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50 Shades of Grey and other stuff...dirty, naughty stuff...


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Okay, I'm going to be the brave one and make this thread about this....erm...popular(?) series that's soon going to be a movie. 50 Shades of Grey is a trilogy about a woman who meets a man who's into proper kinky sex...I think...@Aneres11 needs to come in here, he'll tell you about it!


Anyway, I thought I'd make a thread about this just to see what everybody thinks about this trilogy. I've not read it myself and, although I'm intrigued as to why it's become popular (and I think I know why*) and want to read it a little, I don't either.


This isn't just a discussion about 50 Shades either but more about Erotica itself. Like if you were to read Erotica, whether you like it or not, would you read it in public? Do you view it as pornography and not as a story of lust and sex? Has anybody read the series or even any erotica at all?




*From what I found out, 50 Shades of Grey was actually Twilight fanfiction with the names changed.


Waterstones got annoyed with me because I moved the "Caution- Wet Floor" sign from the 50 Shades of Grey stands.


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Reading porn seems like such a girly thing to do. I prefer my porn in video form.


It probably has better stories than Fifty Shades of Grey, anyway.


Not that I've read it. Maybe it's a modern literary classic!


Waterstones got annoyed with me because I moved the "Caution- Wet Floor" sign from the 50 Shades of Grey stands.

Your friend stole that joke. :heh:

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Reading porn seems like such a girly thing to do. I prefer my porn in video form.


It probably has better stories than Fifty Shades of Grey, anyway.


Not that I've read it. Maybe it's a modern literary classic!



Your friend stole that joke. :heh:


I prefer video anyday, haha. But seriously, never actually READ a sex scene in a book before other than True Blood. The closest thing to sex I've read in a book was in one of the True Blood books and it was pretty descriptive. Other than that, nothing. I've heard it's badly written but still, I'm curious anyways.


Also, that joke is miles better in a picture form. If that was done in Waterstones or a library, I'd laugh so much!

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Yup I read them. In all honesty they are quite poorly written.


The story in itself is ok-ish. You want to know what's going to happen between them and whether she is going to be converted to his very kinky ways.


Book 2 is the best story wise but by the third I honestly couldn't care less.


It was too samey. The kink was a shock at first with all the detail, but it never varied. They were having the same sex in book 3 that they were having in book 1.

I expected him to totally destroy her every chapter but it just didn't happen. Lol. And that's not coz I'm a dirty bastard it's coz that's how it's virtually selling itself. But it is very boring after the initial scene.


It's worth a read if you like the boy meets girl style books. It obviously has a bit of a twist with the filth but it's nothing like it should have been for a book with a lot of kinky promise haha.


I have never read an erotic book in my life before 50 Shades but I wouldn't class that as particularly erotic really. It's trash with a bit of filth. But women love it :heh:

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Man, Aneres is all, "NOT KINKY ENOUGH."


Maybe you should write your own erotica, but it sounds like it'd be so risque that no one would want to publish it. :o



I prefer video anyday, haha. But seriously, never actually READ a sex scene in a book before other than True Blood. The closest thing to sex I've read in a book was in one of the True Blood books and it was pretty descriptive.

"He thrusts, she moans. He thrusts, she moans. Thrust, moan, thrust, moan, thrust thrust thrust mooooaaaaan."


That's how I imagine books like this, but I assume there's more to it. :heh:

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Yup I read them. In all honesty they are quite poorly written.


The story in itself is ok-ish. You want to know what's going to happen between them and whether she is going to be converted to his very kinky ways.


Book 2 is the best story wise but by the third I honestly couldn't care less.


It was too samey. The kink was a shock at first with all the detail, but it never varied. They were having the same sex in book 3 that they were having in book 1.

I expected him to totally destroy her every chapter but it just didn't happen. Lol. And that's not coz I'm a dirty bastard it's coz that's how it's virtually selling itself. But it is very boring after the initial scene.


It's worth a read if you like the boy meets girl style books. It obviously has a bit of a twist with the filth but it's nothing like it should have been for a book with a lot of kinky promise haha.


I have never read an erotic book in my life before 50 Shades but I wouldn't class that as particularly erotic really. It's trash with a bit of filth. But women love it :heh:


I'm glad someone who has actually read it admits that the writing is terrible. All the people I know having initially been embarrassed to admit they've read it, then go on to vehemently stress it is well written and a great story. Like hell it is!

