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You wear glasses even though you don't need to? So you wear them trying to be cool? *throws up in his mouth and hesitantly swallows it*

I think Daft looks hot in the glasses! I don't see whats wrong with it tbh. Wearing make-up to look good is accepted, what's the difference between that and wearing glasses?

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I think Daft looks hot in the glasses! I don't see whats wrong with it tbh. Wearing make-up to look good is accepted, what's the difference between that and wearing glasses?


Exactly! A mate of mine wears them sometimes at college, just because she likes the way they look. Nothing wrong with that at all.

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You wear glasses even though you don't need to? So you wear them trying to be cool? *throws up in his mouth and hesitantly swallows it*




I don't have to try and be cool. I dress how I want and I tend not to care about other people's issues. People's reactions make me laugh.

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I think Daft looks hot in the glasses! I don't see whats wrong with it tbh. Wearing make-up to look good is accepted, what's the difference between that and wearing glasses?


Each to their own, just feels like 'trying' to be someone; I don't like those fashion scarfs either, or wearing shades indoors and in winter, and I don't even like girls who wear loads of make up :) Just a little disingenuous. I prefer people a bit more natural.




I don't have to try and be cool. I dress how I want and I tend not to care about other people's issues. People's reactions make me laugh.


That's fine. I'm not saying you're a bad person or I think lesser of you. I was just surprised when you said you didn't need to wear them.

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Each to their own, just feels like 'trying' to be someone; I don't like those fashion scarfs either, or wearing shades indoors and in winter, and I don't even like girls who wear loads of make up :) Just a little disingenuous. I prefer people a bit more natural.


But...wearing glasses doesn't define someone. So how could wearing a pair of classes be concieved as trying to be someone else? *is confused*




I'm going to have a fair few embarassing pics to post on tuesday morning. Going to an 18th tomorrow night, and the place is going to be filled with masses of balloons shaped like knobs. Don't ask me why...she just thought it would be "fun". :heh:


edit: What is wrong with me? I cannot type properly today.

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I think Daft looks hot in the glasses! I don't see whats wrong with it tbh. Wearing make-up to look good is accepted, what's the difference between that and wearing glasses?


Thanks very much Molly. :smile:


Exactly! A mate of mine wears the sometimes at college, just because she likes the way they look. Nothing wrong with that at all.


I like being silly. Most people here have seen my bike. :D


Each to their own, just feels like 'trying' to be someone; I don't like those fashion scarfs either, or wearing shades indoors and in winter, and I don't even like girls who wear loads of make up :) Just a little disingenuous. I prefer people a bit more natural.


I don't wear them all the time. People who see me regularly know that I don't dress consistently. I'll wear my suits one week, I love getting my Vivien Westwood ties out (Sales ftw) :heh: , the next week I'll dress like a true NY hipster. Sometimes, shock horror, I dress as a student. Everyone pretends to be something to a certain degree, a lot of people just don't realise it.


I get what you mean by the whole natural thing but I'm only really being superficial. You only have to talk to me to realise I'm the same person.


That's fine. I'm not saying you're a bad person or I think lesser of you. I was just surprised when you said you didn't need to wear them.


I'm just having fun. :smile:

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But...wearing glasses doesn't define someone. So how could wearing a pair of classes be concieved as trying to be someone else? *is confused*


Someone who wears glasses who doesn't need them is trying to look cool, that's why they're doing it, maybe cool is the wrong word, but it's 'creating' an image. Just my opinion, I didn't really expect it to go on like this to be honest.

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Someone who wears glasses who doesn't need them is trying to look cool, that's why they're doing it, maybe cool is the wrong word, but it's 'creating' an image. Just my opinion, I didn't really expect it to go on like this to be honest.


The difference is whether the created image is for the pleasure (harmless) of the person doing the creating, or to cause discomfort to others, and hide issues from others (all those tarty, bitchy girls we all see).


Wearing interesting stuff gives a sense of freedom and a buzz. Simple as that. (IMO)


It's like when people critisice those who dye their hair. :indeed:

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Thanks very much Molly. :smile:




I like being silly. Most people here have seen my bike. :D




I don't wear them all the time. People who see me regularly know that I don't dress consistently. I'll wear my suits one week, I love getting my Vivien Westwood ties out (Sales ftw) :heh: , the next week I'll dress like a true NY hipster. Sometimes, shock horror, I dress as a student. Everyone pretends to be something to a certain degree, a lot of people just don't realise it.


I get what you mean by the whole natural thing but I'm only really being superficial. You only have to talk to me to realise I'm the same person.


I'm sorry if I came across like I was taking the piss. I wasn't, it was just a joke to begin with and I'm sure you're a great guy; I like people who aren't afraid to be silly and up for a laugh. All my comments after were not directed at what I thought you was like; I was speaking more generally.


PS At least my comment has got you a date with Molly :)

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Someone who wears glasses who doesn't need them is trying to look cool, that's why they're doing it, maybe cool is the wrong word, but it's 'creating' an image. Just my opinion, I didn't really expect it to go on like this to be honest.


Stopping after this :heh: but the clothes you wear every single day are 'creating an image', I don't see any difference at all.


PS At least my comment has got you a date with Molly :)

lol, did I miss something?!

