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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Hitting your calorie count is easy. I only eat between 2pm and 10pm and it's easy as cake (probably easier). Portein shakes and whole milk. Peanut butter and good bread. Snacking on nuts. Then two big meals but with larger portions. Cheese, glorious cheese. Add eggs in there, use olive oil, increase portion size.


An easy calorie surplus.

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Hitting your calorie count is easy. I only eat between 2pm and 10pm and it's easy as cake (probably easier). Portein shakes and whole milk. Peanut butter and good bread. Snacking on nuts. Then two big meals but with larger portions. Cheese, glorious cheese. Add eggs in there, use olive oil, increase portion size.


An easy calorie surplus.


I could eat all of that now. But, when I was younger and much skinnier, I would have had a very hard time trying to go through that daily.


When you're not used to eating as much, it's not that easy to suddenly just start eating so much food.

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What type of protein are you on? The stuff I use (PHD) tastes amazing when mixed with water.




This be the stuff. I've just gone through a tub this size - cost £50 from a shop down the road that sells all this kinda stuff. It's not disgusting or anything, it's perfectly fine - it's purely the amount of it in one go that I struggle with. I'm not a 'drink a lot in one go' type of guy ha and sipping it takes forever. But I've got better just getting it out the way with.


I went the gym earlier tonight and stopped off at the 'protein shop' (as I call it :laughing: ) as I'd just used the last serving of that big tub this morning.


They had an offer on the 2kg tubs - 2 for £50 so I bought a vanilla and a choc to mix it up. Had a vanilla after my work out and it was so much nicer! Tasted like these things:

White chocolate


The inside of a Milky Way. :grin:


Was much nicer than the choc!


And Flink - yeah it is the eating that's tricky. I'm a little and often type of guy but I'm noticing the difference already as my diet before I made this change was crap - like loads of sugar food, chocs, rubbish meals, no structure etc. Now I have everything at similar times and snack on much healthier things like nuts seeds, fig rolls (mmm!) but also get in all the food that isn't so good but I'm allowed coz I'm skinny innit! It's kinda win win. Haha. I like having structure to my meals too. Porridge in morning with walnuts and maple syrup, whole wheat toast, meat and carbs at lunch, protein bar in afternoon, gym, shake, evening meal of meat and carbs, some chocolate and sometimes mueslie before bed if I'm peckish. And lots of snacks in between.


I started at 8st 6 :hmm: and I'm 9st 3 at min. By january my PT wants to see 9st 6 which he's confident I can achieve. I'm determined anyway, so hopefully I'll get there! :hehe:

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Come on fatties, did Christmas do you in?


Went for a 5.6 mile jog today. was hoping for a 44 minute time (8:00/mile). Instead did it in 47 minutes (8:26/mile).


Still it's better than my last run (4.5 miles at 8:44/mile). Although not as good as my half marathon pace (8:11/mile), and much worse than my hoped pace for the next half marathon in April (7:37/mile).


Oh well, one step at a time is how to run.


EDIT: Oh shit, missed the title, missed the new thread.

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