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Finally decided to put some time into levelling up my second character and finally managed to clear the story missions, hit lvl 20 and put on the gear I had saved in the vault from my Titan to transfer over. So I now have a lvl 26 Voidwalker Warlock to join my lvl 30 Titan :yay:


Now means that with a little bit more work, I should be able to double my Strange Coin intake each week quickly (as it is, I'm missing legendary gauntlets for my Warlock to make doing the lvl 28 weekly heroic a reality, nevermind the lvl 30 one) but will be a while before I even consider making a Hunter as a third character but still happy enough with managing to blitz through the remaining levels for my warlock as I did considering I don't have a huge amount of free time.


Hopefully with all the effort, Xur will bring something decent this week to spend my coins on. With the last couple of weeks being primaries, I'm hoping that means it'll be a Heavy weapon this week, just not the rumoured Thunderlord though what else they can put up that'll be worthwhile I don't know. If it's not Thunderlord, probably end up being Dragon's Breath or Icebreaker for the umpteenth time :blank:

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