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Xpert 11 Season 27: We few, we happy few, we band of brothers


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What a team. I'm a yellow supporter through and though this season. To the extent that I'm neglecting my own tactics and keep losing.


I am rooting for YS as well :P would love to see them win the league my first choice to win the league is Madpool as it is every season but he puts me through what Liverpool fans go through every time :(

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Madpool have done me a massive favour today. To be honest, I would still back Eights at this stage to win it considering our fixtures til the end of season. My final five games are:


Eights (a)

Battlestar (h)

Madpool (h)

Inter (a)

Silverdale (a)


All of these fixtures I lost last season (I think).

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Madpool have done me a massive favour today. To be honest, I would still back Eights at this stage to win it considering our fixtures til the end of season. My final five games are:


Eights (a)

Battlestar (h)

Madpool (h)

Inter (a)

Silverdale (a)


All of these fixtures I lost last season (I think).


I would try and grind out some draws in those away matches or set some counter tactics.


But who are any of us to tell you tactics you have done amazing!

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That's bad, really bad.


Hey man don't knock Vince Mcmahon his promos are the stuff of legends.


Just for the record it wasn't me I can't even do well in the Middle League :( I reckon I will be going down this season, we will see.

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Oh in that case, congratulations Nikos9 :p Just got relegated with the official team, partly for using a sole youth keeper and partly for neglecting the team. Despite only having one match a week(after losing the cup) I forget to set tactics for too many matches. It's all about Eights United really. I do have two league victories with the team, but I assume the rankings only consider the last X months.

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best i've been is 203rd lol and was something like 36th in England, but that was all fluke!


Then I quit my official team and now ranked 10,338th and 1814 in England haha!


Suspended from the official league until 20th July :(

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I could never really be bothered with the offical league found it very boring compared to the NE one, I wish all the threads from day 1 were archived cause some of the dramas we have had have been legendary.


Nothing will ever beat Roostophe losing the title because some manager whose team had been unplayed for at least a couple of months was taken over by someone else for the last game of the season, they then went on to beat Roostophe who had played a weakened side thinking he would win whatever.


That was hillarious it may have even been Ell or Charlie who did that? Still Roostophe provided great moments with Dyson on the pitch I loved their derby games.

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