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Clearly, scoring a whole mass of goals against a manger-less side proves that I am WORTHY OF TOP FLIGHT SILVERWARE! I demand that I get a shot at the top league title. I have scored 11 goals in 2 games. Can the league leader do this in as many games? No. TEHREFORE I AM CHAMP!


...... yeah. right.

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I've got some written out but I missed a lot I'm ashamed to say. Last one I posted was round 4... I've not been this far behind ever :(


But they'll be done tonight/tomorrow and you have my word that I'll not miss any more for the rest of the season (sticking to my 2 reports a week schedule)



This is my first season in the Elite league but my timing with reports has been far from elite and I humbly apologise :p


N-Euro Elite League Round Five


***Real Peeps 2-0 Rising Phoenix****

Both teams take offensive formations and while Rising Phoenix manage to give their opponents a few scares in the game, Real Peeps easily take the three points. Jimmy Exton scored first in the 12th minute for Real Peeps, also scoring a second goal in the 35th minute. Nothing else much to report on in this game besides a hefty injury for Kaj Eklind of Rising Phoenix. A glance at the tactics shows that Phoenix may not have set anything for this game, making it an easy win for Real Peeps.


*****Winston Gardens FC 4-0 Bubbles FC****

Winston Gardens walk all over Bubbles this round with 10 chances against 3. Magnus Ahnfeldt gets the first goal in at 12 minutes, followed later by Bradley Thomas in the 28th minute. Bubbles didn’t create any chances in the first half, all three being made in the second but it was still Winston Gardens all the way as Elroy Goodison scored in the 53rd minute. The final goal came from Art Wilkins in the 59th minute, leaving Gardens fans satisfied and Bubbles fans disappointed.


****DuDs Baggies 0-2 Intergalactico Stars*****

Intergalactico still prove unbeatable as they take another away victory. Baggies couldn’t make any headway in the first half but Intergalactico were also having trouble breaking through, only making one chance themselves. The second half was more active as both sides created a few chances each but Intergalactico were the only team to score. Eddie Guerrero scored both goals for Intergalactico in the 52nd and 61st minutes. Each team made three substitutions in the later minutes of the game but it only perpetuated the stalemate as neither team scored.


****Silverdale Hotpot 5-2 Madpool****

Silverdale had a shaky start to the season but have now beaten Eights United and Madpool and they’ve got their eyes set on Intergalactico next round. Madpool suffered an early injury in Steven Gerrard in the 3rd minute who was replaced by Elliot Williamson. Silverdale started things off with a goal from Bruno da Luz in the 26th minute and a freekick in the 41st minute scored by Julian Wacek put them 2 goals ahead. Reggie Hales hit back for Madpool, managing to score in the 43rd minute but Madpool’s comeback was interrupted by the half-time whistle. Julian Wacek scored again in the 52nd minute, closely followed by Steven Calderwood in the 55th. With Silverdale now 3 goals ahead, things were looking bad for Madpool but Silverdale hadn’t finished yet as Clifford Hope scored one more goal for Silverdale in the 62nd minute. Madpool kept trying despite the wide gap in the score line and Darrell Sedgewick got them a second goal in the 79th minute. Of course there was no catching up to Silverdale now but at least Madpool make it a less embarrassing loss.


***Eights United 2-0 Battlestar Odwinica**

Eights were on full offensive today after their loss last round to Silverdale and Odwinica get the brunt of it. It was a slow start for Eights as their first goal came from their third chance in the first half, scored by Emil Beck in the 44th minute. Eights made 9 chances overall compared to 2 from Odwinica but they only scored twice. Eights second goal came in the 52nd minute, scored by Anthony Zahora. It was not a high scoring game but Eights had the upper hand the whole way through, barely giving Odwinica a chance.


Most Important Result: Silverdale Hotpot 5-2 Madpool, Silverdale continue to move up the table, now sitting in 4th while Madpool switch places with Eights again, dropping into 3rd from 2nd. DuDs drop from 6th to 8th after their defeat at the hands of Intergalactico who stay in 1st. Real Peeps and Winston Gardens are both still on the rise while Odwinica drop to 5th. No other changes in the table.


