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LEGO Mafia #1: City


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Well he definitely didn't get Rummy or I would have known.


Vote: Sheikah for ignoring our questions.


@Sheikah.. who did you target?


My night 1 target pm..

Can I reverse track Yvonne please :)

My reply from Cube..

You discovered that Jimbob and Tales targeted Nintendohnut.


Now spot the difference on night 4 when Jimbob supposedly swapped Rummy and Nintendohnut..

Can I reverse track Rummy again please :)
Jimbob, Nintendohnut and sheikah targeted Rummy.


NO SWAP TOOK PLACE! unless Cube has changed his way of doing things?? which you can't do as a GM, you need to be consistent.



@Jimbob what did you really do?

@Nintendohnut what do you protect from? Would you have stopped Sheikah's roleblock attempt?

@Sheikah is still ignoring all questions and is posting away in the HoP thread still.

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I'm not defending anyone here, just trying to get my head around the logic. If you found that Jimbob and Tales targetted Dohnut, but saying no swap took place, then Jimbob's lying? However the most curious thing about this was that Tales claimed the track on Dohnut to find he targetted gmac, which *I* did successfully. I still agree out of everything/everyone here though, Sheikah is certainly the fishiest, I'd want to know what he was trying to do to me knowing I'm an investigator. In fact Vote:Sheikah for now.

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Last night I targeted Yvonne and roleblocked him. I asked this before and I thought someone said you can't do an ability and make a kill at the same time (I don't know as I've not been Mafia before) so reckoning up a count of roleblocks would show I did my ability last night. Apologies for not posting sooner, it's fair to say I've gone berserk posting in the other Mafia to clear my innocence and been paying less attention to this one.


Ok Yvonne, if you're saying I didn't roleblock you then can gmac confirm you did something to him?

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I'm not defending anyone here, just trying to get my head around the logic. If you found that Jimbob and Tales targetted Dohnut, but saying no swap took place, then Jimbob's lying? However the most curious thing about this was that Tales claimed the track on Dohnut to find he targetted gmac, which *I* did successfully. I still agree out of everything/everyone here though, Sheikah is certainly the fishiest, I'd want to know what he was trying to do to me knowing I'm an investigator. In fact Vote:Sheikah for now.


No, he didn't find out who targeted me, he found out who targeted YOU.


Last night I targeted Yvonne and roleblocked him. I asked this before and I thought someone said you can't do an ability and make a kill at the same time (I don't know as I've not been Mafia before) so reckoning up a count of roleblocks would show I did my ability last night. Apologies for not posting sooner, it's fair to say I've gone berserk posting in the other Mafia to clear my innocence and been paying less attention to this one.


Ok Yvonne, if you're saying I didn't roleblock you then can gmac confirm you did something to him?


Hold on, earlier you voted for Yvonne because you claimed he wasn't Roleblocked. Something about you being sure he was scum?


Are you saying that you didn't target Rummy, despite DuD's information saying that you did?


My vote stays

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No, I said that because I targeted Yvonne for roleblock and funnily enough there was no death. I got no infomation to suggest that it DIDN'T work nor that I was sent to Rummy so I have no idea why DuD is reporting I targeted Rummy. It could be that someone else protected/roleblocked whoever was Mafia but there's probably going to be only one person protecting now at most now that Dannyboy is gone. I suspected Yvonne already from one of his earlier remarks and after roleblocking him there is no death AND he came out with the comment.


Here is another scummy lynch train of epic proportions. It's a fucking hassle being the person accused all the time and part of me thinks it would be easier to be lynched and prove you wrong!

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My PM states specifically that Sheikah targetted Rummy, so the only way this could have happened (if Sheikah is telling the truth) is if we still have a redirector amongst us.

The only person this could be is gmac, and it would have been him not ReZ who redirected Rummy yesterday??


So if people are telling the truth gmac is scum and I'm unsure on the ReZ lynch I led. However with his night activity and no day activity I would have thought the lynch was good anyway?!


That leaves Jimbob and Tales whose info doesn't add up!

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But gmac said he was a character investigator, I can confirm he was correct about my name, AND I got through and got that he was town last night! I'm so confused on the info here. Sheikah says he went for Yvonne but you know he targetted me, that's good enough for me given there was no kill. Dohnut's protection might have even worked? Essentially I think the problem here is not knowing order/priority of power effects.

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It's entirely possible gmac can be an investigator/chief of police who is corrupted and therefore appears town when investigated. But he wouldn't ALWAYS tell the truth, just enough to gain trust to strengthen his lie.


You know something doesn't smell right here, gmac hasn't even appeared to defend himself.

