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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Curious to know whether people track what they do at each workout?


I use an app called Evernote, really handy for keeping track of how what exercises i've done, how many sets/reps i've done and with what weight. I find it also helps in those moments when you're not feeling like the gym at all, a quick glance at my logs and i'm fired up to go.


I really don't get people who go to the gym without an actual plan of what they're going to do and what they're looking to achieve.


I don't use an app or write down what I'm going to do, I store it mentally. Due to the frequency in which I exercise and the way it's "structured" (legs, push, pull), it's pretty easy for me to know how I did a few days ago and what I need to do to do better.

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I usually do but not at the moment cus of my various injuries. I don't always train regularly at the moment, and I do I mostly just do stretches, planks, bodyweight squats and lunges, and occasionally push ups and sand bag carries if I feel up to it. (I really am a wreck at the mo, bad back, tight hip, and might even have slight arthritis or carpel tunnel syndrome.)


I'm really only doing that stuff just to stay active so I haven't bothered tracking it. I've usually got what I did last time still in my head so I might try to beat that.


I do agree though that for anybody training seriously planning and tracking is a good idea. And as well as setting goals for your next workout I think it's good to look back on your old workouts and see how far you've come, very motivating.


I did't use an app or spreadshirt or anything fancy, just a basic doc file on my PC as I workout at home. As well as what I did, I often added little notes about the workout too which can be useful.

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I put my name in the ballot for next years London marathon, so I thought this morning I'd go a bit further than my previous best of 18km and run a half marathon (21.1km). Tough run is tough. Managed it in 1 hour 45 mins though. Which is good but I'll need to work on that if I'm to run twice as much.

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Figured out if I keep at the rate I'm going, I shall be bench pressing my body weight by my holiday. YEEEEEEEEEEAH.


And in related news, after an iffy first day I'm now enjoying my protein shakes. Cheers Charlie!

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Figured out if I keep at the rate I'm going, I shall be bench pressing my body weight by my holiday. YEEEEEEEEEEAH.


And in related news, after an iffy first day I'm now enjoying my protein shakes. Cheers Charlie!


What did you end up mixing it with?


This thread depresses me this week. Things haven't worked my way and I've only managed to get up to the gym once!

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Things have been a bit down here too. Jim and I sucked horribly at squash the last two times I think. The last game we just couldn't run at all, it just wouldn't work.


Got another game tomorrow but no idea hoa that is gonna go. I seem to have a problem with my left knee/leg, and Jim has some pain in his legs too. Hmm. Not a good week for exercise!


As for weight loss, I am slowly losing weight. On Sunday we had a "normal" day where we went out for dinner and had dessert and all that, so I regained some weight from that, but I have managed to work it off this week. Down 2kg now. Not amazing, but slow and steady is good for me. =)

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What did you end up mixing it with?


This thread depresses me this week. Things haven't worked my way and I've only managed to get up to the gym once!




If it helps, went to the gym today but apparently my body wasn't ready for it. Kind of failed at everything.

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my underhand deadlifting hand






52.5kg clean and push press todayy, pow! My traps are very tight and i was struggling to get the clean high enough that I was able to catch it properly. All I did was a lot of stretching and I managed to go from a 47.5/50 on a good day, to a good 52.5kg. Rawrrr. :)

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Things have been a bit down here too. Jim and I sucked horribly at squash the last two times I think. The last game we just couldn't run at all, it just wouldn't work.


Got another game tomorrow but no idea hoa that is gonna go. I seem to have a problem with my left knee/leg, and Jim has some pain in his legs too. Hmm. Not a good week for exercise!


As for weight loss, I am slowly losing weight. On Sunday we had a "normal" day where we went out for dinner and had dessert and all that, so I regained some weight from that, but I have managed to work it off this week. Down 2kg now. Not amazing, but slow and steady is good for me. =)


To clarify on this, I slipped during football and landed on the ball awkwardly. My leg hasn't felt 100% since but it's nothing terrible.


I destroyed Ine in squash yesterday. :D But, I'll give her some sympathy because of her leg pain.


Not doing Deadlifts tonight, to be on the safe side.

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Meh. My left leg/knee area still doesn't feel right, so not even going to try attempting squats. Going to leave it for a few weeks and then come back and try again when it feels better.


Disappointed. Should have done push day today instead. Will do that tomorrow.

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Ever since I injured my knee a couple months ago I haven't done any deadlifts. A bit lame but you can't take the risk of buggering the recovery. Don't think I'll be doing any for a couple months yet.

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learning front squats today, man they are hard... then did back squats (50kg x 5) overhead push presses (50 x 3) then power cleans... got up to 45 with them (can do 52.5) and had to tap out because my wrists were smashed by this point.


Quite pleased with my squats though, 5 months ago I couldnt do a bodyweight squat to parallel without pain, now I can do proper ass to grass squats with 50kg very confidently :)

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I had a sports massage yesterday, mainly on my shoulders coz been having problems with them.


Loads of things she found wrong, lol! Traps 2 tight, causing all other problems with tightness, Weakness in right shoulder etc.


Apparently I breath wrong when weight lifting... I don't breath from diafram, I am using the secondary breathing muscles in my chest which is causing me to tense too much hence all tightness building up.


Didn't know there was a different way to breath!

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bennnnnccchhh press.


My pt was teaching me how to, and decided to show me the reason why most men like doing bench pressing so much....by wiggling his pecs, while i was in the middle of my set. Can't say my training sessions aren't fun lol :D


My right rotator cuff is baaad. My right arm is the strong one in my overhead pressing, but with benching its like a feeble twig >_< Guess I'll be evening out the strength in my arms lol

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Had an off few weeks. Two weeks ago I was soups busy so I skipped a day as I was worn out. Last week I was ill so missed two days and this week I woke up one day and it was pissing it down and I just couldn't face leaving the house.


Also seem to have hit a wall with bench pressing. Finally managed to do 4 sets 5 reps today, but last few weeks (which haven't been full on, but still) I've barely been about to do 4/4. Hopefully I'm making progress now though, but not as quickly as I was anticipating. Oh well!


Requested to revoke my contract the other day too. Go down to 2 days a week on July 1st so going to join one closer to home. There's a The Gym (lame name) nearby and it looks okay and is only £20, but the Google reviews says the locker rooms/showers are awful, so may just come home (10 minutes away) rather than change there. Is it weird to ask to see the changing facilities if you look around a new gym?

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Seems normal to me to ask about it, I mean it is part of the gym experience. We never use the changing room in ours as it is literally 5 minutes away, but if we were using it we would have checked it out beforehand too.



As for my weight loss, it has kinda come to a halt this week. Not done too well, but then we only just started going back to play squash after almost two weeks off (due to knee pains and illness). Properly going to start my diet tomorrow too (well, healthy eating). Lost 3 kg so far, hope to lose about 5 more before my sister's wedding if possible. Really gotta work for it though to make it happen! =P

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