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LEGO Mafia #1: City


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@Animal there's only been two nights right?


I targeted Nintendohnut last night, which I assume is the second night. It can't be a lie detection power because I'm not lying, so you must be a tracker of sorts. Since if you actually targeted me you would have got Nintendohnut as my target. I assume you reversed tracked the victim and got me as one of the people that targeted them. Well if that's the case, I'm thinking the person who disguised themselves as me appears as me for tracking purposes.


The mafia have got themselves a good power there, similar to the one Tales had for the Peepsville mafia. They've been lucky and got their plan to work so I don't see anything else I could say to change people's minds. After I'm lynched you will have to try and find this impersonator and assume his power is like that of Tales as I described. So they will appear as the alignment of the person they are impersonating, and if reverse tracked they appear as that person as well.



If they take the alignment of the person they are impersonating, then I assume they won't impersonate their own team mates as that would be too risky. So watch out for that.


Doesn't all of this appear too convenient? It's like the Rummy lynch in the Peepsville mafia. We know there's an impersonator, you don't want to let that happen again. Rummy, you remember right? How can you not see the patter?

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@Animal, how do you know??? Lie detector?

Dohnut and Sheikah, stop arguing without saying much at all, clogs up the page! But I largely agree with Dohnut's sentiments that you sound bloody scummy. Was going to put a vote on you when we were allowed but will now wait for an elaboration of the above info.


I'm not revealing my power but you're not so far off. All I know is that Diageo is not telling the truth in who he says he has targeted.


@Animal there's only been two nights right?


I targeted Nintendohnut last night, which I assume is the second night. It can't be a lie detection power because I'm not lying, so you must be a tracker of sorts. Since if you actually targeted me you would have got Nintendohnut as my target. I assume you reversed tracked the victim and got me as one of the people that targeted them. Well if that's the case, I'm thinking the person who disguised themselves as me appears as me for tracking purposes.


The mafia have got themselves a good power there, similar to the one Tales had for the Peepsville mafia. They've been lucky and got their plan to work so I don't see anything else I could say to change people's minds. After I'm lynched you will have to try and find this impersonator and assume his power is like that of Tales as I described. So they will appear as the alignment of the person they are impersonating, and if reverse tracked they appear as that person as well.



If they take the alignment of the person they are impersonating, then I assume they won't impersonate their own team mates as that would be too risky. So watch out for that.


Doesn't all of this appear too convenient? It's like the Rummy lynch in the Peepsville mafia. We know there's an impersonator, you don't want to let that happen again. Rummy, you remember right? How can you not see the patter?


I don't know why but I just don't believe you at all. It might be a mistake to do this but I'm going to take the risk. I just really can't see why you'd lie other than one reason (that's putting aside if what you're saying is true).


Also, for this day phase, to me, your posts come off as a little dodgy what with you revealing all. It's not normal for you. It's not like your hands were tied and you had no choice, you just freely gave the information away so why do that? If it's to do with who your character is, I'm pretty sure people in Mafia games by now would know that characters and their alignments are different.


I might be wrong and I might have a dodgy gut but I'm going to go with my gut instinct on this one. Sorry, dude, nothing against you but my vote is still stuck on you.

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Vote:Diageo for the simplest of reasons. I found out he was evil but was waiting for the voting deadline to see how conversation went, hence why I found Dohnut weird in his approach. My PM explicitly says I found Diageo to be evil, so I'm going with it. I'll give more if needed(though not sure what) but I have been drinking and gaming so not necessarily tonight as I'm not totally with it, nor read the thread since my last post.

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I didn't call your posts stupid, just that one post. It was a stupid post. Possibly one of the stupidest ever. It made no sense and was a crazy leap from your previous stance, not to mention it isn't even an overtly mafia post like you're trying to claim it is. I'd love to know what this information you have on Diageo is, but I'd guess you're going to keep it to yourself?


I don't have any extra hidden information on Diageo. The information I had was that I was attacked violently last night. Diageo came forward and confirmed it was him. That's what I have to suspect him. In my opinion what I have read from Sheikah makes him sound more suspicious than Diageo's stuff.


