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Dragon Quest VII - Remake for 3DS

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Games all right.


Well, there's a forum member I haven't seen in a while!


So, I came across a town that was full of animals. Turns out the animals are actually humans and the few humans that were there were animals!


That whole quest was pretty hilarious and I love Ruff. :D Hopefully he will stick around for a bit. He's now talking in English so the chances of him being a main party member are looking good.



I'm about 10 hours in now and while I'm enjoying the game the story seems a bit disjointed. It feels like I'm just constantly jumping from island to island, each with its own self contained story. There doesn't seem to be any big overall story at the moment.

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Well, there's a forum member I haven't seen in a while!


Nothing to really talk about really and I spent a lot of time into FFXIV, and no one really talks about the game here to /shrug.


But since a good Dragon Quest game has finally made it's way to the west I thought I better pop in and say hi.


I'm about 10 hours in now and while I'm enjoying the game the story seems a bit disjointed. It feels like I'm just constantly jumping from island to island, each with its own self contained story. There doesn't seem to be any big overall story at the moment.


That's kind of the core of the game, it's more about learning to love the world and people in it, there is a main story, but you'll understand how it's connected in due time. But it's for that reason alone I love this game so much, it's not just a typical game of going to town to town and forgetting where you just were. You spend a bit of time helping and growing with the people in each town. It's the biggest adventure game I've ever played of a JRPG.

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Yeah, I think that's exactly why the game isn't grabbing me as I hoped it would. I never really care for NPCs in games but here you're forced to interact with them to find out just where to go. You talk to one, head over to another, talk to him, head back. Rinse and repeat.


I'll keep at it but without a larger story to keep me interested I can see me dropping the game. I've been at it for 12 hours now if it doesn't pick up I can't see me ploughing another 80+ into it just to see the ending.

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Up to 10 hours so far the game is exactly as I remember it back in the PS1 era, with of course better graphics and all. One of the little details to the game I'm really enjoying is being on the main island and seeing more and more islands from the distant. Kinda want to finish the game so I can replay it just to see everything bare again.

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At this point i'm gritting my teeth and slowing crawling my way through the game.


I finished the island occupied by robots last night and it was awful. Simply awful. I had to go from the castle, to the hut, back to the castle, to the hut again, figured I could go to the cave, went to the cave, got turned away, went back to the castle, had to trigger a conversation, then go back to the cave. It was miserable. After all of that the dungeon lasted like 5 minutes!


Looking around other forums it seems many others are having the same issues i'm having with the game. There's just not a main story that is pulling me forward. None of these little stories have me invested in the characters in anyway.


It also doesn't help that every village looks pretty much the same, with all the NPCs being carbon copies from the previous village. If you are going to try and make people care about the pocket stories then at least shake up how these NPCs look. It's no good if Joe from town A, who has his own story, then looks like Bob from town B, who has another story.


The game is supposed to get a little better when you unlock the jobs. I'm trying my best to get to that point but locking them behind what is essentially a 20+ hour prologue is very annoying, especially when I have nothing else to drive me forward.

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I finished the island occupied by robots last night and it was awful. Simply awful. I had to go from the castle, to the hut, back to the castle, to the hut again, figured I could go to the cave, went to the cave, got turned away, went back to the castle, had to trigger a conversation, then go back to the cave. It was miserable. After all of that the dungeon lasted like 5 minutes!
Reading that reminded me of my experience with Xenoblade Chronicles X. :shakehead
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Maybe I'm one of the few that enjoys this games presentation and how I don't really care for a main story but more I can't wait to see what troubles are lurking in this new town. This game is pretty much buying like getting a show like Mushishi and enjoying each episode (Island) and then get excited once cured on how the town has gone. Then starting all over again.


It's prob the reason why it's my fav game to date is because it takes story telling in a completely different way that well, no other JRPG does.

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Maybe I'm one of the few that enjoys this games presentation and how I don't really care for a main story but more I can't wait to see what troubles are lurking in this new town. This game is pretty much buying like getting a show like Mushishi and enjoying each episode (Island) and then get excited once cured on how the town has gone. Then starting all over again.


It's prob the reason why it's my fav game to date is because it takes story telling in a completely different way that well, no other JRPG does.


I certainly enjoy it. It's kinda like a Saturday morning cartoon.

I can almost hear the announcer at the end of each island saying something along the lines of...

"What horrors await on the next island? Will our heroes finally meet their match? And will Maribel ever stop complaining? Find out next time on Dragon Quest 7!

And then the theme plays while credits roll up way to fast to actually read or something.

