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I decided not to get this game at launch due to the bad reviews. The thing that put me off the most were the complaints that there was too much dull combat with the cricket bat.

Do you guys think that is fair - a lot of you seem to be talking about weapons that are not the bat.....

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I decided not to get this game at launch due to the bad reviews. The thing that put me off the most were the complaints that there was too much dull combat with the cricket bat.

Do you guys think that is fair - a lot of you seem to be talking about weapons that are not the bat.....


I'd say the reason so many reviewers complained of dull combat is because they were rubbish at the game and wasted all their ammo.


You can't just jump in and attack 3-4 zombies at once, you have to be very tactical. Say if you have just one zombie, you take him out with the bat, but if there are 3-4 running at you, you use your gun.


The game is brilliant and I am currently on my 2nd playthrough (still on my 1st survivor).

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Frustrating last few hours. I'm at the end of the story and the Tower of London doesn't load the scenery properly so I can't go any further. Reloading the game fixed that, but now it keeps freezing in the same spot. I'm going to give the console a rest before I try again. Apart from these recent problems the game has been wonderful.



Seems to be alright now, I rushed through before it could freeze on me, seemed to work. Finished the game with 14 hours playtime and 11 survivors. Need to do a no die playthrough now :P.

Edited by not_so_tiny
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Was able to have a go on the multiplayer mode over the weekend with my cousin who was visiting.


Good laugh. The capture the flag mode (Assult) was the best one.

"Killing Box" is just a "how many zombies can the "survivor" kill before dying" game


And "Survivor" which is the mode unlocked with Uplay points is like Killing box but "how long can the survivor last before dying" type game.


Capture the Flag mode is definately the best and a bit more tacktical as the "King of Zombies" has more to do than just try kill the player (ie: capture flags)

And the leveling up and unlocking new zombie types is really nice.


When you level up you get a choice of which new zombie type you want to unlock from a choice of 3, which seemed to be slightly different each time we played. Was funny the first time I was able to unlock the riot gear zombies, my cousin had no idea what to do :D





Also....gggrrr... all ye lot are finishing the game already, I need more free time damnit.... though I don't play this during the day as I must play it in a dark room. So any game time I get in the afternoons is either NintendoLand or CoD

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Luckily I've got thick curtains so can play any time of the day and still get scared shitless. And even on the second playthrough it's happened.


I'm wondering how easy it would be for them to swap around the positions of the zombies some day down the line. Could they do that with a patch or would it be too difficult?

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Now my last death was my fault...


Two Zombi's milling around, nothing on my radar... how's about a bit of shooting practise? Good chance to level up?


Screw you the 4 Zombi's that jumped down on me from on high! I really should learn from this!

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Gonna dare to give this another play tonight.


Just finished the

Nursery bit. Oh my god. How tense was that? If you die during the (quite bizarre and slightly out of context boss fight in the basement) do you have to fight both the boss and your survivor with your new one? Just about survived the horde after this only to come across another one when prepper hacks the door.


Amazingly terrifying. I love it!


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Also....gggrrr... all ye lot are finishing the game already, I need more free time damnit.... though I don't play this during the day as I must play it in a dark room. So any game time I get in the afternoons is either NintendoLand or CoD

Gets dark at like 4.00pm atm dude! :p
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haha, @lostmario I think I just survived (without dying) the part you said would be worse than the Nursery.... though I may have gotten "lucky"



It was the bit at the end of the church yeah? The "fun house" you get captured for.


Man that was hard indeed.... certainly worse than the nirsery too. Bloody hell my nerves are shot once more.


As I said though I did get a tiny bit "fortunate" :heh:

Before I went up the ladder I looked around that area and unbarred a door which brought me back to the main area. So from there...and after the horrors of the underground area (I thought that was the part you were on about) and as I was low on health I figured I'd take the vent to the manhole and head to the safe house to save and regain health so I didn't have to waste a Medpack.


