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It was at the end of the Tower of London section, all the Zombies had been killed in the area and no more were spawning but the Helicopter wouldn't attempt to land. The sniper was just frozen on the spot, spent a good 20 minutes wandering around trying to see if I could find any other zombies and nothing. Threw a molotov to the ground and finished myself off.


Respawned and just as I was about to go underground to the Ravens Dee place I got attacked by a friends Survivor Zombie and as I was looting him a police zombie jumped down from the area above and surprised me :(



I am right in assuming that once my next survivor dies I can't retrieve items from the previous survivor right? I've still got loads of items stashed at the safehouse but all my weapons were on that first survivor that I had to suicide.

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It was at the end of the Tower of London section, all the Zombies had been killed in the area and no more were spawning but the Helicopter wouldn't attempt to land. The sniper was just frozen on the spot, spent a good 20 minutes wandering around trying to see if I could find any other zombies and nothing. Threw a molotov to the ground and finished myself off.


Respawned and just as I was about to go underground to the Ravens Dee place I got attacked by a friends Survivor Zombie and as I was looting him a police zombie jumped down from the area above and surprised me :(



I am right in assuming that once my next survivor dies I can't retrieve items from the previous survivor right? I've still got loads of items stashed at the safehouse but all my weapons were on that first survivor that I had to suicide.



Yeah, if you for example Mr. 1 dies and then Mr. 2 dies before you kill and loot back your gear from Mr. 1 then Mr. 1 vanishes with all the gear he had.

And Mr. 3 will then be looking for Mr. 2's zombie and the gear he had when he died.



With weapons that the "lost" survivor Zombie would have had (other than Bat and Handgun) they will respawn in random areas.


They could even spawn in an area you've not been to yet.


I think if you have hacked CCTV boxes and a weapon spawns in the area of a hacked CCTV box you'll be able to see it on the screens in the safe house if you check them. It'll tell you the general area (ie: Brick Lane Markets, Victoria Memorial) but not the exact location.

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Yeah, if you for example Mr. 1 dies and then Mr. 2 dies before you kill and loot back your gear from Mr. 1 then Mr. 1 vanishes with all the gear he had.

And Mr. 3 will then be looking for Mr. 2's zombie and the gear he had when he died.



With weapons that the "lost" survivor Zombie would have had (other than Bat and Handgun) they will respawn in random areas.


They could even spawn in an area you've not been to yet.


I think if you have hacked CCTV boxes and a weapon spawns in the area of a hacked CCTV box you'll be able to see it on the screens in the safe house if you check them. It'll tell you the general area (ie: Brick Lane Markets, Victoria Memorial) but not the exact location.


Yeah thought as much, in my case Mr. 2 here had little of value on him so I won't be bothering going back for him and putting my life on the line again!


Yeah I didn't check the CCTV boxes yet as I turned the game off in frustration, hopefully I'll come across them soon enough as it's going to make the next section of the game a damn sight more difficult having only a bloody pistol and cricket bat.

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Just beat it...what a ride...what a game. Loced every minute of it.



The Prepper getting pissed off was both a surprise yet not. But I still expected to meet up with him in the end of the game and we'd escape together :(

Getting kicked out of the safe house then and using the turret on the horde that was coming in was good. Got all of them except one then made a run for the door.


Was very surprised then when the cut scene started and revealed the Prepper was in the room next door to mine...WTF?

And what did he do? Looked like he cleaned out the box and took stuff for himself and then tried to contact/make a new friend.


What was he just using people to get supplies for himself (due to missing a leg slowing him down?) Waiting for them to die or leave then take their left over stuff for himself?

Kinda makes every game a continuation of the previous play so from teh Prepper's point of view.... though having the other same NPC's reappear makes it less of a "continuation".


Then when the credits rolled I was..."huh? Is that it? That was a pretty non-event of an escape"...then I pressed B to skip the credits and I was in play again :D


Dispite knowing this was the endgame (or assuming it was) I was still trying to be cautious with my ammo as I assumed there'd be a big fight at the roof.

