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LEGO Mafia #1: City


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I don't like this lynch. The votes have mounted far too quickly far too early in the game. I'm going to sit out of this until I've made my full analysis (likely tomorrow night)


Is there any particular reason other than its arisen quickly? The day has gone on for a couple of days giving us plenty of time to listen to the debates over people's actions. It would be mega suspicious at this point for people to come out with fabricated results, so surely we gotta see if Rummy and Animal are telling the truth?

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All I can say is I'm going by my results and my gut instinct. I'm not saying Diageo is Mafia but I don't trust him at all.


For me, the fact YOU have conflicting information as well only strengthens my own. Plus Diageo's earlier rather weak post. If two of us have independent information(lololol jk we're both mafia) then I think we've got a solid lead.

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I'll only say two more things Re: Sheikah because we're going in circles


1) I made a typo in my epic long post. My CHARACTER has been revealed in this thread. Mt POWER is still unknown, and I want to keep it that way. I put the word 'role' when referring to both - the term is too broad and I made the mistake of using it to once refer to my character and once to refer to my power it was a mistake. Either way, my character has been mentioned by someone already in this thread. My power is the thing I don't want to reveal as it will make it useless.


2) My character is out in the open, but I'm keeping my power to myself as it is of little use if I reveal it. Basically, if I reveal my power it becomes totally pointless. However, seeing as Sheikah has already revealed both his power, I really don't see why he isn't revealing his character's name. If it was something that sounded innocent he would be happy to reveal it. The only reason he could have to hide it is that it makes him look suspicious.


There aren't that many pages in this topic yet (seriously, these games can hit more than 20 and sifting through info at that stage become a pain. My 'character' has been mentioned within the first four pages. Won't take that long to look - I can't have been mentioned that many times. Once you've found it, Sheikah, please reveal your name and I'll trust you a lot more.

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If anything, I've been led astray but I don't think I have, Diageo. I'm telling the truth.


What the fuck does that mean? You're not telling anything. You're just saying I didn't target Nintendohnut. Who did I target then?


For me, the fact YOU have conflicting information as well only strengthens my own. Plus Diageo's earlier rather weak post. If two of us have independent information(lololol jk we're both mafia) then I think we've got a solid lead.


How does conflicting information strengthen anything? If anything, it points to foul play.

Edited by Diageo
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Ha, I call this bullshit. Why are you making it difficult for people when you could just retype your character name? It doesn't make any sense why you would send people to go look for your character name in the topic somewhere unless you're hoping people forget about it and can't be bothered to look.


There is obviously some reason why you want my name. You might use it claim you are a lie detector and that I am lying, since after all you can't say I'm lying about my role due to me releasing the name of my target (no one else will come forward to claim the same thing).


You know we all have roles that when we let them be known, we're flagging ourselves up for potential death. Yet I did so to gain trust.

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I'm not sure what you mean. I certainly wouldn't claim lie detector - it seems fairly obvious that Animal has a power very similar to that and there certainly wouldn't be two of the same in a game like this. And I'm not sure what you think I'm going to DO with your name? I'm also really not sure why you're so intent on keeping it secret. As I've said my power is pointless once it's revealed. And if I wanted people to forget about my character I wouldn't be telling you and anyone else who wants to to go and look back and find it out! Are you saying I'm trying to make people ignore or forget about my character? I've told you to go and look for it about four times!


If I show you the exact post that I'm talking about, or tell you the page that it's on, or something to make it really simple for you to find it, will you then tell me yours? That's what you said earlier, right - "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours"? That way I get the information I'm asking for, you get the information you're asking for, and we can move on?


Just a sort of unrelated question on the wording of your second paragraph. What you do mean in the sentence that starts "You might use it claim you are..."? Do you mean that nobody else has claimed the same role as you? Or that I can't say you're lying about your target? Or something else? Sorry, genuinely not trying to be a pain, I just can't understand what you mean from the wording. I can't work out what claim you're referring to in the part where you say 'nobody else has come forward to claim the same thing'.

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I think I may well have you Dohnut. This is a theory, but one that I firmly believe in and fits the writing on the wall very well. It would explain your name, your power, and very possibly your alignment (based on the character I think you may be). Everyone, I implore you to read on. If you're not convinced that he is who I think he is (based on the fact that while fan lego of the character I believe he is has been made but I can't find an 'officially' licensed figurine - not that it was ever stated that all lego characters would be official) then I hope this will at least convince you that he is most likely a killer of some sort who has been deceiving us.