Then when I went back to teh Church and finally went up teh ladder and the bastards caught me and started the "game". At first I had no idea what to do just ran around avoidin the first 3 zombies to try see what I had available to me and where things were.


In the end used 1 gas tank to take out the first 3. Then came 1 riot and 1 exploder. Shot the exploder and took out the riot guy with him.


Then 3 riot zombies and one exploder...damnit. Went for the exploder, shot him but only took out 1 riot zom, figured "this must be the last wave" :heh: so tried to use the other 2 gas tanks but only got 1 of them, missed the other. Ended up then wasting all my ammo trying to shoot the helmet off the last one and ran out :heh:


There was no way I was just gonna let him maul me so on remember I had just saved the game... I erm... quit the game *cough* and reloaded my save from before I went up the ladder. Lucky I had gone back to save before going up the ladder. Was ages since my last save before that. If I hadn't gone for that save I prolly would have just let myself die (when I ran out of ammo) than redo everything I had previously done (like that underground part in the church...gggrrr)


So as I said, phew, lucky.


So went back, still thinking the part I quit at was the last part, managed to do it all and even took out those 3 riot guards with the exploder zombie :D


Then there was more :nono:


But with ALOT of running in circles and creating a train of following zombies and thank FUCK for the land mines you get I survived it ALL in "one" go. Haha.


When I pressed the "fun button" I still had one flare left and one gas tank and one mine and some ammo. I chucked the flare towards the gas tank, got most of the last horde to crowd round it and BOOM gone. A few riot guys left, got them to walk over my last mine and then had 1 normal zombie left who I headshoted to death :D



God damn I am sweating buckets.


Figure after getting back to the safe house I'm prolly near the end now. Will pick up again tomorrow and see how it goes. For now still on Ms. 10 and at 5 hours 30mins with her and 7300 something points :D

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haha, @lostmario I think I just survived (without dying) the part you said would be worse than the Nursery.... though I may have gotten "lucky"



It was the bit at the end of the church yeah? The "fun house" you get captured for.


Man that was hard indeed.... certainly worse than the nirsery too. Bloody hell my nerves are shot once more.


As I said though I did get a tiny bit "fortunate" :heh:

Before I went up the ladder I looked around that area and unbarred a door which brought me back to the main area. So from there...and after the horrors of the underground area (I thought that was the part you were on about) and as I was low on health I figured I'd take the vent to the manhole and head to the safe house to save and regain health so I didn't have to waste a Medpack.


Then when I went back to teh Church and finally went up teh ladder and the bastards caught me and started the "game". At first I had no idea what to do just ran around avoidin the first 3 zombies to try see what I had available to me and where things were.


In the end used 1 gas tank to take out the first 3. Then came 1 riot and 1 exploder. Shot the exploder and took out the riot guy with him.


Then 3 riot zombies and one exploder...damnit. Went for the exploder, shot him but only took out 1 riot zom, figured "this must be the last wave" :heh: so tried to use the other 2 gas tanks but only got 1 of them, missed the other. Ended up then wasting all my ammo trying to shoot the helmet off the last one and ran out :heh:


There was no way I was just gonna let him maul me so on remember I had just saved the game... I erm... quit the game *cough* and reloaded my save from before I went up the ladder. Lucky I had gone back to save before going up the ladder. Was ages since my last save before that. If I hadn't gone for that save I prolly would have just let myself die (when I ran out of ammo) than redo everything I had previously done (like that underground part in the church...gggrrr)


So as I said, phew, lucky.


So went back, still thinking the part I quit at was the last part, managed to do it all and even took out those 3 riot guards with the exploder zombie :D


Then there was more :nono:


But with ALOT of running in circles and creating a train of following zombies and thank FUCK for the land mines you get I survived it ALL in "one" go. Haha.