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Think I went abit overboard grinding vocations and ending up leveling too far so now I can't advance my vocations during the story progression areas. Unlocked Gladiator on the hero, Ruff has Monster Masher and I'm in the progress of leveling the Sailer class. As a result he has some really strong attacks that can damage all groups, and with no MP cost! Changed Maribel into a Healslime so she could learn Multiheal, working on leveling her as a Priest to unlock Sage (already maxed Mage).


Also recruited a Metal Slime earlier today. Having Monster Masher class helped.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Got somethin' that might intrest ya, heh heh heh...



An interview with the localisation staff!


Some snippets...


Nintendo: How would you say your localisation of DRAGON QUEST VII differs from the original US translation in 2001?


OC: There was a conscious decision made way back when DQVIII was localised to draw a line under the DQ games localised before that point (what I guess you’d call the Dragon Warrior-era titles), and to take a new approach for the ones that came thereafter, including the remakes of titles that had been localised previously.


As part of this new approach, the decision was made to localise the series from that point on into British rather than US English, to try and bring a variety of accents and dialects into play, and to generally try and reflect the humorous and often playful elements of the original Japanese games as faithfully as possible.


Nintendo: Shloc’s British roots show through in some the localisation choices – particularly the island of Emberdale, which is influenced heavily by Yorkshire. What was the attraction of adding such colloquial touches?




OC: The British English usage and the inclusion of various accents and dialects has been a key feature of the series style since DQVIII, but with a world as big as DQVII’s, local characterisations also helped to provide variation in the huge number of regions you visit over the course of the game.


They also make the different regions feel different – not only (hopefully) to the player, but also to the writer. This can help add extra, albeit subtle, stylistic variations which help keep things fresh.


It's a good read! : peace:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I finally got to play Dragon Quest VII...


I have to say, I do agree with H-o-T's analysis of the game. Having dual locations of everywhere, not to mention a huge amount of vocations (which isn't a bad thing), it reminds me of Dragon Quest VI, which was enjoyable but gruelling. I suppose Yuji Horii had certain aspirations when he made VI and VII.


It's interesting for someone who jumped on board with VIII. This one really is the bridge between the 2D games and the 3D ones, although I'd say it plays much more like the former. In this game, for instance, special moves can be performed with any weapon (like its predecessors), whereas VIII introduced a bit more strategy by tying skills to weapons. It just gives them a bit more importance when you have to choose whether you're going to be a specialist in Swords or Spears.


This game has been very well localised, with quite a few laugh-out-loud moments. The three cowardly brothers in the desert town spring to mind.


Overall, it's nice to have played it, but it doesn't have that "battle, upgrade kit, battle" rhythm of the others. It's telling that when I completed the game, I had played for a very long time but was still low level.


Doing the post-game now and am trying suss out Traveller's Tablets. Seems it's like the Grottoes from IX? I'll be playing this for a while...!

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Finished the game on Thursday. Grinding and playing the casino probably pushed up the play time, and I just unlocked the last casino :cry:


Maribel and Ruff have some great Party Chat dialogue.




Probably not my favourite DQ, it's probably down with DQVI, but still enjoyed the game. How did you guys find DQIX, as that has a similar structure (but with less back and forth)?

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Probably not my favourite DQ, it's probably down with DQVI, but still enjoyed the game. How did you guys find DQIX, as that has a similar structure (but with less back and forth)?


I feel like IX pulled off the structure better. Although VII's Party Chat provided a lot of entertainment. Especially Maribel's constant sarcastic comments and whinging.


I prefer IX's vocations system. I like how skills were linked to weapons and the stat boosts from mastering vocations were a good incentive.

At the end of VII, I couldn't help but notice that everyone had a sword equipped. Because everything else just sucked in comparison...

The Monster Vocations are great though. Reminds me of DQ monsters Joker 2. Which I enjoyed quite a bit.


VII is certainly a solid game, not as fun as IX, but I'm glad I bought it. There's still a bit for me to do, those last two fragment pedestals and the online dungeons that show up every week or so.

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I consider IX to be significantly better than VII. In fact, I'd say between VIII and IX, Dragon Quest is really evolving in the right direction (not counting X because I haven't played it and it's an MMO). Gameplay-wise, IX was pretty much perfect.


For one thing, VIII introduced skill trees and skills linked to weapons. IX improved that by being more generous with skill points, bringing back vocations (which were missing from VIII) and linking vocations to weapons (initially). Also, I loved the new skill categories such as "Shields". Actually, one thing I do like in VII over IX is the Advanced classes, not just Beginner and Intermediate. It would be even better though if the Advanced classes had no weaknesses compared to the "lesser" ones. For instance, Champion would be as strong as Gladiator.


One thing I do miss from IX is the character creation tool. I'm beginning to think having a "set" Hero is not all that important to Dragon Quest, and it's better to make your own avatar. I do think I'd miss well-crafted teammates like Yangus though, so I hope XI strikes a balance between the two.

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