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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Hmm, I can do either. I usually put some music on when working out, but it's not essential. I actually prefer the sounds of weights clanging on the ground, or metal on metal or something. I find that quite satisfying. Racking the bar after squatting, taking the bar off for a bench press, the sound of the barbell and weights hitting the ground after a deadlift.


I've been driving a lot over the last few days. About 10 hours or so in total. Tried doing some squats earlier and felt a tightness in my upper leg area. After reading up on it, looks like it's the hip flexor/iliopsoas. I've ordered a foam roller as I've been planning to get one, so will see if that helps at all. I stretched quite a bit beforehand/warmed up, too. So yes, disappointed. I'm thinking it's a combination of the muscles being weak/tight and driving for so long in a short period of time.

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Another run done today. Do people run with music? I never did until I borrowed me birds ipod this morning. It made the run so much easier.


So I went out and bought an ipod shuffle for myself.


Used to run with music, but I switched to silent after a year or so ago. Without music I find I can monitor my breathing easier, and I can think about stuff too.


I'm going to start bringing longer runs into my schedule, so did my first long run on Saturday - 14.6km. Legs felt fine by Sunday, and ran as normal today. Hooray!


Any runners on sites where we can be friends? I'm on three.




Be my friend!

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Hmm, I can do either. I usually put some music on when working out, but it's not essential. I actually prefer the sounds of weights clanging on the ground, or metal on metal or something. I find that quite satisfying. Racking the bar after squatting, taking the bar off for a bench press, the sound of the barbell and weights hitting the ground after a deadlift.


I've been driving a lot over the last few days. About 10 hours or so in total. Tried doing some squats earlier and felt a tightness in my upper leg area. After reading up on it, looks like it's the hip flexor/iliopsoas. I've ordered a foam roller as I've been planning to get one, so will see if that helps at all. I stretched quite a bit beforehand/warmed up, too. So yes, disappointed. I'm thinking it's a combination of the muscles being weak/tight and driving for so long in a short period of time.


I like the sound of people around around me, the weights clanging as they put em on the bar, lifting noises and grunts. Guess I'm just used to my gym and its built into me that them noises are natural. Glad I'm not the only one, was starting to feel like a weirdo til I read your post flinkeh lol


Hopefully the hip thing passes. If I can get by a dislocation you can get by this! Just don't strain yourself too hard in the next few days/weeks! :)

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I like the sound of people around around me, the weights clanging as they put em on the bar, lifting noises and grunts. Guess I'm just used to my gym and its built into me that them noises are natural. Glad I'm not the only one, was starting to feel like a weirdo til I read your post flinkeh lol


Hopefully the hip thing passes. If I can get by a dislocation you can get by this! Just don't strain yourself too hard in the next few days/weeks! :)


Those sounds are what gives the gym its atmosphere and makes it fun going back. It's almost music in itself. Industrial, like.


The hip stuff will be fine. I put it down to having a hefty few days and my legs just weren't in the mood for it. I may skip the squats altogether this week and focus on lunges and other exercises. I'm playing squash tonight, so will see how I feel. Walking and stuff is fine, but just the movement of the squat didn't work for me today.

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Those sounds are what gives the gym its atmosphere and makes it fun going back. It's almost music in itself. Industrial, like.


The hip stuff will be fine. I put it down to having a hefty few days and my legs just weren't in the mood for it. I may skip the squats altogether this week and focus on lunges and other exercises. I'm playing squash tonight, so will see how I feel. Walking and stuff is fine, but just the movement of the squat didn't work for me today.


Sounds like a sensible plan :)

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Unless you're playing music at ear shattering volume, you'll hear all the racking/un-racking of barbells anyway? I do for sure.


There's nothing more annoying than grunting to me when in your in the gym. Focus on your breathing and form not making animal noises, it's not cool and it's not pretty.

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I don't think anyone actually wants to grunt.... I don't want to but when it gets heavy and during the last reps, well, I probably grunt.


But in relation to music; it just doesn't do anything to me. I don't get motivated by hearing Eye of the Tiger. It doesn't work on me. Music rarely touches me at all. Sure, there is good music and bad music and I get tired of listening to the same (bad) music in the radio. Nothing spectacular there. But I don't really enjoy music much and therefore I don't really see why I should listen to something when running or lifting weights (I only do it while biking because it's boring) and whilst running I actually prefer being able to hear my surroundings so that I don't crash into something I didn't hear coming. I also don't get people listening to music whilst biking outside - it's just dangerous and they don't hear my ringing when I want to go past them!

