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The Best Mafia In The World (Tribute)

The Peeps

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Night 2


There was a lot of activity in the town tonight but one bad apple stood out from the crowd…


A man found himself in great peril but an unlikely hero forced his aggressor to the ground and he made his escape.


A couple of players were groaning and shuffling to their targets… a third joined them by the end of the night.


The glitchy figure was disappointed at the lack of death in the night and turned his gaze to those who were not meeting his expectations. Perhaps one of them will restore the balance…


14 'Living' Players:







Data lost:




Majority is 8

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During the day phase you may use your pendant to discover the true intent of the crowd. Pick a lynch that has already happened or is on-going to discover how many mafia voted (in an on-going lynch you will only discover whether the lynch is more evil than good). In the night phase you will discover your target’s name. You have an optional double vote.

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That's why I was asking for someone to fix me. Didn't want to spill the beans in hope that I could take advantage of the situation later on (although so far I'm not quite sure how I can get advantage of it).


I do seem to be functioning normally for now.

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So I was roleblocked. Big surprise.


I made the role above. The pendant was never used in my game.


On the one side, I wouldn't mind using it on the votes on me, but since there are only three of them there's a risk of them just being three freightened townies and the mafia has just been sitting back enjoying the view.

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Pit I think (on phone). He's from brawl 2. I know the name of someone who targeted you but if it did nothing bad I won't say who it was.


tch, how stupid of me. The person who targeted EEVILMURRAY (I know who they are) is obviously the one posting their role info into the thread. They are 100% town and there is not a single reason at this stage for me to out them.


In other news, if Tales was roleblocked, then Diageo is still the protector, and Rummy is still a PM snooper.


Rummy, what PM did you discover?

Diageo, who did you protect?

Jay, did you roleblock Tales?

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Well there is a zombie leader floating around then and if he gains a majority of zombies he probably wins. I think it is Jonnas simply because he hasn't mentioned the threat of the zombie leader when he was him in the original game, and won. I forget if they counted towards townies or neutrals when they were bitten though. Brb checking.


Ok crap he just had to create 4 zombies and then he won. Then they all left the game and the remaining town and mafia fought it out. Just going to have to hope "zombie steve" creates a few mafia zombies because he's hard to catch.


I need a cure.


Poisoned? Count Dooku from the Star Wars Mafia could be in this game then.


Nah, I think it's a neutral.


At first I thought only one person attacked me, but reading my pm again after what Diageo said, it makes more sense that I was attacked then 'poisoned'.


And Jay is more likely to be the role blocker as I don't think the latter was in the pirate mafia.


Last nights target, i targetted Cube. Found he was attacked and left unconscious on the floor.


All from day 1. I think Jimbob is Zombie Steve. Not 100% concrete but I think it is solid enough. Vote: Jimbob

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tch, how stupid of me. The person who targeted EEVILMURRAY (I know who they are) is obviously the one posting their role info into the thread. They are 100% town and there is not a single reason at this stage for me to out them.

I have a reason, I'd like to know who's been not only investigating me, but has my full role details posted.


Reveal please.

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No. I trust you, and I trust this character, and I'm not going to endanger either of you further.


Let's spend our effort on the thread slackers, now that I hope you've exhausted your suspicion of me by targeting me last night and confirming my character and power.

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My suspicion of you is not exhausted, you ask questions demanding answers but mostly evade/refuse answering questions when they're asked of you.


And I haven't confirmed your name (that was one of the questions you actually answered) or power, I don't know how you could've made such an assumption.

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it's a bit weird that Cube admitted to being a zombie though, meaning the mechanics are probably slightly different, no?


I'm not sure how it worked in the last game, but I've not joined a team and I've had no ill effects so far.


On night 1 I was essentially told that when I woke up (after being knocked out, likely by Jay) with a chunk missing out of my arm and that I had a hunger for brains.


On night 2 I was told that I thought being undead didn't affect my life as much as I thought it did.

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