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Wow, a quick round indeed


Votes (as they stand)


Jon Dedede - DuD, Peeps (3)


DuD - Jon Dedede (1)


4 players, majority is 3


People were suspicious, there were two Asari on the Normandy. One had to be bad, and with Liara deceased there was only one left. The Alliance confronted the remaining Asari and arrested them upon arrival back on the Citadel


Samara has been arrested, Jon Dedede is no longer in the game.




The last Matriarch in the known galaxy, you offer your services to anyone who requires them. Your skills are second to none. You are an asari, so have the power to mind-read those who you touch. Nothing will stand in your way to achieve your goals, even killing your own daughter to protect the galaxy is in your nature.


You have 2 powers to choose from on each night, you must choose 1 per night.


1: Become untargetable (from everything) and track a target.

2: If you are targeted you will reflect their ability back to the player. You will be informed of what happens


What was his alliance, well it was Town


With the latest arrest, the remaining crew reported to Alliance HQ for the information on Shepards death.


Night begings, get them votes in. Due to end Midnight tomorrow




@@Jon Dedede









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Right, sorry for the delay everyone.


With the elite few left, it was down to Garrus to lead them to glory. But it was not to be, as he suffered the same fate as many others. He was arrested on the Citadel by Alliance military, he was accused of murdering Wrex. After all, the Krogan and Turians hated each other due to the Genofage.


Garrus Vacharian has been arrested, The Peeps is no longer in the game




Turian commander, aided Shepard in the battle for the Citadel against Saran, destroyed the Collectors and helped save the galaxy from the Reaper invasion. You turned down captaincy of the Normandy in favour of calibrating the weapons. This does not mean things have gone downhill for you; in fact you are 2nd in command behind Ashley


Your power and role – You are a protector, thus stopping your target from being affected by the night actions (minus a kill). You also get a double vote


He was Town.


Because of the latest arrest, the remaining mafia assumed control of the SR2 Normandy. Mission accomplished, majority cannot be reached. The last remaining town was rounded up and escorted off the Normandy by Alliance military.


The Mafia win - Last remaining Mafia member was DuD


Full roles come tomorrow, congrats to all who played









Congrats to all who played. I hope you enjoyed the game. Disuss away!!!!


What a game! Great set up and running Jimbob, tons of fun. Just gotta keep those vote counts and you're golden ;)


MVP Mafia was clearly DuD


I would argue though many might not agree, MVP town was Sheikah. His made up info early on really got the game moving. Not sure how it would have gone if it had been wrong, but it's the kind of move I enjoy making sometimes. The only criticism is that I would have held out and not have admitted to lying.


For myself, I think I should have just killed Cube when I had the chance. No one gets worked up about lynching a neutral. I AM a pro lynch townie, but circumstances didn't work out for me on that behaviour nonetheless.


All times where I claimed work was interfering with my playing were truth.


I was outright lying about talking about game design with Jimbob - anyone pulling shit like that SHOULD be lynched on the spot. Take note!


Well done DuD. Was convinced it was Dedede until I died, because I thought no-one else town would have reflecting powers, then my suspicions shifted to you!


Mafia, what were your actions the night I died? See because my action was that anyone targeting me should have got Yvonne instead, so in my view, I shouldn't have died, Yvonne should've! I did ask Jimbob but I didn't get a straight answer!


Enjoyed the game though, my only criticism was having two double voters in a game with such a small majority, especially seeing there wasn't a town one, was there??


The mafia killer was immune to redirection and targeting, which I liked because endgame townie target swappers are often too powerful - compare a game state where 1 townie dies in a night versus 1 mafia dying. This meant there could still be a townie redirector in the mix without sacrificing balance.


the double votes were in the hands of a townie (Peeps) and a neutral (Cube)


We also had Yvonne using his redirect power incase your redirect worked.. so had you redirected me to Yvonne I would have actually ended up killing Cube.


