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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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gwaaaannnn @Eenuh :heh:




I don't feel like I played amazingly well, as I was already exhausted after two games. But somehow I still managed to win, even won the last game 9-3. =D


Playing again on Wednesday, but I imagine this win is a rare thing really. =P

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Played football yesterday after a MASSIVE Friday night and even bigger all-day Saturday. We had 2 subs (rolling subs as it was a friendly). I managed 30 minutes on the right wing before collapsing in a heap. Came back on for the last 15 up front as we had a number of injuries. Seriously hard work.

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Aww you gotta keep bashing his ego!


Its awesome that you're both enjoying it! Are you both glad you went with the club you decided on?


I don't have an ego. :p


Yeah, the club is awesome. It's so close to us which is extremely convenient, it never feels like a hassle having to drive there. It's easy to get to the courts, we've not had any interruptions or annoyances so far. The downside is that it is a bit expensive, so we have to keep going to get our monies worth out of it. :p


Did leg day today instead of yesterday, as I was too tired after squash. The lunges killed me today. My calves also feel like they want to fall off and die.

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There was an annoying (read: present) group of sport students at the gym this morning. I know it's to be expected in such a location but normally they don't roll in early. Were walking around in a pack and while I couldn't hear them I bet they were saying stuff like "bro, awesome reps bro".


Start of my four-day weeks today. Not sure whether to still get up at the same time on Fridays and go to the gym (which is at work), or just do Monday, Weds and Thursday instead.

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There was an annoying (read: present) group of sport students at the gym this morning. I know it's to be expected in such a location but normally they don't roll in early. Were walking around in a pack and while I couldn't hear them I bet they were saying stuff like "bro, awesome reps bro".


They are the worst kind of people at the gym. The guys who travel in groups of 3+ and spend an hour taking it in turns to use one piece of equipment. So much wasted time talking, too. I have no idea how they can consider it a good workout.


So after 5 weeks of weighlifting, my friends that are girls decided to feel my biceps and there were many 'ooh's and 'ahh's. :)


Well done, dude. :D


Had my push day yesterday. My legs are still sore from leg day, and I have squash this evening. I think pull day will have to be rescheduled for tomorrow. I'm noticing an improvement with my bench press and in the overall look of the chest. I can bench 78kg for a good 5 reps now, which is an area I've struggled with. Hoping to break down the 80kg barrier next time. :D

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In 6 weeks my stats are as of follows. The last few weeks my gym going hasn't been great.


All measured unflexed at largest part. Chest at nipple level, waist at belly button.


Arm: 30 to 34cm

Waist: 99 to 91cm

Chest: 87 to 102cm

Upper leg: 55 to 58cm


Not too bad in the space of 6 weeks. Had a fair bit of puppy fat to lose after a mental holiday though! Aiming to get that waist down and arms up further.


For comparison, these were stats after 3 weeks. Need to get back into the gym properly and keep going to spin, which I've been neglecting.


Arm: 30 - 32.5cm

Waist: 99 - 93cm

Chest: 87 - 98cm

Upper leg: 55 - 56cm




Just deadlifted 100kg for the first time! BOOM!

Edited by Charlie
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Reyt i need some motivation.


Since all this redundancy stuff thats been happening ive not been in gym and eating burgers and other shit. Meaning Blade is turning into a fat bastard.


Need to get back into it. Id rather turn to weights in time of crisis than crisps and pop.

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Reyt i need some motivation.


Since all this redundancy stuff thats been happening ive not been in gym and eating burgers and other shit. Meaning Blade is turning into a fat bastard.


Need to get back into it. Id rather turn to weights in time of crisis than crisps and pop.


What are your current stats for these lifts?




Bench Press/Incline Bench (either dumbbells or barbell)

Shoulder/Military press

Barbell Row

Lateral Pulldown/number of Pullups

Bicep curl

Skullcrusher/Tricep Kickback



Try and increase your stats in each of these. It is addictive and as long as you perform them correctly, it's good for you.


Turn your attention to those rather than crisps. Even if you're only doing one more rep than last time, it's an improvement. You'll get into better shape with it, you'll see the improvements and you won't feel bad about eating shit.


Can't remember the last time I ate a crisp.

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Reyt i need some motivation.


Since all this redundancy stuff thats been happening ive not been in gym and eating burgers and other shit. Meaning Blade is turning into a fat bastard.


Need to get back into it. Id rather turn to weights in time of crisis than crisps and pop.


Lift heavy and you'll crave proper food that all the crisps in the world won't satisfy. Heavy squats and deadlifts are good testosterones boosters too, I would think getting the test flowing would help keep you lean, and well as building muscle which in turn burns calories/fat, not to mention many other health benefits. Basically more test makes you feel better and look better, though it can make you go bald. :laughing:


As for motivation, I think of those yoked and shredded professional wrestlers that make fun of the out of shape fans eating their ice cream and popcorn, and drinking literally buckets of coke. Who do you want to look more like? Rick Rude with the body of a greek god, or the "fat, out of shape, inner-city sweat-hogs" that he mocked?