Something incredibly underhand is going on here. Dohnut, not once so far have you said you are the Tipper Truck. DuD was the first to originally post something cryptic about you potentially being the Tipper Truck:


I targeted Yvonne originally but I was redirected to Nintendohnut.


Nintendohnut is the tipper... Wait..


I'm not revealing anything outright yvonne. I've posted the info I have in code just incase I need it at some point.


^ While DuD hints that you are the Tipper Truck he clearly avoids categorically stating that you are or aren't that character. It's never you who hints at your own name and you certainly never confirmed it afterwards. Odd much?




There aren't that many pages in this topic yet (seriously, these games can hit more than 20 and sifting through info at that stage become a pain. My 'character' has been mentioned within the first four pages. Won't take that long to look - I can't have been mentioned that many times. Once you've found it, Sheikah, please reveal your name and I'll trust you a lot more.


^ I ask you to restate your character name (first time). You spend a whole paragraph telling me to go and look for it instead of typing two words - 'tipper truck'. Very oddly, you refer to your character in inverted commas - your 'character'. It's as if you are sending out a message that you're clearly not referring to your 'name'. We'll come back to that. It's unusual that you go to such lengths to avoid referring to your name (the reasons I believe for this I will go into further down).


If I show you the exact post that I'm talking about, or tell you the page that it's on, or something to make it really simple for you to find it, will you then tell me yours?


^ Again, most recently, you even offer to point me in the direction of the post itself! How generous of you! Except, this makes no sense. Why go to the length of finding the post yourself and directing me there rather than revealing your name? Then it hits, and you realise it makes perfect sense.





You most likely are Yagami Light from Death Note. I'm very confident about saying this. Here is why:


You have not once announced your name and deflected every opportunity where announcing your name would have been much easier than the alternative. If someone were to learn your name, your power would most likely be useless just as it is for Light in the show. In fact, you practically confirmed it:


I'm not revealing my role right now - it's a massively pointless thing to do at this stage and will render my power completely useless.




My power is the thing I don't want to reveal as it will make it useless.


I'm sure many know but Yagami Light has a supernatural notebook called the 'Death Note'. In it he can write people's names and they will die by whatever means he states, unless he refuses to state a cause of death in which case they die by heart attack. Throughout the anime series Light remains under a constant threat from police investigators who wish to find out who he is to put him behind bars. Anonymity is key for Yagami Light. To make things clear, in revealing his role OR name it would be obvious that he requires names to kill. Thus, no one would tell him their names, and his role becomes useless.



To reiterate - Yagami Light's murder weapon? Names. He can kill people if he knows their name. Now you may consider my theory so far to be hunch, but what follows are Dohnut's multiple attempts to A) obtain my name, and B) play down the importance of knowing a name in order to have me reveal my name.



Attempting to learn my name and/or play down the consequences of dishing out my name (or coerce me into giving it through finger pointing):


1st instance:


What's your character name please, Sheikah?


^ Starts off gently. Not really suspicious.


2nd instance:

I'm really not sure why you can't just give me a name of your character, however. What harm can it do?


^ What harm indeed. Note the attempts to convince me to turn over my name.


3rd instance (from same post as above):


Revealing your name, however, cannot do anything except clear you or incriminate you. Why would you not want to reveal a character name if you are innocent?


^ Tired of playing down the consequences, he's now moved on to good old-fashioned finger pointing.


4th instance:

PS I'd still like to know the name of Sheikah's character. It surely can't have any negative effects at this point?


^ Again playing down the consequences of giving out my name. Harmless, right? Of course nothing will happen to me if I give out my name, that must be why you're so desperate to obtain it!


5th instance:

However, seeing as Sheikah has already revealed both his power, I really don't see why he isn't revealing his character's name. If it was something that sounded innocent he would be happy to reveal it. The only reason he could have to hide it is that it makes him look suspicious.


And finally, in the same post as the 5th instance, one last attempt to get me to hand over my name:


My 'character' has been mentioned within the first four pages. Won't take that long to look - I can't have been mentioned that many times. Once you've found it, Sheikah, please reveal your name and I'll trust you a lot more.


^ Now note how he types 'character' in inverted commas. It's almost as if he is signalling that he has not specifically said 'character name', or 'name' as to not break his rule. Why on Earth would you say oh yes my 'character' is XYZ unless it was part of some ploy?



That's 6 times since he first started at me. He is very, very clearly after my name and has tried all manner of approaches to obtain it. Needless to say, Light was effectively a psychopath. I wouldn't for one second think this guy is Town. Sure, he starts out killing 'criminals', but he quickly turns to murdering the police, investigators, and anyone in his way. I believe he's most likely a serial killer rather than Mafia just as Light is in the series.


