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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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Just beat the Qurupeco, but had to change my weapon to do so. Been solely focused on the bow up until recently, but realised that even though my skills are good, not getting hit, hitting my target speedily and accurately with powered up shots, I was always running out of time. Then, checking the Attack Strength of the bow to find out it is a relatively weak weapon. So, I picked up a Great Sword, upgraded twice and the Attack power is now 5 times that of the bow. Went to Qurupeco and took him down no problems. It's just that the Sword is so slow and takes some getting used too.


@Rummy Those books allow you to view statistics and Info. about the monsters, by pressing the '-' button and then bringing up the monster info sub heading. You can search this prior to a hunt to get the low down on the hunted. It would be so cool if you could use the Gamepad to take a photo of the monster mid-fight and add it to this list. Bit of Pokemon Snap style.

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Ahh, I haven't looked in there yet(or it was empty when I first did). I might have a little read there then. I've no experience with the bow myself, but surely there must be a way to get it/use it as good as the melee weapons, no? I suppose the Qurupeco has a worse habit of running away(or at least further away) than land monsters which takes up a lot of time - I think the next two big ones you might face will be landish based - I found them still a little tougher than the Qurupeco in health/hits terms.

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Yeah, that Barroth is a beast. Tried this yesterday with the bow, and had the same problem, not enough time, will try him again with my new shiny sword. I will take down the big new monsters with the sword whilst upgrading my bow to catch up in power terms with other weapons, then watch me go. :D

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Barroth? I haven't even tackled him yet! Was thinking about the Baggi, and the pain in the arse Royal Ludroth(which hit me hard, a lot, I almost wanted a ranged weapon for it). Do you use coatings and stuff on the bow?


EDIT: Btw I keep seeing the folks posting in the online thread; would really love to try it out sometime with a few other low levelled guys. I'm a bit unpredictable so can't really plan in advance, but if you're heading on give a shout somewhere here and people could join or so?

Edited by Rummy
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Haven't tried the Royal Ludroth yet (water based I suppose?) Yeah the coatings are good, but seem to have little effect on the bigger guys, they work great on a Great Jaggi (exhaust coat will really take it out of him and he'll just stand there panting for a minute, and then is the time to get up close and personal. You can swipe attack with the arrows too).

I'm very unpredictable in my play times too, plus my internet connection's not too great (slow upload speed), but I'll be on tomorrow and Thursday from about 1:00 pm (your time) for about 2 hours max. Weird times right.


Over the weekend I'll shout my times out when I know.

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Ohhh, forgot you're struck with a time difference. I see Demo's mentioned some low level hunting in the online and SCG's offered to join so gave you a mention there. Regarding the Royal Ludroth, it's kinda water based as it's in the flooded forest, but mixes up between water and land(think he follows you where you go, taking to water on occasion) - I just found at first that he had a lot of melee that I found it difficult to avoid - but I'm a dual blader so it's practically the definition of up close and personal; I later encountered two in the moga woods and fared a little better(probs due to being both better prepared, having backup ingredients for more mega potions, and having more escape options of sorts). Think I'll try my hand at this barroth fellow this evening!

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I've got some defensive problems. I got a new weapon and can now dish out some good damage but I find myself in tough positions because I take BIG hits. I've forged different armour parts from different monsters but even still that's not nearly enough. Any advice on what full set I should go with or advice in general?

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^The charm with auto-guard and skill Guard+2 always help me. But then I'm SnS, and have become waaaaaaay too reliant on auto-block.


I think the first armor set I made for a specific situation was Wroggi set. I just got so fed up of being poisoned. The extra sharpness is essential for when you first start getting a new color sharpness and you only have an itty-bit, too.


I always planned on mastering two weapons and switching between the two. I was going to be a bow man too, but the aiming is so fidgety I'd have gone crackers. Sure, point-blank aim, but I feel that defeats the purpose of a bow. If you're gonna stand in front of a monster and hammer the button, it may as well be a sword with 6x the power.

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Oh hey, finally got myself a Wii LAN adapter so I can now use the Packet Relay Tools with the 3DS version. I've not heard anyone online give their impressions so I thought that I'd share mine as well as some discoveries that don't seem to be well known...


In short it's awesome! You actually connect to the same servers as the Wii U version, so you can play online with Wii U players completely seamlessly! :D The online game interface is exactly the same as with the console version of the game, with all the same chat features etc (it was updated to support off-TV play support as well, so no TV is needed either :) )


What is also nice is that with that wired connection in place, you can now access the Home Menu apps like Miiverse/web browser/eshop etc while the game is running and it does not interfere with the 3DS connection at all, it all works perfectly. Super slick! :D


Soooo much better than Adhoc party on the PS3!

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  • 2 weeks later...

NOE's doing another promotion! (And it's an awesome one! :D )




Monster Hunter: Gift & Hunt Together Promotion


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Nintendo 3DS is full of spectacular action, with dozens of monsters, hundreds of quests and thousands of weapons and armour pieces all waiting to be discovered. And while it’s a great solo experience, it’s even better in local wireless multiplayer, where four nearby players can all team up to conquer huge beasts together. Now it’s even easier to assemble a squad of hunters thanks to our Monster Hunter: Gift & Hunt Together Promotion!


If you register Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version) with Club Nintendo before 22:59 (UK time) on 30th June, you’ll be able to receive a Recommendation Code which you can pass along to a friend. If your friend registers a Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 3DS XL system between 23:01 (UK time) on 3rd June and 22:59 (UK time) on 31st July 2013, and enters the Recommendation Code before 22:59 (UK time) on 5th August 2013, he/she will be eligible to receive a free Download Code for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Nintendo 3DS!


