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A friend was streaming for ExtraLife last night and organized a KF raid. We got all the way to Orxy with half a fireteam that had never done any of the raid before.


We had some difficulties. The relay before the warpriest was glitching out and the orb wasn't transferring after the second switch. Which I got blamed for multiple times until we switched up the order and it still happened. Had to leave and switch fireteam leaders to fix it.


Managed to get lucky on the Warpriest and did it first try. Extremely lucky, since we had a lot of deaths and nearly enraged.


Golgorath was a roadblock because we were taking too long and didn't have the DPS. (One guy started the raid at 257 and ended in the high 280s). Deathsingers we started getting sloppy and Orxy was just a lost cause last night.


Fun raid though.

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Ah ya buggers - I'd have put my name down for the HM Raid but I can't do Tuesdays :( boooo lol


@Daft & @Deathjam - cheers for the Trials again on Friday - was great fun! Not the greatest of maps for it (well, at least I didn't think so) but we didn't do too bad! Got to 7-0 with a little help from the mercy but we dispatched some very good teams in the process. Still a lot of 'dodgy' teams out there, but other than that we made some very good progress. I'll upload one or two vids of good and bad moments a bit later on!

Just need the chest piece to have full Trials gear too!


@Map we got unlucky when me, you and Tompa played!

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@Daft & @Deathjam - cheers for the Trials again on Friday - was great fun! Not the greatest of maps for it (well, at least I didn't think so) but we didn't do too bad! Got to 7-0 with a little help from the mercy but we dispatched some very good teams in the process. Still a lot of 'dodgy' teams out there, but other than that we made some very good progress. I'll upload one or two vids of good and bad moments a bit later on!

Just need the chest piece to have full Trials gear too!


Up for Trials this Friday, too?


Yeah, we dealt with the map well but I don't think it really suited us. Although if we'd played a couple more cards I think, with a bit of luck, we might have managed the Lighthouse.


Still a little bitter about us being robbed by those lagging assholes in the seventh(?) game for our first post-Mercy loss. At the start of every round that one dude's connection BOOM went to red.


And we shouldn't have lost the mercy on that earlier game, we just buggered up one round too many.


In any case, it was a of of fun. It's quite nice not stressing about going Flawless. It's definitely making me a better player.

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Up for Trials this Friday, too?


Yeah, we dealt with the map well but I don't think it really suited us. Although if we'd played a couple more cards I think, with a bit of luck, we might have managed the Lighthouse.


Still a little bitter about us being robbed by those lagging assholes in the seventh(?) game for our first post-Mercy loss. At the start of every round that one dude's connection BOOM went to red.


And we shouldn't have lost the mercy on that earlier game, we just buggered up one round too many.


In any case, it was a of of fun. It's quite nice not stressing about going Flawless. It's definitely making me a better player.


I think with a bit more playing time we'll become more decisive on our decision making and hopefully cut down on some of the errors we made. If we didn't play those lag switching f*ckers, I reckon we'd have had a great chance of getting to the Lighthouse, but it wasn't to be. I'm more relaxed about it. If it happens it happens, but if not then no big deal really.


I'm gonna be back from work early today so @MilaGi and @Daft interested in doing a tiny bit more trials today?


Yeah, I'm up for that! Will bring my Titan depending on what light level I'm likely to be at. I'll not be online until at least 7ish.

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@Sheikah, @DriftKaiser and I got painfully close to the Lighthouse. We lost games 5 (losing our mercy) and 7, both of which we should not have lost. We sailed through games 8 and 9 -_-


Had an amazing game with Drift on Classic 3v3 over the weekend too. We were losing, one player had been AFK most of the match and then dropped out leaving it at 2v3. The game was almost over but we pulled it back round and Drift ended it with an epic shot. Gonna cut together a video at some point.

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Awesome so...


Hard Mode Raid, Tuesday 10th, 7:30PM (or earlier if people can make it)


1. Eddage

2. @Shorty

3. @Sheikah

4. @Daft

5. @Zell

6. @DriftKaiser


What time can everyone start by? I'm thinking maybe even do the orbs and first jumping bits without a full team if people don't mind missing the pointless ammo synths/runes from the chests? We only need a full fireteam from the totems onwards. I might even do those bits with my hunter to get a checkpoint at the totems in case we wanna do an alt run later in the week.

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So in which case


New Raid team for this Week? Normal or Hard depending on Light Levels - Might be best as Normal till we get everyone over 300 some way


I can probably do any night from Wednesday and as long as i have notice pretty much any daytime at the weekend


Team of 6







@Rummy@Blade@Deathjam@MilaGi@Map@Zell@Shorty@Daft@DriftKaiser@Sheikah@Eddageand anyone else

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