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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Jim and I just finished another lifting session. I think we are doing well, trying to do our exercises multiple times a week. We did a pull day today, which is only 3 exercises for me (deadlift, rows and curls), a few more exercises for Jim. I am slowly increasing my weight/reps every time though, yay!


Though it is kind of depressing when Jim does about double the amount of weight that I do. Darnit. =P

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Haha you probably do triple the weight of what I do. I just started pretty much, only the second time we are actually recording what weight we are lifting. Today I did 5 reps at 53 kg (did a total of 7 sets).


So low weight, but I gotta work my way up. And somehow find a way to improve my grip because my poor hands/wrists do not like this. =P

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5x7 of 53kg is bloody good for a girl Eenuh. Honestly. I'm so bad with reps, they trash me hahah.


My first deadlift session was a 1 rep max of 100kg, but I inherited my fathers ridiculous body and strength. Being a 5ft10/178cm monster has its downsides too :P


@Eenuh This might be an interesting read for you: http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/DeadliftStandardsKg.html

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That's good going @Eenuh. So many women at my gym seems content with walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes and curling some 1kg weights.


I haaaaate the treadmill. I never much enjoyed the gym cause it just seems boring. I much prefer doing this at home, where Jim can help me out with the weights and encourage me to lift some more. Now we just have to get into squash again so we have a nice balance of lifting and cardio.


5x7 of 53kg is bloody good for a girl Eenuh. Honestly. I'm so bad with reps, they trash me hahah.


My first deadlift session was a 1 rep max of 100kg, but I inherited my fathers ridiculous body and strength. Being a 5ft10/178cm monster has its downsides too :P


@Eenuh This might be an interesting read for you: http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/DeadliftStandardsKg.html


Fucking hell, 100kg... haha shit.

I checked that page and I am nowhere near any of those weights that I should be lifting. But then I am trying for more reps so maybe if I tried a max rep of 1 I could go higher... but then I am also terrified of hurting myself. =P

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Mothers, and especially grandmothers, are on a constant mission to fatten you up.


It's a pain in the arse.

"Oh, you do too much gymming. Here. Here's a cake that I made WHILST YOU WERE SLEEPING. I also made a pie whilst you were in the bathroom. EAT IT ALL."




I do eat a lot of quorn (well, supermarket versions).


I do not eat fish because I'm a vegetarian :heh:



Ahh, so you're an actual vegetarian and not one of these ones that eats fish?

Seriously, quorn, eggs and milk, brah. Aside from chicken, quorn is something we eat a fair bit of. It's my lamb mince substitute and I'm certain that it's better for you, too. Eggs are a massive help.


As you're bulking, you'll struggle at the start if you're not used to eating that particular amount of food. It may even feel a bit repetitive. You have to think of it almost like it's a "game" and that there is something you get at the end of it. It'll be worth it in the end.


That's good going @Eenuh. So many women at my gym seems content with walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes and curling some 1kg weights.


I'm trying to get her out of that mindset. She told people in work that she was lifting weights and they were telling her "nooo, you just need to do cardio, don't lift, you'll get big!" blah blah.



5x7 of 53kg is bloody good for a girl Eenuh. Honestly. I'm so bad with reps, they trash me hahah.


My first deadlift session was a 1 rep max of 100kg, but I inherited my fathers ridiculous body and strength. Being a 5ft10/178cm monster has its downsides too :P


@Eenuh This might be an interesting read for you: http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/DeadliftStandardsKg.html


We're doing it all slowly, but she's making good improvements on pretty much everything at the moment. Dem n00b gainz. I'm also trying to get her to lift more efficiently and correctly, so that she won't end up rounding her back on higher weights, etc. It'll take time.


We ended up buying some more weight plates and dumbbell bars yesterday in Cardiff, so it'll mean we can get our workouts done quicker.

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It's a pain in the arse.

"Oh, you do too much gymming. Here. Here's a cake that I made WHILST YOU WERE SLEEPING. I also made a pie whilst you were in the bathroom. EAT IT ALL."




Ahh, so you're an actual vegetarian and not one of these ones that eats fish?

Seriously, quorn, eggs and milk, brah. Aside from chicken, quorn is something we eat a fair bit of. It's my lamb mince substitute and I'm certain that it's better for you, too. Eggs are a massive help.


As you're bulking, you'll struggle at the start if you're not used to eating that particular amount of food. It may even feel a bit repetitive. You have to think of it almost like it's a "game" and that there is something you get at the end of it. It'll be worth it in the end.




I'm trying to get her out of that mindset. She told people in work that she was lifting weights and they were telling her "nooo, you just need to do cardio, don't lift, you'll get big!" blah blah.





We're doing it all slowly, but she's making good improvements on pretty much everything at the moment. Dem n00b gainz. I'm also trying to get her to lift more efficiently and correctly, so that she won't end up rounding her back on higher weights, etc. It'll take time.


We ended up buying some more weight plates and dumbbell bars yesterday in Cardiff, so it'll mean we can get our workouts done quicker.


Yeah, I get that. My brother is relatively new to the lifting scene, i've been trying to drum into him about keeping his back straight. I've had a few funny looks from constantly uttering "stick that arse out".

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Another thing I can't figure out is calorific intake. Saw recommendations based on your weight and body fat %, but don't know the latter so tried to find out how to calculate it and coming across "it can't really be done accurately".

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Yeah, I get that. My brother is relatively new to the lifting scene, i've been trying to drum into him about keeping his back straight. I've had a few funny looks from constantly uttering "stick that arse out".


Hahaha, I've said that one.


Keep your arse up.




