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Don't see that the media of recruitment makes any odds. Could've just as easily said "I'm going to make a raid sign up now" in party chat and then the slots would've been taken immediately anyway.


Also, Zell's missed half a dozen raids because the posts went up during working hours and he can't post on the forum easily during that time, that's the only reason it was brought up this way.

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The whole point is that everyone is asked at the same time via the forum, rather than asking certain people at certain times.


Also, nothing is stopping Zell (or anyone else who says they never get to reply because they don't see the post in time) being the one that makes a post for the new raid.

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I'd be up for a reserve spot, got a Warlock or Titan i can use on Oryx both between 314-317 light, so i'm happy to drop in for a turn if someone has a low level alt (really could do with a helmet and decent non exotic primary)


How many people are up for raids? surely we are close to 12 people, we could do two simultaneous raids, or if we have enough check points and alts, re run the raid every day as surely we can get six on each day?

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I'd be up for a reserve spot, got a Warlock or Titan i can use on Oryx both between 314-317 light, so i'm happy to drop in for a turn if someone has a low level alt (really could do with a helmet and decent non exotic primary)


How many people are up for raids? surely we are close to 12 people, we could do two simultaneous raids, or if we have enough check points and alts, re run the raid every day as surely we can get six on each day?


I think there's only eight of us that could realistically do the Oryx challenge, then I think Rummy is the only other person who plays regularly and is at a slightly lower level.

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To everyone who is signed up now, does anyone have any alts who are not 311 minimum?








If someone only has 2 characters at 311 or above, for the third run they could switch out with @Eddage. This way we can guarantee we'll complete it 3 times (unlike where we only managed to do it once last time). Then more people get to run it, and we get three runs done. The loot is so good for Oryx that we really want to do it 3 times this time!


Would people be available to continue this on Friday? I doubt we will do all 3 Oryx runs in one night.

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@Goafer and I are working our way through Destiny at the moment so will definitely be up for doing some of the raids when we hit 40. Be good to be able to do them with NE people who will hold our hands and guide us gently through our first raid experiences :p

@Nintendo Fan has just recently hit level 40 so would probably like to try out the raids. Personally I would suggest trying to figure it out without the guidance of anyone who's done it before, if you can find six players that fit that description. Dunno if @Rummy's done Vault of Glass or Crota's End yet.

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Well if we have a few low light level people who need to do Raids why don't we set up a 'training program' and a few of us higher level players take them through raids until they get 310 light? I know there must be other lapsed players who have got a little left behind who'd probably up for re running normal road modes and hard ones

That way we should get over 12 players for Raid parties

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To everyone who is signed up now, does anyone have any alts who are not 311 minimum?








If someone only has 2 characters at 311 or above, for the third run they could switch out with Eddage. This way we can guarantee we'll complete it 3 times (unlike where we only managed to do it once last time). Then more people get to run it, and we get three runs done. The loot is so good for Oryx that we really want to do it 3 times this time!


Would people be available to continue this on Friday? I doubt we will do all 3 Oryx runs in one night.


Been doing the various weapon combinations that are needed throughout the raid and my light level for each character is as follows:

316-318 with my Hunter

311-313 with my Warlock

313-315 with my Titan


Still annoyed about PSN being down last night. I'd have easily reached level 5 on both Titan and Warlock and thus missed out on some potentially good gear!

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How many people are up for raids? surely we are close to 12 people, we could do two simultaneous raids, or if we have enough check points and alts, re run the raid every day as surely we can get six on each day?


I'm usually up for it, but being on the wrong side of the Atlantic poses different time constraints. Only being 300 light poses further constraints.

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Why we can't share the checkpoints with the other so they can do the challenges other time?


That would be appreciated but only @Agent Gibbs and I are at the level to be able to do the challenge comfortably. So unless four others want to run it six times in total then I don't really see it being done!

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@Nintendo Fan has just recently hit level 40 so would probably like to try out the raids. Personally I would suggest trying to figure it out without the guidance of anyone who's done it before, if you can find six players that fit that description. Dunno if @Rummy's done Vault of Glass or Crota's End yet.