Now, it's possible that Yagami's Light's abilities have been transposed onto another lego-like character (possibly a villain or butcher type character) in order to maintain the fact he is a valid lego piece. But the almost certain facts remain that A) He has the potential to do something rather nasty to people when finding out their names, such to the extent that he will launch a tireless crusade to obtain said name and B) He has lied / mislead the rest of the people in the game as to who he is by neither confirming nor denying DuD's hint towards him being the Tipper Truck.


DuD's initial post alluding to Dohnut's character is interesting, almost suggesting an alliance (else how would he know not to specifically name Dohnut?), although this part of my theory is less certain. Especially since DuD has not been on the rampage for names. To back this possibility up though, in the anime series Light had an accomplice who also had a Death Note - called Misa Amane (in that respect their characters could be reversed). However, that is just one possibility to consider.


All in all, I wouldn't believe him now if he came out and said his name was 'character X', as it's entirely possible he is trying to avoid lie detection if he gave a false name and that he'd take a punt at lying about his name if it meant people didn't think he had a chance of killing people by getting their names. Although I consider it more likely he will not reveal his name.



Congratulations for reading this lengthy post so far. Since you got this far, you'll know why I'm going to be saying this - he is undoubtedly the most suspicious person here now, although I am not suggesting Diageo is not suspicious for one minute. This undoubtedly needs to be done guys:


Change vote: Nintendohnut

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Stopped reading about half way through. Sorry, it was a really long post and after you came up with the main part of your theory I just assumed it was all going to be you fitting things into it after that. Its a fantastic theory, but one that is totally wrong.


I am Mama Brickitoni. I play piano for people at night. If Dannyboy can come online at some point I'm confident he can confirm that I targeted him night 1 (I assume that he will get something about having piano played to him in his PM).


I didn't really want to reveal my character and just wanted to know yours, but seeing as you're willing to write epic posts claiming I'm a character that doesn't even exist in the Lego world (I like how you found a picture of a minifig that someone has to make the story seem more convincing), and then vote for me based on it rather than someone who has been CONFIRMED TO BE LYING by two separate people and that you have suspected all day (now who's doing a U-turn? :p) I figured I should probably just reveal myself. I have nothing to hide.


Do you?

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How does conflicting information strengthen anything? If anything, it points to foul play.


Indeed, your foul play. His information conflicts with what you claim, and I got a definitive 'Diageo is mafia' result. That's no chance or co-incidence imo.

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Stopped reading about half way through. Sorry, it was a really long post and after you came up with the main part of your theory I just assumed it was all going to be you fitting things into it after that. Its a fantastic theory, but one that is totally wrong.


It's not totally wrong at all. And it doesn't surprise me that you said you stopped reading half way through (no way in hell you did) as it allows you to avoid some very difficult questions.


The only thing that may well be wrong is that you are a character called Yagami Light, for the sake of the Lego universe. In all other respects, I am certain you have a power that renders you a Lego Yagami Light. Also note that Cube has no reason to include only officially licensed Lego characters and at no point did he state that every piece would be actually from the Lego universe.


Regardless of the Light theory, you have two questions to answer. 1. Why have you, countless times, gone along with DuD's suggested post that you are the Tipper Truck? You have openly admitted to deceiving everyone by constantly suggesting you are this character. Even stranger is that DuD has been as cryptic as you by posting the Tipper Truck info and neither confirming nor denying it was you. Also, why has Dannyboy not contested your point about being the tipper truck already? And here's something to think about - you've been lying about your name but now we apparently have your name it seems to make no difference as I don't know what you do really. So why bother lying?


Second, why are you so desperate to obtain names? You've done it so many times that it cannot be curiosity. It is linked to your power. Having to obtain information to make use of your power unlike other powers that can probably be used outright suggests to me that you have a powerful power.


And there is no U turn here. I have at no point said Diageo is now probably a good guy and you're the bad guy. You're both anti-town, just that your name collecting agenda to me suggests you are a serial killer, so removal of you from the game could mean one less town kill per night.

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I didn't read that all the way through shiekah as I'm on my phone. However if anything is based around cube being the tipper truck I have no idea whether he is or not! That was Yvonne's way off the mark interpretation of my coded info. I forgot to address it after the change of day.


Don't know if that'll change anything?

