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Football Season 2012/2013


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If Rangers do go into the First Division, which has been touted as a possibilty, then that would be even worse for footballing integrity than if they stayed in the SPL.


There's no possible way they can go to the First Division. If they want to apply for the SFL they can and if accepted they would go to the 3rd Division.






Newco are gonna get put in the 1st division. The way the governing bodies are acting to save one club is disgusting. Again the SFA, SPL etc have shown they are only interested in making sure Govern FC are successful. More proof that Scottish football is corrupt!


The league did need restructuring but why was this not fast tracked before. This is only happening to help rangers newco.


If they dont get put in 3rd division then I am done. This BS cannot continue, Celtic need to step up efforts in getting out of scotland!


Brian McNally


The squalid plans being hatched by the Scottish football authorities to parachute a newco Rangers into the Scottish First Division are as shameful and morally bankrupt as the serial wrongdoing that killed the original Rangers club.


Fan power right across the length & breadth of Scotland put paid to the obscene idea that a newco could emerge from the ashes of serial cheating & corruption to walk straight into the SPL.

Fans are united in the belief that a newco joining the SFL must start in the Third Division- like any other new applicant would have to.Even many fans of the old Rangers accept that.


But Neil Doncaster of the SPL & his buddy Regan at the SFA it seems are willing to ride roughshod over the fans call for sporting integrity & justice to get the newco into Division 1.

Plain old-fashioned bribery is their weapon of choice.They are unashamedly fighting the corner of a newco that has yet to prove its credentials are any more worthy than the disgraced club it has risen from.


They hope to melt away the SFL opposition by offering the lower division clubs a share of a £1 million sweetener for showing newco Rangers games in. Division 1 on Sky & ESPN. There is also a crazily flawed reconstruction plan that promises more cash but will cause further divide in the future.


Scottish fans must remain united in their resolve to protect their national sport being sacrificed on the altar of a bizarre plot that will subvert rule books and natural justice to give the newco favourable treatment.

Scottish football will be fatally damaged if this madcap scheme goes ahead.



Edited by khilafah
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Had a quick read of both those links.... what in the blue hell is this talk of SPL2?


And a merger of SPL and SFL in 12 months?



Seems to me the SFL and SFA are just thinking about their own pockets and not what is actually just and right to do for the game of football in Scotland.


If this were any other team they would be made to start over in Div 3 as they would be considered a new club, but just cause this is Rangers they get special treatment is sick.

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Why does Beckham have this god given right to be in Team GB? Bellamy is a much better player. I don't care if he's an ambassador or whatever. It doesn't give Seb Coe the right to run in the 1,500m/whatever he did.


Loving it that Suarez is in Uruguay's. :D

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Had a quick read of both those links.... what in the blue hell is this talk of SPL2?


And a merger of SPL and SFL in 12 months?



Seems to me the SFL and SFA are just thinking about their own pockets and not what is actually just and right to do for the game of football in Scotland.


If this were any other team they would be made to start over in Div 3 as they would be considered a new club, but just cause this is Rangers they get special treatment is sick.


stinks mate! They wanna protect the establishment Scottish club! After all what Rangers have done the governing bodies still want to bend over backwards. This club cheated with EBT's, paid no tax, paid no transfer fee's to clubs who needed this money but still the Authorities are looking how to help them.


That SFL document is blatant scaremongering with no actual evidence. As for SPL2, I am not sure if they legally can do that! If so Celtic should resign from the league. Lets see if the governing bodies then talk abut Scottish football being doomed with one of the Glasgow clubs leaving like they have done with rangers.


I am hoping the SFL clubs tell Newco they are going to Div 3.


rumors that all these have said No to Newco in SFL1



Raith Rovers










Published on Friday 29 June 2012 00:00




MORTON chairman Douglas Rae believes Third Division football is the best-case scenario for newco Rangers, but has predicted that they will face opposition to their presence from clubs in the lower tier of the Scottish Football League.



• Morton chairman Douglas Rae believes Third Division clubs would oppose Rangers’ presence in the lower tiers of Scottish football


• General consensus is that Rangers should not be allowed to drop down just one division


• Two non-league clubs rumoured to have lodged bids to join the SFL




Rae insists the SFA’s bid to merge the SPL with the SFL in order to provide the reconstituted Ibrox club with a softer landing after their rejection by top flight clubs is doomed to failure.


At a meeting of the Morton Supporters Trust, Rae formally declared his intention to vote against Rangers’ admission to what is currently the First Division when all 30 SFL clubs meet at Hampden next Tuesday.