Manager of the Round: Nikos9, Intergalactico Stars, Nikos and Dan-Likes-Trees were the only managers to get 5-star ratings this round but Intergalactico had the tougher game away to DuDs Baggies.


Player of the Round: Julian Wacek, Silverdale Hotpot, takes the award this round after scoring twice in his game, once from a freekick and once from a long range shot on goal. Wacek also assisted Clifford Hope in Silverdale’s last goal of the game.


N-Euro Elite League Round Six


***Bubbles FC 0-0 Eights United***

After Bubbles lost horrifically last round and Eights easily beat Odwinica, it seemed like this match would be a no-brainer but Bubbles pulled out all the stops, securing a draw as they prevent Eights from making any chances at all! The referee was not on Eights side at all this game, handing out two yellows and a red card, while Bubbles get off lightly with just two yellows. Eights also suffered two injuries in the game; Severin Granås was heavily injured in the 15th minute and Anthony Zahora received a light injury in the 36th minute. Bubbles had 4 chances on goal, 2 in each half, but didn’t score – although I’m sure they’re happy with the draw!


****Intergalactico Stars 3-1 Silverdale Hotpot****

Silverdale Hotpot have beaten two of the superpowers in the last two games but this round they’re away to Intergalactico who have yet to concede a match. Intergalactico’s Ben Kenobi scored quickly in the 9th minute to show Silverdale their streak had come to an end while Terry Hogan gets Intergalactico’s second goal in the 33rd minute. Silverdale were still coming in with chances but were just unable to score. Thankfully for Intergalactico, Zinedine Zidane did not have that trouble when taking a penalty in the 68th minute, securing a third goal. Steven Calderwood was finally able to get Silverdale’s first goal in the 76th minute but it was too little too late and no further goals were scored.


***Rising Phoenix 0-4 Winston Gardens FC****

Winston Gardens keep their streak going, even achieving the same score as last round in their game against Rising Phoenix today. Paul Crossley of Rising Phoenix was injured and replaced in the early minutes of the game, as Gardens start their offensive game. Jonathan Franzen was first to score in the 22nd minute with a follow-up goal coming from Art Wilkins in the 33rd minute. In the 54th minute it was Gardens’ turn to replace an injured player as Gusztáv Egri comes off worse from a dodgy tackle. It didn’t slow Gardens down though as Magnus Ahnfeldt scored in the 64th minute while Rising Phoenix were still unable to create a single chance in the second half. In the 89th minute, James Joyce scored the last goal for Gardens from a set piece freekick.


****Madpool 4-1 Battlestar Odwinica***

Madpool put all of their effort into this game after being sorely beaten by Silverdale last round. It was a mixed start as Reggie Hales scored the first goal for Madpool in the 29th minute but just two minutes later, Odwinica were awarded a penalty from which Ranko Trifkovic was able to score. Madpool came into the second half seeing red and launched an all-out offensive attack, creating 6 chances and scoring instantly in the 46th minute with a goal from Archie Gay. Steven Gerrard scored for Madpool in the 60th minute followed by a goal from a penalty of their own, scored by Stanley Trainer.


*****Real Peeps 4-1 DuDs Baggies*****

Both teams earned 5-star ratings today and both teams received two bookings each within the first 15 minutes but that’s where the similarities end in this game. Real Peeps were the only team to score in the first half, with a goal from Thurston McAuley in the 20th minute. Dominic Gilli was next to score for Real Peeps later in the game in the 61st minute with another goal from Thurston McAuley following quickly in the 65th minute. McAuley scored a third goal in the 72nd minute while Baggies were still struggling to create any chances. Finally, in the 90th minute, Baggies were able to score thanks to a goal from Theobald Paine, preventing a total whitewash.


Most Important Result: Madpool 4-1 Battlestar Odwinica, Madpool take 2nd place again as Eights drop back to 3rd while Odwinica drop from 5th to 7th. Real Peeps move into 4th after their victory over DuDs who stick in 8th. Winston Gardens move up to 6th and Silverdale drop into 5th.


Manager of the Round: The Peeps, Real Peeps, DuD and Peeps were the only managers to earn 5 stars this round in their match against each other but Real Peeps were the team on top.


