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Football Season 2012/2013


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Rooney is the far better player but England haven't had a settled front two since the days of Owen and Rooney and until they do I'd take Fletcher and Rhodes above just Rooney.


Are you having a laugh? Your opinions on footballl stagger my mind! Each to their own I guess


I hate to blame the referee. But he was absolutely atrocious. Just disgusted.


How can Shelvey be sent off for that tackle and Evans get away with his? They went in at the same height for the same ball, Shelvey has one leg in, Evans had both.


Suarez gets brought down for a clear penalty, obviously he was doing what always does and was throwing himself to the floor. And that utter twat Alan Smith calling him a diver before he saw the replay, then he said oh maybe there was contact. Fucking clueless.


And after seeing replays of United's penalty. I honestly cannot see the contact, seriously. Where does he make contact?


And the cocky wanker Van Persie sliding in on Suso near the end. His foot was off the ground and Suso was defenceless.


They were the ones that stood out for me, but there was many other questionable decisions.


Putting the 'referees' performance aside, we deserved to win. We absolutely dominated them first half. Sterling was all over them, he was excellent yet again. Johnson and Kelly were very good.


Delighted to see Suso get 45 minutes, his technical ability is superb. He has tremendous vision and composure for someone of his age. He's a very exciting player to watch.




Shelvey went in one footed, @JonSt.


The difference is Evans won the ball and didn't connect at all with Shelvey. But other than that I completely agree, Man U are so jammy time and time again; that's what makes them what they are I guess. Was hoping for a draw; then we could have had a chance of going above them next week :D

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My eyes hurt from looking at that tackle over and over in the gif. At first, I was certain Shelvey should've got a red. Then, I thought both deserved it. Now, I can't tell if it should have been a red at all.


Feel quite sorry for the ref in this instance. They have to make a call on that in real-time. Even after looking at it at least two dozen times, I don't know what the call should have been. You could argue that it's two committed players going for the ball, you could also argue that both could have caused serious injury to the other.


Also, I felt that the Valencia penalty was one, Johnson didn't get any of the ball from what I saw and hauled him down. From what I saw with the Evans/Suarez incident, it looked like a great tackle from Evans at the time, just getting enough on the ball. I'll need replays to clarify that.


None of those are clearcut for me. Can't really put my hand on my heart for any of them and say they were definitely red cards or penalties or if play should have continued. :hmm:

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Are you having a laugh? Your opinions on footballl stagger my mind! Each to their own I guess




The difference is Evans won the ball and didn't connect at all with Shelvey. But other than that I completely agree, Man U are so jammy time and time again; that's what makes them what they are I guess. Was hoping for a draw; then we could have had a chance of going above them next week :D


I'm glad. Your opinions still stagger everyone, the world over.



I was referring to striking partnerships. Rooney playing by himself isn't a partnership. If England had a striking partnership, they'd be the top of course but they do not. They play one up top, AGAIN THIS IS NOT A PARTNERSHIP.




@MadDog As Flink said, Evans won the ball. Small margins but that was the difference.



Absolutely delighted with that performance, we were the better team and deserved to win the match. I thought everyone was top notch, bar perhaps Gervinho, tried ever so hard but just wasn't his day. We shouldn't fear playing any team and on the basis of today, we're not.

Edited by Jon
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You said you'd prefer Fletcher and Rhodes up front than Rooney. I find that staggering, and i bet not many people would agree with you. We've had some serious injury problems up front. Personally I thought we looked great when Rooney and Defoe partnered each other; but then I would say that. Though Defoe did get a hattrick.


And I see your back to your lack of debate ability; rather than just saying the whole world would find my opinions staggering, why don't you actually articulate why and what opinions; rather than abstract insults?! Though it seems to be your way so I won't hold out for a proper response.

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Yeah, England don't really play with a partnership. Could be Rooney and Welbeck from now, could be Rooney/Defoe. At the moment, there isn't really a front two.


But then, I'm not sure how relevant it is to have a front two these days. Spain certainly don't play with two strikers, or at least they didn't in the Euros. The reliance seems to be on the midfield these days, and on the wider players. 4-3-3 or 4-5-1 might just be the future for England, as it would stop them getting over-run in midfield, in theory.

