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Tales of Symphonia Sequal?

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There's a Tales coming to the DS - Tales of the Tempest. It seems good so far :smile:


It won't have anything to do with Symphonia but I think that story has ended pretty good. I don't want a FF X-2-like sequel.

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A follow up to Tales of Symphonia would be possible, but if there was to be one i'd prefer it to be set in the Symphonia universe, instead of being a direct sequal. For example:



How about a prequal, namely one that followed Mithos and the gang all those years ago.






The story of the renegades that runs parrellel to the original story



However Symphonia wasn't a perfect game, and a Revolution sequal could see a lot of improvements:


-An online co-op mode

-Actual overworld, not that thing where you're bigger than you should be. I found it affected Symphonia's feel of epicness

-More inventive dungeon puzzles, god the one's in symphonia were boring

-More anime cutscenes! the ones in symphonia were awesome but there were so few. The in game cutscenes sucked.

-A run button, I found they ran wierdly and too slowly


I'm sure there's some more but i'll stop now, i'm sounding if I don't like the game, when actually its a personal favourite.

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lazyboy speaks a lot of good stuff! a direct sequel to ToS would be good, but its not really necessary.


your idea in spoiler#1 is superb, i would love to play that game


more anime cutscenes would be great. i have heaps of saved games just before all of them. eventually ill save them to something... or download.. or something.


but totally independant tales games seem to work. square does the same thing with its final fantasy games. except for X-2, which EVERYONE loved... (sarcasm... sorry!)

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it would be quite an odd game though. quite dark id think. also fabulous.


You would have the death of Martel (which would be very Aeris like), Mithos cracking it and splitting the world in half, and then the splitting of the group.

but then again, you could easily slap an M rating on it, and it would be one of the best games ever.




Ha ha! Made you look!


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