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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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Interesting. I would but of course liketh to hear from both. Yet again I attempted to target Dannyeth of boy but was unable to due to a challenge of sword dance. I left with my life, but my face was but squirted. A fate I rarely relish.


My very dear friend, sir ReZource of Man,

But one thing there is which I guarantee can:

This dancing of swords I knew nothing of -

A lawyer is not all that physically tough!


Confess, though, I must: Son, I am disappoint

That once more thy trust in me's sadly disjoint;

I wonder pourquoi thee suspectest me so?

And, pray tell, how may one allayeth thy woe?

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Ok so it's pretty important to see who Tales targeted last night. Several things could follow from it if anyone knows?


Interesting. I would but of course liketh to hear from both. Yet again I attempted to target Dannyeth of boy but was unable to due to a challenge of sword dance. I left with my life, but my face was but squirted. A fate I rarely relish.


Was it Danny who fought you off? Did you know of this fight if so, @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane?


I'd also like to hear more about this flying machine @The Peeps. What are you using it for? It is clearly a win condition.


I'll be voting for Tales if he doesn't respond well, but I really don't like city folk and their flying machines.

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Well, I have so far only been informed of nefarious doings on N1, when I protected Cube, and then his name was in the PM too. So I am confused - could Cube have been roleblocked, or...hmm, what happens if a redirector is redirected. I can only know to confirm anything if either Animal or Flink had something bad(redirection or roleblocking) attempted on them, but then they probably wouldn't be informed that I protected them. Essentially, were either @Fierce_LiNk or @Animal unsuccessful?


I said that I was successful early in the day...:)

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Was it Danny who fought you off? Did you know of this fight if so, @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane?


Read the post above. :heh: No, I wasn't even aware of any fight until ReZ just mentioned it.


I'd also like to hear more about this flying machine @The Peeps. What are you using it for? It is clearly a win condition.


Really? To me it sounded more like pure flavour. Best clear it up, though.

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Ok so it's pretty important to see who Tales targeted last night. Several things could follow from it if anyone knows?




Was it Danny who fought you off? Did you know of this fight if so, @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane?


I'd also like to hear more about this flying machine @The Peeps. What are you using it for? It is clearly a win condition.


I'll be voting for Tales if he doesn't respond well, but I really don't like city folk and their flying machines.


Definitely safe to assume Dannyboy is not the swordsman, the PMeth is written with such bequesteth that it imply doth that I never reached Dannyboy and was specifically interrupted.

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As mentioned by another, I sought that not being used;

More importantly sirs I've spotted a ruse.


Young master Rummy claimed to look over me Night two,

Despite my words I was stopped that night.

Pray tell purveyor of Rum, quite what do you do,

With your protective powers surely you would have put up a fight.


As I have said good sir, all I know is that I protect from roleblocks and redirects - I sent my target as you for night 2, even slightly before the moon took its place in the night sky. I have been told nothing re: my masterful magics since N1 - when I was told about the nefarious happenings re: Cube. It is possible somebody interfered with my ways and I was not told, but that is all that I can offer.


I find it interesting how quick Dannyboy is to vote for me, considering I have literally given everything about me now.


N1: Cube

N2: Marcamillian

N3: Flink


My targets and my role have been made clear.

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First of all, I'd like to apologize. Something unexpected came up literally after I started the day, and I left my computer for two days. Hence my general lack of responsiveness.


Jonnas can you fill in the alignments


Yvonne was Neutral. That part has been added to the write-up. Thanks for pointing it out, forgot to put it.


Why no mentions, Lord Jonnas?


I leave mentions when the day ends, but not when it starts. First, because the start of a day can be noticed due to the activity in the thread. Second, because a lot of players receive PMs, anyway.


I only leave notices at the end because players sometimes fail to notice the end of the day. And it's also a nice PM reminder.




Vote Standings

Tales (2): DuD, Animal

Rummy (1): Dannyboy


Majority is 11

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As I have said good sir, all I know is that I protect from roleblocks and redirects - I sent my target as you for night 2, even slightly before the moon took its place in the night sky. I have been told nothing re: my masterful magics since N1 - when I was told about the nefarious happenings re: Cube. It is possible somebody interfered with my ways and I was not told, but that is all that I can offer.


