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Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)


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I'm about 27 hours in, work is such a killer knowing this is at home. Just finished chapter 5, on an affinity mission which is kicking my ass right at the end, I think I'm missing something obvious about defeating this many enemies..


Still going good, I absolutely love it.


Yes. My thoughts are like this at the moment. I have the urge to play it at all times, just like the original.

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Yes. My thoughts are like this at the moment. I have the urge to play it at all times, just like the original.


And to make it worse, I get home and other things to do, why must adult life suck? I lack charisma to make it as a Twitch streamer with all the other cool kids.

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18 or so hours in and I think I finally understand the combat a little better. Stopping you from having a real healing art really forces you to listen to what your teammates are doing and respond accordingly. (Or as I do, watch the thingy for a flash.)


Finally beginning to approach battles without too much fear.

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18 or so hours in and I think I finally understand the combat a little better. Stopping you from having a real healing art really forces you to listen to what your teammates are doing and respond accordingly. (Or as I do, watch the thingy for a flash.)


Finally beginning to approach battles without too much fear.


I'm at about half that, maybe nine or ten hours in - so many games to play - and the battle system has just started to "click" with me. :)


I keep going off on side-quests, some of the drop-rates or appearance rates seem brtual, on one quest I've been running around looking for...


Anhydrous Radiators



...for a good three hours or so of game time, but I'm levelling up and exploring so it's all good. : peace:

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I'm at about half that, maybe nine or ten hours in - so many games to play - and the battle system has just started to "click" with me. :)


I keep going off on side-quests, some of the drop-rates or appearance rates seem brtual, on one quest I've been running around looking for...


Anhydrous Radiators



...for a good three hours or so of game time, but I'm levelling up and exploring so it's all good. : peace:

Yeah, I did one of those item collecting quests yesterday, and it took bloody ages to get the item I needed! :shakehead

It was also unfortunate that the location of the item was full of higher level enemies, so every time I got jumped I couldn't pick stuff up! :heh:


Anyway, now that I'm making proper use of the missions list and Follow Ball (what a handy tool that is :awesome:) the game is certainly a lot more fun. I'm not a fan of how some quests don't provide you with any location information at all though. I suppose they're designed to make you explore for yourself, but given the size of the environment that's not always exactly fun. :hmm:

I accepted one of the affinity quests and it provides pretty much no indication of where to go or what to do, so it's just sitting there in my mission list. Thing is, I can't actually take on any story quests until I clear it, so I've been stuck doing side-quests. :hehe:


Will no doubt be hooked on Yakuza 5 now anyway, and I still have Just Cause 3 to finish! It's typical how I start getting into this game just as I get bombarded with other titles. :grin: Why couldn't this have been released earlier?! Oh well.

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I have quite a few normal quests on my list that I have accepted but have just left there. I have been focussing on affinity and story quests. (Quite a few people get stuck on affinity quests it would seem.) I think I have only done one collectible quest thus far and I already had most of the items.


Been reading about some of the rarer quests though - they don't sound like fun - but as someone who pretty much 100%ed the original game I have heard nothing thus far that suggests the original games super rare drops have been repeated. (Yes @S\.C\.G even three hours. I think my record was 7-8 looking for an ice cabbage in the original game.)

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Mario & Luigi has become a snooze fest, so I decided to fire this up today. Very mixed impressions so far.


The custom character creator is an absolute joke. There's hardly any real variety. Honestly, it reminds me of the original PSO and not it a good way. The limited options were fine back then but games have moved on and I expected better.


The voice acting seems fine but the lip synching is completely out of whack. It feels like I'm playing Final Fantasy X all over again. :D


While the scenery looks great, the character models are pretty rough, even basic at times. At least the animations are better than the previous game but then that wasn't hard to beat. :heh:


All of these things seem like a generation behind what's on offer in other open world games. I guess this may have been what you meant @Happenstance when you mentioned the PS2?


Whoever was in charge of the text size wants fired. It's bad enough trying to read it on a large TV but becomes a massive headache when trying to read the blurry mess on the GamePad.


I haven't been over whelmed with stuff yet but then I'm just at the start and I'm running around and doing some grinding ( love me some levelling up ) while having Friends on in the background.

