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NEW! Super Mario Bros. U


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He shouldn't be banned because he's not doing anything wrong. Just posting his opinion. One that's quite understandable to be fair.


He's not just trolling this thread, he's done this in general discussion, the Black Ops 2 thread and others. It always the same with him, he posts the most ridiculous stuff to get a reaction, then when he does he claims he didn't even say what he clearly did say!


@Aneres11 comes on these boards, debates with people, chats about things, but he doesn't go around spreading negativity and posting up trolling comments. I can see why Aneres11 is annoyed and can assure you he's not the only one.


The thing that really gets under my skin is the way the mods deal with this. If anyone says anything stupid or makes ridiculous points (example: games with smaller file sizes are worse than games with larger file sizes) the mods say nothing. Then when someone replies to this garbage they tell them off!


I can guarantee if anyone was trolling the PS3 discussions about poor Vita sales or Sony's financial problems they'd be told to leave - despite it being the truth. But instead, because it's about Nintendo everyone can post the most pointless and idiotic complaints then call it an 'opinion'.


We're on the eve of a new Nintendo console launch, many of us are excited - we come here to discuss our excitement. We don't want to be constantly trolled with moronic comments by people who are just coming here to bring up any excuse to bash the system.


I like many others have posted extensive impressions of the Wii U. I've posted positive things, and negative things - these can be read in the Nintendoland, NSMBU and ZombiU threads (all games I have played). But they were all in context - that's discussion and debate.


We've all posted good things and bad things, expressed concerns about certain features and happiness over others. We all had a grumble about ME3, and most were happy about Miiverse. But it was all balanced.


But we're talking about one individual who keeps posting needlessly negative and childish comments on multiple threads and who is annoying multiple users. If someone doesn't like the Wii U or its games, that's fine, that's an opinion. But don't try and ruin everyone else's excitement and fill up threads with bullshit comments like the ones over Wii U games not being 'next gen' because of their file sizes.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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I'd prefer a forum with debate and one without fear of being censored, within reason of course. You keep referring to other people thinking the same as yourself as if to validate your opinion. Stand on your own 2 feet. I know who have a problem, you, zechs, dazzy and serebii for the most part being the most vocal. Waiting for zechs inevitable weigh in despite being told to ignore. I stand my ground.

Now now, I have no problem with you or your opinion. My problem, the same reason I speak up whenever I make comments across the net not on my site and/or other Pokémon related place, is the factual errors that have come with your arguments, some of which you have since realised were erroneous.

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The thing that really gets under my skin is the way the mods deal with this. If anyone says anything stupid or makes ridiculous points (example: games with smaller file sizes are worse than games with larger file sizes) the mods say nothing. Then when someone replies to this garbage they tell them off!
Care to show me an example of this?


And if Mods started handing out bans to people for 'stupid or rediculous points' there'd be no forum left. You can't go around enforcing what people say and their opinions towards certain topics.


As has been suggested, there is an Ignore button for anyone who doesn't care to read @Wii's opinions.

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He's not just trolling this thread, he's done this in general discussion, the Black Ops 2 thread and others. It always the same with him, he posts the most ridiculous stuff to get a reaction, then when he does he claims he didn't even say what he clearly did say!


@Aneres11 comes on these boards, debates with people, chats about things, but he doesn't go around spreading negativity and posting up trolling comments. I can see why Aneres11 is annoyed and can assure you he's not the only one.


The thing that really gets under my skin is the way the mods deal with this. If anyone says anything stupid or makes ridiculous points (example: games with smaller file sizes are worse than games with larger file sizes) the mods say nothing. Then when someone replies to this garbage they tell them off!


I can guarantee if anyone was trolling the PS3 discussions about poor Vita sales or Sony's financial problems they'd be told to leave - despite it being the truth. But instead, because it's about Nintendo everyone can post the most pointless and idiotic complaints then call it an 'opinion'.


We're on the eve of a new Nintendo console launch, many of us are excited - we come here to discuss our excitement. We don't want to be constantly trolled with moronic comments by people who are just coming here to bring up any excuse to bash the system.


I like many others have posted extensive impressions of the Wii U. I've posted positive things, and negative things - these can be read in the Nintendoland, NSMBU and ZombiU threads (all games I have played). But they were all in context - that's discussion and debate.