Player of the Round: Thurston McAuley, Real Peeps, scored a hat-trick and assisted Dominic Gilli in scoring the only other goal Real Peeps had in the game.



N-Euro Elite League Round Seven


****Bubbles FC 0-1 Rising Phoenix****

Bubbles were fortunate last round to secure a draw at home to Eights United but things didn’t quite work in their favour this round as Rising Phoenix steal the win. Bubbles had the most chances in this game, creating two in each half while Phoenix only had one chance in each half. However, Rising Phoenix were the only ones to score as Petrica Milosevici beats the keeper with a long range shot in the 26th minute. On paper it seems like Bubbles should’ve won this game, especially with the home advantage so you just have to put it down to having an off-day (perhaps Xpert didn’t want 5 draws this round!).


****DuDs Baggies 2-2 Winston Gardens FC****

The first half was incredibly tense… or incredibly boring depending on how you look at things. Both teams had three attempts on goal but neither were able to score and possession was fairly even, though it was tipped more in favour of Winston Gardens. DuDs were taken into the lead in the 48th minute thanks to a goal from Conor Shearer but Winston Gardens equalised soon after with a goal from Magnus Ahnfeldt in the 57th minute. Not to be out-done, Baggies went into the lead again in the 64th minute after Conor Shearer scored a second goal and it looked like that would be it… but in the 88th minute Art Wilkins saved the day for Gardens with a goal from a header after a corner.


****Silverdale Hotpot 2-2 Real Peeps****

Another close game here but looking at Silverdale’s offence rating of 16, it really shouldn’t have been! Nat Dowell scored for Real Peeps in the very first minute to put Silverdale on the back-foot right from the start but they soon recovered as Steven Calderwood levelled the scores in the 20th minute. Real Peeps were somehow creating more chances than their opponent in this game but Silverdale’s impressive defence were easily keeping them out. In the 67th minute Real Peeps went ahead again after a freekick was scored by Dominic Gill. The minutes counted down and it looked like Real Peeps were going to steal the victory but disaster struck when Derrick Birch scored an own goal in the 83rd minute to tie the scores at 2-2!


*****Eights United 3-3 Madpool****

Eights were out for blood in this game after their drawn game last round and started off strong against Madpool, scoring two goals in the first half as they played almost unopposed. Their first goal was scored by Alec Svanson in the 17th minute and in the second half Svanson started things off with another goal in the 45th minute. Not yet content, Alec Svanson scored again just two minutes later! Eights were now 3-0 up from 7 chances while Madpool had made only one… but Madpool were not going to give up so easily and Darrell Sedgewick started their comeback with a goal in the 51st minute. Stanley Trainer was next up and scored in the 59th minute. Eights regrouped and shut out a couple more chances before the teams were keeping each other locked out again. Madpool were desperate for another goal as the minutes ticked away but it was looking less and less likely… until the 91st minute when Darrell Sedgewick was finally able to score again for Madpool!


***Battlestar Odwinica 1-1 Intergalactico Stars***

Yet another draw this round as these two titans clash against each other. The defence of Odwinica easily thwarted the offence of Intergalactico and somehow vice versa… Both teams created four chances in the game, two in each half but Intergalactico were the first ones to score with a goal late in the first half scored by Mark Undertaker in the 41st minute. Odwinica didn’t leave it long before returning fire and scoring a goal of their own in the 58th minute, scored by Amar Sherawat. Intergalactico made three substitutions in the second half in the hopes of reinforcing the team to score more goals but to no avail.


Most Important Result: Eights United 3-3 Madpool, with literally no chance at all in the table this round, the most important result is this drawn game between 2nd and 3rd place. This draw puts Madpool in a powerful position over Eights as they have drawn the away leg and will have an easier time of it when they play Eights again as they’ll be at home.


Manager of the Round: Tales, Eights United, despite only drawing his game, Tales had the only 5-star rating of this round so it’s only fair that the award go to him. Rising Phoenix come in close second after winning away to Bubbles FC but only achieving 4 manager stars.


Player of the Round: Alec Svanson, Eights United, Svanson scored all three of Eights’ goals, two of them within two minutes of each other! It wasn’t enough to secure victory for Eights but it saved them from an embarrassing defeat as Madpool knock away three goals late in the game!


