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LEGO Mafia #1: City


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It's violent because I'm Darth Vader. My target on the first night was The Peeps as I previously mentioned.


Additionally, it is clear that I did not kill last night because I role blocked you. I am coming out with this information so that the mafia doesn't try to incriminate me. As we have seen from many games before, the viciousness of role blocks do not correlate with alignment.

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Doesn't prove you're town, either. Like I said, the mafia could easily have imitated one of their own. You might not have killed but that doesn't prove anything. Plus we know nothing about the person who can disguise themselves. Do they just carry out a standard power 'dressed' as someone else? Or do they take on all the powers of the person they imitate? If its the latter, they could've been the person who Roleblocked me, while you killed. I seriously doubt that would be the case but just making clear that what you're saying is not the only explanation.


Can The Peeps confirm you targeted him? Why did you choose to target me last night?


Right now I'd be happy to vote for Diageo, the nature of his role and his Roleblock sound pretty nasty to me. Surely Darth Vader would be mafia...

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Being new to this I'm not entirely sure if the Mafia can do an ability and kill on the same night? But if they can from what I can tell:


- Peeps killed night 1 and Diageo confesses to targeting him but not killing him

- Diageo confesses to being Darth Vader which seems shady to be fair, wouldn't be the first character I'd think of as town

- 'Enter' killed by being approached by guy in black armour.


You sound really suspicious right now. Anyone checked his character out?

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I have absolutely nothing to prove. To anyone with an ounce of sense it's blatantly obvious that Diageo's actions suggest Mafia.


I'm fairly certain about Diageo and now suspicious of you - an extremely knee-jerk vote with no evidence to me screams Mafia. Not to mention being 'happy to vote' Diageo and switching focus entirely in a matter of one or two posts.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now that you're not scripted arguing with Diageo to deflect suspicion. The writing for this one is on the wall, people:


Vote: Diageo

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Shiekah, why are you so adamant that Diageo is mafia? Yes his power and character do sound scummy, but he has been more open than anyone, to be fair to him.

Yes, he could well be evil and trying to clear his name before accused of anything, but it's a risky strategy.


I know you're a newbie to this, but i've got my eye on you.

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The 'coincidences' stack up. Being Darth Vader - obviously evil. Targeting Peeps night 1 - he dies night 1. Night 2 death by someone in black armour. 3 things that heavily imply, at least to me, that he is very likely Mafia.


And lastly, something I haven't shared makes me almost certain he is Mafia.


I am a roleblocker. Lie detect away. On night 1 I targeted Rummy and broke him into several pieces, so he spent the rest of the night putting himself back together. I think it's unlikely there's another roleblocker in town.

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I never said it proved me as town. I'm just giving you the information I have.


I have no opinion on who to vote for because no one is appearing evil to me right now. I just came out with my character to stop Dohnut from defamating the Darth Vader name.

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I have absolutely nothing to prove. To anyone with an ounce of sense it's blatantly obvious that Diageo's actions suggest Mafia.


I'm fairly certain about Diageo and now suspicious of you - an extremely knee-jerk vote with no evidence to me screams Mafia. Not to mention being 'happy to vote' Diageo and switching focus entirely in a matter of one or two posts.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now that you're not scripted arguing with Diageo to deflect suspicion. The writing for this one is on the wall, people:


Vote: Diageo


So first you say that it's obvious that Diageo is mafia, THEN you say that you're fairly certain about Diageo but think I'm mafia, THEN you say you don't think I'm mafia and that it wasn't scripted arguing and THEN you vote for Diageo...


Is it just me that's confused here? Who do you actually think is mafia?


What's your character name please, Sheikah?


I was certainly very suspicious of Diageo above, as you said. I was also very happy to vote for him. However, then you posted and what you said (and the way you said it) sounded like such a typical mafia post that I'm pretty sure you're mafia. The fact that you accused Diageo of being evil actually helped to clear him slightly in my eyes - I still am keeping an eye on him, but the fact that you were so adamant that he is mafia lifts the suspicions for me a little.


Basically I think you're a scumnag :) Prove me wrong!

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So first you say that it's obvious that Diageo is mafia, THEN you say that you're fairly certain about Diageo but think I'm mafia, THEN you say you don't think I'm mafia and that it wasn't scripted arguing and THEN you vote for Diageo...


Is it just me that's confused here? Who do you actually think is mafia?


Ha, pot calling kettle black. One second you had your finger over Diageo to vote, then you switched to me. My post is very clear - I am most suspicious of Diageo, enough to vote him, but am also to a lesser extent suspicious of you for the following reasons:


- Knee-jerk vote for me with little to no evidence

- You have not revealed either name, role or what has happened to you. I've revealed my role at least

- Being almost 'ready to vote' for Diageo (who I think is more likely than not scum) then performing a U-turn. I can't tell if you're trying to deflect blame here or something else.


