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Marvel-ous Monday!!


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Ah yes, i knew i'd seen someone shaving with their fingers in something, but i assumed it probably wasn't Supes.


That just looks ridiculous though. Does he have super sharp finger nails then? Or just strong nails and weak hair (but strong skin). Bizarre.

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After violence against women reached epidemic levels at Midtown High School and with the staff doing little to help (often blaming the girls for dressing inappropriately and getting too drunk), student Felicia Hardy decided to form a protection group of girls who’d accompany each other in the evenings and be there for each other if they were in abusive relationships. However, in Felicia’s first incident of intervening, she ended up beating a footballer to a pulp. Despite her protests that the footballer was attempting a crime far worse on another girl, she was quickly expelled before graduation.

A year later she was living with her high school friend Gwen Stacey in a New York apartment while Gwen was dating Peter Parker. One night, Gwen went out with Peter and never came back. That was the night Gwen died at the hands of the Green Goblin. Suspecting Peter was the cause of the death, Felicia went undercover as Black Cat, an identity she had secretly been developing as a way to continue her protection of the city’s women, and pursued Peter. Discovering he was Spider-man, and believing what the papers had been saying about him, she made it her mission to avenge Gwen’s death and kill him.

Over time, the two became allies to take down the real killer and quickly became joint protectors of the city, Black Cat’s priority being the protection of young women.

Her outfit is a deliberate middle finger to the victim blaming culture of her high school and she often remarks to her enemies after defeating them “Oh, well you were dressed like you were asking for it.”


Remember to check out - http://marvelousmondays.tumblr.com/

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Oscorp is a multinational, bioengineering corporation in the heart of New York. They focus on the potential of applying the atributes and defence mechanisms into medecine, technology and warfare. Their famous Scorpion, Rhino and Vulture suits, inspired by their animal counterparts, have been proven to be more than a match for the Iron Suits of Stark International.


Understandably, Midtown High School science student Peter Parker couldn’t resist using the corporation as the subject of an article for the school paper. Managing to book and interview with head scientist Dr. Connors, Peter arrived at the building early and joined in on a guided tour.


However, he got lost in the labyrinth of laboratories and stumbled upon the arachnid enclosure. The rest is history…


Peter told his girlfriend Gwen Stacy about the changes he was experiencing after his spider bite and together they created ‘Spider-Man’, a vigilante hero who could trap criminals in webs. Using stolen equipment from Oscrop and a combination of various high school sports outfits, they developed the iconic costume. They worked together to protect the high school and later the whole of New York. However, the disturbing secrets about Oscorp that Peter and Gwen discovered made them the target of Dr. Connors and even CEO Norman Osborn.

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Professor X and Magneto are sworn enemies with conflicting opinion on Human / Mutant relations but they were not always this way.

In 1963, Magnus Eisenhardt, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, attacked and killed several men publicly in Berlin. All witness reports claimed he had guided cutlery to impale them with his mind. The men in question, Max claimed, had been guards at his concentration camp and seeing them again had triggered him to attack. The scandal brought the controversial topic of “mutation” into the spotlight.

Around the same time, a young Charles Xavier was researching mutation against recommendation of his professors at Cambridge University. His paper “Frustrated Darwinism”, argued that humanity had beaten evolution by adapting the world for their survival rather than adapting themselves. Xavier coined the term ‘X-Gene’ to refer to a dormant gene in some people which has only recently been unlocked due to humanity no longer needing to evolve.

The paper was controversial for suggesting the X-Gene was possibly the product of an outside intelligence and also seeming to forgive Magnus Eisenhardt of his crimes by saying he was simply not in control of his Mutation. Xavier became a famous and politically divisive figure and caused further controversy when he outed himself as a Mutant too. His powers involved high level telepathy and telekinesis. He used his amazing brain to create a super computer known as Cerebro which could locate the X-Gene and he swiftly sought out Eisenhardt.

Managing him to convince him to be released from prison, Xavier took Eisenhardt back to his inherited mansion where they established Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters: a sanctuary and academy for Mutants where they could learn to control their powers.

The pair quickly learned that many mutations were far from positive. Some Mutant powers were minor, others could be seen physical. The school helped many people around the world come out and soon the mansion was teeming with Mutants.

However, Eisenhardt became restless. Frustrated with how mutants continued to be portrayed in the media, he set about organising a public riot with some of the more angry students. Hiding his famous persona under the title Magneto and using an altered Cerebro helmet to block Xavier’s mind control, Eisenhardt and his small army left the mansion and attacked Washington D.C.

What started as a riot became a blood bath, as the Mutants with more dangerous powers began killing. Magneto, remembering how casually his people had been killed in the past, felt little mercy.

Xavier then revealed his X-Men, a secret society in the school of Mutants whose powers were useful and controlled enough to use in the field. Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Bobby Drake, Kenneth Worthington and Hank McCoy were sent out into the field with Xavier and they battled Magneto’s army. In the battle, Charles Xavier was wounded by Magneto, crippling his spine and removing his ability to walk.

The battle ruined the public’s opinion of Mutants forever and Xavier and his Mutants had to become even more private. Magneto formed the terrorist organisation, The Brotherhood of Mutants, whose sole purpose was to overthrow humanity. The X-Men and the Brotherhood have been at war ever since.


Also redid Thor




American history teachers Donald Blake and Jane Foster were guiding their students around an exhibition of Norse Mythology at the Smithsonian. The two teachers had been smitten with each other for a while but they kept their feelings secret to avoid gossip among the students.

