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Pikmin 3


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I'm SO impressed with this! I was still on the fence about it but took the plunge and am so glad I did, I feel 13 all over again!


And holy crap, I didn't expect such an epic intro, I was genuinely impressed.


I like using the Wiimote and GamePad combo, too. The only thing that hasnt turned out as good as I'd hoped is the camera option, most of the time the damn critters just get in the way of the camera :p

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Copy Pasta'd from the Flubit thread:


9:30 was approaching and I was leaving the house to go to play squash, when I noticed that there was a package hidden behind our barbecue set next to the pillar. I open it up immediately to find the game waiting for me inside.


The letter is dated 23rd July...so I have no idea how long that thing has been there waiting for me. Could have been delivered Friday. Could have been Saturday. Could have been this morning. I was in the house, up nice and early on each day and not once did I hear the postman attempt to knock or ring the bell or leave a note saying he left it there.


Aside from that, it's heeeeeeere. :D


Tomorrow is the day where I'll start this adventure. Somehow, I've got to fit this in the day-time, ZombiU in the night, Batman somewhere in the middle and a life interspersed through all of that. :p

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Tomorrow is the day where I'll start this adventure. Somehow, I've got to fit this in the day-time, ZombiU in the night, Batman somewhere in the middle and a life interspersed through all of that. :p


Glad I don't have that problem :p

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Tomorrow is the day where I'll start this adventure. Somehow, I've got to fit this in the day-time, ZombiU in the night, Batman somewhere in the middle and a life interspersed through all of that. :p


Wish I was a teacher...6 weeks of solid gaming! Bliss :P

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Glad I don't have that problem :p


Which bit, the life part? :D


Wish I was a teacher...6 weeks of solid gaming! Bliss :P


Don't forget all that pumping of de iron that gets done. Leg Day tomorrow, eeek.


I'm playing all of the games now. When September comes, it's always like some sort of apocalypse. Your life is OVER until Christmas.

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My first Pikmin game, played through a couple of days so far and really loving it. The bigger battles though I find it a bit annoying, is there much strategy involved beyond 'fling as many Pikmin onto the creature as quickly as possible', which is what I'm doing at the moment?


Also the camera feature is fantastic, I just wish the game didn't have such a time constraint, always feel I should be rushing through levels because of it.


It's really gorgeous though.

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My first Pikmin game, played through a couple of days so far and really loving it. The bigger battles though I find it a bit annoying, is there much strategy involved beyond 'fling as many Pikmin onto the creature as quickly as possible', which is what I'm doing at the moment?




If you want to limit the number of souls lost then you do have to think tactically how to beat the bosses. I find it a lot more fun thinking tactically, learning an enemy move patterns and the weak spots than just charging chucking pikmin all over the place.


I love it!

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If you want to limit the number of souls lost then you do have to think tactically how to beat the bosses. I find it a lot more fun thinking tactically, learning an enemy move patterns and the weak spots than just charging chucking pikmin all over the place.


I love it!


That's the key...


I loved the 'ghost bat' boss where you had to activate all the lights to have a chance at beating him. I like the way you can use brute force or try to find a way to weaken a boss and lose less Pikmin.



Also, does anyone else feel guilty losing Pikmin? I do. The worst I have felt yet is when I managed to leave one solitary Pikmin behind. The little fella ran toward the onion all alone and was then eaten, what a lonely and terrifying death!

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Does the number of Pikmin lost make any difference at the end of the game?


Also, does anyone else feel guilty losing Pikmin? I do. The worst I have felt yet is when I managed to leave one solitary Pikmin behind. The little fella ran toward the onion all alone and was then eaten, what a lonely and terrifying death!


I feel far more guilty killing other animals!

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Does the number of Pikmin lost make any difference at the end of the game?


That depends. Do you want to spend an eternity in Hell?


Nah, as far as I know it has no bearing to the ending you get but 100% fruit does though. It's kept track of all your Pikmin deaths in all of the games. I think it's just to show you how sadistic you are when you finish. :)

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I'm using gamepad-only, finding it works really well and I like being able to rotate the camera around. The lock-on button works well too.


I haven't tried that yet, I might give it a go.


I just love how easy it is to play. I was worried it might be a bit fiddly but it's turning out to be the opposite. When Nintendo get it right, they can create beautiful games. Moar of this, please.

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