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Xpert 11 Season 26: Space to move, Space to breath, Space to win


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Change report was pretty good. 11+ and 9 visible including a double jump. A first for his team I think.


The three older defenders are almost certaintly all going up next season, Their dv was very good. Jalland had 16 in dv. So as long as no one retires I'm still pleased.


Leonid was supposed to be sold or fired but I was allowed neither since he wanted to stay in the club until he retired. So he spent 18 matches doing nothing and got a negative double jump :p

Svanson didn't get much play time in the second half as I needed to focus on the other strikers. He's up for sale btw. A high 12-skilled striker.

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I must be difficult to please. I got 10 visible changes and I'm disappointed that I didn't get any doubles. No visible decreases.


I've put two of my over 30s up for transfer. Benny is one of them. It's time to let him go and start rebuilding. I tried selling Johann but he apparently wants to stay at the club until the end of his career. Fucker. BE SOLD.


I'm in the market for...


- A cheap backup keeper. Never going to use them, so it's just somebody to make up the numbers.


- One or possibly two defenders. Maybe a 20 6 or somebody appropriate. Could do another 18 4.


- Another midfielder.


Strike force is fine for the next 3 seasons, then Patric will be looking to hang up his boots and will bring the next one in.


Trying to keep the squad numbers small as it's easier to train and maintain. My policy of a maximum of 2 players above 30 starts NOW.

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A bad change report for me... all + except the two players I never played but hardly any visible raises. I've had Dustin Brammer for 3 seasons now, he raised on 16 in his first, raised on 16 in his second and this season he was on 15... no visible raise. He was 19, now 20 =\ should've raised imo.


It could have been much worse though I suppose. Both my forwards raised which is a blessing as one was only on 12 but it means it'll be hard to raise him again this season. Everyone else should raise fairly easily though so this coming season should give me a pretty good report.




edit: 10 mill in the bank (or will be once ive sold a defender) anyone got any thoughts on what i should be buying?


I don't know which defender you're selling but the rest of your team is looking solid. I don't think you need to buy anyone else in (unless you need to replace that defender), just stick with what you have and raise them higher!


Perhaps a new keeper but I wouldn't bother with a youth, go for a 20/22-8 if you want a strong player that you can still develop otherwise just look for skill :p






Eights United, AC Elites, Bayer Neverlusen: 27

Intergalactico Stars, Fedex United, Leeds M.O.T: 20

Madpool, Hadens Rangers and Recall United: 17

Real Peeps, Coloccini FC and Andys All Stars: 7




The Spotlight last week was on Hadens Rangers vs AC Elites. Players had to guess the outcome of the match and the total number of chances between the two teams. The winner was Nikos9 as he guessed Elites would win while Bob backed Haden.


Spotlight winners:


Week 1 - Intergalactico Stars

Week 2 - Atlético Aqui1a

Week 3 - Intergalactico Stars

Week 4 - Leeds M.O.T

Week 5 - bob

Week 6 - bob

Week 7 - Atlético Aqui1a & Intergalactico Stars

Week 8 - bob

Week 9 - Intergalactico Stars


With four correct results, Intergalactico Stars win the spotlight competition!


N-Euro Championship Cup


  1. Real Peeps
  2. Dragooooo
  3. Leeds M.O.T
  4. bob
  5. DuDs Baggies
  6. Eights United
  7. Hadens Rangers
  8. Intergalactico Stars
  9. Yellow Submarine
  10. Winston Gardens FC
  11. The Roger Federer Crew
  12. Rossers Rovers
  13. The Sixty-Fourthers
  14. Atlético Aqui1a
  15. Coloccini FC
  16. Recall United
  17. The Comerade Co-op
  18. Fedex United




Elite League Winner:

Eights United


Middle League Winners:

Winston Gardens FC

Rising Phoenix

AC Elites


Lower League Winners:

Leeds M.O.T

Bayer Neverlusen



Spotlight Winner:

Intergalactico Stars


Spotlight Runner Up:



Alliance Winners:

Eights United

AC Elites

Bayer Neverlusen


N-Euro Championship Cup Winner:





2 picks

Eights United


AC Elites

Bayer Neverlusen


1 pick

Winston Gardens

Rising Phoenix

Leeds M.O.T

Intergalactico Stars


The lottery will take place after the cup as the cup winner will also get a pick in the lottery.


We currently have 18 teams for the cup, if you are interested in joining you have until 6pm on Tuesday


The Draw for the cup will take place at 9pm UK Time on Tuesday. There will be a live draw by Jimbob so please attend if you can.

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The Draw for the cup will take place at 9pm UK Time on Tuesday. There will be a live draw by Jimbob so please attend if you can.


I'm thinking of singing again as the warm-up, maybe. It was entertaining for some to say the least. Surely this can only entice you're attendance.

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I've just put my reserve goalkeeper on the transfer list (not sold anyone before; how exciting!) as i have a youth goalkeeper on the way and my squad is too big. If anyone here wants him, i give you good price.


I reserve the right to accidentally sell him to someone else in the meantime, i am not good with computer.

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Speaking of direct transfers I've got a few on the market now if anyone's interested:


- Kenobi:- 26-8 Midfielder who has freekick and speed, Estimated value: 1,816,700 econ


- Ronaldo:- 25-8 Forward who has hard shot, heading and speed, Estimated value: 3,883,400 econ


Also, don't mind me if I happen to randomly put bids on any of your players with a view of hopefully replacing the above two. Just thought I'd be cheeky and see if there are any takers to my offers so feel free to accept or reject as you wish!

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So this might be a silly question, where do I get the big change report? Where all players are listed on the same page.


EDIT: found it. Team log only really?! Anyways It was better then i was expecting despite my horrible form. accross the board.

Edited by Twozzok
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How many people are in the cup? If it's an odd number, I'll join.

The only difference between you joining and you not joining is that we will have three matches in round 1 instead of one match.


For future references, it doesn't matter if the number of participants is odd numbered.

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