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Xpert 11 Season 27: We few, we happy few, we band of brothers


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Oh hey, Even with forgetting my tactics I drew (though with a ultra-hard ref I got a red :( ). After tomorrow I'm done with uni so I'll be a hell of a lot more active.


How long to red's last for?


My bro forgot to do his tactics against you as well. He's an idiot! :P

Shame you didn't beat him though!!

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Oh hey, Even with forgetting my tactics I drew (though with a ultra-hard ref I got a red :( ). After tomorrow I'm done with uni so I'll be a hell of a lot more active.


How long to red's last for?


Hover over it on your player list and it tells you.


OK, what am I doing wrong? I've been slaughtered twice now...


It's hard to say without your tactics report. Either post up the tactics report from this and this screen and I'll take a look at it for you to give some analysis. I reckon other people will chip in too to give you some advice.


Taking a look at your squad, I'd probably sack/sell your 29 7 and possibly 23 6 as that's far too many forwards to have at the moment. The 29 year old is no prospect for the future but you can easily get your 22 6 to a 23 7 next season and 19 5 to 20 6. Lose the 27 6 midfielder too.


Your defence looks quite weak at the moment and this shows as you're conceding a lot of goals. I would play defensively with long balls (Stoke City style) to try and concede fewer. Save up some money (a press release of 200 characters a week gives you 200k and sponsor activity gives you 1 mil each week) and by a highly skilled defender who's in his late 20s. Someone like this dude could work well. Perhaps even two players like that as they aren't expensive.


Edit: That players name is Farton, heh heh.

Edited by Charlie
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I'll be up for doing an interview @Nikos9 :)


Nikos, I'm up for being interviewed :p


Excellent, thanks guys! The interview order is as follows so far:-


  1. Haden
  2. Coloccini
  3. Madpool
  4. Peeps
  5. Eights
  6. Balbuzards
  7. Co-op
  8. Fedex
  9. Recall

Edited by Nikos9
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I've been looking at my teams for this year, got offered to take a 2nd Private league team. Which brings my total to 3 teams (2 private and 1 official). I'm considering getting rid of my Official team, i've paid no attention to them and the squad is a complete mess. All old players, some retiring and lack of skills as such. It would take forever to build it back, so i've contacted that admin and handed in my resignation so i can focus on Recall and my new team Busted (don't ask, they have potential and are a good youth team)

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Bayer: 1 & 2

bob: 3 & 4

Leeds: 9

Eights: 7 & 8

Sub: 11

Inter: 6

Elites: 13 (@Ellmeister 7 is taken)


5 and 12 are left, we still need a choice from Rising Phoenix and AC Elites


Nikos, I'm up for being interviewed :p


What abouut meeeeeeee? ill have 12 if so. Thought you said i was in it to win it last page, but ignore me if im mistaken.

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First of all Haden, we've had our differences in the past but it is a pleasure to welcome you onto the first ever episode of The Inter View and it's great to have you as my first interviewee, thanks for volunteering. Just to summarise the way this works, I'll hit you with three topic questions, some with their own sub-questions attached so feel free to answer in as much or as little detail as you like. Finally, there'll be an optional opportunity at the end to make a comment/statement/shoot the breeze/say your piece on anything you'd like to end on to close the interview with. Ok, time to fire away:-


Question 1) I realise this show isn't supposed to be all about me but it only seems fitting to ask - what do you make of how your old protege (Nikos of Intergalactico Stars) has turned out? You were the one who invited, introduced me to and mentored me on all things xpert in those early days. Are you proud that you played your part in nurturing a two-time Elite League champion or do you wish you never unleashed the beast?


Thank you for inviting me on the first episode of the Interview! I hope this ranks up there with Jericho and Edges talk shows rather than Miz TV. When I unleashed the poision onto the NE league I thought like when Vince unleashed the real NWO it might just peter out and die but not in your case! You have done great and I would expect nothing less knowing your form on fantasy football.