Edited by MindFreak
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I don't think anyone actually wants to grunt.... I don't want to but when it gets heavy and during the last reps, well, I probably grunt.


But in relation to music; it just doesn't do anything to me. I don't get motivated by hearing Eye of the Tiger. It doesn't work on me. Music rarely touches me at all. Sure, there is good music and bad music and I get tired of listening to the same (bad) music in the radio. Nothing spectacular there. But I don't really enjoy music much and therefore I don't really see why I should listen to something when running or lifting weights (I only do it while biking because it's boring) and whilst running I actually prefer being able to hear my surroundings so that I don't crash into something I didn't hear coming. I also don't get people listening to music whilst biking outside - it's just dangerous and they don't hear my ringing when I want to go past them!


You raise a good point about music and biking/running. I'm opposed to it, because I believe (like you) that you should also be paying attention to what's around you. Particularly if you're running on the pavement and you're coming up to a junction or you're on a main road. It's almost asking for trouble at times.


I'm also a bit glad that you don't get any music playing in our squash place. The sound of the ball hitting the walls is extremely enjoyable...yes. I like it. I like my natural sounds in places like that. I find that I'm not really listening to the music anyway, it's just there. Although, I've found that The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Rises soundtracks by Hans Zimmer work really, really well for exercising.


*approaches the bar to deadlift*

*gets into position*

*up-lifting section of music starts to play*

*lift the weight*

*win at life*


I had my Push Day yesterday and Pull today. I feel good but also a bit tired. I dread to think how many eggs I've eaten this week...Squash tonight! :D

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I can't really seem to actually tire myself when training arms alone; Sunday I did some push press and cleans and while I couldn't go on after my 6x5 reps (45 kg on pp, up to 60 kg on cleans), afterwards I don't really feel much tiredness in my arms or shoulders, whereas when I go full load on my legs (squats and deadlift) I can feel it afterwards (and the day after). Today I did 3-3-3-2-2 overhead press (3:35 kg, 2:40 kg, my overhead sucks) and 6*6 floor press (45 kg) and cleans (60 kg) and was tired at the moment but now, four hours later, I don't feel that nice tightness in my arms, as opposed to four hours after having squatted. It's just weird.

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Well done, Raineeng.


I can't really seem to actually tire myself when training arms alone; Sunday I did some push press and cleans and while I couldn't go on after my 6x5 reps (45 kg on pp, up to 60 kg on cleans), afterwards I don't really feel much tiredness in my arms or shoulders, whereas when I go full load on my legs (squats and deadlift) I can feel it afterwards (and the day after). Today I did 3-3-3-2-2 overhead press (40 kg, my overhead sucks) and 6*6 floor press (45 kg) and cleans (60 kg) and was tired at the moment but now, four hours later, I don't feel that nice tightness in my arms, as opposed to four hours after having squatted. It's just weird.


You could always try some supersets for that pump. They kill me. Sometimes my arms feel weak when shaving after exercising. :laughing:


On the whole though, I wouldn't think too much of this. You don't need to necessarily feel exhausted or tight in order to get them gains. I rarely feel any DOMS in my shoulders the day after, despite them feeling like they're on fire during my workouts. I feel more drained when working out triceps as opposed to biceps (including after workouts and the day after), yet I'd say that I have better and stronger biceps.

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On the whole though, I wouldn't think too much of this. You don't need to necessarily feel exhausted or tight in order to get them gains. I rarely feel any DOMS in my shoulders the day after, despite them feeling like they're on fire during my workouts. I feel more drained when working out triceps as opposed to biceps (including after workouts and the day after), yet I'd say that I have better and stronger biceps.


I'm not thinking too much about it, I know it's working as I've grown stronger (heck, two reps overhead press at 40 kg is one more rep than my previous record!) but I just find it weird that I feel more exhausted after leg days than after upper body days (even though I rarely divide them in that way).


But having said that, my delta muscles and trapezius are sore today so I most have done something right - I know, lack of DOMS is by no means an indicator for a bad workout but it just feels more right.

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I'm not thinking too much about it, I know it's working as I've grown stronger (heck, two reps overhead press at 40 kg is one more rep than my previous record!) but I just find it weird that I feel more exhausted after leg days than after upper body days (even though I rarely divide them in that way).