Took out teh first few zzombies with my Bat still. Didn't use my handgun till I went down the ladder into the water and took out I think 6 zoms with it. Crossed the water to the tunnel took out 2 zoms with bat. Into the yard and up the steps, horde of zoms, including the static shock zoms...panic sets in now... handgun starts firing, took out maybe another 6 or 7 and more still came, figured maybe best run. Made the run for it and inside.


Tried to run past all teh zoms on ground before they got up but one stood up right in front of the door. Ran into a corner turned round, chucked one of my 2 flares followed by a gernade...BOOM, room cleared, phew.


Went for door made way up, only saw 2 blips on radar at the roof, thought...YAY almost there. Handgun was out of ammo now so equiped Magnum (no used it yet), Assult Rifle and Shotgun just incase. Dropped down to the door and was surprised to get hit before I opened it, there was one zombie on the ground at it...ggrrr. Ran through the door to be surprised by a horde.


Panicing even more now running up the stairs trying to think what to do to be greeted by even more zombies...DAMNIT.

Lucky had the last flare set to the quick select slot, chucked that down the steps and ZOmbies followed. Quickly opened bag and took out a mine, went to set it at the top of the stairs so zombies would trip it when they came back up.... bt when I was putting it down they were already returning.... the thing went off just as I took just one step backwards... I though "SHIT I JUST KILLED MYSELF"...in what seemed like slow motion I watched my health meter appear on teh TV and go down and thank the gods I still had like 5% left...I was ALIVE!


Thought I'd still have more to do so was ready to open bag to use a medpack but then the final cutscene happened...YAY. :yay:


The ending was pretty cool....though I had hoped for more from the last cut scene.... did the Panacea work? What did the survivors do after they left London?








And I managed to do it with Ms. 10, real name Skye Richards, a Special Constable, still ALIVE.


Yep, I best the game with 10 Characters! I think that is quite an achievement. And considering she lasted well over 7 hours 30mins is awesome too.

Total time was 16hours 54mins 14seconds


Shame the normal save file doesn't say what your score was with the last character though :(

Also I just realised I had a ton of documents (Newspapers, Queen Letters etc) I had not read yet, kept meaning to but forgot...damnit now I can't reload the file to read them :mad:


And very annoying too that if you want to play Normal mode again you have to delete the previous file :(



But I'm starting up Survivor mode anyway, hopefully this time I don't forget to read stuff when I get them :heh:



Really enjoyed the game. It does have a few flaws yeah you can see some corners were cut for it to make Launch, but the product we got was a pretty good game still. I fully enjoyed it, it scared the bejesus out of me in many places and actually gave me the fright of my life in one place...you know what I'm talking about.



Just checked the Leaderboard


I'm ranked 314th with 11680 points :D.... when I beat Survivor mode I'm jumping to the top of that, mwahahahaha


Also spotted @lostmario ranked 225th with 12970 points and play time of 23hours 29mins.... is that how long your first Normal mode play took? Or is it adding your time to your current 2nd play through?

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I agree with everything you just said ^


I really hope the sequel is still set in London as I think the city has a lot more to offer. And besides, they've got all the models for the signs/houses/tube etc so would be quicker than starting over in a whole new city.

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Plugged on a bit more with it after getting over my frustration, my supplies are dwindling after the amount of them I lost and the amount of zombies the game has thrown at me since but its just adding to the challenge. Really fantastic game, the atmosphere is amazing and its so tense.


Really looking forward to seeing what they do with any sequel to this!

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This has driven me crazy tonight :angry:


Been doing quite well survivors wise, had been through 8 up until St. George's church which I think is a fairly reasonable amount given my understanding is that is quite close to the end of the game. Lost 5 survivors tonight however doing the 'King of Zombies' arena at St. George's tonight.



Took a break to calm down nd went back and did it quite comfortably in one go, this game really messes with your nerves!

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James if you're still stuck at that part read the spoiler tag in my post on it for tips. Basically form a zombie train, take your time and pick your shots. Anything that explodes use to your advantage and when needed.


haha, @lostmario I think I just survived (without dying) the part you said would be worse than the Nursery.... though I may have gotten "lucky"



It was the bit at the end of the church yeah? The "fun house" you get captured for.


