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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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Ah ok iv only played offline so far. Im hooked up online, want to walk me through it? Just connect online and carry on as if i was offline? Or do you need a group etc?


I game load up your file.


When you start in the village talk to the cat on dock past the store lady.


He gives several options

Port Tanzia (that the name of the "online" area)


Solo = You can access the online quests and play solo. You can also bring both ChaCha & Kayamba with you on quests (if you unlocked them in the offline Village quests)


Multi = For local multiplay if you have friends who have 3DS and copy of 3DS game.


(There are sub options in both of those, Marina & Tavern, I'll explain later)


And finally Network, select that to go online.


Once you get into the network modes you choose a "World", Divied up by titles, there are Free, Novices, Experts, G Rank and Help


Free - best place to find a mix of hunters of all ranks

Novices - for those looking to do low rank quests

Experts - High rank questing

G Rank - G Rank questing

Help - If you got a specific goal (certain quest need help with, certain monster need help with)... though this is a bit redundant given how you can set up rooms in all "Worlds" for specific stuff.


Once you pick a "World" you then have a choice of "Lobbies", just pick one that has space.


In the Lobby menu then you can


create a room - if you want to be room host and wait for friends or randoms to enter

Enter a Room - gives you a list of all open rooms in that lobby

Search for a Room - Say you are looking for a certain monster to farm/fight, you can search to see if there are any rooms already made where people are looking for the same monster you are. Search is not limited by World or Lobby, depending on options it can search all worlds and lobbies.


Move to a World and Move to a Lobby - speaks for themselves


Friend List - See if any of your friends are online, if there is room in their city you can join them, doesn't matter if they are in a different Lobby or World to you, so long as the World, Lobby and Room they are in has space you can warp there. You can also send text messages to friends from the friend list


Short Message - If you recieve an in game text message read it and reply to it from here.




Now as for Marina and Tavern mentioned earlier.

These are the areas within the Online (or multi modes) where you actually control your character.


In the Marina there is a boat with a bed where you can save, in front of that a Cat who can bring you back to Moga Village... you can also get him to give instructions to your Village Farm and Fishing fleet from here. Next to him a tent with a Blue Chest, you can organise your pouch items and change weapons and armour here. After that a 2nd cat, he's pretty useless on WiiU verison, but if you have a 3DS version you talk to him to turn on StreetPass for the game.


Across the road then is teh Smithy for building new weapons and armour. Just outside that is "Granny" (the NPC with the BIG back pack), she sells items, they change after every quest. Sometimes she sells stuff you can't buy in other normal shops.


If you then go north from there you can enter the Tavern.

It is here where if there are other hunters in the room you can see each other, pick quests and depart on quests from.


Do i need friend codes or anything?


No friend codes, your console Friend List is imported into the game automatically. If anyone on your FL is also playing the game you will see from the in game friend list of they are playing online. If they are you can message them or join them.

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I played some local multiplayer with friends yesterday, so much fun. I wish the 3DS version had online play.


You can if you have a WiiU, there is an App in the WiiU eShop that will let you play online with the 3DS version.... though it does require a Wired connection as the consoles WiFi card will be busy handling the wireless connection between the WiiU and the 3DS



... or you could just get the Wii U version and transfer the save file :heh:

(Though as you seem to only have the 3DS version I'm guessing you also need a WiiU?)

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got a question for you guys


Does anyone know if my offline progression(the multiple star quests) carry over in the online mode?


I know that in monster hunter tri on wii the progression was seperate(online/offline) meaning that if you first complete the story mode in the offline mode (all the way to 5 star quests) that you again start at the 1 star quests. Is that still the same in MH 3 ultimate? and if so are the quests online different from the offline portion of the game?

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Offline progression does not carry over to online, same as Tri.


But unlike Tri the earlu online stuff is not the same as the early offline quests


oh thats a bummer, but nice to know that i dont need to play the same quests in online mode. Is that only a low level quest thing or are the offline higher lvl quest also different in the online part?

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Haha, I don't even know what HR I am it's been that long! Presuming I'm still HR1 really. How do you actually HR up, anyway? I reckon I'll spend most of tomorrow ACing up some bells to hit the stalk market with on sunday morning, then spend a good sesh on this on sunday maybe. Would like to get myself levelled on this a bit and join you guys online a day though.

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Haha, I don't even know what HR I am it's been that long! Presuming I'm still HR1 really. How do you actually HR up, anyway? I reckon I'll spend most of tomorrow ACing up some bells to hit the stalk market with on sunday morning, then spend a good sesh on this on sunday maybe. Would like to get myself levelled on this a bit and join you guys online a day though.


You HR up by finishing all the HR1 quests on the online component, not the Moga Village ones. Would be up for joining you over the weekend.

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Mark of the Hero is both the greatest and most infuriating battle ever! Keep running out of time without having fainted, or going in hell for leather and fainting, the monsters JUST WON'T DIE! I should be utterly pissed off with the thing, but every time I step into that arena I get goosebumps ath the epic battle ahead. Love it! And looking forward to getting that mark on my gaming career :)

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Village quests completed!


