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I've always wondered what 'XD' means?


It's a smilie. Firmly shut eyes and a wide laughing mouth.

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Its a laughing face (and the subtitle to a Pokemon game) X suggests the eyes are...crossed I suppose. I dunno, it was so funny they closed their eyes. And D is a really smiley mouth.

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*looks back*


You right :P Whoopsie XD


Yea! Sort it out!!


Jokes! :heh: I just have annoyingly weird selective memory....: peace:

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As much as this is.






Oh wait, forums automagic formatting won't let me do it properly. Aw.

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tk you look like someone my little brother would be friends with, except without the look of someone who will gladly drink white lightening on street corners.


Im not sure what thats meant to mean, but thats what came to mind.


Erm thanks? :/


And Motion XD is a face. As in "Doh!"

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Erm thanks? :/


And Motion XD is a face. As in "Doh!"


Noo, very much not like D'oh. More like you're laughing so hard your eyes are squinted.


Although ^_^ can't be described with a human face. Neither can n_n. Though I'd fucking love having eyes like that.

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When I posted that I had bought red shorts and an oversized beanie in Post Your Purchases Cube told me he wants a picture of me wearing just those, so thus:




(the low quality cam makes my sheets look really grubby, they were cleaned yesterday.)


And this for the sake of MPT:



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Wow, Ashley! Your muscles are big.


Do achieve a six pack, you need to do three things consistently:


cardiovascular exercise, weight lifting exercise, and abs exercises, the atter I've only started to do again.

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Meeting vetran comedian Ken Dodd last night. I'm on the left, and my friend James is on his right.





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Wow, Ashley! Your muscles are big.


Do achieve a six pack, you need to do three things consistently:


cardiovascular exercise, weight lifting exercise, and abs exercises, the atter I've only started to do again.


Geez thanks for answering a question I didn't ask. Mighty handy.


Im fine with how I am ta. (well I don't like my nose but frame wise I'm good)

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Geez thanks for answering a question I didn't ask. Mighty handy.


Im fine with how I am ta. (well I don't like my nose but frame wise I'm good)


That wasn't specifically aimed at you, just anyone who was wondering

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Regardless. It was a question nobdoy asked. And the word "do" (granted, presumably a typo) seems more like a command rather than a helpful tidbit.

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Regardless. It was a question nobdoy asked. And the word "do" (granted, presumably a typo) seems more like a command rather than a helpful tidbit.


It was a mistake. I meant 'to', but touch typing is a tricky method to grasp.


'do' in that sentance doesn't even make sense. Surely that was the biggest giveaway.

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Yeah, because the internet is a place filled to the brim with correct grammar and spelling...


"Do achieve a six pack, you need to do three things consistently:" could actually work if you follow the assumption the comma is meant to be a full stop.

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I was also wondering why he told you that. And also wodnered why he thinks you wouldn't know how to do it anyway.

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Does anybody actually care about this conversation?

Stop arguing over grammer and post some pics of yourself:)


post some of yourself UK actually.

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you look disgusted with something....hmm wonder what you were looking at


Probably disgusted with my brothers (who I cut out because they're ugly) because they were acting like...well their names (Dick and Beaver)

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Probably disgusted with my brothers (who I cut out because they're ugly) because they were acting like...well their names (Dick and Beaver)


Dick and Beaver... wow.


Why, was one ejaculating and the other making a dam?


I was also wondering why he told you that. And also wodnered why he thinks you wouldn't know how to do it anyway.


Again, I'll say- that was just a random rant and was not specifically aimed at Ashley.

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Where do you live and why do you look like someone I think I know >_<




Don't ask >_<


EDIT: oops.


EDIT2: Oh god, I promise my skin is a lot better now, I look like a crack whore !_!

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Dick and Beaver... wow.


Why, was one ejaculating and the other making a dam?


Dick is a nickname for Richard (his actual name). And Beaver is the opposite.

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