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Wii U = DreamCast

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Hey, i watched all the conferences and i was soo excited for the Nintendo one ! and man what a kick in the nuts that was ! its just an epic Fail! they needed to tell us about the Wii U interdface how it works on line and nothing was delivered. Games wise ... well kudos to Ubisoft but Nintendo where were you! EA said last E3 they were going to fully support the Wii U but nothing new from them !


I hate to say this but i think this is the End of Nintendo in the console front (not including Handheld) granted this maybe a good thing imagine Zelda and Marion on the next gen xbox and playstation!


All Nintendo had to do was learn from their mistatkes with the Cube and Wii U, all they had to do was research the competition!


All they needed was a unique console, Solid Online Connectivity and lastly a new IP.. something bigger than Halo and God of War something to attract playstation and Xbox users to think .. hey i may have a Wii U as my second console !


What an EPIC Fail by nintendo!

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Have to say though, this thought also crossed my mind last night.


If Nintendo aren't careful they're going to drive themselves out of the market; by focusing on a market that isn't really there for them anymore. The mums already have their Wii Fits set up to occasional use, they're not buyig another one.


Though at least Sega and the Dreamcast went out in a blaze of incredible gaming glory.


Sort it out Nintendo.

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Hey, i watched all the conferences and i was soo excited for the Nintendo one ! and man what a kick in the nuts that was ! its just an epic Fail! they needed to tell us about the Wii U interdface how it works on line and nothing was delivered. Games wise ... well kudos to Ubisoft but Nintendo where were you! EA said last E3 they were going to fully support the Wii U but nothing new from them !


The Miiverse is a major step forward for their online. VC games and saves will all be transferable between Wii and WiiU. EA are bringing FIFA, Madden and Mass Effect 3.


I hate to say this but i think this is the End of Nintendo in the console front (not including Handheld) granted this maybe a good thing imagine Zelda and Marion on the next gen xbox and playstation!


All Nintendo had to do was learn from their mistatkes with the Cube and Wii U, all they had to do was research the competition!


The big mistakes they made with the Cube and the Wii. The Cube, despite not selling well, made profit on eveyr unit and made Nintendo money. The Wii sold 95 million units to date and has the biggest selling software releases ever. If that's an EPIC fail, I'd love to see a win!


All they needed was a unique console, Solid Online Connectivity and lastly a new IP.. something bigger than Halo and God of War something to attract playstation and Xbox users to think .. hey i may have a Wii U as my second console !


What an EPIC Fail by nintendo!


Something bigger than Halo and God of War? You do realise that New Super Mario Bros Wii sold more copies than any of the Halo titles and easily sold more copies than all the God of War games put together?


Before you come spouting ungrounded doom and gloom, first look at the facts.

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Have to say though, this thought also crossed my mind last night.


If Nintendo aren't careful they're going to drive themselves out of the market; by focusing on a market that isn't really there for them anymore. The mums already have their Wii Fits set up to occasional use, they're not buyig another one.


Though at least Sega and the Dreamcast went out in a blaze of incredible gaming glory.


Sort it out Nintendo.


Yeah, people all over the shop are saying this and it sounds totally feasible, totally, but if I asked you to bet your house on it, sign here, you wouldn't. Think it's been kicked around so much people have convinced themselves it's a given fact, but it's not.


Nintendo have said they want the core gamer back. The conference was all about the casuals and investors, but let's see what happens in the immediate future before we jump to the impending doom theory.

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The big mistakes they made with the Cube and the Wii. The Cube, despite not selling well, made profit on eveyr unit and made Nintendo money. The Wii sold 95 million units to date and has the biggest selling software releases ever. If that's an EPIC fail, I'd love to see a win!
Although wasn't last year the first time in Nintendo's history that they posted a substantial yearly loss?


If that was a result of resources being pushed into the Wii U, that certainly didn't materialise itself into anything at E3; consequently no wonder a few of their investors loss faith in Nintendo's direction and their stock fell 2%.

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Everytime someone says Nintendo is heading the way of Sega, I have to facepalm, because the person saying it never has any idea as to why Sega went under in the first place.


That said, comparing anything to Dreamcast shouldn't be an insult, because the Dreamcast was awesome.


something bigger than Halo and God of War


It's called Mario. There's also the Wii series and Pokémon. Those are literally the biggest things in gaming, sales-wise.

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Yeah, people all over the shop are saying this and it sounds totally feasible, totally, but if I asked you to bet your house on it, sign here, you wouldn't. Think it's been kicked around so much people have convinced themselves it's a given fact, but it's not.
Your right, I wouldn't write off a Nintendo advertising campaign managing to get people out there buying the next Wii Fit; but they've got a MUCH harder sell this time round.