The businessman, who rescued Morton when he bought the club ten years ago, can see no prospect of the proposal achieving the 75 per cent support of SFL clubs required. “I’ve made my mind up and I won’t be changing it,” Rae told The Scotsman. “I know a few other chairmen who haven’t declared their position publicly yet but who have indicated privately they are going to vote against Rangers being admitted to the First Division.


“I think the SFA will be surprised at the strength of feeling among First Division clubs against Rangers going straight in at that level. They should be treated the same way as any other club. Rangers should have the same punishment as Livingston and be banished to the Third Division.


“My understanding is that two non-league clubs have lodged applications for the potential vacancy in the SFL. That would be in the Third Division and that’s where Rangers should apply to join. The normal practice should apply – that the SFL clubs receive a presentation from all applicants and then cast a vote on who they believe should get into the Third Division. It has to be consistent. Otherwise, it is being done only because it is Rangers.


“We’ll need to see what happens on Tuesday. If I was a betting man, I’d bet that Rangers will end up in the Third Division but I also know there are a lot of Third Division clubs who don’t want Rangers as it will threaten their own ambitions of promotion. My former manager, Jim McInally, for example, is hoping to make a big push for promotion with Peterhead next season. It won’t be much fun for them if Rangers are foisted onto them and become automatic favourites to win the division.


“Another problem with Rangers going into the Third Division is that there is no segregation at grounds there. That’s something for the police to consider.””Rae added: “There has been a lot of pious talk about sporting integrity. Where’s the integrity of a club going into administration, liquidation, getting rid of its debts and just dropping down one tier of football? I don’t see any integrity in that. It’s easy to talk about integrity but I regret to say there’s not much of it around in Scottish football right now.


“Rangers have admitted they should be punished because they have cheated consistently over the last number of years. They have tried to steal a march on other clubs. As a result, they have to receive the same punishment any other club would have got.


“If this was Inverness Caledonian Thistle or Kilmarnock in the same position as Rangers, for example, there wouldn’t be the same guff as we’ve gone through over the last few months. I saw Charles Green suggest the SFA should be sitting down with them and discussing their punishment. That’s like saying someone accused of a driving offence or burglary should sit down with the judge and decide what sentence they get.”


Rae has also warned against creating an option for any other clubs who become insolvent to avoid the full consequences of their situation.


“It would be dangerous to just let Rangers drop one division as new club with no debt,” he said. “Let’s then say that Motherwell, just as an example, were in a bad way financially. They could just decide to go into administration, then liquidation if necessary, if they knew a precedent had been set where they would only drop into the First Division.”

Edited by khilafah
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Alex Thomson


There are people in Hampden who have long predicted the Rangers meltdown


Saturday 30 June 2012 2:04 pm

Alex Thomson


An extraordinary conversation with a senior Hampden Park insider. Best not to say which organisation this person works for, for reasons which will become obvious. This person asked that I do not quote them directly and I respect that wish, of course.


What follows is essentially for those who matter most in all this: fans.

Fans long convinced the governing bodies in Scottish football do not care to hear their views and are interested in little beyond the pursuit of money and the preservation of Rangers at all possible costs. That view’s never been entirely fair – not entirely.


However, there is at least one person inside Hampden who agrees with much of what fans say and feel.


For the first time I’ve encountered a football official in Scotland who actually seems to appreciate the game from a fan’s point of view. Who thinks – as so very many Rangers and other fans do – that the plan to try and parachute a football club which scarcely even exists in law at the moment, into the Scottish First Division, simply stinks.


The emails currently inundating club chairmen the length and breadth of Scotland are being noticed – to put it mildly – as they were noticed with devastating effect during the recent SPL shoe-in attempt. And they are being noticed in Hampden at the offices of the governing bodies, too.

There are people in those offices who have long predicted the Rangers meltdown. Officials who insist there is no possible way the club met the financial criteria for SFA licensing last season and question why they were playing football last season at all.


I have – once again – been taken at length through the details of licensing rules for the Scottish Football Association, which governs teams in the Premier League and Football Leagues.


There appears to be no loophole. The comments of the Football League chief executive first, saying there was no way a Rangers newco (new company) could be admitted into Division 1 as opposed to Division 3, and then soon after saying they were looking at doing just that, were described as the words of a man and an institution (the second oldest football league in the world, I was told) in a state of utter panic.

The proposals for the SPL two-tier league were described to me as a “coup” and a “blatant takeover bid”, and I was advised not to think for a second this has anything at all to do with integrity. It was , I was told, about nothing at all except the preservation of Rangers and about money, money and money.


Equally I was warned not to take the acceptance of the SFL clubs as given, even with the not-so-veiled threats about the breakaway top two leagues if the league clubs don’t buy it.