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Let's not let it detract from the fact I have a very clear PM stating Diageo is evil. It's a point worth discussion(not read it all yet) but it isn't worth side-tracking and possibly stalling out a lynch.

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It's not totally wrong at all. And it doesn't surprise me that you said you stopped reading half way through (no way in hell you did) as it allows you to avoid some very difficult questions.


I did. It's a long post, and you're wrong from the start. I know you think you're right, but think about it from my point of view: I know you're wrong, so as soon as you start a massive post based upon a theory that I know is incorrect, I stopped reading. I'll read it if I have time tonight.


The only thing that may well be wrong is that you are a character called Yagami Light, for the sake of the Lego universe. In all other respects, I am certain you have a power that renders you a Lego Yagami Light. Also note that Cube has no reason to include only officially licensed Lego characters and at no point did he state that every piece would be actually from the Lego universe.


You're stating all these things as if they are facts but let's be honest here: it is just a theory. You think I can kill people with a name? Well, at least one character has already revealed a name - Pepper Roni. Why isn't HE dead? And why have there been no deaths so far?


Regardless of the Light theory, you have two questions to answer. 1. Why have you, countless times, gone along with DuD's suggested post that you are the Tipper Truck? You have openly admitted to deceiving everyone by constantly suggesting you are this character. Even stranger is that DuD has been as cryptic as you by posting the Tipper Truck info and neither confirming nor denying it was you. Also, why has Dannyboy not contested your point about being the tipper truck already? And here's something to think about - you've been lying about your name but now we apparently have your name it seems to make no difference as I don't know what you do really. So why bother lying?


A large part of this game is keeping things quiet. I made sure in my posts that I never said my name because then I would never have lied. All I said was that people had said claimed my character in a post. I was hoping you'd look for it and just assume it was my name, then give up yours. I could've just come out with it, but I thought I could get some info on you while not revealing anything myself. Information is a valuable currency in these games, and I'm not ashamed to say that I try to get the best 'deals' when it comes to getting information on others and revealing information on myself.


I am not the truck, I just wanted you to believe that I was so you would reveal your name. I am Mama Brickolini. Are you disputing that fact? Or are you saying that I'm telling the truth about my character but lying about my power?


Second, why are you so desperate to obtain names? You've done it so many times that it cannot be curiosity. It is linked to your power. Having to obtain information to make use of your power unlike other powers that can probably be used outright suggests to me that you have a powerful power.


I'm not desperate to obtain names. I'm just incredibly intrigued as to why you won't reveal yours. You've come forward with your power, which is what will get you killed if the mafia are picking targets. Revealing your name will do nothing negative unless you are a suspicious character. I'll break it down:


- If you're good, you can say your character (as I have) without worrying about who they are. They will clearly be good.

- If your character isn't at all suspicious, you would be happy to say their name so that people can look them up.

- The only reason a person would hold onto a character name is if they sound very suspicious, like Diageo's (Darth Vader). If the character is clearly an evil one, for example, then it would make you look guilty. The fact you aren't revealing your character name made me immediately think you're holding it back because you know how suspicious it will make you look. Which is why I want to hear it.


I have explained this several times now. Don't ask me the same question again - I'll just direct you back here.


And there is no U turn here. I have at no point said Diageo is now probably a good guy and you're the bad guy. You're both anti-town, just that your name collecting agenda to me suggests you are a serial killer, so removal of you from the game could mean one less town kill per night.


Are you saying that both me and Diageo are in the mafia together? Or are you saying I'm a neutral? If you think I'm a neutral then 'anti-town' is obviously wrong - neutrals are 'anti-everyone', including the mafia.


If you're saying that I'm in the mafia with Diageo, why didn't I kill with this made up power that you think I have last night? Or are you still saying that I was role blocked by Diageo - my team mate in this situation?


I'm happy to post the following as a single post for Animal, or whoever the lie-detector is, to analyse:


I am a member of the town. I am good. I am Mama Brickolini. I am working to defeat the mafia with the rest of the town. On night 1 I targeted Dannyboy. On night 2 I was role blocked.


Would you be okay with that, Sheikah? Would you then share you name?


OH! One final, pretty important point:


If I was this Light character from Death Note, I wouldn't come out and practically beg for someone to give me their name. When that person died in Death Note- related circumstances it would lead everyone straight back to me. I like to think I'm okay at these games, and for me to get a character like that and then just openly say "I WANT YOUR NAME" before killing them would be so ridiculously stupid I can't even understand it.


TL;DR Sheikah's theory is wrong, and I agree with Rummy.


Vote: Diageo

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