They're asking people to buy a whole new console for a game they already kind of have; where as at least with the Wii it was Wii Sports that sold the initial console and then the casual market were drip fed games like Wii Fit, Mario Kart, Wii Play, Just Dance etc... to keep them happy. It's not the same.


Maybe they needed to create the next 'Wii Fit/Wii Sports' instead, whatever that may be.


But again, this wasn't the market they were supposed to be focusing on with the Wii U!

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But again, this wasn't the market they were supposed to be focusing on with the Wii U!


They must have clear indications the casual market is still where the money is. Must have. Who's to say that market might take a sudden and massive nose dive this gen? It might do and E3 2017 might look a lot different to this year's.


As long as Nintendo make gamer's games (like they always have) and nail 3rd party, which they do still need to prove, then I don't see why Wii U isn't shaping up to be a console for core and casuals.


Look at the lack of EA Sports thing. Did people really think EA Sports wasn't going to support the Wii U? I mean, really? It's like if SK need new insanity effect ideas for ED2, f***ing check out Nintendo fans post E3!!!


It's getting out of control, we just need to take a deep breath and play it by ear over the next few months and see what transpires. THEN we can get back to the point where the biggest thing we've got to gripe about is the console name argument again (ahhh, good days :weep: )

Edited by madeinbeats
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Although wasn't last year the first time in Nintendo's history that they posted a substantial yearly loss?


If that was a result of resources being pushed into the Wii U, that certainly didn't materialise itself into anything at E3; consequently no wonder a few of their investors loss faith in Nintendo's direction and their stock fell 2%.


Yes, that is true, but it's mainly due to the strong Yen which basically screws any exporter. What's more, the loss was pretty small and will also be accounted for in the new R&D unit they constructed and the WiiU development costs. It's not a major deal.


Everytime someone says Nintendo is heading the way of Sega, I have to facepalm, because the person saying it never has any idea as to why Sega went under in the first place.


Thank heavens someone said this. I very much doubt anyone making this comparrison has any knowledge of the real underlying reasons the Dreamcast failed.


In short: The Megadrive/Genesis was a success, but the expensive add-ons (Sega CD and the 32X) were too pricey, never supported properly, never had stand out titles produced for them and often offered little if anything above what was already available on the Megadrive and SNES anyway. The most substantially different games available on those systems were the awful FMV games like Sewer Shark.


Secondly, on the back of these failures came the Saturn. The Saturn was difficult to develop for, was overpriced at launch compared to the PSOne, was rushed to launch and thus suffered from a lack of titles. What's more, the Saturn suffered from lacking a proper follow up to the hugely successful 16 bit Sonic Titles. The Saturn sunk.


The Dreamcast was basically the last throw of the dice for Sega. It was a follow up to three commercial failures which had drastically reduced the public's love for SEGA.

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The Miiverse is a major step forward for their online. VC games and saves will all be transferable between Wii and WiiU. EA are bringing FIFA, Madden and Mass Effect 3.




The big mistakes they made with the Cube and the Wii. The Cube, despite not selling well, made profit on eveyr unit and made Nintendo money. The Wii sold 95 million units to date and has the biggest selling software releases ever. If that's an EPIC fail, I'd love to see a win!




Something bigger than Halo and God of War? You do realise that New Super Mario Bros Wii sold more copies than any of the Halo titles and easily sold more copies than all the God of War games put together?


Before you come spouting ungrounded doom and gloom, first look at the facts.


I will agree we don't know enough about the online part of the Wii U but the multiverse is useless in my eyes and regarding my point about a new IP, yes i agree that Zelda and Mario are too huge IPs and comparible but if Nintendo what to capature the xbox and playstation market (they are the only ones that buy games) they need something new something that, that market will want to play and i'm sorry but Zelda and MArio are not enough.

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I will agree we don't know enough about the online part of the Wii U but the multiverse is useless in my eyes and regarding my point about a new IP, yes i agree that Zelda and Mario are too huge IPs and comparible but if Nintendo what to capature the xbox and playstation market (they are the only ones that buy games) they need something new something that, that market will want to play and i'm sorry but Zelda and MArio are not enough.


Wii Fit begs to differ. :D

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I will agree we don't know enough about the online part of the Wii U but the multiverse is useless in my eyes and regarding my point about a new IP, yes i agree that Zelda and Mario are too huge IPs and comparible but if Nintendo what to capature the xbox and playstation market (they are the only ones that buy games) they need something new something that, that market will want to play and i'm sorry but Zelda and MArio are not enough.


