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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Can we get a sense of humour over here please? We need a sense of humour pronto!


PS. You need to have a point before I can miss it.


Don't mind Ronnie. He's really doesn't know what he's talking about but will always take the chance to have a pop at anything I say.






Just 2 examples. And would you look who's thanked him in both posts. Part of the Trinity of Union. Thanked not because they're talking any sense but because they're having a go at me. A lot of sites have come out since saying that they believe that this is the full map and it's the common consensus. But Ronnie knows better than everyone else despite the evidence. :indeed: Embarrassing.


He's the only person on my ignore list but he'll keep mentioning and quoting me to provoke a response. So I hope on this rare occasion where I have responded that he likes how I've made him look quite foolish. Again.

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Still desperately trying to convince people I'm on your ignore list eh :laughing::laughing::laughing: you've made it clear many times I'm not. Oh and by the way the Trinity of Union makes even less sense than the other way around.


Can we get a sense of humour over here please? We need a sense of humour pronto!


PS. You need to have a point before I can miss it.


If something's funny I'll laugh, not sure what your flimsy post was. My point was pretty clear, I suggested a raft would be a nice homage to old school Zelda but that these days the series has been modernised with things like robots, trains, giant metallic spinners, mechanical flying beetles etc and that a raft might be a little too low tech for the devs.

Edited by Ronnie
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You've taken mechanics from one game and applied it to a whole series. I could just as easily say Zelda is all about transformation masks and looping time mechanics. The latest game in the Zelda series had none of the things we've both mentioned. I was merely disagreeing with you in a light hearted way but you felt the need to get defensive and call my posts flimsy and paper thin. I am deeply sorry for offending you, I had no idea you were so fragile.

Edited by The Peeps
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You've taken mechanics from one game and applied it to a whole series. I could just as easily say Zelda is all about transformation masks and looping time mechanics.


I think what Ronnie is getting at is that the inclusion of mechanical objects, such as the train, spinner, robots etc. have taken something away from the series.


Again, not sure if i'm correct in saying this, but I think he wants the series to become more fantasy based, just like the original games were.

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I think what Ronnie is getting at is that the inclusion of mechanical objects, such as the train, spinner, robots etc. have taken something away from the series.


Again, not sure if i'm correct in saying this, but I think he wants the series to become more fantasy based, just like the original games were.

To be fair, there were things like that in Link to the Past. Metal switches that opened doors or unleashed traps etc.

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And what I'm getting at is A Link Between Worlds is exactly that which means Zelda has not been permanently changed by the inclusion of 'mordern' objects in certain games. The sailcloth seen in the demo is about as low tech as you can get.


To be fair, there were things like that in Link to the Past. Metal switches that opened doors or unleashed traps etc.


I'm not going to argue these points as they are both valid. Like I said, I can't speak for Ronnie i'm just taking a guess at what he was trying to get across.


I do think though that the first Zelda game feels very different to the rest of the series, even when you compare it to ALTTP. I dunno if it was a design choice or whether it was just because of the era it was made in, but it feels very basic in terms of the items you get to use and the game was actually challenging.


The sense of being alone in the big open world and somewhat helpless has never been achieved in any other of the Zelda games, IMO. Well, other than the starting of Majora's Mask that is.

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The problem is that with each new game in the Zelda series, you're bringing forward your experience from all previous titles. You start every game with nothing but because you know how Zelda works, you know what you have to do. Majora's Mask is great because it starts you off as the confident young hero of OoT and rips it all away from you in the scariest way possible. Right from the start your perceived conventions of the Zelda series are thrown out the window. Every Zelda since then has pretty much followed the standard formula. Twilight Princess turned you into a wolf but it wasn't as shocking as becoming a Deku Scrub in MM.

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You've taken mechanics from one game and applied it to a whole series. I could just as easily say Zelda is all about transformation masks and looping time mechanics.