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The difference is Evans won the ball..


I actually think it's unfair to say Evans won the ball.. both players clearly made substantial contact with it. Watching it live, though, I knew straight away the the referee was gonna send Shelvey off :hmm: Mark Halsey definitely had a very poor game, regardless of everyone's view of that particular challenge.


I felt very deflated after the game.. and still do. We played so well and United hardly had a look in for the whole of the first half. I heard an idiot on 606 on the drive home say that Brendan Rodgers has to go. Completely ridiculous :nono: I can see more than enough promise within the team and I really appreciate his faith in the youngsters. Sterling has been our best player so far and Suso looks promising too.

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I actually think it's unfair to say Evans won the ball.. both players clearly made substantial contact with it. Watching it live, though, I knew straight away the the referee was gonna send Shelvey off :hmm: Mark Halsey definitely had a very poor game, regardless of everyone's view of that particular challenge.


I felt very deflated after the game.. and still do. We played so well and United hardly had a look in for the whole of the first half. I heard an idiot on 606 on the drive home say that Brendan Rodgers has to go. Completely ridiculous :nono: I can see more than enough promise within the team and I really appreciate his faith in the youngsters. Sterling has been our best player so far and Suso looks promising too.


I don't think either player really had control of the ball. There wasn't a lot of intent to cause harm, either. Genuinely thought both players were just going for the ball in a typical derby-like fashion. Saying that, I can see why it's dangerous, they're both off the ground, it's quite high.


Liverpool's problem is to do with the transfer window. Borini withstanding, they badly needed a striker. All that possession today and nothing to show for it. They won't catch United playing that badly again.

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You said you'd prefer Fletcher and Rhodes up front than Rooney. I find that staggering, and i bet not many people would agree with you. We've had some serious injury problems up front. Personally I thought we looked great when Rooney and Defoe partnered each other; but then I would say that. Though Defoe did get a hattrick.


And I see your back to your lack of debate ability; rather than just saying the whole world would find my opinions staggering, why don't you actually articulate why and what opinions; rather than abstract insults?! Though it seems to be your way so I won't hold out for a proper response.


And I see you continue to miss the point and argue about something completely different.


Abstract insults?


Before you stated anything, you quoted the following.


Are you having a laugh? Your opinions on footballl stagger my mind!


But i'm the one that lacks debate ability.

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And I see you continue to miss the point and argue about something completely different.


Abstract insults?


Before you stated anything, you quoted the following.


Are you having a laugh? Your opinions on footballl stagger my mind!


But i'm the one that lacks debate ability.


I never quoted that. I said that. At least I was actually talking about something you said, and I made it clear how I felt about it. You just say insults when someone disagrees with you.


As for missing the point. Please tell me then. I thought you said you would prefer Fletcher and Rhodes up front on his own than Rooney as a sole striker. Is that now what you said, or meant?! If not, then what exactly did you?

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If you look at shelvey as well, he got the ball with the side of his boot problem was his foot bounced off the ball and the studs into Evans leg. Should have been classed as a 50/50 tackle and carried on the game as normal.


Should have had a penalty as well. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.



Also, I felt that the Valencia penalty was one, Johnson didn't get any of the ball from what I saw and hauled him down. From what I saw with the Evans/Suarez incident, it looked like a great tackle from Evans at the time, just getting enough on the ball. I'll need replays to clarify that.


Are you sure, Valencia had a panic attack and just fell over.

Edited by James
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Did Evans win the ball? I'm not sure he did. In this incident i don't really find it relevant. It was silly from both players, and a yellow each would of been the correct decision i'd say.


All this rubbish with referee decisions has overclouded the important stuff.


I thought the pre match routine was stunning. The mosaics and the balloons and everything, it was absolutely brilliant. Brendan and Fergie doing the pre match interview together was very good to see aswell. I'd have loved to see King Kenny do that with Fergie. :p

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I was referring to striking partnerships. Rooney playing by himself isn't a partnership. If England had a striking partnership, they'd be the top of course but they do not. They play one up top, AGAIN THIS IS NOT A PARTNERSHIP.


