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I only did two races but I did enjoy it. As a small, free extra it's certainly enjoyable. Could do with another course or two.


Quite a few other things have dropped with this patch too


- The things we expected: new exotics, Y1 exotics, weapon balancing

- Titan melee range buff

- emotes and sparrow upgrades from nightfall

- 3oC triggers on crucible wins

- infusable CE items

- rep from nightfall and materials

- etheric light trade in

- icon fixes, some I've noticed: IB ghost isn't blue anymore, and hunter HM raid gear has lost its green bits




- Cocoon makes a noise when it's worked!

- slow sprint bug fixed (not the cooldown issue)

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The Sparrow racing is a nice little addition, had a few races last night. However, it does need a few more courses as all i was playing on for the most part was the same Venus course over and over. I did get a Mars race in, and cleared the bounty on that. Also, the bounties are bugged as i had 7 races yesterday, only 2 of which my Sparrow was destroyed and yet the bounty for completing races without destroying the Sparrow didn't trigger as "complete"

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@Agent Gibbs, can you do the raid tonight since @MilaGi can't?


Nah i can't do tonight, sorry guys, but


If Gibbs and Milagi can't make it, I can fill that last spot if needed.
Since Zell has already signed up himself, Zell takes the last spot.


Looks like that spot was filled anyway :heh:


If you do have another raid on HM in the near future keep me in mind for it please, still not managed to get through an entire HM raid

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Gave the Sparrow racing a few goes yesterday. It felt a bit meh. I got a Legendary helmet and one of them new Legendary sparrows which was Void.


I kind of think the mode needs weapon power ups, because otherwise it's just a crap weaponless Wipeout.

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Ah yeah the space ought to have been yours but your post regarding the cinema was a bit inconclusive. Well if you're not free then alls well that ends well :p enjoy Spectre.


::shrug: it wasn't as good as Skyfall or Casino Royal, and i didn't like the Roger Moore era ending


how did the Raid go then guys? did you do the Challenge? wasn't it all players hold Golgoroth's Gaze?

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We did the challenge, and then again on alts :D My drops were pretty good, but I'd really have liked some boots. I think 311 is still the highest pair of boots I have on any character :blank:


I actually found the challenge mode on Golgy a lot of fun, lots of co-ordination and teamwork required. Not doing it the way they wanted us to (same as ever!) but defending other gaze holders from the orbs and thrall adds an extra dimension.

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We did the challenge, and then again on alts :D My drops were pretty good, but I'd really have liked some boots. I think 311 is still the highest pair of boots I have on any character :blank:


I actually found the challenge mode on Golgy a lot of fun, lots of co-ordination and teamwork required. Not doing it the way they wanted us to (same as ever!) but defending other gaze holders from the orbs and thrall adds an extra dimension.


Glad you got it done. Was gutted that I had to miss out, but had far too much stuff to do. Even if I had been on, I wouldn't have been able to stay beyond 10ish.


I haven't tried the sparrow racing yet, so may give that a go later.

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Glad you got it done. Was gutted that I had to miss out, but had far too much stuff to do. Even if I had been on, I wouldn't have been able to stay beyond 10ish.


I haven't tried the sparrow racing yet, so may give that a go later.


Then let's start a signup for another challenge mode run next Wednesday, 7:30-8PM start time, since I know you can do Wednesdays. Who else is with me?!








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I'm in,


@Sheikah, @Shorty, @Zell, @Deathjam, @DriftKaiser, are you guys up for finishing the raid at some time before the reset? I'm still chasing a primary above 310 so could do with completing it as many times as possible, should take hardly any time!


I don't have any plans this weekend so am free whenever.


Edit: Also if we're doing it on Wednesday for @MilaGi then is it worth the other five quickly jumping in on Tuesday to get to the totem checkpoint? I'm guessing MilaGi will only be able to stay on until 10ish and with it being the Oryx challenge would probably be best not to have to waist time dicking about at the start.

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How does one manage these tricks for the SRL? Got a bounty that needs them but no idea how to actually undertake such(I've accidentally been flipped all over, but apparently that's not a trick :p). I'm doing the SRL for bounties and stuff, but it is a bit kinda meh with only two tracks, and only the boost gates to give any sort of real competitive advantage. Feels like it could have done with some more work on the whole really, not sure how long I'll fully stick with it if it doesn't change at all(presuming the tracks will on Weds tho).

