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Can someone please recommend me...

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Ok, I've owned Wind waker, and completed it twice, I own or has owned the following:


Wind waker, Zelda collector's edition, Metroid prime 1 and 2, GUN, hulk ultimate destruction, mario kart DD, Dancing stage mario mix, Mario smash football, Harvest moon a wonderful life, Super mario sunshine, Super monkey ball, Super smash bros melee, Donkey konga 1 and 2, Zelda 4 sowrd adventures, Rouge squadron 3, Paper mario 2, animal crossing, Luigi's mansion.


Those are all the games I can remember.

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Does anyoneknow if True Crime: New York City is any good or not.


Even if you forgive the flimsy story and derivative gameplay, you'll have a hard time getting past the game-stopping bugs and glaring technical problems that plague this game.


Score : 4.6/10 (poor)

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Also killer7 is a good choice if you like crazy stories and well everything crazy.

Timesplitters 3 and Burnout (2) could also be quite enjoyable.


Or Timesplitters 2



Battalion wars is a good one...or u could give Naruto GNT 4 a go, since u can speak english there are pleanty of decent walkthrough/translators on http://www.GameFAQs.com


Resi 4 / Killer7 as have been said. Donkey Kong: jungle Beat, Geist

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I know its been mentioned but Killer7 is awsome. I don't know what you must like to like Killer 7 since I had no idea what the game was untill I played it (had never even heard of it.). Suprisingly it turned out to become one of my top 5 favourite gamecube games =)


Edit: and the other specially good FPS games have already been mentioned too (Metroid Prime 1 or 2, Time Splitters series (3 is amazing)) But I'd advice you not to buy any of the 007 from EA... Believe me, they're not any good.

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I know its been mentioned but Killer7 is awsome. I don't know what you must like to like Killer 7 since I had no idea what the game was untill I played it (had never even heard of it.). Suprisingly it turned out to become one of my top 5 favourite gamecube games =)


Edit: and the other good FPS games have already been mentioned too (Metroid Prime 1 or 2, Time Splitters series (3 is amazing)) But I'd advice you not to buy any of the 007 from EA... Believe me, they're not any good.


Definitely agree with you about Killer 7, it's a fantastic game, but not everyone will like it. You'll either love or hate it, there's no middle ground. So, a bit of a gamble. But, if it pays off, then whoa! :D


I disagree about the EA 007 comment. Alright, fair play, they're nowhere near as good as Goldeneye on the N64, but Nightfire is pretty damn good fun in multiplayer. :) It's going for a very small price as well these days.

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Has anyone else got an opinion on TC:New York City besides Flameboy101? Since I've enjoyed GTA type games in the past (San andreas, hulk Ultimate Destruction, GUN, spiderman 2, etc)


Yes, i brought it and took it right back... its just not worth your money, wait for it to get cheaper! realy cheaper!!

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