneakers! Part of me thinks that's gonna be quite fun too as it's just more reason to get around the city!


Loving the game so much. How's everyone else who's got it finding it?! Please don't tell me your playing COD in space of it either, or I may remove you from my friend list... :p I kid I kid. Kinda... :heh:

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Been on this now for around 6 hours.


It's really starting to come into it's own now for me. Enjoying it so much.


I found it really tricky to get myself from one point to the next on the map without falling off something, or forgetting to press X to grind or A to jump on cars or whatever, but now I've got that down it's just a joy to play.


I absolutely love when I have to get from one place to another. Even going across the water is fun!


The boss battles in this are completely epic! I've just bought a load of new weapons and some of them are very Ratchett and Clank. I like how they can be upgraded too.


Only bit I haven't found myself so struck on so far is when you have to defend the base. I always fail. Or die :laughing: so end up having to start again. I never know which traps are best to put down and more importantly where is best to put them to protect that sweet overcharge. :heh:


The game is clearly really long which is great and there is loaaaaads to do after the story is finished. Collecting cell phones, toilet paper, balloons, sneakers! Part of me thinks that's gonna be quite fun too as it's just more reason to get around the city!


Loving the game so much. How's everyone else who's got it finding it?! Please don't tell me your playing COD in space of it either, or I may remove you from my friend list... :p I kid I kid. Kinda... :heh:


I still haven't got round to it...I could have started it but Shadow's of Mordor is keeping me hooked.

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Aaaaand game complete.


Finished it just now.


Probably my favourite game of the year so far.


Dat ending. :laughing: needs to be played.


The game just got better and better in my opinion. It went from being fun to play to just an absolute joy. All I have is glowing praise for it, from the scale and size of the city, to how you get around the city with the unique 'stay off ground' method, the boss battles, the characters, the story, the writing - it was just all genius!!


The only negative I would have is that the game looked to be filled with these overcharge creatures that are basically the way they are because of the Fizzco drink that infected them. But they don't feature much at all. They are on the street as you roam around and you encounter them a lot, but the main enemies were the 'Fizzco Bots' which were much harder to kill and take down. There were various forms of them too, some with guns, some with guns and swords, big bad ass ones :heh:' I'd have liked to have seen more special infected kinds than robots. But it's a small gripe.


The game could have been longer, think I did it in 10 or so hours. Parts were broken up with doing menial tasks to get certain character tribes on board to help you get out of the city which I felt was a way of fleshing the story out but felt more like side missions. Still as I've said previously, because it was so fun to get round the city it was never a chore.


I really really hope there is a follow up to this. It just demands it. Ha as if... Just sat typing this watching the closing credits and the cut scene after has made me very happy... I'll say no more. :D


But yeah, everyone with a One needs to play this. Fuck Halo. Fuck COD. Fuck FIFA LAD. Fuck them all at once. I guarantee you will love this. And if you don't you will lol at the story / characters. At least once.


Now to get all the collectibles! : peace:

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  • 4 weeks later...

DLC incoming!!




They've added a new area to the map they is surrounded by water, an oil rig, which has new types of OD enemy and what look like scabs, just dressed in hi viz oil worker gear. :heh:


I'm really pleased about this. I still play the game daily! Getting all the collectables, getting gold on all the missions, levelling the weapons up... My play time is 50 hours so far. :o


So DLC is massively welcome.


The only thing is, they seem to be adding loads. This new DLC also gives new moves for water traversing too. A dive under water and a leap out of it, basically so you can keep your score up for traversing which was a little more difficult in the main game.

Surely this kind of stuff should have been kept for a sequel?!


Either way, can't wait. It's out 23rd Dec apparently. Nice little Christmas pressie!

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DLC incoming!!




They've added a new area to the map they is surrounded by water, an oil rig, which has new types of OD enemy and what look like scabs, just dressed in hi viz oil worker gear. :heh:


I'm really pleased about this. I still play the game daily! Getting all the collectables, getting gold on all the missions, levelling the weapons up... My play time is 50 hours so far. :o


So DLC is massively welcome.


The only thing is, they seem to be adding loads. This new DLC also gives new moves for water traversing too. A dive under water and a leap out of it, basically so you can keep your score up for traversing which was a little more difficult in the main game.

Surely this kind of stuff should have been kept for a sequel?!


Either way, can't wait. It's out 23rd Dec apparently. Nice little Christmas pressie!


Yeah I saw this it's a nice addition even if your right it could have been saved for a sequel. I'll definitely dust off my copy and go back to it for this. Only reason I left the game since I finished is just because of how much other stuff there is out there at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Downloaded the DLC earlier. Finished it in about ba hour or so. Not the lengthiest but a really nice addition to the main game.

Love the new moves across the water and the story made me laugh out loud at points.


Cant believe that there hasn't been much discussion about the game! Easily one of my faves of the year.

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Downloaded the DLC earlier. Finished it in about ba hour or so. Not the lengthiest but a really nice addition to the main game.

Love the new moves across the water and the story made me laugh out loud at points.


Cant believe that there hasn't been much discussion about the game! Easily one of my faves of the year.


I picked up the DLC gonna play it today. It is a great game and my GOTY just about. I think the attitude put some people off somewhat.

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  • 4 years later...

Apologies for the 5 year bump but I've just started playing this off Game Pass. I'm absolutely loving it, so much fun!!

I'm actually only 4-5 missions in but I've just spent the whole time doing all the collectibles in the first area. The gameplay is crazy satisfying, Insomniac certainly know what they're doing in that department. The style, visuals, dialogue, everything is just lovely. Love the comic book style/Scott Pilgrim explosion text.

The character customisation is insane and it's so much fun experimenting with the various weapons.

Negatives, I guess it at times feels like an early gen openworld game in the same way Infamous did, but otherwise, I'm having a blast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished this. What an amazing game, I absolutely loved it. I fell in love with the main character and the humour pretty early on and even 20/30 hours later I just didn't want the campaign to end. Such a great time, even if the mission variety wasn't up to much I guess. Traversal was just incredible, the most fun I've had running around in any openworld game.

I think it's a real shame that Insomniac are surely working on a Spider Man sequel and not this (I'm so f-ing bored of Marvel after 20 films in a decade). I'd love to see more original IP stuff like Sunset. Oh well, maybe some day.

Off to look into the DLC...

Edited by Ronnie
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