I've not actually! I was just saying to heyho2007 yesterday that I've never run the lower raids, as he was talking about us running King's Fall a few more times on Normal possibly before moving up. We won't get much from doing them from what I understand, but having never been around for their original release it could be interesting attempting to run them blind if a few other lower levelled folks wanted to? Heyho wouldn't be blind to them as he did them originally so I'd count him out. Who do we potentially have? Me, Ninty, Happs, Goafer?


I've not been able to put this down since i started playing. I did not think i'd enjoy it as much as i am. I'M HOOKED :)

Yeah i would love to start doing raids if i'm able to, currently at 280 light. @Shorty is a BEAST, carried our team multiple times in the crucible.


Yeah I've seen you playing and was meant to say if you ever see me on or wanna fireteam up for anything in the evenings or so I'm totes happy to do so! It's more fun having someone to play with, but I'm kinda sitting above the lower levels without quite reaching the higher levels of the others here(and the stuff they do - I'm pretty happy playing all bits!) so just end up doing daily bounties then strikes or something by myself. Ftr character wise I've got like a 304ish(+) maxed titan and 297 Warlock with lots of skill levelling yet to do on all its classes - so that's basically my current focus atm. Got most of its light level from infusing things spilt over from the Titan etc. If you do wanna do stuff just ping me a message or so! I'm quite keen on my strikes now for the 3oC and exotic drop potential too - though I feel I'm starting to run shy of Strange Coins to buy with. Also happy to do Court of Oryx etc.


@Goafer and I are working our way through Destiny at the moment so will definitely be up for doing some of the raids when we hit 40. Be good to be able to do them with NE people who will hold our hands and guide us gently through our first raid experiences :p


As above! I'd def be up for running raids even on NM with you guys when you get there - I kinda know the ropes of King's Fall now but dunno if that's good enough to teach it or successfully run it well. Hell, might actually make it like a bit more of a half-blind run though! I'm usually just following the advice of others as I don't want to hold people back(but successfully manage to still :p) but I won't mind if we're all in a similar boat. On top of that I've got at least one other mate who'd join us for them if he's available, if not possibly 2(though I cannot guarantee their patience, I think they're similar to myself in terms of knowledge of the raid, and again aware of how terrible I am).

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Jumped in with @Nintendo Fan last night for a bit of Mayhem Rumble - this was one of my first noticed weekly modes when I was first new to the game and I loved it. Probably because I realised I could do well/have fun despite being shit and not knowing the maps. Fun to see that Ninty's loving it too! Wasn't actually doing as well as I hoped, but I'll blame it on the drinks I had :p. Stormtrance is crucible is feeling pretty beast for me - def feels more useful than my titan specials, though Ninty thinks he might be coveting the Hammer of Sol so maybe it's just a grass is greener thing. I might jump on mic next time, didn't last night as I had the TV on too and I've been told it carries through sometimes.


Anyhow - really enjoying my Warlock and the differences it brings. Glad I still need to max as it's giving me plenty good reason to keep playing. On which note if you are on this eve @Nintendo Fan I'd be happy to join to do literally anything - need to play to get the xp so anything suits me really. Would anyone else here be up for joining us on a Nightfall strike at some point?

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Mayhem Rumble is by far the most fun for me atm (until i get hit by a hunter nade that cancels my super). It's literally chaos everywhere non stop.@Rummy Chain lightning on 3 enemies and then another 2 feels soooo satisfying :D I'd like to try Hammer of Sol sometime but having too much fun with lightning haha.


Yeah i'll be on, I've got couple hard story quests to do. You could join me on those, then do more Mayhem or if we get a third jump into a Nightfall.

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Mayhem Rumble is by far the most fun for me atm (until i get hit by a hunter nade that cancels my super). It's literally chaos everywhere non stop.@Rummy Chain lightning on 3 enemies and then another 2 feels soooo satisfying :D I'd like to try Hammer of Sol sometime but having too much fun with lightning haha.


Yeah i'll be on, I've got couple hard story quests to do. You could join me on those, then do more Mayhem or if we get a third jump into a Nightfall.


Hard story quests? Which ones? My Warlock has plenty of TTK quests to do so that might actually tick some of my boxes too! Pop me a message or so when you're on and wanna roll, I'm just at home this evening. I'll probably mic up for party chat this time too.


EDIT: Any takers for a 3rd man for the nightfall? No idea what strike it actually is. Rolled out a 310 Telesto yesterday though so looking forward to sticking that on my Warlock if I've got a decent substitute primary.

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