(I'd also like to mention you aren't one to talk about rudeness in mafia posts, though it's water under the bridge, I find that highly hypocritical. Then again, it's probably part of your game)


Not really sure what you're referencing here? However, if you've had some issue with me in the past I apologise - I act randomly in some games as part of the whole game plan and it likely wasn't anything personal. I would say that if you DO have a personal thing against me, it may be clouding your judgement in this situation and causing you to agree with whoever I'm accusing simply because you aren't happy with me.


Also it doesn't put the two of you in the open, it marries up your information and gives you plausible alibis. As you've said, you're played enough mafias by now to know how that works.


Yes, but we didn't HAVE to come out with this information. Diageo CERTAINLY didn't. I came out with it because I didn't think the power sounded very 'townie'. He didn't need to come forward with the information. Are you saying that I wasn't role blocked last night?


That's what I was getting at though, you were so confident that he was Mafia that you were willing to vote him and then U-turned in an instant based on no evidence and purely hunch. Such a knee-jerk reaction seems very scum-like unless it's your play style to mercilessly accuse people left and right.


That's why I find it really odd you would accuse me of faltering and not making my mind up about Diageo.


As I said, I wasn't 'so convinced'. I simply was very suspicious of him. I know you haven't played these games before but you should know after reading through a few that the game is based just as much on hunches as it is on 'evidence'. The way you posted, and what you said (I've explained it below) make me incredibly suspicious of you, more so than Diageo. If you hadn't spent that post putting more suspicion on Diageo, I would still be going after him. However, I am very sure that you are a mafioso. The fact that you were trying to get him lynched, in my eyes, clears him somewhat. It was a U-turn, but it was based on how I read your post. I'm not 'mercilessly accusing people' - I'm simply saying I believe you area mafioso. So far you have said nothing to convince me otherwise.


You didn't vote immediately - mafiosos for the most part don't like to be the first to vote for a townie they're accusing. They usually make a post that gently adds suspicion onto the player. Explained more below.


I find it interesting that you are calling me scum when I've revealed my role and targets, and haven't done so yourself. Exactly what are you hiding?


Lol nice try, shifting the blame again. As I have said, someone has already revealed my role. Are you keeping notes? It might be a good idea - things get confusing in these games! I actually HAVE revealed my target from night 1 as well - I don't want to accuse you of lying but you are making things up to support your point. Last night I was role blocked, but attempted to target Tales.


I honestly don't know what could be the case here. I'm theorising here but it's possible that you realised Diageo was already suspicious and jointly decided to accuse / argue with him. People are unlikely to think you working together if you are at each other's throats, yet you still avoided voting him by U-turning.


Sorry, how was Diageo suspicious before today?! Point out to me how he was suspicious and I might agree with you, but he was so in the background before now I'm not sure how you got that. And I didn't avoid voting for him - you made me change my mind.


I don't know what ability/character you have or what it could mean for why you're acting the way you are.


I will ask you again. I have revealed I am a roleblocker and my character is nothing like Darth Vader, I've been far more open than you thus far. What is your power?


My 'character' has already been revealed in the thread, as I have said. I believe Yvonne has said it? I'm really not sure why you can't just give me a name of your character, however. What harm can it do?


I'm not revealing my role right now - it's a massively pointless thing to do at this stage and will render my power completely useless. I won't say any more but it will be of a massive deficit to the town if I reveal what my power is. Revealing your name, however, cannot do anything except clear you or incriminate you. Why would you not want to reveal a character name if you are innocent?


Explanation of Sheikah's post that I found suspicious:


Being new to this I'm not entirely sure if the Mafia can do an ability and kill on the same night? But if they can from what I can tell:


- Peeps killed night 1 and Diageo confesses to targeting him but not killing him

- Diageo confesses to being Darth Vader which seems shady to be fair, wouldn't be the first character I'd think of as town

- 'Enter' killed by being approached by guy in black armour.

You sound really suspicious right now. Anyone checked his character out?


I found this a strange sentence, simply because Sheikah seems to know a fair bit about mafia games, probably from either reading games in this forum or checking the mafia wiki. If it's on the forum, this question has been raised a number of times in recent games by new players. I can't help but read this as a new player and mafia member feigning ignorance about something they've asked on the mafia forum. The way it written says 'I do actually know but I'll pretend I don't', in my opinion.


