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Well this sucks, where the heck are my posts?!?!?!


ARGH! Right. Prepare for some proper postings!


  mr-paul said:

Animal, you have provided 3 nights of targets. There have been 4 nights. Can you clear up who you targeted each night, please??


My bad, I missed out Yvonne and I seemed to have protected her.

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  mr-paul said:
Unless you have something else that links him to that passage of text in the write up, Sheikah?



I have better - like I said, I saw him discard a small crumpled piece of metal which would logically be the light bee that was crushed. I honestly don't see how it could be more clear cut.


The only excuse he could have is being controlled again, yet absolutely no one else has claimed this happening to them so far.

  Sheikah said:
See, this doesn't make any sense. You say you strongly suspect I am Mafia yet trust my evidence and vote Magnus. Then instead of changing your vote to me you change to Moogle.


I find it odd that you apparently have first hand information that you refuse to vote with yet take the word of another and lynch them someone else instead.


I have to admit that that is just some weird-ass shit! If I knew for sure someone was Mafia, I'd vote for them. Yvonne, explain your actions please. What information do you have?


Also, can someone explain or tell me who Duane Dibbley is? Apparently, he has information for me. I don't know what it is but I was sent some note saying I need to find him.


@Animal: My character is Olaf Peterson, one of Lister's buddies, who all drink quite a lot. Before the radiation leak killed everybody, that's how they spent their time. So yeah, my character goes out drinking every night.


@Sheikah: Can you elaborate on this 'small piece of metal' information you have, which isn't automatically a light-bee - could just be a beer can or something. Also, can anyone else back up his supposed information?

  Sheikah said:
Do you mean in the show? Duane Dibley is Cat's alter ego in a virtual reality caused by the despair squid.


If you mean in game, I've no idea, sorry.


I meant in both. So basically, I need to find Cat? Who is Cat (I know the character, I meant in the game by the way)


It's cool, thanks anyway.


  Magnus Peterson said:
@Animal: My character is Olaf Peterson, one of Lister's buddies, who all drink quite a lot. Before the radiation leak killed everybody, that's how they spent their time. So yeah, my character goes out drinking every night.


@Sheikah: Can you elaborate on this 'small piece of metal' information you have, which isn't automatically a light-bee - could just be a beer can or something. Also, can anyone else back up his supposed information?


So wait, you're a chef who likes to drink? Does the drinking affect anything you do in the night phase?


Why would Jimbob be talking about a beer can? He's supposed to be balanced, I'd hardly think throwing in a red herring of his own accord would be fair.


Put it like this - before you put your hands up admitting you could have killed Jonnas against your own will. Why are you now so sure you haven't? If you acknowledge that you could have been controlled before, why claim now that you couldn't have been? Unless the being controlled thing is bogus.


I put forward the control thing as a suggestion, a possibility. I didn't have any leads on it and never claimed to, but I was seen by both Jon, and Rummy, of whom I had no suspicions. I haven't been placed at the crime scene by multiple people, this time. I only have your suspicious words.


Who are you, @Sheikah? ...The navigation officer?


*EDIT: I was seen by both Jon and Rummy **at the crime scene**


That's ridiculous. So because several people witnessed you in connection with the crime, you 'could' have been controlled. Yet if one person witnesses you it must be false? You sound like a Mafioso who has been caught red handed in the first instance who couldn't lie their way out.


While not everyone has spoken there's a good chance you might not have been targeted by very many people, so my account might not be verified. Who else targeted Magnus last night?


Two people claim to have seen me there, of whom I wasn't suspicious. My PM told me that I blacked out that night after going on a date with the navigation officer. I put forward a basic guess based on this information.


This time, I only have your word that you saw me throw away a small piece of metal. I don't have any information in my PM about that. I also don't trust you. If that's difficult for you to comprehend, I don't think you should be playing a game of this complexity.


I'd like to hear @Yvonne's information.


Just putting this out there, I'm going to bed and I'm going to have a full day tomorrow. I'll try my absolute hardest to get on here tomorrow before I go to bed again.


For the record, Magnus Peterson (have to stop calling you Magnus, keeps on making me think Magnus is in the game), I think there's definitely something going on with you, dude. Whether it's against your will or not, there's just something not right about you. Nothing personal but I just find it too...coincidental. I'm starting to have a bit of doubt against you and I'm pretty sure you have some against me, which, at this stage, is fine.


However, we do agree on one thing, we both want very much to hear this information that Yvonne has teased all of us with. Yvonne, spill!


lol, a game of this 'complexity'. Maybe I'll just go back to snakes and ladders.


I really don't understand your viewpoint. Your counter-claim before to everyone's info on you was that you must have been controlled. Yet now the idea to you seems completely impossible. If I was Mafia why wouldn't I have come out with a bluff when several others had bits and pieces on you linking you to the crime?


Note that I trusted you at the time. If I wanted your lynch because I was Mafia I would have simply strengthened the existing lynch with my vote and forged info rather than start a new one days later from fresh.


The truth is, I'm pretty confident you discarded the light bee. No one else has confirmed this but no one has refuted it either. People should bear that in mind in light of your previous links to another death.


I came to the conclusion of controlling because I have no recollection of the incident.


THOUGHT OCCURS! Have we not recently established, upon Jon's word, that there is a shape-shifting character by the name of MoogleViper? Could explain me being seen at the crime scene. Although, my character does drink a lot, as established.


It's possible, yes. He could have appeared as you. You'd probably be a good choice to disguise as given you've been accused of being the murderer a fair deal already.


My info, which I received directly AFTER voting Magnus, was that I shouldn't trust my old partner, he is not what he seems. I targeted Sheikah last night and I got some flavour text about fitness routines, which AFAIK is a Rimmer thing. Rimmer already being dead implies that Sheikah is the one the message refers to.

It would be nice to know what character you are.


@Animal you are a protector? Wasn't Peeps one too?


Also Rummy is The Cat, so maybe that helps your search


What the fuck is going on. This game is a massive clusterfuck and i'm completely lost.




I don't know why you couldn't find me last night. Probably some 'role' or another, although it wasn't mine. I know i tried to find Animal, but he was locked in a box or something. Who knows why?!


My PM implied that i had massive rampant sex with someone, but i can't remember who due to being drunk (in game i mean, i've not just forgotten) and i think the Love virus was involved somewhere.


This game is so damned confusing, i have no idea how the hell you're supposed to guess who's bad and who's good. Is it supposed to be this ridiculous, or am i just not trying hard enough?


Magnus Peterson does seem incredibly suspicious, but perhaps the light bee thing is some sort of red herring?? Do we get those in the game? Yvonne seems pretty darned suspicious also, always being really vague about everything and quick to point the finger at everyone else. Sheikah too in that respect.


I'm going to reserve my vote, and go for whoever seems most popular later on, and let others make my mind up for me. Seems legit.

  bob said:
What the fuck is going on. This game is a massive clusterfuck and i'm completely lost.


Welcome to the world of mafia! :p


First of all I apologise for my lack of participation. By now I should know better than to join a game while busy with school. This is no excuse, simply an explanation.


I am currently at school, so I'll read things through when I get home.


Votes (as they stand)


Magnus Peterson - Sheikah (1)


Moogleviper - Magnus Peterson, Yvonne, Jon Dedede (3)


Majority is 7 (13 players)

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