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Lego City: Undercover


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So I've completed the story but I still don't have a ability to pull on things with the handles, it just says continue with story mode, even though I've completed it! Is that right or is it glitched?


Strange. It should say that only Rex Fury can pull such things. It's not a glitch tough, just get yourself a Rex Fury -costume, and equip it. You should get one from the final spacedive in the last mission.

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Strange. It should say that only Rex Fury can pull such things. It's not a glitch tough, just get yourself a Rex Fury -costume, and equip it. You should get one from the final spacedive in the last mission.


Ahh. Maybe I have the costume but haven't bought it yet! Interesting. Thanks

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It's not the only Rex Fury costume, tough. There are at least two more hidden in the game, I just can't remember where they were.


Thats completely new bug to me, haven't heard of that before.


Found it in the end. It's only visible in the station under robbers, and there was no ! marker to indicate a new costume was in there. Cheers. : peace:

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  • 2 weeks later...
@RedShell I see you have picked this up and was wondering what it's like. Just how bad are the load times and is there much screen tearing?


I'm asking because i'm looking for something to play over the bank holiday weekend and i'm hovering over the BUY button for this as I type. :D

Yeah, I finally got this game yesterday. :)

Load times are atrocious! :o It takes like 40 seconds just to reach the title screen, then another minute of loading until you can play. :hmm:

The game actually takes the piss out of itself regarding the load times, which I thought was a nice touch. :heh:


But yeah, once you get past that, you're basically free to explore the entire map without further interruption until the next mission or cutscene.

As for screen tearing, I haven't seen any so far. The frame rate takes a hit occasionally though, but nothing major.


I must say I wasn't exactly digging the game when I first started playing, but after a couple of hours I really started enjoying it. Can't put it down now. :grin:

The game is incredibly funny. icon14.gif Not just the characters/story, but little details in the gameplay too.

One thing in particular that amuses me greatly is the way lego pedestrians jump and roll out of the way to avoid your car, only to smack into a wall producing a hilarious thud sound effect. :laughing:


Going around smashing up lego objects while driving (you get a timed combo going for multiple hits) is super fun too, not to mention strangely addictive. :heh:

Sooooo many awesome TV/Movie references in the game as well. ;)


Yeah, if you can get over the loading issue, I highly recommend it.

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Funnily enough, I started playing the game last night too but then it was about time being that I've had it since release! :p You can thank Monster Hunter for that... yeah, it's a good game though but I've only really played a couple of missions so I'm sort of 'enjoying' it but will probably end up loving it once I've actually played a few hours on it.


I must say that having never played a Lego game I'm actually really impressed by the overall world design, because it's set in a city it has a definite 'GTA' vibe to it, except unlike recent entries in the overrated franchise, Lego City is actually fun to play.


There have already been some real quality moments in the cut-scenes too as the characters are brilliant, Chase McCain is obviously funny by default but some of the 'lesser' characters are still brilliant in their own way, in particular Frank Honey who is hilarious as the 'Rookie Cop' really providing some great moments in addition to actually being border-line creepy, honestly I can't see how this game got a rating suitable 'for kids' with characters like him in it :laughing: but I suppose it's akin to watching a Toy Story film or similar, in that it's billed as 'for kids' but there are many moments that someone younger wouldn't 'get' so there are some nice in-game jokes for long-term gamers which is nice.


I can see myself spending quite a bit of time in Lego City in the near future. :)

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There's absolutely no screen tearing anywhere in the game which were seen in the early build demos. Graphically and tech wise, it's a mixed bag, but the game is so wonderful you see past them. You even see glimpses of 'next-gen' in some parts when DoF and motion blur engage. Then there's an impressive draw distance. And something else that stands out over previous-gen is the image quality of the colour range. You see colours in transitions you never seen on the ps360.


The game is just about putting you in a good mood and a smile on your face and load times or anything else have no effect on that.

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Cheers, RedShell. Just ordered it now. I got it for £6 as I had points to use and also £15 paypal credit after Dcubed bought my free 3DS game code off me the other day. :D
Nice one. icon14.gif


Just discovered this inside the police station:




I knew about the different disguises (obviously :heh:) but had no idea there was some form of character customisation in the game too! :yay:




Then there's an impressive draw distance.

I arrived here earlier...




Jaw dropping stuff. :awesome:

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I put about half an hour into this yesterday and was in stitches the whole time. From the Titanic reference, to the antics of Honey everything was hilarious.


The loading times are horrific though. Probably some ofthe worst loading times I've seen in a game since playing on my Commodore 64. :D

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I put about half an hour into this yesterday and was in stitches the whole time. From the Titanic reference, to the antics of Honey everything was hilarious.
Yeah, it's such a funny game. icon14.gif I've burst out laughing on many occasions now. :grin:


The loading times are horrific though. Probably some ofthe worst loading times I've seen in a game since playing on my Commodore 64. :D
Same here. :D And to make that fact even worse, most of the loading screens on C64 were way better than that rotating police shield/progress bar on this game. ;)


It's not so bad if you do long play sessions, but if you only play this game in short bursts, the 2.5 minutes it takes each time to reach gameplay from the Wii U menu (yeah, I timed it :geek: something to do while waiting for it to load :heh:) is going to be even more annoying.

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I posted this the other day on Miiverse:



Here's a vid I recorded directly after taking that screenshot:


Funny moment at 02:30, where I get run over by a skateboard. :grin:



Lego City continues to amaze and entertain me, I've not laughed so much while playing a game in a long time... possibly ever!

Last night I encountered yet another hilarious Lego character...


...the "Arnie" construction foreman.


Oh my word, I was in stitches throughout that entire level! :laughing:

Not only was the impersonation of the voice absolutely perfect, but dropping in all of those lines and movie titles into to dialogue... Genius!! :bowdown:

Please tell me that this game has sold well (as well as a Wii U exclusive can sell that is :heh:), because it's simply fantastic, and it would be such a shame if it wasn't successful. :hmm:

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Hmm.. I'll ask again... how are people finding the game - I'm the type of gamer who gets really annoyed by loads, pop in etc...


I'm about halfway through the game and haven't noticed any pop in. If it is there its not noticeable to me. The only issue is the loading times, which do take a while. If you are running around the city this isn't an issue, its only when you start the game or do story missions in buildings that the loading happens.


The game is fantastic and so, so funny. It's basically GTA, but with genuinely witty writing and actually fun to play. :D

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I'm really looking forward to playing this. I am currently swamped with 3ds games before I even start this though!

Once I get through some of those I will be all over this!


Been nice to hear peoples positive thoughts ( slow loading times aside! :heh: ) made me hyped to play!

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