Good game Jimbob :)


Ah yeah, for some reason in my still sleepy state I thought it was DuD with the double! Still, my point still stands.


And dammit, the only reason I was using that swap on myself was that so you would die if I was targeted to be killed! Before that I was actually using my reflect rather than swap! I'd disagree that a townie with that power surviving that long is unfair - mafia should have sussed them out before in my opinion!


We did, I told you I knew your power the day before didn't i :p

We decided we were best rid of you before end game so risked it and had a backup planned that would result in Cubes death instead if your redirection had been successful

  Yvonne said:
For myself, I think I should have just killed Cube when I had the chance. No one gets worked up about lynching a neutral.


Except for me, but I was the neutral this time.


Also, if you hadn't killed Rummy when you did, I wouldn't have taken a back seat on lynching. I could have been helpful.


Considering how wrong I was in the Peepsville mafia; Totes had the mafia nailed this time :p


Twas a good game, I enjoyed it despite some of the confusion from the GM. Look forward to seeing the roles as they seemed interesting/balanced across more than one person.


Btw, @Jimbob - @Cube should actually have been lynched on that day when aqui1a was when you didn't count my vote(and messed the count) - I realised the day after when I was looking back at who voted for who.


(btw @Magnus Peterson I know the youtube video messed up but you should never edit your posts in mafia - it's quite a punishable offense by most GMs)


  Yvonne said:
I was outright lying about talking about game design with Jimbob - anyone pulling shit like that SHOULD be lynched on the spot. Take note!


That was something that reeked to me, but I thought others might go with it if I drew attention to it.


I felt all the roles were a bit different to the regular, made it very difficult to get too meta about things; I enjoyed that as a change.


Who did the Mafia try kill when they were stopped?


I really enjoyed this game, probably the most fun game for me so far.


Also I never reached Yvonne and was sent to Dedede, who wasn't there. :p But I still don't see how Dedede can say he targeted me successfully, I'm intrigued.


Obviously the mafia knew that.

I couldn't exactly use the argument "sheikah's lying because I know who Yvonne's target actually was" though.


Ganepark tried killing you :p


Here we are, complete roles for everyone. Who was who, what powers they had etc




Ashley Williams – Sheikah




Found on Eden Prime by Commander Shepard, you have been working on many aspects of your life. No longer are you hiding behind things, you have become outgoing and are more positive. Since the demise of Shepard, you have been promoted in the field. You are now in charge of the Normandy, and that gives you the access all areas pass to the Normandy. And being a Spectre, you also have access to the Citadel Spectre offices.


Your power and role – You are a tracker. You can pick a player and track them on night phases. As an added bonus, you can protect your target or yourself from other night actions. You only have 3 opportunities to do this, so choose wisely.

You are Town


Garrus Vakarian – The Peeps




Turian commander, aided Shepard in the battle for the Citadel against Saran, destroyed the Collectors and helped save the galaxy from the Reaper invasion. You turned down captaincy of the Normandy in favour of calibrating the weapons. This does not mean things have gone downhill for you; in fact you are 2nd in command behind Ashley


Your power and role – You are a protector, thus stopping your target from being affected by the night actions (minus a kill). You also get a double vote


You are town


Urdnot Wrex - Nintendohnut




The leader of the Genofage-free Krogan empire on Tuchunka. Like Garrus, you have the respect of many crew members of the Normandy. But you also have the respect of the entire Krogan population as well. Who are at your disposal whenever you need to send them into battle.


Your power and role – Because of the above, you are a kill protector. You can use the Krogan to protect anyone from being killed by the mafia on each night phase. You are town.


Jeff “Joker” Moreau – Magnus Peterson




Pilot of the SR2 Normandy, you aided Shepard and his crew through the thick of it all in all circumstances. Now with Garrus in command, duties remain the same for day to day tasks. You pilot the Normandy through everything the galaxy can throw at you.


