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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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don't answer a question with a question.

You stated that pretty much every developer had abandoned the Wii U. I asked you to list them and all you did was list games that are actually exclusive to Wii U, the complete opposite of what you had claimed.


Of course there are games that won't come to Wii U, nobody bought a Wii U to play GTA5 or Battlefield, but the flip side of that coin is that Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Zelda etc


Fine then, to list them:


All the ones apart from those developing X and Bayonetta 2. Satisfied?

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You stated that pretty much every developer had abandoned the Wii U. I asked you to list them and all you did was list games that are actually exclusive to Wii U, the complete opposite of what you had claimed.


All I can think of at the moment is Thief and Tomb Raider.


Going forward we have Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts. All of these are from S-E and none are announced for the Wii U so I guess that's another company that isn't supporting the console in a substantial way, if any.


The likes of The Division and The Crew won't be making an appearance from Ubisoft and with WatchDogs being a bit shaky I guess their support could be done as well.


Activision may continue to support the Wii U with CoD but it's certainly not getting Destiny come September.


That's off the top of my head. There could be more.


EDIT: Konami aren't giving the Wii U Metal Gear Solid 5 or Ground Zeroes.


Alien Isolation

Evil Within

Dying Light

Diablo 3

Elders Scrolls Online

The Witcher 3


All of these are 3rd party games that aren't coming to Wii U but are arriving on both the other consoles.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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All I can think of at the moment is Thief and Tomb Raider.


Going forward we have Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts. All of these are from S-E and none are announced for the Wii U so I guess that's another company that isn't supporting the console in a substantial way, if any.


The likes of The Division and The Crew won't be making an appearance from Ubisoft and with WatchDogs being a bit shaky I guess their support could be done as well.


Activision may continue to support the Wii U with CoD but it's certainly not getting Destiny come September.


That's off the top of my head. There could be more.


Yeah, other than CoD we won't be getting anything substantial from third partie..and even CoD is a maybe given how poorly it performed.


That ship sailed a long time ago, unfortunately.

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No, you see, it's Microsoft that pushed a camera being so important that it had to be included in the box. Sony never needed to clarify something that was never confused to begin with.


A better analogy would be for every car ever made to have never come with a sun roof when you buy the car, and for you then to criticise a company for not including a sun roof with the car. It just doesn't make any sense what you're arguing but I'm not sure you realise that.


A large part of me also thinks that people paying £350 without having invested even the briefest of time reading the box contents on the side/internet deserve everything they get.


if the company advertised the car with a sunroof, then yes I would complain if it didn't have one.


As for you last comment, are you really that much of a Sony fanboy that in your mind it's ok for them to falsely advertise a product and it's down to the customer to make sure they are not getting duped. I think XB1 is a horror, but I at least admire Microsoft for being open and upfront with their plans. Put it another way what would you think if you opened your PS4 and there was no controller?

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if the company advertised the car with a sunroof, then yes I would complain if it didn't have one.


As for you last comment, are you really that much of a Sony fanboy that in your mind it's ok for them to falsely advertise a product and it's down to the customer to make sure they are not getting duped. I think XB1 is a horror, but I at least admire Microsoft for being open and upfront with their plans. Put it another way what would you think if you opened your PS4 and there was no controller?


To be fair, is there an advert doing the rounds with the camera? ( proper question ) The only thing I seen of that was at E3 and the Jimmy Fallon Show. The only advert that I've seen on TV is 4 The Gamers one.

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Fine then, to list them:


All the ones apart from those developing X and Bayonetta 2. Satisfied?


well in that case who makes COD, AC, Batman, LEGO, Rayman, Wonderfull 101, F1 Race Stars because i definitely have all these games and i'm sure they are not all made by Nintendo.


Either list all the publishers or retract your statement

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if the company advertised the car with a sunroof, then yes I would complain if it didn't have one.


As for you last comment, are you really that much of a Sony fanboy that in your mind it's ok for them to falsely advertise a product and it's down to the customer to make sure they are not getting duped. I think XB1 is a horror, but I at least admire Microsoft for being open and upfront with their plans. Put it another way what would you think if you opened your PS4 and there was no controller?

Never has such been advertised. Hush, lest you lie more.



Also, here's the X1 box:




(Note Kinect, at the top)





Note the console, controller, yet lack of any visible camera.


For a person to be duped they would have to be of questionable intelligence.