Right, let's look at the top ten selling games THIS generation:


1. Wii Sports - 79 million

2. Mario Kart Wii - 32 million

3. Wii Sports Resort - 29 million

4. Wii Play - 28 million

5. New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 25 million

6. Wii Fit - 22 million

7. Wii Fit Plus - 20 million

8. Kinect Adventures - 16 million

9. COD: MW3 (XBOX360) - 14 million

10. COD: BO (XBOX360) - 13 million


As you can see. NO ONE PURCHASED GAMES FOR THE Wii!!! This was a fail on Nintendo's part.


Most of that User base wont even buy a Wii U, i hate to say this but the xbox 360 with Kinect is better and cheaper for fitness games


Er... as you can see Kinect fitness games clearly do not sell as well as Wii Fit. Wii Fit is far better for fitness games because the balance board actually feeds back data on you. As someone who exercises a lot and has a girlfriend who manages a gym, I can assure you that the Wii Fit balance board is a far more comprehensive way of keeping fit than Kinect.

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Yeah, people all over the shop are saying this and it sounds totally feasible, totally, but if I asked you to bet your house on it, sign here, you wouldn't. Think it's been kicked around so much people have convinced themselves it's a given fact, but it's not.

Would anyone bet their house on anything? I might bet my house on 2012 not being the end of the world. But only because if it's the end of the world, I won't really have much use of my house, will I?

Here in Sweden, people are all for completely disbanding the armed forces, because they believe no hostile forces will ever try to attack us. But they still won't bet their houses on it.


Nintendo have said they want the core gamer back. The conference was all about the casuals and investors, but let's see what happens in the immediate future before we jump to the impending doom theory.

I have ONE thing to say: Casuals don't watch f**king E3! No soccer mom is going to go online and sit in front of the computer and patiently listen to game news! And regarding shareholders: that conference had a most definitely negative effect on Nintendo's stock. So if that was their goal, they still failed.

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Right, let's look at the top ten selling games THIS generation:


1. Wii Sports - 79 million

2. Mario Kart Wii - 32 million

3. Wii Sports Resort - 29 million

4. Wii Play - 28 million

5. New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 25 million

6. Wii Fit - 22 million

7. Wii Fit Plus - 20 million

8. Kinect Adventures - 16 million

9. COD: MW3 (XBOX360) - 14 million

10. COD: BO (XBOX360) - 13 million


As you can see. NO ONE PURCHASED GAMES FOR THE Wii!!! This was a fail on Nintendo's part.




Er... as you can see Kinect fitness games clearly do not sell as well as Wii Fit. Wii Fit is far better for fitness games because the balance board actually feeds back data on you. As someone who exercises a lot and has a girlfriend who manages a gym, I can assure you that the Wii Fit balance board is a far more comprehensive way of keeping fit than Kinect.


Now those stats are quite fair not are they and you know it mate.


Wii Play .... lets face it, it was a cheap way to buy a controller,

Wii Sports.... Freem apart from in Asia (only decent launch title.. but still not really a AAA game)


to be fair Mario Kart and Mario Bros 2 solid games, personally thought Wii Mario Kart was too slow and boring but my personal opinion.


Now how long has Wii Fit and Fit Plus been out compared to Kinect ??


and why did you list the sales figure for the Wii version of dead space ... which in my opinion was a really great game but i believe it sold less than 15000 copies i mean that kind of proves my point that without a title nintendo will never get some of the market share from xbox and playstation.


also out of interest have you used Kinect Fitness Evolved 2010 ?

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Er... as you can see Kinect fitness games clearly do not sell as well as Wii Fit. Wii Fit is far better for fitness games because the balance board actually feeds back data on you. As someone who exercises a lot and has a girlfriend who manages a gym, I can assure you that the Wii Fit balance board is a far more comprehensive way of keeping fit than Kinect.


Power up Cock Block special move. Serious damage inflicted :grin:


Sales numbers speak for themselves. Nintendo owns the casual market. The Wii brand name is massive. Nintendo fans should be happy as long as they back their core gamer and 3rd party promises up too.


Wonder what that new pedometer thing briefly shown brings to the table? If that thing has a StreetPass element going on which might inject a competitive side to Wii Fit with complete strangers; say Mr Poncey haircut you pass every morning at the bus stop... "that p*ssy did how many pushups! I'm gonna bust that record and wear the tightest shirt I can find tomorrow!!"


No, crude example, but seriously, Wii Fit + StreetPass could open loads of possibilities. I'm sure Nintendo knows Wii Fit needs new USPs to breath freshness into it and give reasons to upgrade this might just be one of them.

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As you can see. NO ONE PURCHASED GAMES FOR THE Wii!!! This was a fail on Nintendo's part.

The Wii has to my recollection the fewest games sold per console.


Casuals buy one or two games a year, and then they buy the one that everyone else has. Cores spend much more money and research on their games.

Edited by darkjak
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