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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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Okayyyy, first I must offer my sincere apologies for my inactivity. As I mentioned I’ve been really ill, and a lot of my time has been occupied with constant visits to the doctors and staying in bed. And when I’ve had the strength to check out the thread, discussion has been a bit… unpleasant, so I thought best to not partake in it. Some of you should learn to play nice. =P


Not sure what I can contribute at this point, but for now I’ll say the following:


  • I was too late to send in a target last night. Sorry about that.
  • I can confirm that Ine is telling the truth about these events:
    Not sure who asked for my targets but here is what I got:
    Night 1: Zell targeted himself (and a mysterious voice told me I wouldn't learn anything from him or something)
    Night 2: Sprout targeted Magnus Peterson

As to why I’m still in the game despite being inactive, it’s because I’ve been in talks with Jonnas to find me a replacement. He’s informed me that he has found a replacement at this point, so it’s just up to me to say whether I’m feeling up to continuing. I’ve been feeling a little better, but I’ll let you folks have a say in it too if you like, because I don’t mind stepping down if it will make the game better for you.


Anywho, I’m off to the doctors again. I’ll be back in the evening! Well, I hope so anyway, heh.

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I’ve been feeling a little better, but I’ll let you folks have a say in it too if you like, because I don’t mind stepping down if it will make the game better for you.


Anywho, I’m off to the doctors again. I’ll be back in the evening! Well, I hope so anyway, heh.


First of all:


I personally prefer not to have replacements, but you should do what you think is best.

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Dannyboy.. All i asked for was your targets in the first place.


Sprout.. I don't mind inactivity thats genuine (i hope you're well soon:)), i was just pondering the thought that someone more active during the night phase than the day could very well be a mafioso.

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Right now, I trust Flink, Eenuh and Jimbob but I'm still unconvinced with ReZ. He's clever at these games so I don't know what to believe when it comes to him. Anyway I don't know what time I'll be back tonight because I'm out celebrating my 23rd so if there's any questions you wanna ask, @ me and I'll answer them next time I am online

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Dannyboy.. All i asked for was your targets in the first place.


Where? I must've missed it.


Anyway, ask and ye shall receive:


Night 1: No target

Night 2: Fierce_LiNk, but I was vanished (jailkept) by Cube

Night 3: Diageo

Night 4: Rummy


The Peeps, I'd like to know how you know. Since it came out that you seem to have your own agenda, I've been suspicious of you. For instance, on night 2 Diageo claimes to have targetted ReZourceman, and we've recently uncovered that Diageo's a protector - yet you say you targetted ReZourceman; what happened there?

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Vote Standings


Eenuh (3): Sméagol, Heroicjanitor, Diageo

Diageo (4): The Peeps, Rummy, Zell, Jimbob


Majority is 10




"I believe that will be enough. While I am pleased to see such vivid discussion, the day must end at one point."


"But even so, is it not a tad early?"


"Well, it only seems that way because The Court needs to host a special tea session, in honour of Animal's birthday!"




And indeed, a pleasant session it was. For a brief, ephemeral moment, every villainous gentleman forgot about this game of death, wishing nothing but to celebrate a life. After all, villains are as reasonable as any other gentleman.


All wishes of goodwill were given, along came the night, so that the game could resume.




Remaining Players










@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson







@The Peeps



There are 18 remaining players (majority is 10)


Night 5 starts now.

Send your PMs

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Vote Standings


Eenuh (3): Sméagol, Heroicjanitor, Diageo

Diageo (4): The Peeps, Rummy, Zell, Jimbob


Majority is 10




"I believe that will be enough. While I am pleased to see such vivid discussion, the day must end at one point."


"But even so, is it not a tad early?"


"Well, it only seems that way because The Court needs to host a special tea session, in honour of Animal's birthday!"




And indeed, a pleasant session it was. For a brief, ephemeral moment, every villainous gentleman forgot about this game of death, wishing nothing but to celebrate a life. After all, villains are as reasonable as any other gentleman.


All wishes of goodwill were given, along came the night, so that the game could resume.




Remaining Players










@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson







@The Peeps



There are 18 remaining players (majority is 10)


Night 5 starts now.

Send your PMs


Oh my God, my birthday has been mentioned in a Gentlemen's write-up! Epic! Thanks Jonnas! :)

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Night 5 is Over


Broadcast Yourself


"So, your first name is, in fact, King?"