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Firstly, if you're going to get the most out of this game, READ THE MANUAL. I mean really, read the manual. It helps a whole bunch. The game is incredibly complex. I've read the manual once and will probably brush up on it again when more options become open to me.


There is so much depth in the game it's unreal - just roaming around and seeing all the wildlife and scenery is fun, especially how the different areas look breath taking and how the different wildlife reacts to your presence.


There are a couple of really good options for beginners - most importantly the option to auto-equip the best gear you are carrying. This makes life a lot easier and streamlines equipping gear for those who just want to skip that.


As the game progresses the story unfolds a little more, I've only played for 7 hours and have just done Chapter Three, it progresses well and you can spend ages just exploring and doing quests out on the main field.


I am yet to explore New LA and obviously haven't acquired a skell yet, but am really enjoying the game and the exploration.


One criticism that some have levelled is that the game doesn't give you a skell from the start - well that is just bollocks. Why would anyone complain that you don't get the most powerful weapon right away? That would remove the progression from the game! The skells not only provide better weaponry, but also allow access to new areas - it would be like playing Metroid Prime with a fully equipped Samus from the start!


Overall, I think this game is incredible. The more you play the more it grips you (and I'm not even that deep into the story yet). The battle system is also surprisingly fun and engaging - you do actually feel as if you are doing something and making a difference rather than just sitting there picking attacks from a menu!


If you enjoyed the original, or if you want a truly epic game then this is a must have title! It also happens to be the most beautiful and breathtaking open world I've ever encountered in a game!

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Put another hour into it last night...nah, not feeling it at all. It lacks the charm of the first game, at least so far. The music is also horrendous. That battle theme....man. Who thought that was a good idea?


I had some graphical issues with it as well. I was fighting this big beastie and his legs/feet would just go through my character. Totally took me out of the game. I was attacking it yet I could just walk through the thing.


Wanting to get my teeth into a meaty game, I decided to fire up Dragon Age Inquisition ( been sitting on my shelf for best part of a year ) and I'm having much more fun with that. It's quite interesting seeing the difference in quality between them both. DA seems to be the better game at the moment.

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Put another hour into it last night...nah, not feeling it at all. It lacks the charm of the first game, at least so far. The music is also horrendous. That battle theme....man. Who thought that was a good idea?
"We're stuck on a whooooooooole different plannnnnnnnet!" :laughing:


And what about the fantastic vocals in the city area:

"I can't hear you... I can't see you... I can't hear you..." over and over again.


Man, I wish I couldn't hear you! :shakehead


Yeah, the soundtrack has been completely destroyed for me unfortunately by the use of vocals. icon13.gif

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Its a shame you guys are not feeling it. I have seen all of the issues that you have seen but the core gameplay of exploration/everything can kill me unless I am careful, is driving me onwards. I think I am about 18 hours in - 3 hours a night since release. More than I have spent on a single game since the original I think.


The funny thing about the music is that I have not even been listening to the lyrics. Somehow they seem to fade into the background for me. Perhaps that helps me enjoy it more. :heh:


Still nowhere near as good as the music in the original game though.

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You are saying that you are finding DA more enjoyable than this. Wait until you try The Witcher. Night and day!!


Yup, can't wait to get involved with that beast, especially as DA:I was well received but just about everyone say The Witcher surpasses it. Depending on how long it takes me to beat DA, I could get to The Witcher before Christmas.

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My copy hasn't arrived yet, the postman here is really a story for himself.....


It's thereeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D, and postman is laughing and saying he brought it the same day, like it's some achievement, hahahahaha. He is a good guy, but he always decides when to bring the letters and packages, if he dosn't feel there is not enough, he just dosn't do it....

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My copy hasn't arrived yet, the postman here is really a story for himself.....


It's thereeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D, and postman is laughing and saying he brought it the same day, like it's some achievement, hahahahaha. He is a good guy, but he always decides when to bring the letters and packages, if he dosn't feel there is not enough, he just dosn't do it....


Mine just got delivered, too. That's the quickest something has been sent from the UK. They must have posted it well early. Well happy, post some thoughts after my first protracted play.

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I still haven't tried it.... My parents came on friday, just samo 10 minuted after the game was delivered, so I managed to put it in as I wanted to see the intro, but had to cancle it as I was missing to much.


But, it was enough time to see that the font is really small. Can it be changed in the settings? If not, I really hope they will make an update for that.

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