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The Girl Who Became 3 Boys


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Did anyone else watch it? It's on 4OD for anyone who missed it.



I find it kind of funny to be honest. Truly bizarre. Basically, this girl pretended to be 3 different boys to seduce and sexually assault a couple of girls. But the girls were friends, or at least knew, the girl who was pretending to be the boys. Yet they had no idea it was her.


I think the highlight of the whole thing is the fact that one of the "boys" never spoke and only communicated by typing on his phone and showing it to one of his victims.



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Started replying to this at work today when I suddenly realised how just having Moogle's sig at the top of my screen is slightly NSFW in a department mostly full of women and also very clear and full view of my monitor by anybody standing behind me.


ANYWAY. I caught like the second half of this, yeah, it seems weird/hard to believe, but they're young and impressionable. What confused me more was that ginger girl, who...a bit weird herself from what I saw. No surprise she got duped, really. I think also, it's almost SO bizarre that you wouldn't ever believe it, that you wouldn't even contemplate/entertain it as a thought.

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I question the intelligence of all involved, i still can't see how they didn't notice it was the same person!


Its an impossible task to date more than one person at a time, let alone while pretending to be different people each time with different appearances, the only logical explanations are that they are morons or visually impaired.


And i don't even know where to start on the girl/3 boys, a prime example of someone who needs to be sectioned

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We used to go on msn, which was like this instant messager thing


^ Bitch please.


Really get jarred by this little ginger girl, Jessica is it? It doesn't exactly surprise given how she is. Not saying any of this is ok, but I can kinda understand it happening with her a bit more.

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I've just realised she ain't even really ginger, I musta just convinced myself of that when I saw it yesterday. I just...argh! If I knew her, man, I'd verbally pimpsmack the fuck out of her life.

I understand her pointing out the obvious of text speak too, which some older folk viewers may well appreciate, but man...pimpsmackins, yo.

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I guess...it presents it in a way which helps me to understand *why* it was possible for this to happen, though I think the parties involved may have been more naiive than you'd expect. I feel sorry for his girl, having been sexually assaulted, if anything it's a bit more sobering to the reality of the whole affair.

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Just finished watching it (surprised that 4oD isn't locked to UK net users, yay)


My god that is the weirdest thing.


Again like most I wonder how neither of the 2 "victims" noticed their "boyfriends" were not just the same person but also their friend (a girl)


Even when the "3rd boy" always wore a hood and couldn't see his eyes (Connor I think it was) lips and nose should give it away.... actually how could you date someone whose eyes you've never seen???


Silly teenagers :heh:


The Jessica one though seems very familar to me... maybe I saw it in a newspaper (but didn't read the article just saw the pictures?) but whenever she was on screen I kept thinking "Harry Potter" for some reason.... was there a character in the films that looked like/sounded like her?

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