N-Euro Elite League Round Eight


****Winston Gardens FC 3-1 Silverdale Hotpot****

Winston Gardens have been thriving despite management changes (my money is on Zell as the secret manager) and this round is no different. Will Dan-Likes-Trees return to find his finances in the red? Who knows what methods these managers are using! No goals in the first half despite three attempts from Winston Gardens but their star player, Magnus Ahnfeldt did receive a heavy injury in the 25th minute. Bradley Thomas proves Gardens have more than one star player by scoring in the 53rd minute and over the course of the second half Winston Gardens make 4 chances compared to just two from Silverdale. Gardens were next to score after Maxim Herasimienia gets a goal from a set piece freekick in the 73rd minute but Silverdale were hot behind them, scoring in the 76th minute with a shot in the penalty area from Hernan Orellana. Lastly, just to show off, Fedi Zankho scored a final goal for Winston Gardens in the 91st minute.


****Rising Phoenix 4-0 DuDs Baggies****

Rising Phoenix stomp all over Baggies in this game but earn four yellow cards in doing so! Francois Auffret started things off in the 11th minute, scoring with a header from a cross and Jean-Jacques Piquet kept the ball rolling (so to speak) by scoring again in the 30th minute. Baggies managed a single attempt on goal before the first half ended but it was easily saved by the keeper. Francois Auffret scored again for Rising Phoenix in the 55th minute and Caupolicán Candelas scored the final goal in the 62nd minute. Once again, Baggies had a solitary attempt on goal in the second half but this one flew just wide.


***Intergalactico Stars 2-1 Eights United***

Intergalactico have barely had time to relax as they face all the toughest teams in the middle of the season but still they manage to keep the edge against Eights this round. Eights were first to score with a goal from Alec Svanson in just the 5th minute of play! Nick Fu of Intergalactico levelled the scores again in the 18th minute and each team backed off to strengthen their defences. Alec Svanson was injured in the 38th minute and replaced by Justin Wilder which caused some low morale for the team as Svanson had been on incredible form but the whistle blew for half time before Intergalactico could strike. Intergalactico were very much the more offensive team in the second half, creating four chances in contrast to the single chance they had (and scored from) in the first half. Eventually, in the 71st minute, Eddie Guerrero was able to push Intergalactico into the lead as he scored from a long range shot. Eights were leading a charge to retaliate but their attack was cut short as Emil Beck received a heavy injury in the 76th minute.


****Madpool 6-1 Bubbles FC**

Madpool enjoy a lighter game this round against a weaker opponent and are able to take full advantage by scoring lots of goals. Reggie Hales scored the first two goals of a game with a freekick in the 20th minute and a shot in the penalty area in the 24th. Archie Gay scored next in the 31st minute but another freekick in the 33rd minute resulted in a hat-trick for Reggie Hales. Bubbles managed to get a goal in before the first half ended with a shot from Mario Haber in the 39th minute, but Madpool wanted the last kick and Spence Monk scored the final goal of the first half in the 41st minute. In the second half Archie Gay scored in the 50th minute before Madpool backed off to give their defenders something to do.


****Battlestar Odwinica 1-0 Real Peeps***

Real Peeps put up a fight with a strengthened defence in this game but Odwinica still take the victory. No goals were scored in the first half despite two chances from Odwinica but none from Real Peeps. Ernst Heinzmann was injured early in the second half, leaving Real Peeps with a weakened midfield and soon after, Bautista Miranda scored the first goal of the game for Battlestar Odwinica in the 67th minute. Real Peeps managed two chances in the second half but neither had any real chance of going in while Odwinica increased their attempts to 6 overall but still just the one goal.


Most Important Result: Winston Gardens FC 3-1 Silverdale Hotpot, Gardens move into 4th place up from 6th, switching places with Real Peeps. Silverdale drop to 7th after their loss this round and there’s some movement in the lower end of the table as Rising Phoenix move into 8th and Baggies drop into 9th.


Manager of the Round: Rising Phoenix, Phoenix take this award as I can’t really offer it to Dan-Likes-Trees even though he had thetougher game, as he wasn’t actually the one setting the tactics.