I was not confident enough to vote him in my first post about him, but then your quick U-turn and hostility to me seemed like pure unprovoked deflection tactic, hence why I voted him.


What's your character name please, Sheikah?


I'll tell you if you tell me yours. I don't trust you either and so far you have given next to nothing.


I was certainly very suspicious of Diageo above, as you said. I was also very happy to vote for him. However, then you posted and what you said (and the way you said it) sounded like such a typical mafia post that I'm pretty sure you're mafia. The fact that you accused Diageo of being evil actually helped to clear him slightly in my eyes - I still am keeping an eye on him, but the fact that you were so adamant that he is mafia lifts the suspicions for me a little.


Basically I think you're a scumnag :) Prove me wrong!


You realise I have never played the game, right? :p I don't know when is the best 'point' in the game is to start accusing people but in my mind it seems ridiculous that a person can have that many 'coincidences' and still get away with it.

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I thought we can't vote yet? Either way, I'm fairly convinced that Diageo is mafia.


Haha from that post alone I'm pretty convinced that Diageo is good and that Sheikah is mafia. Absolutely reeked of g,mafia scumnags to me!


Vote: Sheikah


Care to share some information on yourself, Sheikah?


This strikes me as the stupidest post ever. How does it even explain that conclusion? Or are you in league with Diageo?

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Day 3 will be slightly different. There will be no voting until 9PM on Sunday. Any votes placed before then will be ignored - I feel this would be best for discussion while I'm busy over the weekend.


The alternative is a very long night phase.


Wait until 9PM to vote!

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Ha, pot calling kettle black. One second you had your finger over Diageo to vote, then you switched to me. My post is very clear - I am most suspicious of Diageo, enough to vote him, but am also to a lesser extent suspicious of you for the following reasons:


- Knee-jerk vote for me with little to no evidence

- You have not revealed either name, role or what has happened to you. I've revealed my role at least

- Being almost 'ready to vote' for Diageo (who I think is more likely than not scum) then performing a U-turn. I can't tell if you're trying to deflect blame here or something else.


I was not confident enough to vote him in my first post about him, but then your quick U-turn and hostility to me seemed like pure unprovoked deflection tactic, hence why I voted him.


I'll tell you if you tell me yours. I don't trust you either and so far you have given next to nothing.


You realise I have never played the game, right? :p I don't know when is the best 'point' in the game is to start accusing people but in my mind it seems ridiculous that a person can have that many 'coincidences' and still get away with it.


I thought I'd explained this? I was suspicious of Diageo, but only based on how his role block worked. He didn't have to come out as Darth Vader - he could've kept quiet and said nothing. I was willing to vote for him UNTIL your post.


As I said, the way you posted and what you said just reeked of mafia to me. I don't really mind whether you understand it or not, but I've played a lot of these games on both mafia and townie sides and that post, to me, had mafia written all over it. And, because of the fact that the post made me incredibly suspicious of you, and that in the same post you were gently trying to push some more suspicion onto Diageo by saying he was probably mafia, it's going to be an 'either or' situation. You and Diageo aren't BOTH going to be mafia. I had a little information on Diageo and a post that is simply too suspicious in my eyes. One of you is mafia, and based on my suspicions, I think it is more likely to be you.


Does that make sense?


I REALLY don't understand your point about voting for Diageo, though. You seem to be saying that me and him are both mafia, and that there was some kind of plan to accuse him of having a violent role blocking power? If we WERE in the mafia, why would I be revealing brand new information about a violent role blocker on my team? And why would he be coming forward to say it was him? That puts two of us right out in the open, and all in a pointless attempt to make one of us look good. You're saying that the information about him violently role blocking wasn't enough to vote for him, and that you only voted afterwards because I STOPPED questioning him? But you also say you have extra information on Diageo that makes you think he's scum. Why didn't this information make you vote in your first post? And what is this extra information? Perhaps if you reveal it I'll trust you more and vote for Diageo?


Basically, you're keeping things hidden, attempting to deflect attention onto another player, and voting for reasons that seem quite mixed up. For these reasons I think you're mafia.


Someone has already revealed my role in this game, just look back through the last few days. Now I'd like to know yours. Hiding it (and your 'extra information' on Diageo) is only increasing my suspicions of you.


I thought we can't vote yet? Either way, I'm fairly convinced that Diageo is mafia.


This strikes me as the stupidest post ever. How does it even explain that conclusion? Or are you in league with Diageo?