I find it interesting how quick Dannyboy is to vote for me, considering I have literally given everything about me now.


N1: Cube

N2: Marcamillian

N3: Flink


My targets and my role have been made clear.


It was a vote of pressure, which I find quite reasonable considering your info had been contradicted. The question remains what to gather from this contradiction as neither you nor Marc strike me as particularly suspicious at the moment. Marc, could you elaborate on what happened?


I would also still like to hear from Tales regarding his curious claims.

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Pressure? For what? There is nothing left for oneself to reveal! I cannot account for anything outside of my control - consider that others may but wish not to. Of course, by all means, feel free to lynch me - it'll reveal who I am and my truths in full.

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Pressure? For what? There is nothing left for oneself to reveal! I cannot account for anything outside of my control - consider that others may but wish not to. Of course, by all means, feel free to lynch me - it'll reveal who I am and my truths in full.


In case it might make you trip up and reveal a lie, for instance. Pressure votes are standard fare for bringing people to the thread.


In any case I have no strong desire to lynch you since you do seem to be genuine. But one must follow all leads, no?


At the moment Tales is becoming more interesting, because if he isn't outright avoiding the thread and the questions, he's being inactive.


Also, while this day phase may soon be over, I wouldn't mind hearing from some of our other inactives; where are people like @Jon Dedede, @Mr\-Paul and @Sprout?


Forgot to Change Vote: Tales.

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Ok so it's pretty important to see who Tales targeted last night. Several things could follow from it if anyone knows?




Was it Danny who fought you off? Did you know of this fight if so, @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane?


I'd also like to hear more about this flying machine @The Peeps. What are you using it for? It is clearly a win condition.


I'll be voting for Tales if he doesn't respond well, but I really don't like city folk and their flying machines.


Not sure how it's 'clearly' anything considering all you know about my flying machine is what I've told you. Of course, if you ask about the machine I'll tell you about the machine and then you'll know all about the machine... but as it's just flavour I don't see the point in explaining anymore than I have (nor can I say much more than I already have tbh).


What do we know about you, Hero of Jan?

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@Rummy sir something is amiss,

I shall Vote : Rummy and my reason is this -


With a court so willing to state interceptions,

the power you claim could aid deception;

Claim protection, the promise of aid,

Comes after a success is made.


A power easy to hide and lacking in outcome,

Served me so little, don't try to fool me son.

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Whilst maintaining pressure on Tales, I do agree with Marc's opinion on how easy it is to claim Rummy's power.. wait for the 1st person that says they were successful, and you've got your 'cover' night target.


Would explain the inconsistency.

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Not sure how it's 'clearly' anything considering all you know about my flying machine is what I've told you. Of course, if you ask about the machine I'll tell you about the machine and then you'll know all about the machine... but as it's just flavour I don't see the point in explaining anymore than I have (nor can I say much more than I already have tbh).


What do we know about you, Hero of Jan?


Well I don't believe that. We'll discuss this further in the coming days! Ftr I am Grant Yura and I have a dog.


Vote:Tales doesn't look like a response is coming anyway.

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@Rummy sir something is amiss,

I shall Vote : Rummy and my reason is this -


With a court so willing to state interceptions,

the power you claim could aid deception;

Claim protection, the promise of aid,

Comes after a success is made.


A power easy to hide and lacking in outcome,

Served me so little, don't try to fool me son.


A point made and taken, but if I were allied with the queen would I have revealed literally everything about myself? No, I'd be hiding for much longer than this.


I'll Tales too, as he doesn't seem to be trying to defend himself.

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I'll Tales too, as he doesn't seem to be trying to defend himself.


I'll count this as a vote, as it looks like you just forgot to put "Vote:" beforehand.




Vote Standings

Tales (6): DuD, Animal, Dannyboy, Magnus Peterson, Herojan, Rummy

Rummy (1): Marcamillian


Majority is 11

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