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Someone who wears glasses who doesn't need them is trying to look cool, that's why they're doing it, maybe cool is the wrong word, but it's 'creating' an image. Just my opinion, I didn't really expect it to go on like this to be honest.


You're totally right. I crate a lot of images though, but then doesn't everyone? That's what we do when create a facebook account. When we behave certain ways. When we dress in certain ways. The image I project to my family is completely different to the image I project to my friends. I think it's pretty natural to be honest.


I'm not concerned with what strangers think. My friends know who I am no matter how I dress though.


PS At least my comment has got you a date with Molly :)


If only I were so luck. :smile:

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The difference is whether the created image is for the pleasure (harmless) of the person doing the creating, or to cause discomfort to others, and hide issues from others (all those tarty, bitchy girls we all see).


Wearing interesting stuff gives a sense of freedom and a buzz. Simple as that. (IMO)


It's like when people critisice those who dye their hair. :indeed:


I never once said there's anything wrong with it. I'm just saying for me personally I prefer people (NOT Daft) who are really natural and have their own personality. For example, I quite like geeky girls, into games, toys, like films and music etc. Any girl can pretend to be geeky and like films and games..... doesn't mean that's who they are!


I also quite like shy, awkward girls (don't ask why), again, someone can pretend to be this type of person, but they're not really. I like people not images, if you get me?! Hmmm, I thinks I'm confusing the matter :D


You're totally right. I crate a lot of images though, but then doesn't everyone? That's what we do when create a facebook account. When we behave certain ways. When we dress in certain ways. The image I project to my family is completely different to the image I project to my friends. I think it's pretty natural to be honest.


I'm not concerned with what strangers think. My friends know who I am no matter how I dress though.




If only I were so luck. :smile:


The fragmented self......


Yeah I agree with what you're saying, I suppose ultimately it's about the conscious creation of who you are and just being who you are.


Deep man....deep.... :)

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I never once said there's anything wrong with it. I'm just saying for me personally I prefer people (NOT Daft) who are really natural and have their own personality. For example, I quite like geeky girls, into games, toys, like films and music etc. Any girl can pretend to be geeky and like films and games..... doesn't mean that's who they are!


I also quite like shy, awkward girls (don't ask why), again, someone can pretend to be this type of person, but they're not really. I like people not images, if you get me?! Hmmm, I thinks I'm confusing the matter :D


Well that's a bit different then. I was taking the image creation more literally I guess.


I'm on the same page, I'd say. My friend (who now lives in my house, due to lack of a boarding hosue for her) is literally a malicious culprit of image creation. I swear to god, she's trying to be a living "anime girl". She fake pouts and tilts her head for no reason, acting confused and al cutesy. She never speaks "normally", theres always some pre-set emotion she "turns on" before saying anything. Like "Lipsy-Cute" or "drawn out-pitiful". It just gets on my nerves so much.


That and she's the worlds worst worrier. And she always asks before she does ANYTHING, despite being told to treat our house as her own. Courtesy just turns to whininess and annoyance after a while. I really want to beat her with a stick sometimes.


I have no idea how her boyfriend (who is actually at Uni, having his own normal life, puts up with it. Apparently he told her to stop calling him every night, she was just crying down the phone at how shit her life was or something. Sad, sad, sad, diabetic, mad elederly parents blah blah. Put a cork in it, we all have to.

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The fragmented self......


Yeah I agree with what you're saying, I suppose ultimately it's about the conscious creation of who you are and just being who you are.


Deep man....deep.... :)


I recommend it. I think everyone should try something completely different even if it were just for one night. It's fun.


South East and London.....you aint too far away from each other. If you're both single then DO IT!!! :D


lol, I'm sure Molly can do better than my mentally fragmented self. :heh:

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speaking of image creation:


I swear to fuck, H&M, Top Man et al are in a conspiracy to make me want to kill myself with their latest collections. They're so savagely dull, it's like they want to bore me in to a vegetative state.

I need a job so hard. I'm going to dress like a stylish motherfucker and live a paupers life. It's going to be awesome.

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speaking of image creation:


I swear to fuck, H&M, Top Man et al are in a conspiracy to make me want to kill myself with their latest collections. They're so savagely dull, it's like they want to bore me in to a vegetative state.

I need a job so hard. I'm going to dress like a stylish motherfucker and live a paupers life. It's going to be awesome.


Exactly, when you go out with all the lads and slags. Every guy has a topman shirt on, the same toni and guy haircut....they all look the same!!

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I recommend it. I think everyone should try something completely different even if it were just for one night. It's fun.




lol, I'm sure Molly can do better than my mentally fragmented self. :heh:


Don't play yourself down :) Tell her if she thinks you look hot in glasses, she should see you in your boxer shorts....... or something like that..... or just resubmit the pic with you in the Kazooie hat!!


Not at all! You're too good looking for the likes of me though, people would just stare and it would be uncomfortable. :heh:


Why don't you submit a pic too, then someone can photoshop you both together. Let the forum decide!

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Exactly, when you go out with all the lads and slags. Every guy has a topman shirt on, the same toni and guy haircut....they all look the same!!


I call it American Apparel Syndrome.


Not at all! You're too good looking for the likes of me though, people would just stare and it would be uncomfortable. :heh:


lol, don't be silly. :smile:

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