We've all posted good things and bad things, expressed concerns about certain features and happiness over others. We all had a grumble about ME3, and most were happy about Miiverse. But it was all balanced.


But we're talking about one individual who keeps posting needlessly negative and childish comments on multiple threads and who is annoying multiple users. If someone doesn't like the Wii U or its games, that's fine, that's an opinion. But don't try and ruin everyone else's excitement and fill up threads with bullshit comments like the ones over Wii U games not being 'next gen' because of their file sizes.


Whoomp! There it is! My last comment in Black Ops 2 thread was defending Nuketown's 2025 inclusion.


It is a good map. It's the 1 returning map from the original game. Why? I've been playing this game again the past few days and it still wins the vote hands down, every time regardless of being a noob or a veteran.


I own Black Ops for the Wii and have played it online with many members from this site. I still play it, on it for the past 2 weeks. For the record I think Black Op2 and ZombiU will be Wii U's outstanding games at launch. Rayman was included but unfortunately it's delayed. All 3rd party games. How often has that been said about a Nintendo console launch? RS2 for GC maybe.


Wow you pick ME3 to say you complain about. Who hasn't complained about it. It's been universally lombasted and Nintendo should've stepped in there and done something about that situation. NSMBU's file size is just an affirmation of the effort that went into the game, still hasn't registered with you despite telling you several times but you still bring it up.

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At this point, I don't care if the game is good or not. I just want it to be released so people will start talking about playing it instead of whatever this discussion is. :heh:




Personally, I prefer going on message boards to blindly defend games I've never played.

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@Wii, that's not an excuse for you to just keep on in this manner, you do need to improve your attitude and approach to things on here.


still hasn't registered with you despite telling you several times but you still bring it up.

Likewise the same could be said about your posts.

It's one thing posting your opinion, it's another to repeatedly post the same criticism over and over across multiple pages.


Where you criticise others for being blinkered towards the Wii U faults, you yourself are not showing any example of being able to recognise or take any positive factors on board and add them to your own discussion to move things forward. And if there is genuinely nothing else you can add about your thoughts and opinions on this game other than those you have repeatedly expressed, then maybe just move on from this thread.


Continuing to deconstructing one anothers posts in an agressive way isn't nice for everyone else to read.


It's all getting very petty, repetitive, and frankly boring.

Edited by Retro_Link
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@Wii, that's not an excuse for you to just keep on in this manner, you do need to improve your attitude and approach to things on here.



Likewise the same could be said about your posts.

It's one thing posting your opinion, it's another to repeatedly post the same criticism over and over across multiple pages.


Where you criticise others for being blinkered towards the Wii U faults, you yourself are not showing any example of being able to recognise or take any positive factors on board and add them to your own discussion to move things forward. And if there is genuinely nothing else you can add about your thoughts and opinions on this game other than those you have repeatedly expressed, then maybe just move on from this thread.


Continuing to deconstructing one anothers posts in an agressive way isn't nice for everyone else to read.


It's all getting very petty, repetitive, and frankly boring.


I was saying that zechs constantly brings up the point on file size even though I've explained my meaning several times.


Now as far as positive factors:


ONM - NSMBU - 86%


New Super Mario Bros. U Review


New Super Mario Bros. U is a solid game, but one whose core experience is as conservative as can be and the level design, graphics, and sound are nearly identical to previous entries. The co-op features, however, are excellent, as are the new challenge modes.


It may surprise you -- and make you acutely aware of those wrinkles around your eyes -- to learn that New Super Mario Bros. U is the first original Mario title to accompany the release of new Nintendo hardware since Super Mario 64, all the way back in 1996. That title, along with its forebears Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario World, not only reinvented platforming irrevocably upon release, but gave a perfect demonstration of the capabilities of the accompanying hardware.


Whether or not you believe NSMBU achieves that goal is very much dependent on whether or not you have someone with whom to play. And no, not online…despite Nintendo’s verbal commitments, NSMBU supports only local multiplayer. If left to your own devices, you’re getting a rehash of a fairly decent 2-D platformer from 2009. Accompanied by another, the game produces some genuinely fantastic moments…but moments they are, surrounded by what feels like a B-team effort from Nintendo.