Player of the Round: Reggie Hales, Madpool, Hales takes this award after scoring from two freekicks and a shot in the penalty area in his game against Bubbles FC. Hales also assisted in a fourth goal, scored by Archie Gay.



N-Euro Elite League Round Nine


**Silverdale Hotpot 3-0 Rising Phoenix-

Phoenix shame themselves by not earning any manager stars at all this round, leaving Silverdale to take away a much deserved three points. Eric Hudson scored first in the 29th minute for Silverdale but they receive a minor setback in the 36th minute as Clifford Hope is injured and subbed out for Bruno Da Luz who actually assisted in the next goal, scored by Eric Hudson in the 48th minute. Rising Phoenix were still playing rough throughout the second half and Eric Hudson received a heavy injury in the 56th minute and was subbed out for Steven Calderwood. In the 94th minute, Jamie Jerome scored the final goal of the game in the very last second of play to see Silverdale win 3-0.


****Madpool 1-2 Intergalactico Stars*****

Madpool have the home advantage against a tiring Intergalactico who won’t get a break until about round 14 as they will have to play all the strongest teams in the second leg of the season, starting next round with another game against Madpool. Intergalactico keep it together this round and score first thanks to a penalty taken by Zinedine Zidane in the 13th minute. No further goals were scored until the second half when Madpool equalised after a goal came from Reggie Hales in the 46th minute. Intergalactico were showing signs of fatigue in this game though they still managed to create 5 chances away from home (compared to 2 from Madpool), but their only goals came from a penalty in the first half and a fortunate freekick scored by Eddie Guerrero in the 86th minute.


****Winston Gardens FC 1-2 Battlestar Odwinica*****

Winston Gardens are handed their first defeat in 6 games as they come up against the mighty Battlestar Odwinica this round. Odwinica are quick to score with a goal from Ondrich Popej in the 4th minute but Winston Gardens managed a goal of their own before the first half ended with a goal from Fadi Zankho in the 30th minute. Both teams were looking fairly evenly matched though Winston Gardens were leading on chances but a freekick in the 71st minute saw Fritjof Tygesen score the winning goal for Battlestar Odwinica.


***Real Peeps 1-6 Eights United***

Real Peeps have exceeded expectations and got some surprising results this season but not in this round against Eights United! Eights scored in the very first minute with a goal from Hjalmar Seljevold and had 5 goals before the first half was over. Marvin Capwell scored in the 9th minute, closely followed by Egon Håpnes in the 11th. Hjalmar Seljevold scored again in the 27th minute, once again followed closely by another goal, this time scored by Alec Svanson in the 31st minute. Eights backed away for the start of the second half but soon got restless and scored again in the 68th minute with a goal from Marvin Capwell. In the 86th minute Real Peeps were awarded a penalty from which Ernst Heinzmann was able to score, sparing the team from the total embarrassment of a whitewash.


****DuDs Baggies 0-3 Bubbles FC*****

Bubbles hit back hard after a string of losses this round and snatch an away victory from Baggies. Bubbles had two chances in the first half compared to zero from Baggies but were not able to score until the 47th minute when Viorel Asofroniei scored from a header. The next goal didn’t come until the 70th minute and was scored by Anselmo Giampietri. Baggies made some substitutions soon after but were unable to change the outcome of the game as Bubbles score a third goal from their fourth chance in the second half in the 83rd minute, scored by Wallace Hornby.


Most Important Result: Silverdale Hotpot 3-0 Rising Phoenix, Silverdale bounce back this round, moving back up into 5th. Meanwhile, Winston Gardens drop into 6th as Battlestar Odwinica rise up to 4th and Real Peeps continue their descent and move into 7th.


Manager of the Round: Nikos9, Intergalactico Stars, a few managers earned 5-star ratings this round but Intergalactico had the toughest game out of the lot so take the award for their 2-1 victory over Madpool away from home.


Player of the Round: Mario Haber, Bubbles FC, Haber takes this award after setting up all three of Bubbles’ goals this round. Haber looked not for glory, wanting only to help his team win the game. Haber has since signed a deal with Specsavers to advertise contact lenses.


