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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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I wasn't keen on the idea of a spin off, Agent Carter got renewed though and that is mega win I say :D


Looking forward to the double ep finale of this this week, though I am a bit pissed off that...


The killed off Admiral Adama...I mean... Edward James Olmos' character...BBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


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JUst.... just ....DAMN THAT WAS AWESOME.





No... that was just mean :(


Just dropped into this thread to say "hi" to all the oldies. Why this thread? Because I also wanted to let you know that my firstborn (son), now 4 weeks old, is called Fitz... ;)


/me crawls back into the shadows...

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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

I don't know if anyone else has been keeping up with this show, but this latest season has been blowing it out of the water (figuratively).


I usually watch this show as a kind of comfort thing. It gets by - it's not brilliant, but it's fun. The plots are usually fairly predictable, and the writing is a bit cheesy.


The latter half of this season though - whew! Every time i think i know where the show is going, they swerve, they twist, usually two or three times an episode! It just keeps getting better and better!

That scene in the latest episode, when Fitz suddenly stops, flips the knife, and stabs Simmons - i was all like waaaaaaaaaah?!



There are some questionable bits, like how John Hannah makes a robot in the image of his ex-girlfriend - exactly the same in every way, but programs her with an American accent, when in real life she is an Aussie....why?


Anywho - would recommend.

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  • 1 month later...
That latest episode. This show just gets better and better! It's all over the place and over the top but it's so good.


Indeed! I haven't seen this week's episode yet, but before the previous one I thought that


the Framework was different for each person. As in, there was a reality shaped for each person separately, not all of them together in one. Clearly not though.


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Indeed! I haven't seen this week's episode yet, but before the previous one I thought that


the Framework was different for each person. As in, there was a reality shaped for each person separately, not all of them together in one. Clearly not though.


Yeah I wasn't sure at first whether


Certain people they met were made up by the framework, or if it was actually them. Like when Skye met May in Hydra, I thought it was just a fake May produced only for Skye like Ward was.


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I definitely recommend catching up with SHIELD, this season is amazing. If we get a season 5 (we had better get season 5!) then I hope they keep the "3 arc" structure. It kind of feels like we've had three seasons in one.

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Watched Episode 18 last night. So so good. Especially the last scene. Shit going down!


I kind of hope they keep the Framework story lines running into season 5 (if we get a season 5 (we had better get season 5!)), as it's too interesting to just last for a third of a season.

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  • 2 weeks later...


so what do you think, did Aida create some sort of transport device which she was carrying, or has she generated her new body with special powers?


It kind of looked like she physically transported him into the framework somehow...

Would be weird and trippy if that were the case, but would make a bit more sense than she just suddenly has super powers.


I wonder if they're going to use the weird human body machine to essentially bring certain people back from the dead. Like they could create a body and bring back Triplet, or Hope?


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I think there are two possibilities. One is that the body is connected to the Darkhold.


Second: remember that Hydra in the Framework did a ton of research on Inhumans? Her body could be made with multiple inhuman powers.


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Oh I hadn't thought that she had transported him into the framework! I was thinking something more like what Cube said, she having multiple inhuman powers. Will Fitz be brainwashed then if he's in the framework again?


Where is the Darkhold now by the way?


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Actually now that I think about it,

them going back into the Framework is unlikely, seeing as they had this emotional goodbye with Mac and everyone. Would be weird to go back in now...


I just preferred that to Aida suddenly having abilities.


I don't really like the Darkhold storyline, it makes plot lines too fanciful. If they want to do something ridiculous now, they just say "oh it's Darkhold technology" which is a cop out.


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Good news it's been renewed! I'm wondering, if they have a reduced budget maybe we'll have a shorter season? Inhumans is also in the same TV channel, maybe we will have Inhumans until the Christmas break, and Agents of Shield after?

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