When I pressed the "fun button" I still had one flare left and one gas tank and one mine and some ammo. I chucked the flare towards the gas tank, got most of the last horde to crowd round it and BOOM gone. A few riot guys left, got them to walk over my last mine and then had 1 normal zombie left who I headshoted to death :D



God damn I am sweating buckets.


Figure after getting back to the safe house I'm prolly near the end now. Will pick up again tomorrow and see how it goes. For now still on Ms. 10 and at 5 hours 30mins with her and 7300 something points :D


I think I died a few times during that part. You're not safe yet though ;)

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One thing I don't like about this game is the copied and pasted areas between levels. I know it's reasonable to expect that the London Underground may have been constructed this way but having the same toolbox on the ground, the same dented metal cabinet and the same bricks missing in the exact same place is going a little far don't you think?


It smacks of limited development time and it's actually quite insulting that they left these in.

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Yeah that annoyed me a little too (and confused me first time it happened), but it not enough to detract me from the expereince.



Actually something I keep forgetting to ask... to those of ye who have been in and/or live in London.


The areas in the game, are they proper recreations (minus the zombies and destruction of course) or is it all just in name only?


Like is there an actual shop in Brick Lane that the shop and area outside it in the game are modeled after?

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One thing I don't like about this game is the copied and pasted areas between levels. I know it's reasonable to expect that the London Underground may have been constructed this way but having the same toolbox on the ground, the same dented metal cabinet and the same bricks missing in the exact same place is going a little far don't you think?


It smacks of limited development time and it's actually quite insulting that they left these in.


Yeah those annoyed me too. Seemed lazy.


The downside to this game, for me, is the lack of big outside areas. I wanted to walk the streets on London more.

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Yeah those annoyed me too. Seemed lazy.


The downside to this game, for me, is the lack of big outside areas. I wanted to walk the streets on London more.


That's for the sequel...


ZombiU 2: The Smackdown.


Set in New York, you have a baseball bat and infinite ammo, co-op play, set in daytime and the Prepper is voiced by Jack Black.


GameSpot score = 9.5

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Had another good night of play on this last night....not finished yet....but again I suspect I am now on the way to the end...I think.


And even better. Ms. 10 is still alive and kicking...though had some very close calls a few times, phew.



So started off I had to return to the Doc as he finally sorted out the Dee Letters I gave him ages ago and had this Panacea he'd been looking for.


Why couldn't the bastard have stayed in the bloody lab? :mad:


And then the door that leads to the central area of the palace underground is locked...gggrrrrr.


Anyway managed to make my way to the lift to get upstairs. Got a message saying this is the point of no return... thought that meant this was the last part of the game and I wouldn't be able to save again. But there's still loads left in it and you get to go back to the safe house after you "find" the doc. Not much of a PONR :heh:


Anyway I had equipped a few weapons (handgun, crossbow, sniper rifle, shotgun, magnum and assult rilfe...just a few weapons :heh:), med packs and ammo with me. So was decently prepared.

Good thing too cause when the lift opened and you got a hint of those invisible zombies...damnit that had me on edge so much. Especially when the pad kept going static.

After the lift took out 2 zombies eating an exploder by shooting the gas tank, BOOM.


Went up the stairs there was 1 zombie lying there. Saw one Spitter at top of stairs lured him down then wacked him with bat. Then a riot zom came running down nearly got me. But bat took care of him too.


Then I found an unfortunate @david\.dakota upstairs, put him out of his misery :D and he had a ton of gear...but I didn't have enough free slots to take it all. So I used him as a bit of a caché. The next few rooms I'd take out the zombies, use a few bullets, think I used a flare and gernade too. Then when all was clear ran back to Dakota's body and restocked my ammo and gernades and a med pack :D


Finally found the invisible zombies (seriously why are these in the game? This isn't RE how'd that mutation happen :heh:) then, bloody two of them NNNOOOO. Lucky the flares work on them too, phew, good thing I had one left. Used a gernade but only took out 1 (and the normal zom) and used the shotgun to take care of the other. Went back to Dakota then to refill ammo and gear again :D


Moved onto the kitchen area then, can't remember exactly how that went, took a few hits along the way but found the doc....why does everyone I leave and return to become a Zombie :heh: He also managed to grab me too, which scared the shit out me, thought I was dead. Good thing I had that Virucide shot. First time I needed it too... seemed fitting it was him I used it on :P Seemed to take ages too for Ms 10 to used the thing, thought was too late pressing the button and was waiting for the bite of death.