Whether you’re a veteran warrior looking for a hunting partner or a newcomer to the series keen to make a start, this is the promotion for you! For more information on how to claim and the promotion itself, please check out the How To Claim and Terms & Conditions sections of this promotional page.

If you already registered Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version) with Club Nintendo, the Recommendation Code will become available on the Club Nintendo website from 15:00 (UK time) on Tuesday, 4th June 2013.


Bloody awesome! :bouncy:


Too bad that I already have two 3DS copies, so I don't need it (perhaps somebody would like to trade it for one of those So Many Games codes...)

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Haven't shared about this for a while, but I've been slowly plugging away at the Moga Village quests, and just hunting in the forest in general collecting resources. Upgraded my great sword to a Carapace? Looks like a large pan pipe, but does the job on a Great Jaggi and Qurupeco (which I've now trapped and killed many times obtaining many scales and feathers). The last monster I took down was a Barroth, and that was right on the edge of running out of time, but during this fight I found out that you can combo attack between the X and A buttons to string together some lengthy, albeit in a straight line, attacks. Good for when a monster is taking a breather, and you can get 6 hits in.

I love how, so far, the first time you meet a new monster it's a hell of a challenge pushing you to your limits, then after a few upgrades (like 10 hours later), that monster is now a formality and its extinction rating hits critical. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
NOE's doing another promotion! (And it's an awesome one! :D )






Bloody awesome! :bouncy:


Too bad that I already have two 3DS copies, so I don't need it (perhaps somebody would like to trade it for one of those So Many Games codes...)


I took advantage of this promotion. I had the game on Wii but couldn't get on with it (played probably 1 hour max). My friend convinced me it's worth a shot on 3DS. I'm really enjoying it this time round, just finished all the Lv 1 quests.


Although I'm finding it doesn't really explain too well what equipment, items are decent. I seem to be hoarding everything.

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Loving the Bow! Hadn't really used it at all until this weekend. What a fun weapon to use, thoroughly enjoying it! I need to make loads of Bows now, the 5 maxed out ones I currently have just won't satisfy me! I need me some more armours too.

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Just started this game, killed a few things and done a couple of quests. Using a huge axe thing at the minute with 398 damage. Anyone have any tips? Is this game huge? It reminds me of phantasy star online, is there a place where i can buy the armour upgrade items etc?

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Is this game huge? Is there a place where i can buy the armour upgrade items etc?


Ohhh, yes (done in the Churchill Dog voice), it is a mammoth, colossal undertaking. Amour, wepons and upgrades can all be bought from the smithy and the lady who owns the shop nearest to him. With the smithy you have to supply the materials and he'll knock them together. From the lady she sells things off the peg, so to speak.

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You dont actually level up do you? Iv sunk 2 nights into it, along side Zombie U, and i guess you just level up via Armour and weapons? Which i assume get better the more quests you do? I unlocked level 2 quests, but still want to finish the level 1's, i need more goldenfish bait >.>

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You dont actually level up do you? Iv sunk 2 nights into it, along side Zombie U, and i guess you just level up via Armour and weapons? Which i assume get better the more quests you do? I unlocked level 2 quests, but still want to finish the level 1's, i need more goldenfish bait >.>


Your "level" or "HR" in the game corresponds (initially) to the unlocked tiers of star ranks for quests in the online or multiplayer mode.


But you are gaining EXP (or HR Points in this game) with every quest you do online or offline (free hunting in Moga Woods doesn't count, must be an actual quest)


Once you reach HR8 (much further away than it sounds); ie: you've unlocked the 8th tier of quests online, the "cap" is removed and all HR Points you have earned will be lumped onto your character and you will jump up to your "true" HR rank.


Unlocking the quest tiers does not require you do all quests in a previous tier, each star tier has a number of "key quests" (differs in each tier) you just need to do all those which unlocks an "Urgent" do that and you unlock the next tier. You also have to be the person who selects the Urgent. If you are with others and someone else has the Urgent too and they put it up you can join them and do it but it won't count as you having done "Your Urgent".


ALso just cause not all quests are "Key Quests" doesn't meant you should ignore the others, different monsters, different items, more options.... plus don't think just cause you've done a quest once doesn't mean you won't have to do it again. To do proper building of weapons and armour requires reducing the population of monsters :wink:


Note though that increasing HR rank does NOT increase any stats. The HR is really just a bit of bragging.


You increase stats by build new weapons and armour and upgrading them.


Also do not assume there is "one weapon and one armour" that will be the "ultimate" weapon or armour. All weapons/armours have there strenghts and weakness.

Edited by Mokong
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What do you mean by Ultimate piece?



As for something to work towards. Doing all quests, "trying" to get all awards, killing all monsters, building and maxing out various Weapons and Armour sets.


Difficulty will increase as you go up.


ie: HR1 & 2 quests online are considered "Low Rank"

Hr 3, 4, 5 are "High Rank"

HR6 up is G Rank.


In the offline all monsters are same as "low rank" but you unlock "high rank" later in offline too.


G Rank is only online.


Monsters that appear in Low Rank will reappear in High and G and be HARDER, some monster you won't see for first time till High rank and some first appear at G rank.


Obviously rarer items can only be gotten at the higher ranks too.



The main draw of the game is to play online, if you are playing mainly offline then you are missing out on half the experience ;)

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Ah ok iv only played offline so far. Im hooked up online, want to walk me through it? Just connect online and carry on as if i was offline? Or do you need a group etc?


Talk to the cat on the dock/pier in the village. You can play in a room alone or with friends from what i've seen. Not played online as of yet, may go on for a few hours tonight if anyone is interested. Still a relative new player.

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