Your power and role – Your power is as follows: You may target a player each night. You will find out who else targeted that player. On even nights only you can also find out what they found out


Jacob Taylor – mr-paul




Ex-Cerburus agent, having left them after the events of II. You are Jacob Taylor, a specialist in hand weaponry. You helped out in getting other ex-Cerburus to help in the Reaper invasion with the alliance. You are thankful to the alliance for helping you in your time of need.


Your power/role is as follows – Target Swap Reflector. You pick 2 targets, whomever targets your first choice gets choice 2 and visa versa. Or you can choose 1 target and reflect the power back onto themselves. Only one choice per night.


You are town


Jaavik - Rummy




The last Protheon alive, you were awoken on Eden Prime soon after the Reapers arrived. As a Protheon, you know all about the technology of the past. You worked with Liara by providing her intel into the past with accurate insights into what the Reapers did when they arrived and how you and the Protheons tried to hold them back.


Your power and role – You are a roleblocker, you can roleblock anyone and prevent them from reaching their target for the night. This can only be prevented if a protector targets your target.


Samara – Jon Dedede




The last Matriarch in the known galaxy, you offer your services to anyone who requires them. Your skills are second to none. You are an asari, so have the power to mind-read those who you touch. Nothing will stand in your way to achieve your goals, even killing your own daughter to protect the galaxy is in your nature.


You have 2 powers to choose from on each night, you must choose 1 per night.


1: Become untargetable (from everything) and track a target.

2: If you are targeted you will reflect their ability back to the player. You will be informed of what happens.


Zaeed Massani – Aqui1a




A former bounty hunter, turned good. You once were the leader of the blue suns before being banished from the group. Even fighting back didn’t help, so you returned to the depths waiting to fight another day. Commander Shepard was there to help you come out of the shadows, and now his demise brings you out to seek against those who oppose.


Reverse Alignment investigator. Pick a target and a recipient. The recipient is given the alignment investigation result of your target but not the target name. You will be told if the information was received by the recipient – You are town




Liara T’Soni - Cube




Liara, an Asari who is now the Shadow Broker. Your information is vital to whoever requires the services. You are an all seeing, all doing character. Your knowledge of Protheon relics and their life is 2nd to none. You are also the Shadow Broker


Your role and Powers - As you are the Shadow Broker, you have the role of an Investigator. On odd days, you can gain knowledge on location and whom they targeted. On even nights, you find out what power your target has. An optional power, you can pass on information regarding your investigation to another player. Your win condition, pass on the information to Javik before he is lynched/killed. You are neutral and you have a double vote.




Miranda Lawson – Ganepark32




Ex-Cerburus agent. You, along with Jacob left Cerburus after the events of II. Unlike Jacob, you have been hiding in the shadows hunting your sister and trying to protect her from the Illusive Man. Since the Illusive Man died at the hands of Shepard, you have come out of the shadows once more to aid those who need help. But something kept drawing you back to the shadows, because that’s where you felt comfortable.


Your power and role – You are a roleblocker, you can roleblock anyone and prevent them from reaching their target for the night. This can only be prevented if a protector targets your target. As a bonus, you can intercept information from your target if they have anything on them regarding their target. This action is only available if your target has information, otherwise it’s just a roleblock.


You are Mafia


Tali’Zorah vas Normandy – DuD




Quarian general, after the events of the Reapers, you felt that things were going back to normal with everything in the galaxy. But the Quarian fleet still held a grudge against you for providing intel to the geth which allowed the battle between the Quarians and geth to carry on for so long. The only person who stood by your side through it all is no longer there to guide you.


Because of your tech background, you have the power to make anyone appear evil or good upon investigations. As well as that, you are also an investigator. You can find out information about anyone you wish, and can use this information as you see fit. If you so wish, you can forward on some of the information to another player. All they will receive is intel on who the player has targeted. Nothing else, not even who the player is. This can be done only on odd days.