This linking of some facts makes Diageo look guilty without actually accusing him outright. Obviously Diageo didn't confess to killing - who would!? However, posting ilke this makes Diageo look like he's hiding something, while simultaneously linking him to the kill


This part I agree with, but I had clearly just said it in the post above. Why repeat it if not to make Diageo look more suspicious? Also phrases like 'shady' and 'to be fair' make it sound like a person saying 'I don't want to accuse him but the evidence is saying this...'. This is something I myself have done as a mafia member in so many games. It makes you sound like you're voting for someone without wanting to, just because of the evidence.


This is the strangest part to me. Again, Sheikah links Diageo to the death without outright saying it. Then he asks whether anyone has 'checked his character out'. Obviously they haven't, otherwise they would've come forward. And what else would you like to know? He's already revealed his role and his power without prompting, so why would 'checking out his character' help at all?


What is said in the post, along with the way it is said, makes me think Sheikah is mafia. And, because he so regularly pushes suspicion towards Diageo, I am less suspicious of Diageo despite my earlier concerns.


TL;DR - I just explained why I think Sheikah is mafia. If you think he is too, vote for Sheikah. If not, fine, but If Diageo is lynched and is townie, Sheikah has to be next.

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Haha. Seriously? You didn't even give me a chance did you Cube? I guess you'll have made something that will make me appear evil after death too?


Well go on then. Lynch me. It's not like there's anything I can do. Nice one mafia. Commendable work on getting me lynched.

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I took so long writing all that that I've only just seen all the posts after Diageo's up there. All I can say is that if Diageo turns out to be mafioso I take back all I said about Sheikah, but I'm not going to apologise RIGHT NOW just in case Rummy's result is wrong. I stand by my opinions on the post I have explained above - it genuinely sounds scummy to me, and it was clearly enough to make me change my tack completely.


Let's just see how this plays out.


One thing that's annoying is that @dannyboy isn't around - I'm pretty sure that if he had been back into the thread he would be able to confirm that I targeted him on night 1 and that I didn't do anything negative to him - quite the opposite in fact. Tagged him in the hope he'll see this.

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Seems a little useless but I agree with Nintendohnut. Vote Sheikah




I took so long writing all that that I've only just seen all the posts after Diageo's up there. All I can say is that if Diageo turns out to be mafioso I take back all I said about Sheikah, but I'm not going to apologise RIGHT NOW just in case Rummy's result is wrong. I stand by my opinions on the post I have explained above - it genuinely sounds scummy to me, and it was clearly enough to make me change my tack completely.


Let's just see how this plays out.


One thing that's annoying is that @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane[/color]

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@Nintendohnut, the only thing 'clouding' my judgement is the fact I knew he was evil before the day began.



(The rudeness is a general comment and nothing else, it just doesn't help because I know you work a lot into your game, I'm just saying; you CAN be quite rude in mafia games and I genuinely find it hypocritical to call people on it. I don't want it derailing this game/thread though so let's avoid that)

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Okay, maybe PM me? I genuinely can't think of times when it's happened, which isn't me just being flippant, I just mean that in the past if I have been rude it's been part of the way I was playing rather than anything personal. If it was personal I would remember it, if you see what I mean? Apologies for that in the past, but I have tried to explain my reasoning, at least, so perhaps you won't think my post is so stupid now. Also, try to look at if from a point of view where you DON'T know for a fact that Diageo is evil and only know that he came forward after I said someone violently role blocked me.


ALSO worth noting at this point that if Diageo DOES turn out to be evil what benefit it would be to me as a fellow mafia member to bring him out into the open THEN change and start talking about Sheikah. From a mafia standpoint that would be a pretty godawful play. I would've at the very least kept on attacking Sheikah.


Anyway, like I said, we'll see how this plays out. You may yet be shown to be wrong. Rummy, although based on Diageo's last post, I suspect you won't be :p


PS I'd still like to know the name of Sheikah's character. It surely can't have any negative effects at this point?

