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I kept getting messages saying your zombie was in Brick Lane Market. I was about to head to the safe house form a manhole but said I'd go look for you first.... I searched all over an never found you :mad:

Where were you?


Anyway I had a decent session this evening. Went another hour and Half with Mr. 9 and still alive :D

Came very close though near the end of getting to/get out of "Rons" place. a few times took a bit of damage, by the end of it had used up all my health items and was shitting myself hoping to find a manhole and be able to save asap. Luckily I did, phew.


Also lost another arrow :mad:

WTF is up with zombies vanishing when I kill them with an arrow? Now I only have 1 left....if anyone dies with a stock of arrows on them let me know :)


Also does anyone know, that leaderboard I keep seeing in the safe house "high scores on Normal mode today"


Is that based on scores people got on that day only or what they had built up to without dying over a few days of play with same character?


I only get about 1.5-2 hours of play usually and in Mr. 9's 3.5 hours of "life" I've only got 2760 points. Bottom of that leader board is usually round 11000?


Also I saw a message that someone had found and killed one of the dev teams "super zombies"...wonder what they meant by super? And that person got a "rare item" damn what was it? :heh:


I was just gonna ask actually...


How does it feel when you loose, or keep loosing characters?

Is it a bit disheartening over the course of the game to kind of keep starting over again each time, do you wish progression was different in any way.


I'm thinking for when I potentially get the game or not, I'm wondering actually how much I'd enjoy the structure.


I don't mind it so much. (Of course I;d prefer to not die :wink:)

The few times I've lost a few characters in quick succession it was a bit "rage" but also you can see where you went wrong (like panicing and running off a high ledge :heh:)


It is harsh losing all your gear but as they say you can get it back. Though I've not died before getting my gear back so I've not expereinced total loss of gear. Any upgrades you make to the handgun do carry over to the handgun the new character starts with...that is all though. If you upgraded another weapon you'll need to get it back off your former self.


Any progression you had made with your previous character remains done too. So you won't have to redo stuff and zombies you killed previously don't respawn.


I actually like it. It adds to the tension and atmosphere of the game. And while I haven't really identified with any of the characters (I can't ever remember their names) I think that works more to put in the characters shoes and make the character "me" if that makes sense?

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I actually like it. It adds to the tension and atmosphere of the game. And while I haven't really identified with any of the characters (I can't ever remember their names) I think that works more to put in the characters shoes and make the character "me" if that makes sense?


I find myself growing attached to my survivors the longer they survive.


I was having a good session with Anna, a Credit Controller. She survived through a hell of a lot, even the

Nursery (Oh my god that was terrifying).



She eventually died during the

part where you are knocked out and have to fight the hordes of zombie without your gear.

I just panicked and Anna paid the price.


I'm now running around as Flynn Russell, pilot. I think he's my 10th survivor now, so not too bad for 13 or so hours playing so far.

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I was just gonna ask actually...


How does it feel when you loose, or keep loosing characters?

Is it a bit disheartening over the course of the game to kind of keep starting over again each time, do you wish progression was different in any way.


I'm thinking for when I potentially get the game or not, I'm wondering actually how much I'd enjoy the structure.


If you're careful you lose them much less frequently after a while. And I'm sure after several play throughs you'll lose even less.


What I find is, that even though you don't lose any progress, I'm still shit scared about dying, which is strange in a way.


Once you've been with one survivor over an hour or so, you really don't want to die. But it doesn't ruin the experience if you do.

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Mr. 9 has died :cry:


Was actually starting to get really attached to him too :(

Lasted 4 hours 30mins and a score of 4170


DAMNIT.... and what killed him? Me panicing with my finger on the trigger (ie: bat raised and ready) and getting surprised by an exploding zombie :(

Had learned from my first encounter with one of those you can survive if you have full health... that was lucky the first time.

This other time though I didn't have full health :(


It was in the secret passage of of teh Ravens of Dee in the Tower of London. Going through that sewer bit following the arrows with the black light of your scanner. I knew a zombie was round the corner from my radar. So I got my bat ready. When I saw movement come round teh corner I just pressed the swing button without thinking. Just before the bat ade contact I saw it was an exploder and thought "FFFFUUUUUCCCKKK"



Had a lot of gear on Mr. 9 too, the only good thing bout his death was he wasn;t infected so when I got back to him with Ms. 10 (a police officer she is) I didn't have to kill him again. Just picked up my stuff, phew.


Also in the same place when I got back there was another "survivor" but it was some random not someone from my friends list. Thought that was odd thought it was just friends? Still he had some extra ammo which came in handy later (and used up all of too :heh:)


So Ms. 10 went and finished up the Tower for me then I barely made it back (must have been one hit away from death) to the safe house to save and rest, phew.