Again, the scenario that so many fans talk of was suddenly – for the first time in months of investigation – coming from the mouth of a serious player in Scottish football governance. If Rangers Newco (new company) is simply invited into the First Division, what’s to stop any other club simply going bust and demanding the same treatment. Forget all this pedantic rulebook stuff about application to Division 3 and doing your time if you’ve done the crime.


Civil war between the offices of Premier League, Football League and Football Association at Hampden Park might be overstepping into hyperbole. But only just, judging from what I’ve just heard.

From my source, utter incredulity that the old Rangers FC could even attempt to transfer its share – its official league status, if you like – from the old company to the new during a period of insolvency. My source was quite adamant that this is simply not possible for the SFA to accept. Clearly the SFA thinks there is some way this can be done but SFA Article 14.1 was quoted to me carefully and in detail. Since checked again, it does appear unambiguous on this issue.


In sum, my source spoke of feeling absolute and utter contempt for what is being proposed by the Scottish Football League in the PowerPoint paper published yesterday by Scottish TV.


When I pushed on this, the response was the lack of information to back up some of the frightening figures in the headings on this presentation. The statement that income would fall 30 per cent in football if Rangers entered even Division 1. Talk of financial meltdown left unexplained.


No doubt that adds little to what fans already knew in terms of fact. But I believe it adds enormously when you consider how shut out of this attempted diktat Scottish football fans feel. All I can say is there is at least one sympathetic ear at Hampden, as there are others in various football league boardrooms. And just look at what happened to the Great SPL Rangers Escape Plan when fan power turned the anger on chairmen across Scotland.


Fans sent them home to think again over the SPL. Can they do it again over the SFL Division 1 idea?


Follow @Alextomo on Twitter.

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So, have Rangers had some of their titles and cups won in the past however many years stripped?


Not yet as the SPL/SFA are still investigating the illegal payments in “hidden” contracts.


Clyde FC statement


The Club has received a set of papers in advance of the SFL meeting on Tuesday. The essential intent behind those papers is to induce the SFL clubs to agree a proposal to allow a Newco to enter the SFL in the First Division in exchange for a range of structural changes to the current set up and some small financial inducements. Some of the proposed changes have merit in principle.


The Board believe that any proposals for change should not be rushed, as these have been. They also have to be done by consensus and not through threat or inducement, again, as these have been.


The papers include a proposal to allow a Newco to enter the First Division. This is contrary to the rules of the SFL and nothing within the papers justifies this proposal.


As a club owned by its supporters and recovering from having been on the brink of extinction, the Board of Clyde Football Club recognise the damage done to the credibility of Rangers Football Club by its successive owners, and the subsequent impact on staff and supporters. These proposals do nothing to restore that credibility.


It is not for us to become involved in punishment, that is a matter for the SPL and SFA. The SFL clubs are being asked to change their rules so that the SPL and SFA can apply sanctions that fit short term financial interests.


It is not for us to tell any club what they should want for themselves, but to enter anywhere other than the Third Division risks Rangers Football Club being burdened with the legacy of commencing its rebuilding in a manner that they later look back on with regret. Rangers Football Club does not need to be handed a competitive advantage, they are more than capable of returning to the SPL via the Third Division on their own merit. Rebuilding from the bottom can restore the dignity stripped from the club by its former owners.


The papers use emotive language to threaten a future of financial meltdown and they carry the implication of the destruction of the game should a Newco not be entered in the First Division. If things are as bad as indicated then Scottish Football is in a far worse state than is being acknowledged. In which case it is time to accept the bankrupt model needs fixed and not supported and perpetuated on the back of this proposal. The fact that other clubs might face similar financial distress because Rangers Football Club enter the Third Division is hardly a reason to compromise the integrity of the SFL and further compromise Rangers Football Club.


Rather than attempting to prepare a soft landing before delivering sanctions, it would be better to contemplate more radical change that might actually underpin financial stability in the long term for clubs that balance their books. Perhaps an amnesty from sanctions for clubs that are forced to face insolvency procedures in the next 2 years as a result of the current turmoil, and an automatic entry to the Third Division for any club liquidated and reformed in similar circumstances. This would allow 2 years to properly restructure the Scottish Game for the benefit of all and undo the damage that has been created by the current structure which encourages club directors to trade integrity for cash, and then spend beyond their means, willingly risking the very existence of football clubs. If we could believe that the game could be less self interested long enough to resolve this, then this, and other far better ideas, might be worth contemplating.


SPL clubs that have openly stated their opposition to a Newco being given immediate access to the SPL have taken the position based on their, and at times, their supporters' view of what is the right thing to do. However, the vote has still to be taken and proposals such as these are premature. If the SPL clubs vote as indicated on the basis of the increasingly discredited notion of sporting integrity, it would be questionable if the SFL clubs did otherwise.