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I'm in,


@Sheikah, @Shorty, @Zell, @Deathjam, @DriftKaiser, are you guys up for finishing the raid at some time before the reset? I'm still chasing a primary above 310 so could do with completing it as many times as possible, should take hardly any time!


I don't have any plans this weekend so am free whenever.


Edit: Also if we're doing it on Wednesday for @MilaGi then is it worth the other five quickly jumping in on Tuesday to get to the totem checkpoint? I'm guessing MilaGi will only be able to stay on until 10ish and with it being the Oryx challenge would probably be best not to have to waist time dicking about at the start.


If you want I can get us an Oryx checkpoint some time on Tuesday night (if that's where challenge mode starts). Don't question the means. ;)

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Why are we suddenly not doing normal parts of the raid? I don't know why we didn't finish the raid last week, or on Weds, or why we would want to skip to the end next week. I'd still like the chance at regular raid items 310-320.


How does one manage these tricks for the SRL? Got a bounty that needs them but no idea how to actually undertake such(I've accidentally been flipped all over, but apparently that's not a trick :p). I'm doing the SRL for bounties and stuff, but it is a bit kinda meh with only two tracks, and only the boost gates to give any sort of real competitive advantage. Feels like it could have done with some more work on the whole really, not sure how long I'll fully stick with it if it doesn't change at all(presuming the tracks will on Weds tho).

You need a trick sparrow, such as the one you get for completing the quest line. You'll know it's a trick sparrow because it will have the perk for destabilizing using R2. You can do flips with that, but much easier is to use the d-pad in mid-air to do a trick.

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It's mostly because it's difficult to get everyone together again and/or a lack of enthusiasm in people continuing the raid. Personally, I'm not too bothered about getting regular loot since challenge mode gives you guaranteed 320 versions. It's very rare that I'll get 320 versions of things normally (I have only ever got 2 x 320 pieces normally, both in the same raid). I spend a lot of nights playing Destiny already, so I'm actually quite open towards doing all raid activities in a single night.

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Then let's start a signup for another challenge mode run next Wednesday, 7:30-8PM start time, since I know you can do Wednesdays. Who else is with me?!









Yes, please.


@Eddage - I don't mind missing the first bits and starting at the Totems. This will be the 4th HM raid I'll have done (although completed only one) and I still haven't had a HM Ghost Shell :(


I think my highest gear level is something like 313. Anything else is purely IB stuff, so I definitely need as many drops as possible. Hopefully due some :)


Next Thurs should be a quiet enough day in my office, so I may be able to stay on until 11ish for a change.


Off work from the 24th Dec through until 11th Jan, so I'll have no restrictions :D

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Why are we suddenly not doing normal parts of the raid? I don't know why we didn't finish the raid last week, or on Weds, or why we would want to skip to the end next week. I'd still like the chance at regular raid items 310-320.


I still want to carry on with the raid...


@Sheikah, @Shorty, @Zell, @Deathjam, @DriftKaiser, are you guys up for finishing the raid at some time before the reset? I'm still chasing a primary above 310 so could do with completing it as many times as possible, should take hardly any time!


I don't have any plans this weekend so am free whenever.


The only reason I suggested getting the totem checkpoint for the next one is because I remember that last time we did Hard Mode on a Wednesday we didn't have time to finish it (if I remember correctly) because @MilaGi had to leave. Considering this is the Oryx challenge and we seem to have trouble arranging to continue on a second day I wanted to be able to get it done in one night (obviously if we can continue on a second night this doesn't matter but given the experience of the past couple of weeks this seems unlikely). If we start at the totems then all we miss is a couple of shitty chests that no one actually cares about, we will still get all the proper loot drops.

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It's mostly because it's difficult to get everyone together again and/or a lack of enthusiasm in people continuing the raid. Personally, I'm not too bothered about getting regular loot since challenge mode gives you guaranteed 320 versions. It's very rare that I'll get 320 versions of things normally (I have only ever got 2 x 320 pieces normally, both in the same raid). I spend a lot of nights playing Destiny already, so I'm actually quite open towards doing all raid activities in a single night.

I'm very much in the need of items suitable for bridging the gaps between 310ish and 320. I have a few 320 weapons ready and waiting to infuse into things, but since they're the only way to hit the damage cap, there's no sense in putting them into, for example, my 310 Black Spindle. What I'd really like is some more snipers, fusion rifles and primaries around 314-318.

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