You have done superbly matching a great match by match tactical knowledge with a longer term strategic vision. I think the challenge for you now is to maintain that high standard. The Elite league is a very interesting place, you have the monster that is Eights United, teams just below that like Madpool, yourself and Odwinica, maybe Silverdale but he is lacking some consistency as of late (sorry Rowan :P ) and new teams such as Yellow Submarine and DuDs chomping at the bit to get in the top 5.


Your challenge now will be to match youth development with keeping incredibly high standards of players in your team. Nowhere is this harder than the top league where easy games are almost non existent.


My challenge to you Inter is to reach four league titles before Eights!!!!!!! (The crowd roars, some chant Inter others chant Eights)


Question 2) As one of the original surviving managers left in the N-Euro leagues, a four-time Elite League Champion with Haden Utd and a league admin title to boast on your CV, you've seen and done it all, what has been your favourite moment or experience and what keeps you hungry or motivated knowing that you've already done it all?


I actually thought I was a three time champion! I must be going mad. Hmm that is a good question, my fave moment with Haden United was the last time I won with the club. There had been a six season gap and the team was looking a bit past it compared to some of the new teams, I had lots of classic players in the team that had never won the big one and I wanted to make sure they won it before the team finished. When that team won it they were almost a perfect team in regards to promosing youths, great veterans and deadly in every part of the pitch. Looking at that team in that moment I knew it was the perfect moment to finish with Haden United no more could be done.


What keeps me hungry is how Xpert is turning into such a beast season on season. It was started with just two leagues as a very informal game in 2007 by Oddy. It now has 30 active teams, was voted NE GOTY, live cup draws, has reports done, alliances, interviews and a whole history and folklore that just surrounds our forum playing it. Being part of that is really special and is why I keep playing.


Question 3) You're into your sixth season now with Hadens Rangers, how do compare starting up this time to how it was before? Can you see Rangers going all the way and one day lifting the Elite League trophy or are the likes of Eights and BSO just too far out of reach?


That is an even better question! And a scary one. I think the league is a lot harder now, having said that when it first began basically Oddy knew how to play and the rest of us didn't have a clue. Hence Oddy winning 5 of the first 10 seasons! So in that sense it was a real challenge but now its like you have at least 19 maybe more seasoned managers who really know what they are doing to play against so to win now means a lot more. I would like to think one day Rangers will win it but like you say Eights and BSO not to mention you, Madpool hell every team in the top tier would destroy me at the moment.


Still I have a very nice development of players in midfield with Astle leading a group that are still quite young and looking very good, maybe in 7 seasons time just before they retire Rangers will be ready! It would help if Eights had retired by then :p

Any final words (optional)...


Nikos, you have been a friend, an enemy and an opponent I have one thing to say to you.


Don't trust anybody.


Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Alpha, Delta


(Dear god the Shield have arrived! But wait here comes NWO! A brawl has broken out oh my god! Haden and the Shield runs off)


Nick that alliance trophy is ours this season, ours!!!


Tune in next week for an exclusive interview with Coloccini FC...

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What abouut meeeeeeee? ill have 12 if so. Thought you said i was in it to win it last page, but ignore me if im mistaken.


My bad, 5, 10 and 12 were left but Ell has chosen 5 and I'll accept 12 from you which leaves 10 for Rising Phoenix.


I will draw it tomorrow.

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Methinks Haden should perhaps learn how to spell Shield....or maybe brush up on his phonetic alphabet.


Haha whoops the irony is on the Chaser yesterday one of the questions was what is the phonetic representative of L, I was shouting Lima at the screen.


I have just made things worse by admitting to watching the Chaser haven't I :(

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Haha whoops the irony is on the Chaser yesterday one of the questions was what is the phonetic representative of L, I was shouting Lima at the screen.


I have just made things worse by admitting to watching the Chaser haven't I :(


Well, if you watch it you get to see Bradley Walsh laugh. And now i've admitted to watching it, damn.

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