You are Mafia


Kazumi Goto - Yvonne




Master of the shadows, you lurk there waiting for the right price to be offered. You do the task which is asked, no questions. You are wanted by a few clans/colonies for your actions over the years. But alas no-one can find you to bring you to justice. Even faking your own death to escape the clutches is not out of your reach.


You have 3 powers to choose from on each night, you must choose 1 per night.


1: Become untargetable and track a target.

2: If you are targeted you will reflect their ability back to the player. You will be informed of what happens.

3: You Pick 2 targets. Anyone who targets your first choice will get target 2 and visa-versa

  DuD said:
Ganepark tried killing you :p


Wait... what? I role-blocked mr. paul that night. You were the one that went after Sheikah.


Anyway, yes good game. I'm actually amazed that people bought DuD's lies the whole time when some were clearly flimsy.

  Ganepark32 said:
Wait... what? I role-blocked mr. paul that night. You were the one that went after Sheikah.


Anyway, yes good game. I'm actually amazed that people bought DuD's lies the whole time when some were clearly flimsy.


It's very easy to see things differently when you have the information!


Plus @Sheikah, it was exactly as I said - the town lost due to your lies. Our most valuble asset, Peeps, didn't know whether to trust what you said as you lies AND combined with the apparent issues of power priority with the GM, led to Jon Dedede's lynch. Whilst it's a gutsy play; in the end it lost the game.

Posted (edited)
  Rummy said:

Plus @\[b\]Sheikah, it was exactly as I said - the town lost due to your lies[/b]. Our most valuble asset, Peeps, didn't know whether to trust what you said as you lies AND combined with the apparent issues of power priority with the GM, led to Jon Dedede's lynch. Whilst it's a gutsy play; in the end it lost the game.


I don't agree with that. Simply put, the Mafia won because they attained majority.


In terms of getting to that majority point, I'd say I did my fair share in putting this off - I didn't take part in the first town lynch of Aqui1a, I stopped a kill, and it's probably fair to say that my efforts eventually resulted in Yvonne's lynch, getting everyone talking, and making DuD appear pretty hostile. In the end I drafted up a Mafia list that contained two out of the three Mafia (Dedede, Yvonne and DuD).


My pitfall was not convincing Peeps, sure, but I don't think it's fair to say that I was unforgivably untrustworthy given you yourself trusted me as did other members of town. We were one vote away at one point.


If I had reported that I failed to reach Yvonne I would have offered literally nothing other than another seemingly untargetable person, and the fact I failed to reach someone would have made me a suspect as there was no kill that night. Also I think the Mafia targeted me for death because I gave off a vibe that I was somehow powerful the night before, which was again part of the lies that you say were bad.


This game was literally decided at the last minute (DuD vs Dedede), and I wasn't even there, so I don't think it's fair to blame me. I put both Dedede and DuD forward as Mafia candidates so it's not like I had tunnelled town down one wrong path - it was a toss up. In the end I personally trusted Dedede the least for a few reasons - he directly contradicted my info saying that he tracked me when I knew I couldn't be tracked (still waiting for a clear up from Jimbob on why that was), he was a tracker like me (I was town), and he had offered relatively little useful info to the town. And after Yvonne was confirmed Mafia, it seemed even more likely that he would also be due to their matching info.

Edited by Sheikah
Also I think the Mafia targeted me for death because I gave off a vibe that I was somehow powerful the night before


This turns out not to be true, we didn't pick up on that suggestion at all, or at least I didn't and it wasn't discussed


'The mafia won because they gained majority' is the same as saying 'the mafia won because they won' or 'the mafia won' :p That's their win condition!


We were in a strong position, Yvonne should have been a solid lynch. Ganepark was a 50/50 on my own death(coming out as town roleblocker), DuD though...man, he almost convinced me towards the end post my death.


As for teh game, it was decided by Peeps - not Dedede vs DuD. The person you failed to convince. His double vote sealed it, and YOU failed to convince him(as he mentioned more than once in the thread) - once in Yvonne's lynch, and I think possibly leading to Jon Dedede's lynch(though that was GM fail).