Single Player System


New Super Mario Bros U is the first ever first-party Nintendo game produced in high definition, and I’m very unsurprised to say it matters very little. The graphical style (save for a few relatively inspired levels in the Soda Jungle) is cribbed from previous entries in the NSMB series, which was never much worth your attention. Some impressive backgrounds via parallax scrolling are achieved, and boy do those coins look crisp, but this is not a game that in any way shows off the graphical capabilities of the Wii U. Combined with a remarkably disappointing musical effort, in which no risks are taken and entire songs are stolen wholesale from previous entries, one can’t help but shake the feeling of a very un-Nintendo level of polish here.


Before we go on, however, though this is in no way a review of the Wii U hardware, some attention must be given to the “mirroring” capability of the game, the ability to play the full experience down on the Wii U GamePad. One might expect any glitches, any multi-frame delays in the action to be especially noticeable in a precise platformer, but I’m happy to say that the game is flawlessly playable without a television in sight. In fact, given the odd aliasing issues that still pervade certain graphical elements, the game can occasionally look better on the GamePad, given its higher pixel density. It’s oddly freeing to be able to effectively play a full console game as a handheld one, and I expect it to be a popular feature with any game that supports it.


The primary single player experience is nearly identical to previous entries in the series. The difficulty appears relatively consistent with New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and while it takes certain cues from Super Mario World, you’d be hard pressed to differentiate NSMBU from its console predecessor without counting pixels. The few changes include the replacement of the propeller suit with the “acorn suit”, functionally similar but offering less vertical lift for the ability to “stick” on walls for a short period of time, new “Nabbit” sequences, in which you chase a thief across a previously traversed level, and a few remixed 1-Up and item challenges…but there simply isn’t enough, at least in this mode. The level design is far cry from the utterly brilliant Galaxy titles, or Rayman: Origins, or even the recent Super Mario 3-D Land, but still passes among the upper echelons of the industry. Nintendo, perhaps, has simply set too high a standard given its past achievements.


A big, big positive for the game is the additional of numerous challenges, neatly available from the title screen and ranked in order of difficulty. These range wildly: there are speed runs, sequences in which you need to avoid collecting coins, fireball dodging, 1-up collecting, and dozens more. If there is creativity to be found in NSMBU, it’s here, in this mode. There are a few other modes to discuss, but it’s time to jump to…well, Player Number Two.


Twice the Fun


The Wii U modes of gameplay are described as “Boost Blocks”, where the player possessing the Wii U GamePad uses the touchscreen to place down up to four colored blocks upon which Mario may run or jump. This, as first, seems absurdly “overpowered”, but there are limitations: the blocks immediately start shrinking upon being touched, and any moving level geometry crushes the blocks into oblivion. Often, the blocks can be as detrimental to progress as helpful.


Boost Blocks may be used in the single-player experience, where it feels a bit like Super Mario Galaxy…another person joining in to assist the actual “player”. As all single-player levels are obviously designed to be completed without such assistance, the boost blocks can be helpful, but hardly necessary. The player can also, of course, tap enemies to stun them and interact in a variety of ways with the environment. In these cases, the runner is using the original Wii Remote, held sideways, to progress. The game does not support the Wii U Pro Controller, which is inexplicable and mystifying, as it offers a nearly objectively superior experience to the old Wiimote.


Back in the challenge mode, however, Boost Mode really shines. The specially designed co-op challenges are merciless, and require a remarkable harmony between runner and “builder”. If the builder leads, progress is slow and methodical, the runner reacting to available platforms and cautiously roaming rightward. However, to achieve the gold medals for the fastest times, the runner has to make leap of faith after leap of faith, trusting his or her partner to lay down platforms precisely in the right spots over yawning chasms. Expect a learning curve as the chemistry between partners grows, and resist the urge to yell as death claims Mario, time and time again. You’ll get it.


Another mode, Boost Rush, is a set of automatically scrolling levels in which the speed is increased by collecting coins. While this mode is playable without a partner, it becomes far more efficient and enjoyable with an available builder. The maximum speed is barely short of Mario’s running speed, so death will be both inevitable and frequent. It’s frenetic and fun, if not particularly deep.