"Indeed. Not the most common of names, as you might imagine."


"It is unfortunate, indeed, particularly considering your last name."


"Now you see why I became a villain."




"What about you? Why ally yourself with the Queen?"


"...I beg your pardon?"


"It is quite obvious, you see. Your body language all but gives it away. Besides, it became clear you poisoned my tea the moment I approached it to my lips."


"Such powerful taste buds."


"Oh, pungently so. As for my question..."


"I would rather not say."


"Oh humour me. You have all but guaranteed my untimely death at the end of this conversation."


"Call me paranoid, but I feel like death is never a private affair. As if the last moments of one's death are somehow transmitted every night."


"In text form?"




"Strange minds think alike, I suppose. I apologize, however, as I am afraid we must cut this conversation short. You seem I start to feel life escape from my body already."


"Ah, do not worry, this was my doing, after all. I will see myself out. See you in another life."




Fierce_Link is dead. He was the Con Man, King Jamieson. He was Evil.


In the end, his silver tongue could not save the con man from death, but it could make it rather civilised and entertaining.




"Oh, the horror.


Who doubts me still? I wish to help, dazzlingly so, and yet...


Who assaulted me? Who was the savage who left me on the ground?


I only wish I knew...






Remaining Players









Jon Dedede

Magnus Peterson







The Peeps


There are 17 remaining players (majority is 9)


Day 6 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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Roleblocked again. Town, I'd rather be lynched than roleblocked every night... Mafia, I'd rather be killed than roleblocked every night.


The Peeps, I'd like to know how you know. Since it came out that you seem to have your own agenda, I've been suspicious of you.


You mean since one person posted it as a theory and it was backed up by nothing? I do not have my own agenda. I am looking for investors and the like, and as such I overhear things or see things etc gaining information. I know Sprout's power which is why I know when he has and hasn't sent targets. I do not wish to elaborate further, it's already enough for everyone else to work out what he does. The only reason I've said this much is because I've been roleblocked twice now so obviously people are having problems trusting me.


Since night one I've had a pretty good idea who our alignment cop is, unfortunately I can't prove anything without outing him so that's kind of a non-starter. If I was mafia, he would obviously have been killed by now but as I can't say who it is, there's no proof I know anything which sucks for me but it still won't make me out them (that'd be stupid).


For instance, on night 2 Diageo claimes to have targetted ReZourceman, and we've recently uncovered that Diageo's a protector - yet you say you targetted ReZourceman; what happened there?


I got to ReZourceman perfectly fine on night 2 so I can only assume Diageo doesn't block out everyone or he's simply lying. I don't trust him and I had my vote on him all of the last phase.


As for my roleblock, someone was laughing hysterically and I was getting slapped and beaten by someone.

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I've previously said I'm evil/not mafia. Doth didn't deem it necessary, but I will be happy to oblige.


I am evil, and I am not part of thy mafia.




Broadcast Yourself


As I have previously stated, I am the Lawyer, Phillip Wright. As such, I know all the tricks of the trade, and I know how to spot lies. And you, Sir Horseman ...




... are a liar!




I analysed your post, and it is only 65% truthful. Part of the post we already knew to be true, as you yourself have correctly stated, but the other part we didn't ... until now. And as the more observant of you will have already noticed ...




... the remaining part of the post equals 35%!


Members of the Court, I believe the evidence speaks for itself.


Vote: ReZourceman


(Naturally we should still take full advantage of the day phase.)

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While we're here in a position of power and we have a truth detector I should give my targets. I'll wait a bit before voting in case anyone has anything else to say.


Night 1: Peeps


Night 2: Yvonne


Night 3: Animal


Night 4: Sméagol


Night 5: Sheikah (I was roleblocked)

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I did target ReZ for protection on night two so the Peeps is either mistaken or lying. You may lie detect this post as proof of the truth. Also, my target last night was Magnus Peterson. No one attempted to target him it seems.


As for ReZourcemam, I will vote for him once the day has gone a while longer and we have had time to hear from everyone.

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While we're here in a position of power and we have a truth detector I should give my targets. I'll wait a bit before voting in case anyone has anything else to say.


Night 1: Peeps


Night 2: Yvonne


Night 3: Animal


Night 4: Sméagol


Night 5: Sheikah (I was roleblocked)


You own the Hound, right? You roleblock with it?

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