Anyway got the Doc's eye, was able to get back to safe house to save and restock then headed back to the palace for the Panacea. That flooded area scared the shit out of me again. And when I was in the vent before I exited I saw an invisible zombie vanish in front of the door that lead to the vault... was expecting it to attack when I got the Panacea...it never did, only normal zoms came for me. That happen to everyone else or did I get lucky and the invisible zom decided to give me a break :D


Then the way out of the Palace from there, damn so much tension and used up a ton of ammo on various hordes. Then when I made my way back to the manhole warp at Victoria Memorial...it was closed and wouldn't open...NNNOOOOO


Realised I had to go the long way back to the safe house :cry:


Eventually made it back with I think 25% health left. Good thing I still have some ammo and med packs in the box at the safe house to restock with.


Saved there and will head to the tower tonight




Ms. 10 has now been in play for 7 hours 15 mins with a score of 10500 :D



Oh also I got a Uplay achivement for scanning all the CCTV boxes.


Used the points to unlock both the 80's Logo which was a bit "meh" and the Bat customisation which is cool.

There's 3 bat "looks" to choose from, "Punk is not Dead", "Pin Up" and "Union Jack"


I posted screenshots of the first two to Miiverse.


Finding where to set them was odd though, expected them to be under "Bonus" on the main menu, they were actually under "Options" then "Uplay Bonus"... that was pretty silly.

Edited by Mokong
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Completed the game late last night, overall I've got mixed feelings about the game. It's an experience i'd certainly recommend but it's a game that feels rushed.


The storyline with the Doctor seems a little rushed, as if they wanted us to see him get sicker and sicker and then have us witness his full zombification, it seem to be building up to something but then we just see him as an infected and are told to kil him. I'm sure it was Ubisoft's intention to flesh out this storyline but due to time constraints were unable to, but it does leave the finale feeling a little hollow. Another section that promises much but doesn't deliver is the nursery, where were all the creepy zombie children?


Understandably people would have been upset about the inclusion of child zombies, so I can understand the decision not to include them, but the nursery section did seem to be lacking something too. The rushed nature of the game also comes out in the shortcut sections, as previously mentioned in this thread, that repeat the same scenery over and over again.


Some of my gripes with the game come from the fact that I'm just not very good at it, so my constant deaths meant I lost a lot of my equipment and had to retread areas I'd been through previously with less equipment and low on health when all I wanted to do was continue from near to where I died. Particularly towards the end of the game during the 'Escape The Palace Underground' mission, where I died just before escaping and, due to the lack of shortcuts had to trapse my way from the safe house, through victoria memorial, past the palace gates, through the sewers and back into the Palace Underground to pick up my gear and the panacea. It was frustrating but I'm not sure if it was poor game design or not.



My overall stats are pretty terrible, took me 19 hours to complete, used 59 survivors with my highest score being 1740.


Will definitely give survivor mode a go soon, after I've given NSMB my full attention.

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Been loving this so far but its managed to really frustrate me tonight, my game glitched and basically the only way I ended up being able to continue was to commit suicide. Of course that meant I'd lose all my items but I figured, no biggie I'll just go back and retrieve them. Of course the route back there were dozens of zombies and I was completely ill equipped to get them so my survivor died and now all my good items are gone Wouldn't be so annoyed if it was my own fault I died first time round, but when its a glitch in the game at fault its very frustrating!

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