Not only that, but they do list the box contents on the side:




^ (this is the mega pack, thus does have the camera). Clearly labelled - there's really no argument here.


well in that case who makes COD, AC, Batman, LEGO, Rayman, Wonderfull 101, F1 Race Stars because i definitely have all these games and i'm sure they are not all made by Nintendo.


Either list all the publishers or retract your statement


Oh come on. Games like ME3, AC3, Batman - they were sloppy seconds, ports of games people had for the most part long since stopped caring about. I would hardly call that 'support'. To show support, how about making some exclusives for the console?


Hero has put a good list there of companies that won't be releasing their games on the Wii U. Then you've also got games like Assassin's Creed - they might be released on Wii U at the moment while the last gen still persists, but what then? Do you think these sorts of companies are going to keep making Wii U versions after most people have hopped onto next gen? I very much doubt it, to be honest.

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Of course there are games that won't come to Wii U, nobody bought a Wii U to play GTA5 or Battlefield, but the flip side of that coin is that Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Zelda etc


Speak for yourself. After the rhetoric we heard from Nintendo pre launch I fully expected the likes of Battlefield and co to be released on the wii u.


All I can think of at the moment is Thief and Tomb Raider.


Going forward we have Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts. All of these are from S-E and none are announced for the Wii U so I guess that's another company that isn't supporting the console in a substantial way, if any.


The likes of The Division and The Crew won't be making an appearance from Ubisoft and with WatchDogs being a bit shaky I guess their support could be done as well.


Activision may continue to support the Wii U with CoD but it's certainly not getting Destiny come September.


That's off the top of my head. There could be more.


EDIT: Konami aren't giving the Wii U Metal Gear Solid 5 or Ground Zeroes.


Alien Isolation

Evil Within

Dying Light

Diablo 3

Elders Scrolls Online

The Witcher 3


All of these are 3rd party games that aren't coming to Wii U but are arriving on both the other consoles.

Even downloadable titles like Strider which is hitting everything else isnt getting a Wii U release.

Edited by liger05
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Speak for yourself. After the rhetoric we heard from Nintendo pre launch I fully expected the likes of Battlefield and co to be released on the wii u.



Even downloadable titles like Strider which is hitting everything else isnt getting a Wii U release.

Battlefield was set for the Wii U, before Nintendo & EA's partnership collapsed.

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The only time Sony have advertised the camera was at the initial reveal. They haven't mentioned it since then.


It's no different to Nintendo mentioning backwards compatibility and not putting a Wii Remote & Nunchuck with every Wii U.

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Lol it's behind Vita :(

As is the 3DS, which is rather telling considering the disparity in sales between the two. It's like developers don't want money, seeing as games like Gunman Clive, Mutant Mudds, Birds Mania 3D etc. have sold better on the 3DS than on all other platforms combined, including iOS.


Seriously, the 3DS is doing well worldwide (albeit not amazingly in the west, but still well), the eShop has really leniant self publishing details, and yet many developers are skipping it. It furthers the point I've been making the last year that even if Nintendo put out the best console ever that ticked all the boxes, developers would just pass still.


There's also a potential skew. They asked individual developers, not companies. As such, if there was a big batch of say EA developers, then it could be skewed somewhat.


If anything, 4% is too high :p Seriously though, it's not that far behind 360/PS3 and they're still showing strong support. It's not that much of a bad situation in all. It could and should be better, but alas.

Edited by Serebii
Automerged Doublepost
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But, do they really? I'm not saying your wrong but...could you elaborate. I've not really kept up with Famitsu.


They give away top scores like anything and titles from big publishers usually do very well in famistu reviews.


As is the 3DS, which is rather telling considering the disparity in sales between the two. It's like developers don't want money, seeing as games like Gunman Clive, Mutant Mudds, Birds Mania 3D etc. have sold better on the 3DS than on all other platforms combined, including iOS.


Is it because the 3DS doesnt run Unity?


But yes your right it amazes me why the 3DS doesnt get more when there is defiently money to be made on the 3DS Eshop.

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That possibly has an effect, but I highly doubt that's the whole reason. Nintendo gives Unity to free to all developers that sign onto the Wii U unlike Sony & MS, and yet 4%.


What about restraints of the 3DS Hardware? I dont know the ins and outs but does a typical game made for IOS/Android need much work done for a 3DS version? Obviously the resolution of the screen is a lot lower and I do remember the guys who make Zen Pinball mention how the screen resolution of the 3DS did pose some issues.