Bit rude of you, but I'll ignore that. Check out my post above, it should explain a little more clearly for you. It's fairly certain that Diageo and Sheikah aren't BOTH mafiosos, so it's one or the other, or neither. I'm pretty sure one of them is mafia, and based on the information I have and my own opinions/supicions/instincts, I'm more convinced that Sheikah is a mafioso than Diageo. So I'm voting for him.


Get it now? Want to stop calling my posts stupid? Ta very much.

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I didn't call your posts stupid, just that one post. It was a stupid post. Possibly one of the stupidest ever. It made no sense and was a crazy leap from your previous stance, not to mention it isn't even an overtly mafia post like you're trying to claim it is. I'd love to know what this information you have on Diageo is, but I'd guess you're going to keep it to yourself?


(I'd also like to mention you aren't one to talk about rudeness in mafia posts, though it's water under the bridge, I find that highly hypocritical. Then again, it's probably part of your game)


Also it doesn't put the two of you in the open, it marries up your information and gives you plausible alibis. As you've said, you're played enough mafias by now to know how that works.

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I thought I'd explained this? I was suspicious of Diageo, but only based on how his role block worked. He didn't have to come out as Darth Vader - he could've kept quiet and said nothing. I was willing to vote for him UNTIL your post.


That's what I was getting at though, you were so confident that he was Mafia that you were willing to vote him and then U-turned in an instant based on no evidence and purely hunch. Such a knee-jerk reaction seems very scum-like unless it's your play style to mercilessly accuse people left and right.


That's why I find it really odd you would accuse me of faltering and not making my mind up about Diageo.


As I said, the way you posted and what you said just reeked of mafia to me.


I find it interesting that you are calling me scum when I've revealed my role and targets, and haven't done so yourself. Exactly what are you hiding?



I REALLY don't understand your point about voting for Diageo, though. You seem to be saying that me and him are both mafia, and that there was some kind of plan to accuse him of having a violent role blocking power? If we WERE in the mafia, why would I be revealing brand new information about a violent role blocker on my team?


I honestly don't know what could be the case here. I'm theorising here but it's possible that you realised Diageo was already suspicious and jointly decided to accuse / argue with him. People are unlikely to think you working together if you are at each other's throats, yet you still avoided voting him by U-turning.


I don't know what ability/character you have or what it could mean for why you're acting the way you are.


I will ask you again. I have revealed I am a roleblocker and my character is nothing like Darth Vader, I've been far more open than you thus far. What is your power?

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Well is this what I get for coming out with information? I guess I should have just laid low and not said anything. That's how most people seem to win these games, on the backs of others.


I think you people are confusing yourselves here. It doesn't seem like Sheikah has any hidden information on me. His coincidences are that I targeted The Peeps on night one, who was killed by a giant pizza which has nothing to do with my character. And the next one is that a dark armoured character was seen killing last night, even though Nintendohnut has said I targeted him. These coincidences make no sense.


For me to be mafia and for these coincidences to be right, I'd have to be able to turn into other characters, and thus into the pizza guy to kill the Peeps on night one. Then I'd have to turn into Darth Vader, both roleblocking and killing. Unless you think there's another mafia member that can turn into other people, but then the first night has nothing to do with me and that coincidence falls apart.


And @Animal , I don't know what you're trying to pull but I targeted The Peeps on the first night and Nintendohnut on the second.

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I think theres a mafioso who can disguise themselves as others to make the kill.

From the info we have this seems to be a female character.

Night 1 they impersonated me (Peppa Roni) and Night 2 they impersonated Diageo (Darth Vader).

This would make sense seeing as Nintendohnut confirms Diageo roleblocked him last night while someone of a similar description made the attempted kill.

I think that maybe Diageo is mafia and the disguised mafioso imitated him to make him look town? I have no proof to back this up, but I doubt there are 2 townie roleblockers AND if I were mafia I think thats the play i'd have gone with after we realised there was a disguised killer on day 2.

My 2 cents :)

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And @Animal , I don't know what you're trying to pull but I targeted The Peeps on the first night and Nintendohnut on the second.


Thanks, you've made things easier for me now! ;)


Vote: Diageo


You didn't target Nintendohnut on the second night so why lie?


Well is this what I get for coming out with information? I guess I should have just laid low and not said anything.


In this case, maybe you should have...

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@Animal, how do you know??? Lie detector?

Dohnut and Sheikah, stop arguing without saying much at all, clogs up the page! But I largely agree with Dohnut's sentiments that you sound bloody scummy. Was going to put a vote on you when we were allowed but will now wait for an elaboration of the above info.

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