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Mmm...as much as it pains me to admit, Sheikah has a point. It's not the first time the evidence has run contrary to behaviour. I will go with a Sheikah lynch to move things forward, but it would be good for @gmac to speak up before we continue.

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My candidates for lynch...



I'm not happy with Jimbobs PM..

Why when you can quote the PM have you re-written yours into the first person?

The role you claim hasn't been apparent throughout the whole game. The only time its been vaguely seen was night 1 and even then the targets you gave didn't match what actually happened? You then come back with some info "you forgot to mention" about you being persuaded to target Yvonne, just so your targets do add up?

I know that what you claimed you did last night definately didn't happen. Theres no explanation given for this?

Nothing adds up about you. Nothing.



Won't talk to us so I'm inclined to lynch purely on inactivity alone. I don't care what alignment he comes out as.. its a horrible way of playing and we don't need it at this point in the game.

He gave Rummy's character correctly so the role he claims seems legit, however he could have got this info from another mafioso.

I can't rule him out from being the re-director that targetted Rummy yesterday and now I've got another theory that it could actually be the third person who at the time I trusted. I'm gonna check the "facts" before I post this though.



States some wrong information, then moans about being called on it and disappears?



Has given the impression of town since the very start, however seeing as that's the aim of the game it counts for shit in my book.

He claims to have targetted Yvonne last night however I know he ended up at Rummy. The only way this could have happened is if we still have a re-director present, which can be one of 2 people.. Gmac or Nameless (for now).



Can't put my finger on anything, but I just have a feeling something isn't right here.


So yeah, that doesn't really narrow anything down does it lol. Thats pretty much everyone.


So who's lying? Can anybody add to this?


I will get back on my other theory front. How long of today is left @Cube.

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Sorry, but I simply have nothing more to say about the matter. Jimbob reeks mafia a long way.


And I wasn't "called" on anything. That would imply I lied to achieve whatever purpose, something everyone has failed to suggest what that could be. I willingly shared information because my role was already revealed.

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And to clear it up, i'm town. So if it's between me and Tales for a lynch, then he would be the one to go for.

I'm sure Tales wouldn't be able to post a similar statement, so that clears everything up.

We all must lynch Tales. Jimbob is clearly town. None of his info adds up and he has made no attempt to explain anything but if he says he's town he must be!!


In fact if everybody could be so kind as to declare themselves as town, Cube can end the game now as we must have got rid of all the mafia already.



I've checked the thread and @Animal has actually never given any original info. He's only ever posted info already out there or "confirmed" what people have declared themselves.

Animal was the 3rd person to target Rummy the other night, however at the time I trusted him. I don't really trust anybody now.

Him, ReZ or gmac are a redirector. Rummy seems happy that gmac is legit. @Rummy, have you confirmed gmac as town?? ReZ is dead, and the only way Sheikah could have been redirected is if theres one still in the game.. that leaves Animal.


Do we believe Sheikah or Animal?

It would help if Cube had released ReZ's info!!!


Btw.. I'm town :p

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Well the inactivity form Animal/gmac is not helping them at all, I want to know what they have to say. I am quite happy to lynch either of them on inactivity alone.


There should be a sytem in place for inactives whereby they are killed and the mod grants a random boon to the faction they were from (e.g. grant a double life to another player of that faction). Or in terms of preventing it, keep a blacklist of repeat offenders and stop them playing the next X games. That generates an incentive / pressure for them not to just sign up to games and ruin them by not participating part-way through. It just seems to happen all the time and it's fucking annoying.

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vote Animal


And why, may I ask, do you vote for me? I haven't been inactive, I simply have nothing to say. I could post random posts and tell you all what I think but, let's face it, that didn't help me in the past at all. I've done a full character reveal including targets and I even told you my target of this past night phase (which, might I add, was you targeting gmac which turned out to be the truth) still risking my life in the game and probably not helping at all but trying to help the town anyway.


So Yvonne, and I'm hoping that this will be a very good reason, please give me a reason of why you would vote for me?


Not sure whether the whole 'roleblocking' thing is true though and I'm not sure whether it'd say it in my PM when I targeted Yvonne but I'm Vote: Sheikah because I know Yvonne's telling the truth, even if she is voting for me.


Also, if people are suspicious about me coming clean after people reveal their targets, I'll target someone tonight and the next night I'll tell you who they targeted and they can confirm. However, I'm not saying who it is just in case they are Mafia/Neutral and decide to lie (which is the reason why I didn't say who targeted who until they revealed but if it's to gain trust, I don't mind doing it).

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