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That possibly has an effect, but I highly doubt that's the whole reason. Nintendo gives Unity to free to all developers that sign onto the Wii U unlike Sony & MS, and yet 4%.


This is another ridiculous simplification to make a point.


Yes, Nintendo give away Unity and that's great (unless you already have a licence). The other companies supply support, mentoring etc that could arguably outweigh a free piece of software (obviously this is a case-by-case thing so impossible to say either way). Also, Unity has a very robust free version.


Besides, the cynical part of me believes Nintendo did this not to get developers to make games for the Wii U, but rather port existing games (as Unity can help a lot with this) so they can play catch up. Look at their big "we have indie games!" direct from last year. 17/18 titles had appeared elsewhere. It's great they're also coming to the Wii U, but it's very much a catch up.


It's fair to praise Nintendo for giving it away, but snidely criticising the others for not doing so isn't fair.

Edited by Ashley
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How was I snidely criticising? I was stating a fact. Also, you're missing the support that developers state Nintendo has provided, as well. So now who is "oversimplifying"


This is a big problem of you lot against me. You read things into what I say with intent that isn't there, and then claim I'm the one being disruptive when we have passive aggressive statements such as what Daft said, and crap like the Wii U General Discussion a few days ago, yet that just all slides and you take shots at me. If you have a problem with me, then just say it.

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How was I snidely criticising? I was stating a fact. Also, you're missing the support that developers state Nintendo has provided, as well. So now who is "oversimplifying"


This is a big problem of you lot against me. You read things into what I say with intent that isn't there, and then claim I'm the one being disruptive when we have passive aggressive statements such as what Daft said, and crap like the Wii U General Discussion a few days ago, yet that just all slides and you take shots at me. If you have a problem with me, then just say it.


Nintendo gives Unity to free to all developers that sign onto the Wii U unlike Sony & MS


That reads snidely. Perhaps it wasn't meant as such, but after you admitted you have an axe to grind against Sony recently can you really blame me for assuming?


And I wasn't trying to say that Nintendo weren't supplying support (but I did omit it), but I could have made that clearer sorry.


And as I've said before, if you have issues let us know. You seemed to join in on the joke in the recent Awards thread, so it would be difficult to know which comments offend you and which don't.

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That reads snidely. Perhaps it wasn't meant as such, but after you admitted you have an axe to grind against Sony recently can you really blame me for assuming?


And I wasn't trying to say that Nintendo weren't supplying support (but I did omit it), but I could have made that clearer sorry.


And as I've said before, if you have issues let us know. You seemed to join in on the joke in the recent Awards thread, so it would be difficult to know which comments offend you and which don't.

I fail to see how giving factual statements makes things read as being snide.


Your statement was worse in that you made a lie of ommission to try and further your point, as opposed to my allegedly being snide.


I also "joined in", because I know that if I did complain, nothing would be done because I'm the "evil" person who disrupts things and clearly I'm the one who should be removed from a specific forum just because I speak positively about a company that we're all here to actually discuss.


This is quite possibly the first time I may be acting the way you claim, also. For that, I apologise, but I dislike being singled out, and I strongly dislike people putting words in my mouth to skew my meaning in an attempt to demean me.

Edited by Serebii
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I fail to see how giving factual statements makes things read as being snide.


Your statement was worse in that you made a lie of ommission to try and further your point, as opposed to my allegedly being snide.


I also "joined in", because I know that if I did complain, nothing would be done because I'm the "evil" person who disrupts things and clearly I'm the one who should be removed from a specific forum just because I speak positively about a company that we're all here to actually discuss.


This is quite possibly the first time I may be acting the way you claim, also. For that, I apologise, but I dislike being singled out, and I strongly dislike people putting words in my mouth to skew my meaning in an attempt to demean me.


I didn't make a lie of omission to further a point, I omitted some information because I'm tired, ill and I've been at work all fucking day. If we're going to get nitpicky, you omitted that Microsoft give away Unity to certain developers too.


I am genuinely sorry if you dislike my interpretation of your post, but it is not without reason given your other posts.


And please can you stop this martyr complex. You know very well that what happened isn't because you speak positively about Nintendo. And this is definitely a time when things are getting derailed and should stop.



Back to maths porn!

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