Man that was hard indeed.... certainly worse than the nirsery too. Bloody hell my nerves are shot once more.


As I said though I did get a tiny bit "fortunate" :heh:

Before I went up the ladder I looked around that area and unbarred a door which brought me back to the main area. So from there...and after the horrors of the underground area (I thought that was the part you were on about) and as I was low on health I figured I'd take the vent to the manhole and head to the safe house to save and regain health so I didn't have to waste a Medpack.


Then when I went back to teh Church and finally went up teh ladder and the bastards caught me and started the "game". At first I had no idea what to do just ran around avoidin the first 3 zombies to try see what I had available to me and where things were.


In the end used 1 gas tank to take out the first 3. Then came 1 riot and 1 exploder. Shot the exploder and took out the riot guy with him.


Then 3 riot zombies and one exploder...damnit. Went for the exploder, shot him but only took out 1 riot zom, figured "this must be the last wave" :heh: so tried to use the other 2 gas tanks but only got 1 of them, missed the other. Ended up then wasting all my ammo trying to shoot the helmet off the last one and ran out :heh:


There was no way I was just gonna let him maul me so on remember I had just saved the game... I erm... quit the game *cough* and reloaded my save from before I went up the ladder. Lucky I had gone back to save before going up the ladder. Was ages since my last save before that. If I hadn't gone for that save I prolly would have just let myself die (when I ran out of ammo) than redo everything I had previously done (like that underground part in the church...gggrrr)


So as I said, phew, lucky.


So went back, still thinking the part I quit at was the last part, managed to do it all and even took out those 3 riot guards with the exploder zombie :D


Then there was more :nono:


But with ALOT of running in circles and creating a train of following zombies and thank FUCK for the land mines you get I survived it ALL in "one" go. Haha.


When I pressed the "fun button" I still had one flare left and one gas tank and one mine and some ammo. I chucked the flare towards the gas tank, got most of the last horde to crowd round it and BOOM gone. A few riot guys left, got them to walk over my last mine and then had 1 normal zombie left who I headshoted to death :D



God damn I am sweating buckets.


Figure after getting back to the safe house I'm prolly near the end now. Will pick up again tomorrow and see how it goes. For now still on Ms. 10 and at 5 hours 30mins with her and 7300 something points :D

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James if you're still stuck at that part read the spoiler tag in my post on it for tips. Basically form a zombie train, take your time and pick your shots. Anything that explodes use to your advantage and when needed.


haha, @lostmario I think I just survived (without dying) the part you said would be worse than the Nursery.... though I may have gotten "lucky"



It was the bit at the end of the church yeah? The "fun house" you get captured for.


Man that was hard indeed.... certainly worse than the nirsery too. Bloody hell my nerves are shot once more.


As I said though I did get a tiny bit "fortunate" :heh:

Before I went up the ladder I looked around that area and unbarred a door which brought me back to the main area. So from there...and after the horrors of the underground area (I thought that was the part you were on about) and as I was low on health I figured I'd take the vent to the manhole and head to the safe house to save and regain health so I didn't have to waste a Medpack.


Then when I went back to teh Church and finally went up teh ladder and the bastards caught me and started the "game". At first I had no idea what to do just ran around avoidin the first 3 zombies to try see what I had available to me and where things were.


In the end used 1 gas tank to take out the first 3. Then came 1 riot and 1 exploder. Shot the exploder and took out the riot guy with him.


Then 3 riot zombies and one exploder...damnit. Went for the exploder, shot him but only took out 1 riot zom, figured "this must be the last wave" :heh: so tried to use the other 2 gas tanks but only got 1 of them, missed the other. Ended up then wasting all my ammo trying to shoot the helmet off the last one and ran out :heh:


There was no way I was just gonna let him maul me so on remember I had just saved the game... I erm... quit the game *cough* and reloaded my save from before I went up the ladder. Lucky I had gone back to save before going up the ladder. Was ages since my last save before that. If I hadn't gone for that save I prolly would have just let myself die (when I ran out of ammo) than redo everything I had previously done (like that underground part in the church...gggrrr)


So as I said, phew, lucky.