That bloody tower had me in a nervous wreck (I love this game :D)


Hopefully Ms. 10 will now last longer than Mr. 9 and with any luck will finish the game for me. I was aiming to not go over 10 characters in the game. :heh:

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Speaking of the death lunge.... since I've found the one use item that saves you from one of those I've not had a zombie grab me with one yet. Went all of Mr 9 (think he was the one that found it) life with getting grabbed... took a few hits yeah but always managed to avoid a grab....and of course he died by explosion :heh:


Also I thought I remembered in the first trailers if a zobie grabbed you, you had the chance to shake them off by shaking the gamepad? Guess they removed that :(

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Man i am loving this game! its so tense and atmospheric, loving the billboards advertising the killer freaks!


My first guy died

supermarket, or rather when the door burst open and the prepper told me to run and get inside, which i thought (since they were coming out of the supermarket) mean back to the manhole area, but you can't jump the barrier, so i get munched on.



Then i got some stupid woman who frankly i was glad to see die after those high pitched grunts as she swings the bat died

the safe house raid, some how with the last zombie, i had 25% health and he managed to push me to the ground with no warning




after that i came up against some of you guys, or rather your corpses, so i did the only decent thing and smashed your skulls in and looted your corpses!

(that is such a fun feature in a morbid way)

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So... I'm finally gonna give this a go today - Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed has been eating up all my Wii U time - but I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me plus I also have a few questions.



How do you save in the game? Is it an auto-save each time you reach a safe house perhaps.


Is the combat a huge part of the game? Will I be spending more time sneaking around or are there quite a few encounters early on.


Should I expect to die a lot? I'm aware that when your 'survivor' dies you lose everything but just how much of a 'big deal' is it, can you quite easily just 'move on' if/when it happens or do you actually become attached to the characters?


The survivor you start off with... is he/she the same each time you load a new game or is it always completely random?



If anyone could answer my questions please then I'd be grateful as I'd love to have a go at this today as it looks fantastic, thanks. :D

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How do you save in the game? Is it an auto-save each time you reach a safe house perhaps.

You have to manually click on a bed to save in a safe house.


Is the combat a huge part of the game? Will I be spending more time sneaking around or are there quite a few encounters early on.

You are forced into combat at points. You can elect to avoid some zombies though by running or being careful. I haven't played the game for very long (also been playing lots of Sonic Racing Transformed) but I would say combat isn't a huge part of the game.


Should I expect to die a lot? I'm aware that when your 'survivor' dies you lose everything but just how much of a 'big deal' is it, can you quite easily just 'move on' if/when it happens or do you actually become attached to the characters?


You will probably die a lot. You lose your stats (e.g. how good you are at shooting a pistol) and equipment. You can retrieve some of your equipment (my previous characters tend to lose their weapons) from your zombified previous character but not your stats.


The survivor you start off with... is he/she the same each time you load a new game or is it always completely random?


The survivor you save with will be the one you play as when you load the game.

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I've not found my characters losing any weapons, not when the new survivor goes and kills the previous survivor.


Are you keeping the weapons in your pack or in your quick-select slots? I was keeping mine in my quick-select so perhaps that's why I've not been able to retrieve them.

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Are you keeping the weapons in your pack or in your quick-select slots? I was keeping mine in my quick-select so perhaps that's why I've not been able to retrieve them.


I generally have a pistol and either a shotgun or the crossbow in the quick select at all times and I've always gotten them back :S

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Are you keeping the weapons in your pack or in your quick-select slots? I was keeping mine in my quick-select so perhaps that's why I've not been able to retrieve them.


I've never lost a weapon when I got back to my "survivor".


I've had weapons in both the quick select and BOB.


I have once or twice though noticed some ammo missing. :mad:


The weapon that you find your "survivor" is missing.... were you holding it at the time you died? I've only ever died while holding either my Bat or Handgun and both those you can't lose anyway of course....maybe if you are actually holding/using a different weapon when you die there is a chance of losing it?

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Has anyone redeem any of they Uplay points yet?


I redeemed 40 points for the extra Multiplayer mode "Survivor", thought I'd have to download it... I guess it was already on the disc and redeeming the Uplay points just unlocks it.

Kinda annoying for anyone who doesn't know about the Uplay App, missing out on a multiplayer mode... but I guess it doesn't cost anything and if you have Uplay it the same as having to unlock the mode through achieving a goal in the game.

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Another shining review for ZombiU!

"A solid concept at its core already made sure that ZombiU was an attractive and interesting prospect even before it launched. What was delivered turned out to be a most attractive and addictive experience like none other in the current generation of games, especially as the Survival Horror genre having pretty much died over the last decade. Ignoring the not so impressive graphics, lack of online multiplayer and the couple bugs found throughout, the latter being possible to address in a future patch, what was found was a most endearing adventure and most worthy of hard-earned money, with far more praiseworthy elements than blameworthy. This, however, is provided for players that like to put themselves in scary and stressful situations. Those who like it are in for one unforgettable ride (in a most positive way). Those who don't might either find themselves suddenly liking it...or becoming extremely frustrated by the level of challenge -- so beware! Here is one excellent Wii U exclusive, right at launch, and this makes the future of the GamePad look rather bright indeed if we do get more like this one, down the line." 9/10



Hurry up Friday!!!!!

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