Transformation masks and looping time mechanics have nothing to do with each other and are included in separate games. The futurisation of Zelda games is a general theme that has been included in three of the last four games. I didn't think my point was that controversial or open to interpretation. Trains, robots, flying mechanical beetles and spinner devices all suggest that the series is moving towards more advanced technology, regardless of one retro-inspired game bucking the trend.

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Transformation masks and looping time mechanics have nothing to do with each other and are included in separate games. The futurisation of Zelda games is a general theme that has been included in three of the last four games. I didn't think my point was that controversial or open to interpretation. Trains, robots, flying mechanical beetles and spinner devices all suggest that the series is moving towards more advanced technology, regardless of one retro-inspired game bucking the trend.


I don't think Sci-Fi elements (Robots, Beetles, Spinner, Laser Arrows) and Trains go into the same bag...


Furthermore, the entire extent of TP's "futurisation" was one item that had little to do with the rest of the game (or even its surroundings). Hardly representative of the series' direction.

(One could also count that cannon in Lake Hylia, but that's as advanced as the bombs that appear in every game, and more comical in nature, anyway)


Really, the biggest argument for futurisation of the Zelda series are the lasers seen in the trailer (Skyward Sword treated its Sci-Fi elements as something alien and weird for its world, but this trailer makes them look like the norm).

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Majora's Mask had a three day cycle. Time literally looped.


This new Zelda does have sci-fi elements to it from the looks of the trailer, I'd forgotten about that. I still wouldn't say it's indicative of what the series will offer from now on, it's just that sci-fi is in right now. Of course, Nintendo could cash in on this with a new F-Zero, Metroid or brand new IP but oh well :p

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Zelda has had sci-fi elements right from the beginning. It's a thin line sometimes between whether it's magic or sci-fi. What about Links sword shooting beams? Link's been warping since ALTTP. Is it magic or have they borrowed a bit of "beam me up Scotty"? Teleportation while scientifically possible hasn't been figured out, but in the game is it real or is it magic? Telephones were in Links Awakening. Lasers were in ALTTP. There's tonnes of examples of modern tech in Zelda. It's a fantasy game, you're supposed to suspend your disbelief. I just enjoy the game, I honestly and genuinely can't think of a moment where I sat there questioning how something just happened.

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The guys on Nintendo Voice Chat discuss the VGA footage this week. They are quite critical at times but I do agree with a point they made and that it was in regards to Links animation.


In the quick look that we got of the game, Link seems to move like he did in Skyward Sword. I was never a fan of that running animation and the guys on the show weren't either. They were saying it would be nice if Nintendo used some mo capping tech for such things. For me, they wouldn't even have to go that far. Just making the animations a little smoother and more natural would be good enough.

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It's very hard for me to rank the 3D Zeldas or give them a score with the exception of one. The top 3 are interchangeable.


1. Majora's Mask 10

2. Twilight Princess 10

3. OOT 10

4. Wind Waker 9


Maybe when this happen




and I'm forced to pick a 5th Zelda, because I've only played 5 3D Zelda games this abomination will make it in by default.









































5. Skyward Sword 6 bordering 5

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Haha, you're such a drama queen :heh:

If you dislike it that much, a 5 is surely still to high? :D



maybe he meant to place a "-" in front of the score?


Or maybe I've said it's the worst Zelda ever, not the worst game ever. Zelda has a really high benchmark, this didn't cut it though, but by normal game standards it's probably a very good game.

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Still, you're a dramaqueen! :laughing:


But yeah, you make a good point. Everybody likes games for different reasons/elements. Zelda just aimes for the highest possible bar. So when you like a Zelda game but don't love it to bits, it can feel as a bad game. But that's only in comparison to the rest.

I liked the vibe and world in SS more than in TP. The dark atmosphere was better in MM than in TP.


For me, that's a huge part of the Zelda experience, followed shortly by the music and gameplay mechanics.

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