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Uncharted: Fight For Fortune


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No one seems to know what type of game this is though...




Uncharted: Fight For Fortune Unintentionally Announced


Thank you, Australian Classifications Board.


It looks like PlayStation gamers will be getting more Nathan Drake. Why? Because the Australian Classifications Board seems to have unveiled a new game in the Uncharted series.


Multiple sources have reported on the seemingly unintentional reveal, most notably GameSpot, which was re-Tweeted by Sony executive Shuhei Yoshida, all but verifying that the game is real.




So what does the classification listing tell us? Well, quite a bit, as it turns out.


For starters, the publisher, not surprisingly, is Sony Computer Entertainment, which owns the Uncharted franchise. What’s strange here is that the developer of Fight For Fortune is a studio One Loop Games. The Uncharted trilogy on PlayStation 3, as well as the PlayStation Vita iteration in the series, were developed in-house by Sony-owned developers Naughty Dog and Sony Bend, respectively. It appears this entry will leave the first party development stable.




One Loop Games’ website shows a picture of both an Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The company claims its “team has over 30 years of interactive entertainment experience behind it,” with projects having appeared on XBLA, PSN, and elsewhere. Interestingly, the studio worked on God of War: Betrayal and Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, indicating it already has a relationship with Sony. The studio also had a hand in the development of consoles games like Full Spectrum Warrior and The Saboteur.


The rating also indicates that Fight For Fortune may not be your typical Uncharted game. Australian games are rated in six categories: Themes, Violence, Language, Drug Use, Nudity and Sex. Each of those categories can be ranked from “none” to “high impact”, with four other classifications in between. Fight For Fortune scores a “none” in Themes, Language, Nudity and Sex, with “very mild impact”, the next step up from “none”, in Violence and Drug Use. (Its overall rating -- G -- indicates a "General" game with "content... very mild in impact.")


Now, Drake and his friends have never been known for running around naked or using drugs -- so there are no surprises on that front -- but the four Uncharted games have, so far, relied a great deal on death-by-gun. So perhaps Fight For Fortune is something that deviates from the Uncharted formula. We'll have to wait and see.


Interestingly, the game is also listed as being multi-platform. Since Sony owns Uncharted and is publishing the game, this could very well indicate that Fight For Fortune is a cross-play PS3/Vita game. Or perhaps it’s a PS3/next-gen game. Again, we'll have to wait and see.


We’ve reached out to Sony for official comment, and will update when we hear back.


I think it's unlikely it's a main entry in the series, First because you'd hope Naughty Dog would be behind it and Second, because they've already used the word Fortune in a main series entry.


I think it's more likely a Vita series sequel, or a spin off of some kind.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't think anyone on the Earth will buy this. I mean if I don't, no one will. And I'm not.


*ahem* I bought it.


I've really been enjoying Uncharted: Golden Abyss on the Vita (thank you PS Plus) and as it has load of hooks to Uncharted: Fight For Fortune I thought at £3 I'd take a punt on it.


I'm really quite enjoying it!



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Ha! I doubt I'll pick it up. I haven't been in a games mood for ages now. I think the only game I bothered to play all the way through this year is Limbo (which started amazingly and then became a little disappointing)...I think. Just can't muster up any enthusiasm.

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