Wow, the final two battles , Mark of a Hero and The Brilliant Darkness, were epic and intense, more so Hero I think. Took me about 10 attempts to do that quest, so many times you get cocky during it and Brachy will wipe you out. Or you're waiting for Azure and Brachy to take each other out, and it just takes too long and you either run out of time or you have to get stuck in and end up getting wiped out. Eventually I just kind of stuck to my usual guns on this game and went in hell for leather with my lance, destroying everything that moved (or trying to). Ivory Lagi was a bastard with those lethal electricity attacks, once you work out attack patterns though it was do able, and eventually could get him sorted in 15 minutes without too many hiccups.


The strategy behind taking the other two on was trickier, as continually trying to get behind one of them so that the other would run towards you and nodger them instead. Only once before had i managed to get down to just me and the Brachy, and that was with a minute left. My heart literally started racing when, with 10 minutes to go, the Azure fell under the strains of my Fiendish Tower, and it was me and Brachy left, him with one life to go, and me with one life to go. I had saved a trap. Boom! in he went, started at him with all I had...and then he started at me with all he had left. At one point I was dizzy with less than a quarter health and if he hadn't have focused on Cha Cha I would have been a goner! However not long after the 5 minute signal had appeared I managed to kill the thing and start jumping around the staff room at work like an idiot :D


Alatreon wasn't AS hard as I was expecting, but still brutal, did him in about 5 goes I think. The final one I had no potions left, no cold drinks and heat exhaustion had resumed, no stamina and no companions. And, from what I could tell, Ala didn't have any limping, dribbling, or anything else that suggested he was close to death. So without this pressure I just started at him while I could, sure I would fall at any moment, but down he went, Aiysha's Pendant was mine and I became a village hero after 250 hours of playing. Glory be!


What a game :D

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I played some local multiplayer with friends yesterday, so much fun. I wish the 3DS version had online play.


The game reminds me of PSO so much.


You should've just waited for 4. MH without multiplayer is only ~30% of the fun.

Capcom completely dropped the ball on the 3DS version. Having played Freedom Unite (which is often considered the best MH among the fans) after Tri really destroyed the game for me... Yeah I could see why it was incredible, but the lack of online multiplayer absolutely destroyed it's potential. These games were clearly designed for multiplayer and that's where they truly shine.

(I do hope they tinker with the formula and especially the gameplay for 4, though).

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Well done @Kaepora_Gaebora, those last two quests made the offline part for me. Mark of a Hero was a real test of a single hunters skill and soloing Ala was just a kick in teh teeth for anyone who played Tri as he was online only so chances are you never fought him solo (I did though :heh:), but the addition of the binder was nice and very helpful given Ala's totally new move set compared to Tri which took me by surprise.


Small note, now that you have completed every offline quest, when you (if not done already) capture at least 1 of every capturable monster you will unlock the Hallowed Jhen Mohran quest. Think it appears in the HR8 quests and the game doesn't tell you you've unlocked it when you do it just appears.

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I just got this game a few days ago so I'm the noobiest lol. Haven't even tried online yet, I've been doing the single player story mode and I've just unlocked the 2 star rank quests in the desert area. I like using the switch axe, it's awesome using the sword's rapid fire attack

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Cheers @Mokong X\-C , certainly was a test of the skills, agreed though that binder became an absolute god send! and hopefully a good training ground for what's to come in Port Tanzia! :)


Hmm I have to say I'm not much of a capture man more a cold hearted killer haha, Hallowed Jhen hasn't turned up yet on my quests, something else to aim for as well. Does that include all the new monsters I will face, like gold Rath etc?

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Cheers @Mokong X\-C , certainly was a test of the skills, agreed though that binder became an absolute god send! and hopefully a good training ground for what's to come in Port Tanzia! :)


Hmm I have to say I'm not much of a capture man more a cold hearted killer haha, Hallowed Jhen hasn't turned up yet on my quests, something else to aim for as well. Does that include all the new monsters I will face, like gold Rath etc?



Yeah every one that is possible to capture counts... Savage Jho doesn't count as a seperate one as he isn't a proper Subspieces of Jho... just a really REALLY Angry Jho... so capturing either a normal Jho or a Savage is all you need.


If you've bought the monster book things from the shop (think some might be online shop only) you'll be able to check number of each monster killed and captured from the Hunter Notes in menu or your own Guild Card so you can see what you haven't captured one of yet.



If you ever need a hand and see me online give me a message, I got a set that is built for capturing :) Will be on this evening but away the weekend (might be back Sunday)




You get a guild card award for capturing one of every monster too :)

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I need help capturing monsters :(


There's a 3 star rank quest where I have to capture a Qureco in the D. Island area. I'm using an Iron Switch axe with Exhaust Phial and no matter how much I hit the Qureco with the sword attacks it refuses to be caught by the tranquil bombs! I've even had it so I trapped it, threw a tranquil bomb, had it not be caught then hit it ONE MORE TIME for it to die and fail the quest. Are there any weapons you'd recommend for capturing? I think I might just skip the quest for now cause it's really annoying me :angry:

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