Probably just as well we do it at home. I imagine quite a lot of women feel self conscious lifting in the gym. There was this one time where I was finishing up and doing some cardio before home and this woman was doing some bent-over barbell rows in the weight area. Pretty much every guy's head had turned and were oogling her backside as she's lifting.


It's even worse when you see that rare woman who squats. I do see why women probably stay in the cardio areas, or just do classes. The guys don't really make it easy. :p

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I'm trying to get her out of that mindset. She told people in work that she was lifting weights and they were telling her "nooo, you just need to do cardio, don't lift, you'll get big!" blah blah.



They must think you just get huge over night. Do a few squats one day and your arse is twice the size the next.

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Another thing I can't figure out is calorific intake. Saw recommendations based on your weight and body fat %, but don't know the latter so tried to find out how to calculate it and coming across "it can't really be done accurately".


You'll see a lot on that over the net, too. Some will say eat 2000+, some will say maintain at 2000, so eat 2500-3000 and some will argue that you maintain at 2500 and need to eat above that.


Work out roughly what you currently eat first, and go from there. I'd probably say you'd need to aim for 2500 at the least. You can always tweak the figures slightly too, which I expect you'll do anyway.


They must think you just get huge over night. Do a few squats one day and your arse is twice the size the next.


We joke about this, but they really do think this. I was talking about squatting the other day with another girl at work, and when I asked her what she did to work out her legs, she said:


"I just use the cross-trainer, that'll work out my legs."


Twiggiest legs I've ever seen, evaaaar. Pretty sure they'd snap if I blew at them.

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You might as well be speaking a foreign language. The amount of times i've tried to explain that women naturally don't produce the testosterone needed to pack on muscle. In one ear out the next.


I'm lucky because Ine understands it, so I haven't had too much of a struggle explaining it to her. But, some people out there (a surprising amount of men, too) just don't have a clue.


I looooooool at those who say they'll go and work out and just pack on the muscle like they're going to buy a new game or something. "Yup, I've got two weeks off from work, so I'm going to hit the gym and get reeeeeeeally strong and put on loads of muscle."


*dies inside*

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McDonalds food, depending what you get, isn't actually all that bad for you. A Chicken Legend with salsa sauce is 540 calories but has 28g of protein in it. What is bad is the salt content (2.1g) and the fact that if you get one you're more than likely to get a large fizzy drink and large portion of chips.

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McDonalds food, depending what you get, isn't actually all that bad for you. A Chicken Legend with salsa sauce is 540 calories but has 28g of protein in it. What is bad is the salt content (2.1g) and the fact that if you get one you're more than likely to get a large fizzy drink and large portion of chips.


It's not just the protein you have to look at, though. Like you said with the salt. It's not the best thing you could be eating. You could probably get away with it on a bulk or a cheat day, but if you're trying to cut or maintain, I'd stay away from it, personally.


Aside from that, the food doesn't taste that great, anyway. If it were a cheat day, I'd rather go out for a subway or gourmet burger kitchen or something.

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It's not just the protein you have to look at, though. Like you said with the salt. It's not the best thing you could be eating. You could probably get away with it on a bulk or a cheat day, but if you're trying to cut or maintain, I'd stay away from it, personally.


Aside from that, the food doesn't taste that great, anyway. If it were a cheat day, I'd rather go out for a subway or gourmet burger kitchen or something.


Yeah it's definitely not a healthy meal but if you want one every once in a while and just stick with that Chicken Legend you won't do too much bad to your body.

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I've only recently (well last two months) started to do some excercise again after about 3 maybe 4 years of not really doing much :heh:


Don't have the time (or money) to be joining a Gym so just trying do home workouts.


Found some stuff on Youtube that I have following, great for short (20-30mins) workouts and really works up a sweat.


I started doing this one about start of last month, mixing it with some dumbell excercises on some days. Harder than it looks, the bits with the towel you'd think were silly but you keep pulling tight on it and your arms/shoulders get wrecked :D Great for cardio too.



I tried a few other videos I seen on his channel and tried following them but not really kept with/enjoyed another one till he posted this one two weeks ago.



Don't let the title fool you, that word "Beginner" is a LIE haha, appears simple enough but it will destroy you haha. I'm using dumbells of 5.5kg each at the moment for this, by the 2nd round the squat part is killer on the shoulders. I don't try not to take a rest between rounds but will go take a quick sip of water before going onto the next round.


Mainly I'm not trying to bulk up or anything, just want to try lose the belly fat I had gained (seems to be working) and tone up a bit to how I was in my early 20's :heh: And not looking for quick changes, just taking it slow and one day at a time. Try to work out 4 days a week, sometimes 5, with of course 2 or 3 days rest



Diet wise, I'm actually not changing much, I couldn't be bothered with worrying about how much calories something has and all that crap because I love my food :D Only food changes I've made is cut down on snacks and I've cut out lunch and replaced it with fruit and a protien shake...unless I happen to be out in the city in which case I can't say no to an Angus Burger at Burger King. Breakfast and dinner is still normal stuff. Cereal during the week and big fry ups on the weekend, mahahaha for Breakfast and whatever the wife cooks for dinner

Edited by Mokong
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Been on a run 5 days in a row. Its killing me not being able to go gym and doing weights though. Damn healing back tattoo!!


So im wondering if people could help me out. Im looking for some protein filled healthy receipes that I could use for tea! Anyone?

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Been on a run 5 days in a row. Its killing me not being able to go gym and doing weights though. Damn healing back tattoo!!


So im wondering if people could help me out. Im looking for some protein filled healthy receipes that I could use for tea! Anyone?


Fajitas, all day, every day. Get a cook book, brah. Pitta bread with grilled chicken and vegetables. Yum, yum.


I strained my wrist earlier in the week, so haven't lifted for a few days. It's getting better, but it sucks not being able to do what I want to do.

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