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DIY Mafia, by Cave Jonnas


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To further explain: I got it into my head that Yvonne was the one who killed Dohnut because of how he used a rather minuscule detail to get EEVIL to confess, almost like he knew.


But as Yvonne was roleblocked it isn't him.


Thinking about it...it actually has zero indication to if EEVIL was telling the truth or not.


Although I don't think EEVIL had any particular reason to lie.

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OK, I can see being mysterious is getting me nowhere. I was hoping someone would put it together and clear me while not explaining.


Last night I targeted Yvonne. I tracked him and discovered he targeted Tales. Due to my power, this information was posted in the write-up.


As for night 1, I had no power on night 1. My power before/on night one was that I would absorb the power and alignment of the first person who targeted me.

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To further explain: I got it into my head that Yvonne was the one who killed Dohnut because of how he used a rather minuscule detail to get EEVIL to confess, almost like he knew.


But as Yvonne was roleblocked it isn't him.


Thinking about it...it actually has zero indication to if EEVIL was telling the truth or not.


Although I don't think EEVIL had any particular reason to lie.


I was suspicious of Yvonne as well, considering he was apparently EEVIL's original target and the one to lead the lynch. If it wasn't for him apparently being roleblocked, I would suggest he might be the possessor.


You expected us to figure that out by ourselves? :p Thank you for coming clear, though. :)


A little clearing up, though: It's your own natural power that results in stuff related to you being posted in the write-up, right?


Also, surely you must be both a tracker and reverse tracker? How else would the write-up show that DuD targetted Yvonne?


But then why didn't heroicjanitor appear as well? Unless he actually didn't block Yvonne and is covering for him. [/paranoid again]

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IA little clearing up, though: It's your own natural power that results in stuff related to you being posted in the write-up, right?


The same power was used by someone else on night one, and they targeted me.


So the original person with the power must have targeted DuD.

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Personally, I thought the lead on EEVIL yesterday might have been mafia led knowing there was another killer out there and they didn't make it(worried about losing their own numbers), but this is assuming he wasn't telling the truth. I'm not so sure what to think now, though.

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The Cube situation goes like this: His power is to copy the power and alignment of the first to target him. The one who targetted him on night 1 was the tracker whose results get posted in green in the write-ups. On night 2 that person targetted you, DuD, while Cube targetted Yvonne.


The Rummy situation we're no wiser on.


Sorry, the EEVIL situation. Rummy's post above mine made me switch the names around.

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drunkk! I think killing EEVIL was good even though it wasn't amfia. But the important part is that we need to figure out if he was lying or not. Was anyone controlled today? If it's true IMO it's a powerful thing, could be an odd nights power. That or EEVIL made the kill and made a bold lying play, and the mafia kill was stopped. DuD was stopped N1.


Also wtf evertyone targeting me?


But wait, if mafia missed their kill they'd want EEVIL alive - grill him for time and not develop any new leads. Now EEVIL is a dead neutral there's much more concrete info to go on, doesn;t help mafia even though there's one less person to kill. ALSO don't rule out death millers - it happened in ace attorney mafia (though it seems to be generally accepted as a bad power). It'd be a good idea to gather everyone's targets for N1 and N2, see if theres any more info in there.

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I targetted you Yvonne because I thought you were a prime target for mafia after your info to lynch eevil yesterday.


I was stopped yesterday. How do you know that?


Scrap that, I'm a nob, I revealed that myself.


I randomly targeted mr-paul N1, but was attacked and left unconscious. I don't think it was Mr-Paul himself who did this (from the way it was written), so I assume it was someone else with an ordinary role block

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Also worthy of note is the fact that it was the only kill that night (that we know of, at least), which points to it being the work of the mafia. However, this could again lend credit to EEVIL's claim that he was redirected, which opens up more questions about the nature of that redirection and its effect on his mimic power.


Could it all be "true"? I have a vague theory that we're dealing with some sort of "possession" killer who must take control of someone in order to perform the kill. A vague theory, but a theory nonetheless.


Yeah, given EEVIL turned out to be neutral I'm leaning towards the idea that he could have actually been possessed. His power was to mimic the power of another player in the game. Unless there's a vigilante power out there and that he unknowingly mimicked it then it seems unlikely he had the ability to kill. It would also explain why there was no apparent Mafia kill.

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Since the killer on both nights was described as relentless I could think they were being possessed. Eevil's power was to mimic someone's power. So I don't think he could've done anything with it in the first night. Unless he copied Joker's power and used it on him... But not likely at all!


Just need to see if anyone else was forced to kill last night. We're still looking to hear from a few people today. Anything to add @Jayseven @gmac @Animal @Jimbob


@uəʌəsʎɐɾ then, I am not sure what that name starts with. Searched it in the members list to no avail :p It's almost as if he doesn't want people mentioning him! Mafia tactic if I ever saw one.


@Diageo too

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Classic mafia tactic.


I also disagree on the mafia neccessarily wanting him alive, a killer who could kill one of theirs is a big risk. It worse for the mafia to lose their own to an outside killer than for the town to get hit.

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I would like to state, for the benefit of the people, that i experienced treachery to my kung fu on both nights running. Whilst two turkeys tried to re-direct my black ass, I do not believe that they were one and the same person.it was due to this very trechery that I did not believe eevils testimony of being a redirected redirector.

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