The reality is that we are faced with unique circumstances and it would be foolish to pretend otherwise. That probably means that compromise for some is inevitable, and perhaps even worthwhile for everyone in the long term. The solution however is not this hastily cobbled together proposal.


The Board of this club sees no merit whatsoever in adopting this proposal.

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Not yet as the SPL/SFA are still investigating the illegal payments in “hidden” contracts.


Clyde FC statement


I defintely agree with this part:


It is not for us to tell any club what they should want for themselves, but to enter anywhere other than the Third Division risks Rangers Football Club being burdened with the legacy of commencing its rebuilding in a manner that they later look back on with regret. Rangers Football Club does not need to be handed a competitive advantage, they are more than capable of returning to the SPL via the Third Division on their own merit. Rebuilding from the bottom can restore the dignity stripped from the club by its former owners.


Like I know at the end of the day the owners wants to make money but their race back to the SPL to achieve this shouldn't compromise creating a new unburdened legacy.

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Just an FYI


I've now hidden away and closed the Euro 2012 board.


Hope you guys enjoyed it (and the tournament of course though I can't take credit for that) and found it useful during the competion.


Should have a new World Cup board in 2 years time :wink:



If there are any convos/threads you think should be moved over and merged into this thread let me know

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Thanks Robin for seven years injured and one year of goals. Twat.


This is an update for the fans about my current situation. I have kept quiet all this time out of respect and loyalty for the club and as agreed with Mr. Gazidis and Mr. Wenger, but since there is so much speculation in the media, I think it is fair for you guys to know what’s really going on at the moment.


As announced earlier this year I had a meeting with the Boss and Mr. Gazidis after the season. This was a meeting about the club’s future strategy and their policy. Financial terms or a contract have not been discussed, since that is not my priority at all.


I personally have had a great season but my goal has been to win trophies with the team and to bring the club back to its glory days. Out of my huge respect for Mr. Wenger, the players and the fans I don’t want to go into any details, but unfortunately in this meeting it has again become clear to me that we in many aspects disagree on the way Arsenal FC should move forward.


I’ve thought long and hard about it, but I have decided not to extend my contract. You guys, the fans, have of course the right to disagree with my view and decision and I will always respect your opinions.


I love the club and the fans, no matter what happens. I have grown up and became a man during my time with Arsenal FC. Everybody at the club and the fans have always supported me over the years and I have always given my all (and more) on and off the pitch. I am very proud of being part of this fantastic club for the last 8 years. As soon as Mr. Gazidis is back from his 2-week holiday in America further meetings will follow and I will update you if and when there are more developments.


The Arsenal captain curse strikes again. Another one turned by the money.

I don't know what else Arsenal were meant to do, we're four days into the transfer window and have been more ambitious than anyone else so far with the signings of Podolski and Giroud. Who was he expecting us to sign, Messi?


And a brilliant point from Arseblog:


I don't buy this disagreement on how the club should 'move forward', either. Since when do players have any input on that. Depressing.


I blame his agents. I would hate to see him go to Man City. Would love to see him forced to stay for the last year, but realistically, we should get as much money for him as we can.


Oh and I think it is out of order to go public on it and ruin Arsenal's bargaining position. These matters should be kept in private.

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It's inevitable that he would leave. Except, I don't believe money is an issue. It's clear that the likes of City and Spurs have caught up with Arsenal, even surpassed in many respects. Key players have left over the years and some of the players that have come in just haven't been good enough. There's only so long you can spend on re-development, clearly he wants to be winning trophies.


It's sad, as I do think that this signals the end of his time in the Premier League. We need this calibre of player to stay with the top teams as it makes the league more exciting. But, these days, if a player doesn't like what's happening at the club, they can leave. A lot of the time, they end up doing just that.

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I respect RVP a lot but saying all of this on his website doesn't show AFC any respect at all. Apart from that I think the main reason he's not extended his contract is that he's almost 29 (2 months left). He has only won a single Major trophy in his time at Arsenal, however going to another club doesn't guarantee silverware, but perhaps he thinks that his chances of winning majors will increase if he went to another big club elsewhere, that and also the possibility of getting crazy amounts in a very lucrative contract.

I don't think he would leave the BPL, not unless Barcelona or Real Madrid are calling.

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I have no real problems with him not signing on. That's his decision. I do however take issue with him releasing this statement. Especially mentioning the club's 'direction' and releasing such statement when our or Chief Exec is on holiday and then mentioning that.


The statement has shown the club and fans a lack of respect. If Robin wishes to leave the club then he should have kept it in house and done the decent thing. If he leaves quietly, he leaves with our respect. If he throws the toys out the pram, he's been at the club long enough to know what happens.

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