Finally, Coin Battle pits any number of players against each other (no Boost Mode here) in a scramble for coins. It’s simple and addictive, and NSMBU offers a “coin placement editor” to customize the coin layouts in predetermined levels. We would have appreciated an actual level editor here, but we’ll take what we can get.


It’s worth noting that the myriad “MiiVerse” features in the game were unavailable at time of review, so we’re unsure of how those add to the experience. As primarily social features, though, we don’t expect much in terms of differentiating gameplay.


Run For The Flag


Make no mistake: this is still a solid 2-D platformer, with some great Wii U co-op experiences that show off some of the unique features the Wii U can bring to bear. But the core game, the World Map and the Level 6-3 and the Things You Can Jump On, is a reminder of how conservative gameplay design can sour a once-winning formula. These are levels you’ve played before…in high definition, I guess.


Despite all that, though, the question, “Is it fun?” is easily answered: yes. NSMBU is one of the best reasons to go out and buy the newest kid on the console block. If you want more Mario, this is where he’ll be for a little while.


The Pros

+ Boost Mode co-op play with the Wii U GamePad is addictive and fun

+ Challenges are wildly creative, and the additional modes offer plenty of replay value


The Cons

- Extremely conservative game design, offering very little exciting in the game's primary modes

- Bland graphic and sound design

- No online cooperative or competitive play

- Challenge, at least for the first several worlds, is remarkably low












New Super Mario Bros. U requires 14 MB for save data and displays in 1080i, 1080p? Probably upscaled.




New Super Mario Bros. U - Enter Soda Jungle, Exploring Ghost House with Yellow Baby Yoshi.



No, sorry. Forgot the link, thanks.


The Iwata asks on NSMBU has been translated. Enjoy!




DLC confirmed.


I've posted some positive things about this game. It hasn't all been negative.

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lol, wow. I don't think you need to defend yourself @Wii, your comments are fine, you can take your stance on any topic be it positive or negative. However I found that you have repeated some of those negatives comments a few times.


Also 'ganging up' on him won't alleviate the situation.


My suggestion?


Post whatever your opinion is. Whether it's positive or negative doesn't matter, but don't repeat yourself. Arguments are great, so long as they're constructive and bring up a better understanding. But arguing to prove/defend yourself continuously can get annoying.

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I am excited for this game now. Way more so than a week ago, when I hoped it would be good, but feared it to be mediocre. Then the reviews started sprouting from the earth... Two weeks now. Two weeks!


Regarding the war on this forum, I just want this to stop. People should be able to voice their opinions, but only in a mature way.

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The main issue for me isn't peoples opinions, because lets face it everyone is entitled to their own, it's when things start turning into a mudslinging match that we have to step in.


In one of the topics there was practically a whole page of Zechs Vs Wii and it's not what people want to see or read. It gives a bad impression of the forum, especially if there are people ( lurkers ) looking in from the outside.


As Retro stated earlier, the ignore button is there for a reason. If people's opinions anger you, then just hit the button. If you want to have it out with them then do it via PM and don't break up a happy home.


I can see both sides to this argument. Wii clearly doesn't care for, or rather like the look of, the NSMBU game and thinks Nintendo could have put more effort in. Zechs thinks things are fine and that the game looks great. At the same time Wii shouldn't be repeating how he feels over and over again. We get it, you're not a fan. :D And Zechs shouldn't really be get all hot and bothered over the fact that Wii doesn't like the look of the game. Does his opinion of the game effect your enjoyment? It really shouldn't.


The whole thing becomes more negative the more you argue with each other and the more you start look at each others posts and deconstructing them bit by bit. Like I said earlier things takes the topics waaaaaay off topic and everyone is having to cycle through the walls of text you both have been putting up just to see what the latest news is about the game.


People may say that Wii's posts are dragging the morale down but that's only because you let it. Again, it's just his opinion and his opinion shouldn't have any effect of whether you will enjoy, or get excited about the Wii U or any of it's games.


At the end of the day this place is a little sanctuary where we all should be able to come and discuss games, whatever our opinion of them, and enjoy each others banter.

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