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Wii U available for pre-order

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Nooooooo way will it be £199.99 and no way will Amazon give a proper price promise on that hardware.


I'm expecting $349.99/£299.99 with Nintendoland packed in (along with a Wiimote Plus & Nunchuck)


I'd go with Shopto's one. They actually will honour their price promise!


Naaah, I still think that's way off the mark! What about it is enough to justify such a high price??

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I still think it can't be that high unless it's for a large markup. Having said that don't forget the wii turned profit in all territories on launch, I estimated roughly a £30 profit per console in the UK compared to foreign market prices). Tech is so rapidly advancing these days though that I fail to see how it could really cost as high as people are 'expecting' without a large profit margin on launch.

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Preorders are up at GAME. There's a £20 deposit though, have they done that before with a console (online)? No price final price listed or anything.


They did it with the Vita.


Which they didn't sell.


And you could only swap it for in-store credit.


Which they then stopped accepting.


Edit: Missed the bit in brackets.

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A mandatory £20 deposit for pre-ordering the Wii U online with Game?


What a disgrace... paying up-front for any of a pre-order for a console online should be purely optional.


Technically with Game you won't be seeing that £20 again either because even though it counts as part-payment you just know that they will try and sting you for an extra £25 - £50 be it added on to the RRP or via their console insurance policies.


*sigh* I'm looking forward to the launch of the Wii U but it doesn't half make you miss the 'simpler' times of console launches from years gone by... :heh:

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