So went back, still thinking the part I quit at was the last part, managed to do it all and even took out those 3 riot guards with the exploder zombie :D


Then there was more :nono:


But with ALOT of running in circles and creating a train of following zombies and thank FUCK for the land mines you get I survived it ALL in "one" go. Haha.


When I pressed the "fun button" I still had one flare left and one gas tank and one mine and some ammo. I chucked the flare towards the gas tank, got most of the last horde to crowd round it and BOOM gone. A few riot guys left, got them to walk over my last mine and then had 1 normal zombie left who I headshoted to death :D



God damn I am sweating buckets.


Figure after getting back to the safe house I'm prolly near the end now. Will pick up again tomorrow and see how it goes. For now still on Ms. 10 and at 5 hours 30mins with her and 7300 something points :D

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James if you're still stuck at that part read the spoiler tag in my post on it for tips. Basically form a zombie train, take your time and pick your shots. Anything that explodes use to your advantage and when needed.


Thanks mate, I did manage it when I took the time to calm down and regain my composure. Back at the safehouse now!

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Ah for fraks sake. Thought I was doing well on my first go of Survivor mode. But just died :mad:


Silly mistake....was at Victoria memorial...just outside the portacabin with the CCTV junction box. Got attacked my 3 zombies, thought I'd chuck a flare but as I was throwing it didn't notice how close one was to me and it just lunged with it's insta grab-kill :mad:


Don't know if my Surivor mode zombie appears in friends games.... if anyone wants to have a look and finds me I had some good ammo on me at the time.


Speed running my 2nd play now...up to the horde at the safe house inside 30mins :heh:

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Just started the game, finished the supermarket and was on my way back when that damn punk making all the noise called in a swarm of zombies that eventually got me as I didnt manage to get through the door quickly enough! Poop!


I'm going to enjoy this!!!

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Picked this up earlier.


Traded in Ninty Land at GAME (£30 back - not bad!) and Pokemon (as have both versions) so only paid £7 for this.


Looking forward to giving it a go - will prob start it later on tonight!



Make sure it's: Lights off, headphones in... Preferably in an empty house!

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Make sure it's: Lights off, headphones in... Preferably in an empty house!


Ha. It will definitely be lights off headphones in - but can't do the empty house...


I'll be sure to wrap myself in a bin liner form the waist down. You know, just in case it gets a bit too much... :blush:

Haha. :grin:

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Bloody died on Surivor mode again...inside the Palace...so there's some ammo to be found if anyone spots me running round there in their game (but the big staircase)


Silly mistake again, decided to take on 2 zombies at once with just the bat to save some ammo for later.... while finishing one the other lunged with that one hit kill grab....ggggrrrrr


Well lets try again... I swear I will finish this bloody Surivor mode!!!!




Righty just got back to meeting the Doc on my 3rd attempt at Survivor mode....only took me 1 hour 19mins too... think that must be a pretty decent speed run :heh:


Also found a Silenced Pistol....I didn't see that on my very 1st play on normal mode and I was in where it was too :heh:


Though it annoying you can't leave your normal handgun in the box at the safe house, if I want to carry the silenced gun I need to carry both :mad:



Oh also I found the official ZombiU Dev teams Miiverse account (well @RedShell found it and told me, cheers dude :D)


Spotted on my Friends List they accepted my Friend Request and when I checked their Miiverse account they already filled their 100 friend slots :D



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Just found out the Notifications button on the "prepper pad" that tells you when your friends die and have zombies in parts of the game isn't available in Survivor Mode :mad:

Noticed it missing when I started but hoped it would get added with the first pad upgrade as it wasn't till after that on my Normal mode play that I noticed it.


Alas I got the upgrade and it still now there.


I also doubt the on screen notifications work either not had any since playing Survivor mode anyway :(


I still get "infected survivors" though, mostly had randoms but have had 1 person from my friends list, @m_fergy (dizziee), put him out of his misery at the Supermarket.


So if anyone who has me as a friend (which I think is everyone with ZOmbiU...add me if not) is playing and happens to die, I'd be very greatfull if ye'd post it up here and say where you died so I can try look for you and get some equipment.... I need more handgun ammo :heh:

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