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Well it is definitely an easy read. And I think that's why so many people are picking it up and enjoying it! Ha.


But I think people who do read very little who think this is well written are confusing it with it being easily read. Just because you don't struggle to fly through it doesn't mean it is a well written book.

It's quite the opposite!


Man, Aneres is all, "NOT KINKY ENOUGH."


Maybe you should write your own erotica, but it sounds like it'd be so risque that no one would want to publish it. :o


Hahaha. It wasn't kinky enough Magnus, seriously!

At first it was pretty racey but then it became him teasing her with fingers / tongue. Her 'pleading' with him to sort her out. Him finally giving in and telling her she was 'so ready' judging by her saturated state. Then her 'falling apart around him' as they crashed into a heap together.


So there ya's go. Anyone wanting to read it - it's all pretty much there above.


You can't tell me that's real kink haha. :laughing:

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*From what I found out, 50 Shades of Grey was actually Twilight fanfiction with the names changed.


What I found out too, and it almost made me give less fucks than I already did, but then I came to the realisation it isn't entirely possible to give less than zero fucks.



/tired joke but seriously I don't give a fuck.

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Hahaha. It wasn't kinky enough Magnus, seriously!

At first it was pretty racey but then it became him teasing her with fingers / tongue. Her 'pleading' with him to sort her out. Him finally giving in and telling her she was 'so ready' judging by her saturated state. Then her 'falling apart around him' as they crashed into a heap together.


So there ya's go. Anyone wanting to read it - it's all pretty much there above.


You can't tell me that's real kink haha. :laughing:

Well, I can see why you were disappointed! I've seen raunchier stuff than that on HBO. :blank:


It should have started with, like, light bondage or something and gotten kinkier and kinkier from there. Chapter two, he gags her. Chapter three, maybe some breath play. In chapter four, he asks her if she's ever heard of golden showers? And so on.


Clearly she's never taken a creative writing class or she'd know that you need to build up to the really kinky stuff.

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A couple of weeks ago I watched Twilight for the first time, and it pretty much confirmed in my mind that Twilight - and thus, I believe it is safe to assume, 50 Shades Of Grey as well - is pretty much porn for women. Perhaps it's actually wrong to compare them to regular literature - we wouldn't compare a porn to regular films, now, would we? :heh:

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It should have started with, like, light bondage or something and gotten kinkier and kinkier from there. Chapter two, he gags her. Chapter three, maybe some breath play. In chapter four, he asks her if she's ever heard of golden showers? And so on.


That, or "grandma...why do you have such large and puffy nipples?" o_O


To be frank, a lot of the video stuff is pretty damn ridiculous as well. Starts with kissing and light caressing, slowly taking off clothes while teasing, maybe a little oral action, and then...the man goes into TOTAL BEAST MODE! I mean Hesus Christ, they fuck so fast that you're expecting the man's dick to burst into flames at any second! : o Or at least, both of them to get several friction burns...

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Pretty sure Twilight has hit a bit of a snag now that Pattinson and Stewart are no longer together.


I don't think it will affect things much as long as they pay enough.


Pattinson never liked Twilight anyway.

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That, or "grandma...why do you have such large and puffy nipples?" o_O

Never write erotica, Ville.


There's probably softcore porn out there where they never get to the actual sex, if that's what you prefer. Seems like that'd be a thing, anyway.


For women.

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I don't think it will affect things much as long as they pay enough.


Pattinson never liked Twilight anyway.


It'll have an effect though as I doubt it'll be the same knowing Stewart cheated on Pattinson. Though it'll still makes millions unfortunately.



I know someone's mum is on uniform dating website, met a guy on there and yet neither of them wear uniforms!

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Never write erotica, Ville.


Well, you never know, there's prob a market for "puffy grandma nipples" out there as well... ;D


There's probably softcore porn out there where they never get to the actual sex, if that's what you prefer. Seems like that'd be a thing, anyway.


For women.


Well that's what I mean. Why is there no friggin' middle ground? : o It's either "oooooh, we're so sexy, but we don't actually even have genitals" or "HULK FUCK YOU TO SMITHEREENS!" Where is all the "normal" action?

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