While walking through the exhibit, Donald came before Mjolnir, an artefact that was once worshipped as the hammer of Thor. Despite all the “Please Do Not Touch” signs, Donald felt compelled to reach out and place his hand on the hammer. In an instant, he was knocked out by what could only be described as a bolt of lightning.

Donald had to recover in hospital and his body would never be the same. However, the accident allowed him to express his love for Jane and the two became a couple. Since then, shy and awkward Donald gained a new sense of confidence that he had earned with his near death experience.

5 years later, the couple returned to the Smithsonian. Donald intended to propose to Jane but was distracted when he saw Mjolnir. Once again, Donald felt compelled to touch the hammer and despite Jane’s protests, he did. This time, the lighting stroke once again but Donald didn’t faint. Quite the opposite! The lightning healed his crippled body, gave him magical abilities and brought back his memories of being Thor. He had been exiled on Earth by his father to teach him humility in order to be worthy of holding Mjolnir and ruling Asgard.

With these new powers he vowed to continue protecting Earth as he had done in the times of Norse legend. However, when Thor ever lets go of Mjolnir, he returns to his limping, history-teacher self. All was well for the hero until news reached Asgard of his triumphant rebirth. Thor’s brother Loki had something to say…

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In the comics he is called Max Eisenhardt and then changes his name to Eric Lensher.


First Class skips the first name.

I'm skipping the last name.


I think in my grand plan I will have his name change included buuuuut the description of their origins was already long enough...

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Bruce Banner was a talented veterinarian who was hired to join a special project at Oscorp, studying the effect of gamma radiation on animals. His findings were revolutionary! He found ways in which animals could benefit from their radiation exposure by using their mutation as a defence mechanism.

However, when he discovered that Oscorp were hoping to use the findings to develop a race of super soldiers to battle Spider-man, Banner tried to sabotage the project. He thought the findings were being used to save people and animals from radiation, not expose them to it. He trigged the Gamma Bomb they’d be developing inside the building itself so that it would destroy all their research. Bruce was at the centre of the explosion and thought dead as no body was found and with him, all their findings were gone.

However, 6 months later, Bruce Banner was spotted shoplifting in New York. He was tracked down by Oscorp to the attic of his ex-wife Betty Ross. Oscorp sent Aleksei Sytsevich in their prototype RHINO suit to track him down. Betty Ross was revealed to have been helping Bruce evade discovery and she was kicked out by her new husband. The two of them tried to flee but met RHINO in Time Square.

It was then that Bruce changed into the Hulk, a mutant alter ego he had been trying to suppress. The monstrous creature destroyed RHINO and fled into the depths of the city. Now Bruce is being hunted by Oscorp, Betty Ross and also SHIELD who wish to recruit him to the Avengers, but all Bruce wants is to be as far away from innocent people as he can.

As time went on his mutation grew stronger but more controlled and, interestingly, more green.




Cyclops was the first student at Professor Xavier’s School of Gifted Youngsters (after Magneto). His mutation curses him with vision so powerful that it emits an optic blast he cannot control.

When Scott was a young boy, him and his family were taking a ride in the father’s private plane. The family had been aware of his mutation but were keeping it a secret. At this stage, his eyesight had only generated the odd spark but nothing more. But this day was different. Without warning, Scott emitted a blast of energy so powerful that it destroyed the plane from the inside. In the crash, only Scott and his brother Alex survived.

Riddled with guilt, Scott protected Alex in the forest for a few days before they were discovered by a rescue team. The brothers were put in an orphanage where Scott covered his eyes with a bandage so as not to harm anybody else. While self-blinded this way, Alex was adopted without his knowledge and they lost contact.

However, using Cerebro, Professor X discovered Scott and invited him to join his school for Mutants. The Professor and Magneto developed a pair of glasses for Scott using ruby-quatz (after extensive tests and research) and even a visor which could control the power of his blasts.

When Magneto defected, Scott was the first member to join Professor X’s battle squad the X-Men where he became field leader under the codename Cyclops.

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Iceman, aka Bobby Drake, was a founding member of the X-Men. His ability to cool his body temperature to minus degrees allowed him to create ice by using the water in the air and he could even use it to cover his body in icey armour.


Bobby was just a normal teenager when he started to develop his mutation. Unfortunately, his boyfriend Rocky Beasley wasn’t accepting of his development and left him. Rocky began spreading the gossip that Bobby was a mutant around the school until he was publicly outed by a cheerleading team at a football match. Furious, Bobby unleashed a blizzard and froze head cheerleader Judy Harmon, almost killer her.


Bobby was transferred to Xavier’s School for Giften Youngsters where he developed his skills and joined the X-Men. He remains single but occasionally uses a computer app he developed with Jean Grey (his best friend) called Cere-Bro to find gay mutant dates. “Vers top, no humans, lookin for smn w icecube kink.”

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Everyone is told that as they reach puberty, certain parts of the body begin to grow and they might find hair in places they hadn’t had it before. So when Henry McCoy’s hands and feet began to enlarge and he started sprouting blue hair all over himself, he didn’t think much of it.


However, after being teased in the changing rooms for his unusually hairy back, he decided to start shaving daily. Then it became twice daily. Then three times. Soon Henry was cutting class in order to shave.


His limsb began to strengthen too. Very soon he was leaping across the football field in several bounds. People became too scared to bully him and he lost all his fields. At the time, the school forbad mutant students and although he tried to hide it, Henry was expelled.


Luckily, Professor X was there to take him in and he soon became one of the most popular students at the School for Gifted Youngsters.


As their adventures continued, he became known as Beast and joined Cyclops and the others on their field missions. He also slowly began to accept his mutation more and stopped shaving as regularly until he eventually stopped altogether and accepted the blue, hairy beast within.

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