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EXTRA POST: I'd like to hear from a lot more people, by the way. So far there are about 5-6 people talking a lot, meaning there are an awful lot saying nothing. Talk, people!


I may be, but I think given the way the day's discussion has gone, it's a fair vote to make.


Oh no I don't disagree with that at all. I'd vote myself but I'm sure people would only say I was jumping on board with a guaranteed mafia lynch :p If people promise not to use it against me I'll vote as well.


What do you think about my point about me accusing Diageo then Sheikah, Rummy? Do you think it would be a good or a terrible play if I was a mafia? I'm basically wondering whether you will think I'm mafia if Diageo turns out to be :D

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As I said, I wasn't 'so convinced'. I simply was very suspicious of him.

Simply very suspicious of him? You were about ready to kill him:


Right now I'd be happy to vote for Diageo, the nature of his role and his Roleblock sound pretty nasty to me. Surely Darth Vader would be mafia...



I know you haven't played these games before but you should know after reading through a few that the game is based just as much on hunches as it is on 'evidence'.

I'm going on a number of coincidences and now other people's evidence, a lot more than a U-turn hunch.


However, I am very sure that you are a mafioso. The fact that you were trying to get him lynched, in my eyes, clears him somewhat. It was a U-turn, but it was based on how I read your post. I'm not 'mercilessly accusing people' - I'm simply saying I believe you area mafioso. So far you have said nothing to convince me otherwise.


Correct me if I'm wrong here - is it not normal for the town to try and get people they suspect to be Mafia lynched? Additionally I provided my role, and who I targeted to point out that it's less likely there is another roleblocker who is town.



Lol nice try, shifting the blame again. As I have said, someone has already revealed my role. Are you keeping notes? It might be a good idea - things get confusing in these games!

This is coming across very scummy and evasive, as further down in the same post you then state:


I'm not revealing my role right now - it's a massively pointless thing to do at this stage and will render my power completely useless.


I don't know whether you have or you haven't revealed it because you've said two different things. Either way, whatever bit of information you have revealed you are effectively belittling me for 'not taking notes' instead of readily repeating this information to ease suspicion. It's as if you're trying to have the best of both worlds - confessing to admitting stuff, without actually repeating it so hoping people can't be bothered looking back through pages of shit to find it.






I found this a strange sentence, simply because Sheikah seems to know a fair bit about mafia games, probably from either reading games in this forum or checking the mafia wiki.


I've not read through a single topic on this forum where I've seen a detailed description of how Mafia kills work alongside abilities. I literally skimmed through the Peepsville and briefly the Marvel Mafia's that were recently done to get a flavour for the game.


This linking of some facts makes Diageo look guilty without actually accusing him outright.


How on bloody earth are town supposed to lynch people if they don't put together the evidence linking potential scum together? I even asked if people had any evidence from potential tracking/investigating of him. Even weirder was that you were grilling him yourself and saying you were happy to vote him. That's the nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned - as you say, the Mafioso doesn't want to cast the first vote. Hence why you lacked any conviction to follow through and vote despite saying how you were so happy to do so.



TL;DR - I just explained why I think Sheikah is mafia. If you think he is too, vote for Sheikah. If not, fine, but If Diageo is lynched and is townie, Sheikah has to be next.

This is the last part I will address but I want people to remember. Dohnut is being evasive as fuck about his role, I've given mine. He was also the one to express intent to lynch Diageo, also the one to U-turn on hunch. The case against Diageo has only gotten stronger but I have both my eyes fixed on Dohnut.


Vote: Diageo

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Not a single bit of fabrication on my part, Dazz/Animal's post intrigued me though. We'll lynch you and see right, because right now you're just floundering imo. @Yvonne, I've seen you viewing the thread and you said you'd re-read and then vote when heat was on Diageo despite the fact voting wasn't possible then. It is now, so why so quiet if you're viewing the thread?

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anyone got a vote count? I'm too tired for a big post right now, summary is: unfortunately I feel this is one of those days where we're going to have to make a non ideal lynch just to figure out who is lying. I will probably go with the wagon, but I'm leaning towards Diageo at the moment.

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