You won't accept any of this though, and that's why you're a risk. You'll remain convinced your play was right, right up until the end. You helped lose for mafia last game through thanking posts(which tbh I don't think anyone dead should be doing on a pertinent post), but you deny that too. I'll always be wary of playing with you, because you don't play in spirit of town team. Your arrogance, whilst a strength, will also be a downfall. That isn't something that will apply just to mafia games neither.

Posted (edited)

Was so damn close to voting for DuD but a lot of Dedede's defence was built around him questioning Jimbob's PMs and how his role was worded and I thought that was weaker.


Regarding Sheikah, obviously you're not going to change how you play but you tried to get Yvonne lynched through lies and manipulation which made you completely untrustworthy in my eyes. If you thought Yvonne was mafia there were better ways to go about it. At the time your suspicion was based on practically nothing. In your end post you were as sure about Dedede being mafia as you were Yvonne. I hope you can see why I didn't follow you. You may have been right about Yvonne but your actions got you lynched which meant the town lost a valuable player (not just on about your role) for no good reason. Trading your own life for one scumnag was not a good deal considering your role.


It was damaging to the town for sure but I wouldn't say it cost us the game at all.

Edited by The Peeps
  Rummy said:
'The mafia won because they gained majority' is the same as saying 'the mafia won because they won' or 'the mafia won' :p That's their win condition!


Thanks, I do know this. Rather what I am saying is that other people contributed to bringing the game end point closer in their own way (e.g. the Aqui1a lynch - if we hadn't done that then the game wouldn't have ended on the day it did). The game is endless possibilities, to say it failed on one point here I think is pretty unfair, and pretty short-sighted.


We were in a strong position, Yvonne should have been a solid lynch. Ganepark was a 50/50 on my own death(coming out as town roleblocker), DuD though...man, he almost convinced me towards the end post my death.


Huh? Yvonne wasn't really suspect at all until I started prodding, I don't recall. Lots of people were on board the Aqui1a lynch. Also Yvonne was untargetable, so no one could have said that they investigated him (unless they were lying of course, hurhur).


As for teh game, it was decided by Peeps - not Dedede vs DuD. The person you failed to convince. His double vote sealed it, and YOU failed to convince him(as he mentioned more than once in the thread) - once in Yvonne's lynch, and I think possibly leading to Jon Dedede's lynch(though that was GM fail).


I meant it was decided in terms of a Dedede vs DuD lynch. Both of which I put forward as Mafia, take not. Anyway, why is it my fault I failed to convince Peeps? Maybe he failed to use his gut instinct? Note - I am not saying this Peeps, but what I am saying is that it's not as a clear cut as you are implying Rummy. It's also a bit of a bummer than Cube was following Peeps as that was a huge vote potential that could have gone entirely differently if it was say you with the double vote, Rummy. It just happened that the townie most suspicious of others in the game (suspicion being good for the most part, except maybe here) held the power of like 4 votes. That's just the game.


You won't accept any of this though, and that's why you're a risk. You'll remain convinced your play was right, right up until the end. You helped lose for mafia last game through thanking posts(which tbh I don't think anyone dead should be doing on a pertinent post), but you deny that too. I'll always be wary of playing with you, because you don't play in spirit of town team. Your arrogance, whilst a strength, will also be a downfall. That isn't something that will apply just to mafia games neither.


Thanking posts last game had nothing to do with the loss...anyone who didn't know it was a lynch train the minute it happened (ie. before posts were thanked) was frankly thick as shit. Also all voters on the train were thanked, not just Mafia members, so really whoever the vigilante was wasn't aided anymore by the thanking of posts than if the posts were unthanked.


You say I lost the game...I say I didn't. It's your opinion at the end of the day, I just don't agree with it. I'm not blowing my own trumpet but someone else here did suggest I was the town MVP, someone I feel has more of an eye for strategy and tactics than you.

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