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Lift heavy and you'll crave proper food that all the crisps in the world won't satisfy. Heavy squats and deadlifts are good testosterones boosters too, I would think getting the test flowing would help keep you lean, and well as building muscle which in turn burns calories/fat, not to mention many other health benefits. Basically more test makes you feel better and look better, though it can make you go bald. :laughing:


As for motivation, I think of those yoked and shredded professional wrestlers that make fun of the out of shape fans eating their ice cream and popcorn, and drinking literally buckets of coke. Who do you want to look more like? Rick Rude with the body of a greek god, or the "fat, out of shape, inner-city sweat-hogs" that he mocked?







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Aww you gotta keep bashing his ego!


Its awesome that you're both enjoying it! Are you both glad you went with the club you decided on?


Seems me winning last time was just luck/coincidence or something... I didn't win a single game today. =(


But yeah, we are enjoying it, trying to go about 3 times a week now. And it is a 5 minute drive so it is really easy to get to. Happy about that. =)

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Started adding weighted overhead squats into my routine, 25kg x 20 reps had my legs killed! Its gonna be a slow lift progression for me, my quads (in a knee function sense) are definitely my weakest point.


I looveeee dumbbell snatches. They're so hard but so so ass kicking/rewarding.

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I tried front squats for the first time properly today. It was tricky getting hold of the bar (I opted to cross my arms) and it did dig into the shoulders a bit. But, I did get a bit more used to it towards the end. I'm thinking of incorporating those into leg day, to change things. I seem to be able to get more depth on front squats than back.

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It gets easier! Have you tried a clean position with elbows forward?


I had another successful but a bit meh session. Its kinda hard to get back into it when my endurance is shot to pieces from being so sick and not exercising :( Just keep at it and hope it catches.


Yeah, but that didn't feel as comfortable to me. The wrist positioning didn't feel particularly great. It felt like I was paying more attention to holding the bar in that case rather than squatting it. My flexibility is and has never been any good.


The hardest part of exercising is when you stop. When you're in the middle of it, it feels great and simultaneously easy (because you're in the zone) and hard (because you're pushing yourself). As soon as you get ill or busy with life stuff, it gets harder. I'm in my flow at the moment. I hope work doesn't interrupt that when Easter break is over.

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Yeah, but that didn't feel as comfortable to me. The wrist positioning didn't feel particularly great. It felt like I was paying more attention to holding the bar in that case rather than squatting it. My flexibility is and has never been any good.


Maybe a redundant question but are you trying to grip the bar? You needn't, though even if you aren't wrist flexibility can still be an issue.


If you do fancy doing cleans in future you could still practice the clean style position by just holding the bar out of the rack to get used to it, while still doing your actual training with the arms crossed style.


Good vid here about the benefits of front squatting, including stretches for wrist flexibility and why the clean style is preferable for good posture.

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Maybe a redundant question but are you trying to grip the bar? You needn't, though even if you aren't wrist flexibility can still be an issue.


If you do fancy doing cleans in future you could still practice the clean style position by just holding the bar out of the rack to get used to it, while still doing your actual training with the arms crossed style.


Good vid here about the benefits of front squatting, including stretches for wrist flexibility and why the clean style is preferable for good posture.


Aye, that's a good video.


I wasn't "gripping" the bar, so to speak. It's more like it's resting. I managed to do 2 sets in the clean position, but I preferred cross-hand as it seemed more natural to me. I'll give it another go next time and see how it goes.


I've been falling out of love a little with the back squat. It's beginning to feel like a chore doing it and I don't really look forward to it. I enjoyed front squatting, even though it's a new feeling to me. The downside is that I'm worried it'll lead to the hamstrings and the glutes being underdeveloped compared to the back squat, so I may use it interspersed with the back.

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overhead squats?



I'm the opposite, i've got too much flexibility! I have to control everything or else I end up doing it wrong & straining muscles. Snatches are fun when you've got too much shoulder flexibility... I can end up throwing the bar behind me and falling on my backside!

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overhead squats?



I'm the opposite, i've got too much flexibility! I have to control everything or else I end up doing it wrong & straining muscles. Snatches are fun when you've got too much shoulder flexibility... I can end up throwing the bar behind me and falling on my backside!


Overhead squats wouldn't be a good idea in our flat. Especially as there's light bulbs that are directly overhead where I work out. That would royally piss off that landlord. :laughing: It makes standing military presses a bit of a nightmare to do, as well.

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ohhh yeah I forgot you worked out at home!


I'm amazed that it's working, given the limited space. When the summer comes, I may even do some exercise in the front garden. How hilarious would it be deadlifting outside (there's a stone pathway bit)?


The only thing I probably miss is the lat pulldowns, but now I'm barbell rowing a lot more, so it's give and take.

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