N-Euro Elite League Round Ten


****Rising Phoenix 2-1 Silverdale Hotpot*****

Silverdale were in a strange position this week after earning the Xpert Manager of the Round position but still lost their game. Literally nothing to report on this game besides goals and chances, Silverdale had 3 attempts on goal in the first half and failed to score while Rising Phoenix’s only chances came in the second half and they scored from both! Silverdale had two more chances in the second half but only scored from one of them. The first goal came in the 72nd minute, scored by Steven Calderwood of Silverdale Hotpot but their lead was short-lived as Cletus Sheen scored from a penalty in the 74th minute and Rupert Bachmann got a last minute goal in the 92nd minute, securing a sneaky victory for Rising Phoenix!


****Intergalactico Stars 2-4 Madpool***

Intergalactico are finally beaten this round after 5 consecutive games facing the strongest teams in the Elite League. Intergalactico had a strong start with Terry Hogan scoring the only goal of the first half in the 37th minute and Nikos Scabos scoring the first goal of the second half in the 46th minute. Madpool surged into the lead soon after as Steven Gerrard scored their first goal in the 51st minute which was closely followed by a penalty scored by Stanley Trainer in the 60th minute. With the scores level, Archie Gay went all out to secure a third goal for Madpool with a shot in the penalty area putting them ahead in the 69th minute. In the 71st minute, Stanley trainer was heavily injured causing Madpool to send in Elliot Williamson while Intergalactico made some substitutions of their own. Despite these disruptions, Madpool were still next to score with a goal from Spence Monk essentially ending the game in the 80th minute.


****Battlestar Odwinica 3-1 Winston Gardens FC****

Is Dan-Likes-Trees back? Because Winston Gardens lose their second game in a row after a long run of being undefeated! Neither team were able to make any chances in the first half, perhaps due to a card-happy referee issuing bookings left and right. The first goal came in the 61st minute and was scored by Isak Millberg of Battlestar Odwinica. A freekick in the 72nd minute put Odwinica further into the lead as it was easily scored by Fritjof Tygesen. In the 86th minute, Bradley Thomas attempted a comeback for Winston Gardens by scoring from a header after a cross but another freekick in the 89th minute sealed Gardens’ fate as it was once again scored with ease by Fritjof Tygesen.


***Bubbles FC 2-1 DuDs Baggies***

Have these wins been down to great play from Bubbles or poor play from Baggies? It’s hard to tell but Bubbles surely aren’t asking questions as they walk away from the double header with 6 points from their opponent! Wallace Hornby scored the first goal in the 31st minute for Bubbles FC but it was a close affair as both teams were getting their chances in. Bubbles moved into the second half with confidence and created four more chances compared to just two from Baggies. Roman Muraviev scored the second goal for Bubbles in the 88th minute, just in time too as Derek Payton scored soon after for Baggies in the 93rd minute.


****Eights United 1-0 Real Peeps****

A more conservative score line this round as Real Peeps play a defensive game away to Eights United, but Eights still get the win! Eights suffered an early setback as Charles Almaas was injured in the third minute to be replaced by Dagfinn Jalland. Both teams had two attempts on goal in the first half, perhaps offering some false hope for Peeps fans as Eights took the lead in the second half with a goal from Marvin Capwell, scored in the 51st minute. Eights had three attempts on goal in the second half compared to just one from Real Peeps but the latter team were unable to equalise and Eights had no need to increase their lead.


Most Important Result: Rising Phoenix 2-1 Silverdale Hotpot, this result creates the only significant change in the table as Phoenix move out of the relegation zone into 7th and Real Peeps take their place in 8th. Bubbles pick themselves up from 10th, leaving Baggies in their wake and there was no change anywhere else in the table.


Manager of the Round: MadDog, Madpool, despite having one of the lowest manager ratings this round, Madpool take this award for being the first team to defeat Intergalactico this season.


Player of the Round: Fritjof Tygesen, Battlestar Odwinica, Tygesen beat the pressure in this game and scored from two freekicks, the second being scored in the 89th minute when the pressure was really on as Winston Gardens had scored just three minutes previous!



Edited by The Peeps
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