But having said that, my delta muscles and trapezius are sore today so I most have done something right - I know, lack of DOMS is by no means an indicator for a bad workout but it just feels more right.


Leg workouts tire out pretty much anyone who goes heavy on them. Something about it just completely drains you. Squats are, by far, the best exercise that gives me the greatest pump.


Rest day today. :D

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Leg workouts tire out pretty much anyone who goes heavy on them. Something about it just completely drains you. Squats are, by far, the best exercise that gives me the greatest pump.


Rest day today. :D


I'm the opposite. Leg days don't tire me out that much. Years of doing back to back 10k runs after some serious sessions with squats and deadlifts have conditioned my legs to a seriously decent standard. I do feel some stiffness but I never get any of the duck walking or struggling to make it off the toilet behaviour.

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I've had two three-hour gym sessions in the past two days and it was exhausting. Then last night, I had to get this tape off of the work windows which was seriously stuck on there so I spent the best part of three hours trying to get that shit off and then cleaned the windows. I've had a lot of exercise this week, if I've not lost any weight, I'll scream! haha.


I've been eating healthily too. I started adding blueberries to my bran flakes. I'm hearing about anti-oxidants and how they aid you in losing weight. I'm going to try and look for other fruit with anti-oxidants in today and get some.

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Been to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week, mostly focusing on swimming than anything.


I don't mind going to the gym, but much prefer the swimming pool, 45 minutes of that and I'm knackered, but never the less a half hour or cardio goes with it.


Currently I don't feel too bad, but I'm pretty sure I'll regret saying that tomorrow morning.


Also, what is it with guys at the pool, maybe its just the one I go to, but every time I go some bloke tries to chat me up.



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@nightwolf Well you can always buy a swimming cap that says "Don't. Fucking. Talk to me.", eh?


Anyway, been doing a little dumbbell work. Just figured out that although I've done a lot of sports in my life, I've never really focused on my upper body. It's always been just leg strength or flexibility. Well screw that shit, I'm going for gorilla arms now. Need to figure out a real routine / system at some point, but even the random pumping feels pretty good. (that's what she said)

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I'm the opposite. Leg days don't tire me out that much. Years of doing back to back 10k runs after some serious sessions with squats and deadlifts have conditioned my legs to a seriously decent standard. I do feel some stiffness but I never get any of the duck walking or struggling to make it off the toilet behaviour.


Legs are the ones that ache the most for me. But yes, it's getting better and they don't ache as much as they used to. Sometimes I feel great the next day and that's probably down to doing them twice a week.


Weight has gone down again. On the whole, I'd say I was looking pretty good. Feelsgoodman.


Also, @nightwolf: You're a woman who probably isn't wearing much (unless you go swimming fully clothed, har har), so men will perve and try it on. I always used to laugh when I was in the sauna or steam room with another girl and you can always guarantee that the woman would get hit on. (not by me, obviously, by others I mean.)

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@Ville that is actually a fabulous idea.


@Fierce_LiNk Haha this is very true, but I just found it rather odd, its not something I'm used to and only just noticed it going to the gym Friday. *shrug*. I'm not there to get a date, I want to get some swimming done.


Alas, I won't be doing anything this weekend, as much as I'd like to, my body has decided its not up for it at all.

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@Ville that is actually a fabulous idea.


@Fierce_LiNk Haha this is very true, but I just found it rather odd, its not something I'm used to and only just noticed it going to the gym Friday. *shrug*. I'm not there to get a date, I want to get some swimming done.


Alas, I won't be doing anything this weekend, as much as I'd like to, my body has decided its not up for it at all.


Take it as a compliment. :D

If you went with a friend, you could pretend that they were your boyfriend and you probably wouldn't be bothered again. :p


Push Day: Done. Squash tonight. Some brutal games yesterday with Ine... I need to win tonight. :p

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Worked on my power cleans, push press, jerks, and deadlifts today. So close to a new PB with my cleans. Currently 52.5kg which is getting easy, 55kg feels like its so close.


Deadlifts went 57.5x6, 87.5x3 97.5kgx2,102.5kg. At 107.5kg people started watching me o_O so I dug deep to get 112.5.


PT told me he was gonna put on 2.5kg, my PB (115) but sneakily added 5kg. 117.5kg PB get :D


I think I coulda took 120kg, but after 15 deadlifts and a shitload of cleans/presses/jerks my body was complaining.. I feel bloody brilliant though!

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