SO why are you fucking comparing them then?!?! You're saying a strike partnership (which Scotland don't even play) is a better partnership than one on their own because that isn't a partnership?! I seriously can't compete with such a footballing intellect. Yeah, 2 players is a better partnership than one player, by default. That's like saying this orange is a better orange than that apple.


Just so I'm not confused with what you are saying - you argued that Fletcher and Rhodes is a better partnership than Rooney on his own, because Rooney on his own is not a partnership....?!?!

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Right, allow me to clear up without any personal insults.


Discounting England because Hodgson doesn't seem to be interested in playing two up top. If Scotland were to play the aforementioned Rhodes and Fletcher up top, I would rate it higher than anything the other home nations could field. I apologise if i didn't make that clear.


Now, on a completely different tangent, If England were playing 2 up top that didn't include Rooney, say Defoe and Crouch. Would people class that as better than Rhodes and Fletcher?

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I don't rate Defoe or Crouch. So let's say Carroll and Welbeck.


Welbeck > Fletcher.

Carroll > Rhodes.


So yes, I'd say even without Rooney, England can field a better strikeforce.


I don't really rate Welbeck, so I'd take Fletcher, he's used to scoring goals for shit teams, so would fit right in for us. You'd have to take Carroll because he's played in the premiership, even if it was only one decent season. It'll be interesting to see how Rhodes fairs if Blackburn gain promotion.

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Fletchers record really isn't THAT good, looking at it.


People go on about how great of a goal scorer he is, and people go on about how poor Suarez is at finishing. Yet at Wolves and Liverpool their goals-to-games ratio is basically identical. Interesting.

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Fletchers record really isn't THAT good, looking at it.


People go on about how great of a goal scorer he is, and people go on about how poor Suarez is at finishing. Yet at Wolves and Liverpool their goals-to-games ratio is basically identical. Interesting.


I think you need to take into account the teams he's played for Burnley and Wolves. He's now playing in a better side and his play at the moment speaks for itself.

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I'm sorry anyone arguing Evans should not be penalised because he won the ball is wrong. Just seen it on MOTD2, he jumps two footed. The laws of the game don't count contact with the ball when you jump in two footed like that. Essien got sent off a season or two for a similar challenge, where he got all the ball and no man. In this situation for me it's both red.




Page 122 - Serious Foul Play. Read up.

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Went to see the match against Norwich today - only cost £10 for a seat with a student ticket :)


Fairly pleased with the performance, can't grumble too much at 3 points and a clean sheet. Ba and Ben Arfa performed well and our defence were solid despite lacking some key players, including the first choice keeper. The midfield struggled to connect with the forwards a lot of the time though and I thought Cisse and Cabaye were pretty disappointing. That penalty miss >_> Still, fairly pleased with what might be the only home game I see this season.


Watching MOTD, I was very pleased to see Arsenal get that equaliser against City. It would be great to see them mount a title challenge this season. Must say I feel quite sorry for Liverpool so far, I think they've been hard done by and 2 points doesn't reflect their quality at all. I'm pretty sure they'll pick up as the season goes on.


Also, Ljunberg on MOTD is such a nice contrast to Mark Lawrenson. A delight to watch off the pitch as well as on.

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I don't rate Defoe or Crouch. So let's say Carroll and Welbeck.


Welbeck > Fletcher.

Carroll > Rhodes.


So yes, I'd say even without Rooney, England can field a better strikeforce.


Crouch has a fantastic record for England. He shoul be first choice IMO. Him and Rooney up top.

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I don't rate Welbeck at all, so incredibly over rated.


Although I hated Crouch for Spurs, he is fantastic for England, but I still think as an option.


Rooney Defoe is the best partnership we can field I reckon. But I would put most premiership strikers ahead of Rhodes, not that I don't think he's good, or could be good; but the guy has scored a few goals in the championship, let's not get too excited, and the strikers which banged them in in league one have never really made the jump up (albeit not quite to his level).


I rate Fletcher. But probably still not as much as most of the England squad strikers. Tricky one, he's had such a good start it'd probably be tempting at the minute.

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